[X][PREZ] Alliance-Building Diplomacy Response to gain more participants in response
[X][PREZ] Romulan-Klingon Border Peacekeeping Response
[X][PREZ] Conciliatory Diplomatic Response to Breen
@Vebyast since you're proxied to me you should be aware that based on new information I'm changing my vote.
Pointing out that border patrols can be mixed in that it maintains the status quo that the Klingons like, and also that the current Klingon government
likes the new Romulan regime (for now) is interesting. I would prefer to combine that with alliance building because doing so will add ships so we can
afford to patrol the border. This seems a good combination that lets the Romulans use greater strength against the Breen while giving us the resources to make a response and maintaining the current balance of power.