*Random Starfleet Intelligence officer* "I can't believe I am saying this but. Get me that failed Romulan Spy Akuz immediately"
*Random Starfleet Ensign* "Yes sir"
*Random Starfleet Intelligence Officer* "Great Just great Just as I was about to get the final proof to prove what a failure she is this had to happen. Tch Ah well at least the Romulans will be warned and Akuz will actually get to do her job for a change. Grumble Grumble Grumble. Damn Breen!"
Not really. We lost two Explorers but gained quite a bit in PP and SR including 1 SR colony that will probably have to wait until we deal with the Adrazzi gulf colonies.
We lost a veteran EC Excelsior.

And one of our best captains. A Veteran Excelsior A is a bitch to replace. Demora Sulu? NOT replaceable. At all.

Doesn't look like Courageous got kicked down a veterancy level. Given those crew losses that implies that the XP meter keeps on ticking at Elite.
We lost a veteran EC Excelsior.

And one of our best captains. A Veteran Excelsior A is a bitch to replace. Demora Sulu? NOT replaceable. At all.

Doesn't look like Courageous got kicked down a veterancy level. Given those crew losses that implies that the XP meter keeps on ticking at Elite.
Secret Experience Level: Legendary?
Note that our only other loss of a capital ship with all hands was in the battle where we took out a crisis level threat. Kumari went down with all hands at Exar Draconis.
We've managed to evade the Breen fleet. Special commendation to Pete Woodruff and his engineering crew, truly the finest engineers in the fleet!
Aww, that's my almost-self-insert character!

We believe that this Breen fleet was slowly transiting the Neath Nebula, preparing for a sudden strike against the Romulan Empire. With the Empire weakened from the war with the Klingons this would be a prime opportunity to attempt to seize Romulan territory before they had an opportunity to recover from the war as from here on out the Romulans will only be getting stronger.

With the Neath being the only unclaimed space between the two, it makes sense for the Breen to attempt to bring their fleet through the Neath if they were to attack the Romulans. It provides ample cover, and the Breen would have a critical surprise advantage in the opening stages of a war.

Except we got in the way!
It occurs to me that this or something very like it may have been the situation that OTL gave rise to a Romulan proverb still in use fifty years later: "Never turn your back on a Breen."

Then Zara got in the way?

Did the Dreamers actually pick a fight with that Breen battleship?
I think the Breen looked at that many giant spacemonsters, cross-referenced to other kinds of known spacemonsters, and ran away screaming.

As we've now seen, it wasn't about their relationship with the Federation at all. The Courageous "saw too much" and had to be silenced and that's it.
To be fair, with better relations, we might have had a prayer of talking them out of this?

So the Courageous took on four ships in the combat engine (which is incredibly unforgiving to being outnumbered) and managed to destroy two frigates and hold on long enough for help to arrive. Wow.


"...You know, it's a new century. I can say it."

We lost a veteran EC Excelsior.

And one of our best captains. A Veteran Excelsior A is a bitch to replace. Demora Sulu? NOT replaceable. At all.

Doesn't look like Courageous got kicked down a veterancy level. Given those crew losses that implies that the XP meter keeps on ticking at Elite.
I am aware of that. I consider the fact that Courageous is still around and at Elite a fantastic bit if news to offset the losses we just incurred Including Demora and her ship.


We lost a ship with all hands. Flat out, and have another crippled for 3/4 of a year. This is one of the worst captains log quarters we've had, period. Sure, it doesn't quite measure up to some of the GBZ battle posts, but...
I am not disputing that we lost a ship with all hands and another in dock for almost year. I was instead referring to what we gained from the other logs.
We gained
[Gain +10 rp, +5 pp]
[Gain 15 pp, 15 rp]
[Gain +20 to Bigfoot is a (146/300)]
[Gain a bonus to the next anti-piracy action in the HBZ]
[Gain +10rp]
[Gain research colony option at the Mortuary Expanse (+10 rp/year)]
[Gain +10 relations with Ked-Paddah (now at 476/500)]
[Gain +10pp]
[Avoid loss of Starfleet Prospector]

We Lost
[S'harien lost with all hands]
[Event failed]
[Event Failed]
[USS Courageous crippled. 90 br, 75 sr repair costs; repair time 3Q (reduced from 4 by T'Lorel). Crew casualties: O1 E2 T3]

For those of you saying that this quarter was brutal. I present you this list. Despte our losses we actualy did pretty good and are almost done getting the Ked-Peddah up to 500 on the relations tag. and 20 to the Communist Pirate tag. There is also the Klingon Criminal that was mentioned to be captured I hope it was the albino that was captured.
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For those of you saying that this quarter was brutal. I present you this list. Despte our losses we actualy did pretty good and are almost done getting the Ked-Peddah up to 500 on the relations tag. and 20 to the Communist Pirate tag. There is also the Klingon Criminal that was mentioned to be captured I think it was the albino that was captured.

That was a Romulan.

But that said, Qagh son of No-one is indeed known to have moved up coreward according to the data you got from Baron Gargasha.
Point to me where in the log it says we actually came out ahead this month!
We've discovered the source of that large number of warp signatures. It's an entire Dreamer town, and they're towing Courageous in the middle of the group.
We might not have materially gained this quarter, but this is some kickass imagery, emotionally evocative and great implied storytelling. PP is nice and all, but this is the kind of thing that makes the quest worth reading.
[S'harien lost with all hands]

[USS Courageous crippled. 90 br, 75 sr repair costs; repair time 3Q (reduced from 4 by T'Lorel). Crew casualties: O1 E2 T3]

"The universe's way of reminding us, I suppose. We are sent out, into the unknown, to make it safe for others. With this we carry the virtual certainty that eventually we will be sent to deal with something beyond our tools and skills. We're supposed to be smart about this, but sometimes we don't get a choice. The risks can never be entirely mitigated. Sometimes the monsters hide too well; sometimes the path dead-ends; sometimes you trip and fall; sometimes you must run to the sound of guns or throw yourself upon the blade. Sometimes hope and good intentions are not enough."
Captain's Log, Stardate 28119, USS Reformation - Captain Brian Kisawa
(Renaissance, Rigel)

We are responding to an automated distress call from out past Mongod. There might not be any details, but we've ID'd the signal prefix codes and...well, it's the Basilica of Lakhept.

I don't want to imagine what could have brought the largest starship in known space this side of the Harmony's fleet tenders to distress, or to imagine how many honiani must be in peril. If this vessel is lost...the blow to their cultural pride, their confidence, not to mention so many of their families. We've got to arrive quickly.

But we've also got to arrive in force. The USS Typhoon will be rendezvousing with us en route to the signal's origin point. We'll have at least one Rigellian ship a day behind us, but 24 hours...

Where the hell is the Enterprise when you need it?

You're the Enterprise here. You're the budget Enterprise. You're much smaller, with fewer crew and a less capable ship. There is no EC-veteran Excelsior racing ahead of you; you're going to be the first response. For all you know, this encounter may be both beyond your capabilities and also of critical importance. Worse than that, perhaps, because in Starfleet, sometimes the threats are entierly beyond even our best ships.

We ran the combat engine!

The combat engine. The engine designed for fleet battles. The one that chews through multiple entire ships on a tilt of the dice. Where every one of our ships that takes too much damage has a 37.5% chance of warp core breach. And you put a single ship in that engine. I know that there was a not-insignificant chance that Courageous could have defeated all four of the enemy ships without taking any crew loss, but having any single ship face off against the combat engine scares me. The more it happens, the more ships we will loose.
You're the Enterprise here. You're the budget Enterprise. You're much smaller, with fewer crew and a less capable ship. There is no EC-veteran Excelsior racing ahead of you; you're going to be the first response. For all you know, this encounter may be both beyond your capabilities and also of critical importance. Worse than that, perhaps, because in Starfleet, sometimes the threats are entierly beyond even our best ships.

The combat engine. The engine designed for fleet battles. The one that chews through multiple entire ships on a tilt of the dice. Where every one of our ships that takes too much damage has a 37.5% chance of warp core breach. And you put a single ship in that engine. I know that there was a not-insignificant chance that Courageous could have defeated all four of the enemy ships without taking any crew loss, but having any single ship face off against the combat engine scares me. The more it happens, the more ships we will loose.

Courageous was a special circumstance. We don't usually throw single ships in against the engine.

We could have just let her fail her regular roll in peace > : V
I'm holding out a bit of hope purely because of how the log losts regarding S'harien were written.

A few brief sentances spread over three log posts. Maybe 200 words at most.

An Explorer corps ship going down, especially with a major character onboard has always had a fair bit of story attached to it.

Wiping out an Explorer with Captain Sulu aboard like it was a background Miranda or Centaur would be a damn shame and a disapointment.
The combat engine. The engine designed for fleet battles. The one that chews through multiple entire ships on a tilt of the dice. Where every one of our ships that takes too much damage has a 37.5% chance of warp core breach. And you put a single ship in that engine. I know that there was a not-insignificant chance that Courageous could have defeated all four of the enemy ships without taking any crew loss, but having any single ship face off against the combat engine scares me. The more it happens, the more ships we will loose.

The combat engine was more merciful than the event dice, in this case.