HoH are bigger threat wrt powerlevel, but they are, IMO, lesser evil.
Like, all this measuring of powerlevels and outgrowing and not 'who is more prone to genocide and oppression' is kinda...ehhh.
I hate "lesser evil". This is pure bullshit. There is evil, it's as simple as that.
For the record, Harmony has a Minority Report police state going on enforced via YouTube algorithms, in which government sanctions executions of those that they believe aren't being helped in therapy. How many thousands, maybe millions of people have been deliberately murdered in the pursuit of their perfect vision of society? It is very strongly implied that they resort to straight-up Russian election tactics, where they deliberately nudge and alter facts to fit their version of history better, as we've seen with Felis.
The fact that they're nominally democratic and much more hypocritical about their bullshit than Cardassians is irrelevant; they are exactly same pieces of shit, with different coat on top.
Let's also recap the fact that a lot of Federation isn't behind this war at all. The Indorians, Quolathi, Seyek and Rethelians (sorry if I get our last snek friends-name wrong) are strongly against this. The Apiata are neutral, but have strongly indicated that they will shift entire attention to guarding their own sector. Ashidi can't make up their mind whether it's better to attack now, or whether they'll be rolled badly by Pact. The
only people who explicitly care are Amaraki and Humans, and even Humans are a bit ambiguous about it. So yeah, great Federation there; I'm
sure launching a de-facto war with marginal support will work out
great for Starfleet bound by civilian oversight.
We're literally throwing the last 5 years or so of our strategy because people suddenly woke up, and decided to re-prioritize at literally the worst moment possible.
I honestly cannot fathom how people can think that this won't end in Klingon-Romulan War 2.0. It's been explicitly pointed out that it will take HoH battlegroup 2 months to get to Chrystovian space, so they won't even be able to support us on time. And once shooting starts, I doubt they will stick around.
If people are ready to go to the wire over Chrystovians of all things, the people we have explicitly agreed we have no chance of saving ages ago, that's fine. But when STO salient is overrun and surrenders unconditionally to Pact and half of our shipyards are debris, I will not suffer people asking how we got there, or their salt when the inevitable peace treaty basically ends with state quo ante bellum...with Chrystovians still being occupied.