Available Colony Sites
So you've got some pp burning in your pocket this Snakepit and you'd like to buy some colonies. But what the heck were all those sites again? I don't blame you for forgetting. After all there are
eighteen potential colony sites (+1 listening post) available this year. For your ease, here they are:
Adrazzi Gulf (and adjacent) Sites
71 Apizza V (15 (30) SR/year
Located upper-middle of -1g. (In the middle of the badlands in the Adrazzi Gulf)
Description: A healthy source of Ocyllete resin on 71 Apizza V, a lush world well within the habitable zone of the system, but with a toxic atmosphere, lethal to humanoid life. A mine here would require full hardsuits to be worn at all times, but would be feasible.
Analysis: Not the nicest colony, but a strategically important location that will help nail down our claims in the Gulf. High priority.
77 Azzadi IV-3 (20 (35) SR/year
Located spin-corewards corner of -1f. (Well towards Federation side of Adrazzi Gulf.)
Description: Deposit of Icurium ores on the third moon of 77 Azzadi IV. Like at the Castor IV-2 vein, strong magma convection currents pull the ores towards the surface, then back down.
Analysis: Not the most forward-leaning of potential Adrazzi Gulf claims. A lower priority.
19 Itztli (25 (35) BR/year
Located in tailward side of -1g. (On the Federation side of the badlands in the Adrazzi Gulf.)
Description: A Kuiper Belt object, which her captain named 19 Itztli, in the 79 Apizza system, finding a rich vein of tritanium ore on the rocky dwarf planet.
Analysis: Not the most forward-leaning of potential Adrazzi Gulf claims. A lower priority.
Located in 0g. (On far side of Badlands in Adrazzi Gulf.)
Description: A dedicated listening post at 101 Arrazziz would be just barely on the far side of the Badlands, but would be able to report on ship movements a full 15 light-years away.
Analysis: Intelligence gain, high priority.
41 Arrazziz, 20 (30) BR
Located in middle of 0g. (In the middle of the badlands in the Adrazzi Gulf)
Description: A substantial deposit of coralinite, suitable for exploitation, under the surface of a Kuiper belt object
Analysis: A strategically important location that will help nail down our claims in the Gulf. High priority.
Galoria Delta-LXIg, 5(8) rp per year.
Located in -4f, near Hajatar. (Near the Adrazzi Gulf, at Spinwards end of Straits of Themis.)
Description: This is a fascinating system [nearly three hundred separate planetoid or larger stellar bodies, of which at least one is a full M-class world, three are capable of supporting life and another five rate a solid .8 on the terraformability scale]. Just the stellar mechanics of its formation alone could keep an entire university department busy for the next sixty years, nevermind everything else [the atmosphere of Galoria Delta-LXIg contains a form of silicon based pseudo-prion capable of bypassing standard Starfleet filters].
Analysis: This would actually be a decently strategic place to put a colony.
(potentially) Politically Important Sites
Sigma Cthon III, 20 (30) br/yr
Located on border between 3D and 4D, at edge of the HBZ.
Description: A large cache of relatively rare metallics used as bonding alloys in structural supports was located deep in the crust of Sigma Cthon III.
Analysis: Strategically, could help build a cluster of claimed systems between Federation and Ked Peddah territory, supporting their upcoming membership.
Barradus IV (6 rp/year)
Located in -2B. (On border between Vulcan sector and RBZ.)
Descripton: Inhabited by Bropal, a splinter Vulcan culture that have perfected mind-meld and katra-manipulating techniques that allow them to preserve the identities of the long dead in the form of...exchangeable personality fragments. They have an ancient computer backup facility that retains knowledge of the entire state of the Vulcans' known galaxy at the time of the exodus.
Analysis: The Vulcans really want this information, but can only get it when Starfleet builds the colony. Building it might even earn a little political goodwill or pp rebate.
Calculated Risk, 15br/10sr a year [Joint colony with ISC.]
Located in 29 Levar, middle of e3 in the Garbiel Expanse.
Description: A valuable asteroid containing rare materials.
Analysis: A joint colony with the ISC could be politically useful, and a double br/sr mine is nice too.
Damn Interesting Sites
Mortuary Expanse, +10 rp/year
Located in 3a. (Just spinward of Federation space, halfway to Vermillion space.)
Description: Weird area of space where derelict alternate timeline versions of ships in our universe are dumped with no sign of their crew and the computer cores stripped out.
Analysis: Nothing particularly valuable on location or as another source of RP, but from a narrative perspective I want this! And it should be a relatively safe location.
LOL, So Far Away Sites
HKP-426, 7 (10) rp/year
Located coreward side of -8f. (Far beyond Federation borders rimwards, past Imelak territory and likely bordering the Ittick-ka.)
Description: Space around star is slides into parallel universe with exotic physics, not to mention exotic xenobiology in the form of the teleporting organisms.
Analysis: Neat, but not neat enough to support a research colony that far out and vulnerable to the Ittick-ka.
PLY-5000, 5(8) br/year
Located at H,7. (Coreward of Breen and far from Federation borders.)
Description: A giant asteroid made of gold.
Analysis: From update, "I realise that this site is so far from Federation borders that it's almost certainly going to be a liability to try to mine the remains of PLY-5000-Ia. Still, it's good to have this in the ol' memory banks for future reference or in case someone really wants gold for some reason!"
Everything Else
Fr'rba IV, 15 (25) br/year
Located on the rim-spinward side of -4c (in Ferasa Sector)
Description: Wonzium-duranium alloy mine on planet in Earthquake-prone region
Analysis: Nothing special, low priority unless we just want BR.
Sarcissa Belt, 15 (30) BR/year
Located in bottom-left corner of -4f
Description: Tritanium deposits in planetary debris field (in Rethelia sector, near border with Cardassian-controlled Bajoran space).
Analysis: Nothing special, unless you want more mining colonies in the Cardassian border.
Morgana-1321 rp Colony +5(8) RP per month
Located at Coreward region of f,3 (In Gabriel expanse, coreward of currently claimed Federation territory.)
Description: Atemporal waves sweeping around the Star Morgana-1321, a small window to the en of the universe.
Analysis: Includes quantum filaments. Narratively cool, but as area is claimed for Federation by treaty the only real threat is the ISC claiming it first, and they'd take years to expand that far.
23 Levar VIII, 15 (25) SR/year
Located at e3 (just coreward of current Gabriel borders)
Description: Brospeh leeched valuable resources out of 23 Levar VIII, leaving it in an easily accessible ring around the planet.
Analysis: Pretty safe and just coreward of current Federation borders in Gabriel. Good choice for safe source of SR.
Falling Down (a-622), 20 (30) br/yr
Located in -6d. (Rimward edge of Rethelia sector.)
Description: A gas giant similar to Sol-V has a captive moon with an orbit that has decayed enough to bring it into the intense radiation belt of the gas giant. This charged the large tritanium deposits in the moon's crust. A mining colony in this location should either invest in heavier emitters or move the orbit of the moon permanently. It's relatively small mass would make this operation time consuming, but with mass-lightening bubbles and patience, it is plausible.
Analysis: Not the safest colony option ever, but it would be a nice forward position against Lecarre space.
CA-113, 15 (25) sr/yr
Located in upper right corner of 1c, near the Pure Intent research colony coreward of the Yrillians.
Description: The moon has been recombined, and is now more an irregular, glowing lump. Which means it's also irradiated in addition to being irregular. We've pulled back a bit, but I think if you set up a nice station and got some shielded workbees, this could be a pretty nice resource site.
Analysis: Well, it's near another colony and will made for a nice claim on that area of space if the Yrillians ever join the Federation.
LM-34-V-XL, b0, 20 br/year
Located in b0. (Tellar sector, one of the safest places in the Federation these days.)
Description: Gas giant moon with a core of polysilicate verterium left from an impact with another asteroid.
Analysis: Nothing special other than it's a nice safe source of BR.