Captain's Log, Stardate 28051.3, USS Enterprise, Captain Jennifer Zhang
(Ambassador, EC-Felis Space)

Captain Swiftpad has informed me that with recent tensions rising at an alarming rate it seems that the Felis Parliament of Corporations have cut their donations to the League Senate, leaving the Felis Explorer Corps without funding.

While Sam is doing her best to keep a lid on things, I've realised that there is an opportunity here to have the League Senate and their independant Explorer corps to win a major diplomatic and economic victory.

I've used my contacts with the Star-Kin to request that they send the SKS Chapel of Faith along with an ambassador to Felis space to propose a formal joint exploration treaty for the space between their borders that would coincidentally involve the Honiani and the Federation providing long term to the Felis explorer corps for the use of their ships.

Essentially I plan to hire the Felis explorers to do what they already want to do.
Captain's Log, Stardate 28053.5, USS Enterprise, Captain Jennifer Zhang
(Ambassador, EC-Felis Space)

Someone. Told. The. Harmony. Again. I've checked my own ship's communication logs, and it wasn't anyone on my ship. Swiftpad swears that it wasn't any of her crew, and Captain Bertorus Galorus of Chapel of Faith is just as certain that it wasn't one of his people. It's almost certain that someone in the League Senate's Committee of Exploration Expenditures leaked to their corporate masters who then tipped off the Harmony.

No matter. If Intendant nas Azhlee wants to try to convince the League Senate not to take the deal, I will simply have to put together a better sales pitch than her.
Except from an Address Given to the League of Independant Felis Colonies Senate Exploration Expenditures Committee by Starfleet Captain Jennifer Zhang.

"This is not a simple hand out or welfare as some have termed it. The offer on the table before you is an offer made by equals.

As a woman of Exploration myself, with decades of deep space experience, I recognize the fundamental value of your Explorer Corps. Your people have made discoveries that rival any of those made by the Federation and her members.

Your Explorer Corps demonstrated bravery and intelligence that match that of Starfleet's own elite explorers.

When we seek to hire your people to explore the deadly unknown expanse of space along with our Star Kin brethren we are paying for the quality of your service, and the expertise of your captains.

That we and the Honiani government are prepared to offer resources, supplies, information, even yard space is not the Federation bribing you for good behavior, but a simple recognition that to get the best on your team, you have to pay for that quality."

Well, here's the simple narrative. HoH strikes up tensions and leans on contacts to push forward issues that they can then capitalize on. The Intendant knew about this because it was a planned operation. We got lucky and Zhang jumped on it.
While Sam is doing her best to keep a lid on things, I've realised that there is an opportunity here to have the League Senate and their independant Explorer corps to win a major diplomatic and economic victory.

I've used my contacts with the Star-Kin to request that they send the SKS Chapel of Faith along with an ambassador to Felis space to propose a formal joint exploration treaty for the space between their borders that would coincidentally involve the Honiani and the Federation providing long term to the Felis explorer corps for the use of their ships.

Seems to be a missing word. "long term xxxx to the Felis explorer"

Also, Honiani assist for the win.

Captain's Log, Stardate 28053.5, USS Enterprise, Captain Jennifer Zhang
(Ambassador, EC-Felis Space)

Someone. Told. The. Harmony. Again. I've checked my own ship's communication logs, and it wasn't anyone on my ship. Swiftpad swears that it wasn't any of her crew, and Captain Bertorus Galorus of Chapel of Faith is just as certain that it wasn't one of his people. It's almost certain that someone in the League Senate's Committee of Exploration Expenditures leaked to their corporate masters who then tipped off the Harmony.

No matter. If Intendant nas Azhlee wants to try to convince the League Senate not to take the deal, I will simply have to put together a better sales pitch than her.

I feel kind of sorry for Zhang. I'm sure these constant diplomatic intrigue games weren't what she thought she was signing up for when she took command of the Enterprise. Luckily this was the last quarter. I hope they send her on some nice, long, exploration mission to the blank spaces on the map next year.

The bolians are being treated for radiation sickness, and other injuries sustained in the attack. They caught no sight of their assailants; only long-ranged torpedoes raining from the void. Our own science officers have done better, once the ship was stabilized and they were given a chance to inspect her wounds. Plasma torpedoes of this blast pattern were pioneered by the Romulans a century past, but in our own times are used by few besides the Breen. Why they might have struck this vessel, so far from their jealously-haunted space, I am at a loss to explain. Perhaps this was the work of renegades or pirates, though one wonders why pirates would have failed to pursue a cargo ship after crippling her.

Our mission is successful, but its closure...disconcerting.

Random attack on a Bolian ship using plasma torpedoes and we have no idea who carried it out. Too many mysteries in this part of space.

Captain's Log, Stardate 28056.7, USS Courageous, Captain Zara ka'Athnon
(Excelsior-A, EC- Trailing)

After brief detour to avoid Breen space we've popped into the Neath Nebula that lies between the Breen and Romulan borders. There's a lot to explore here and I can't wait to get started!

We're going to start by using polaron bursts to sound out the edges of th-

What's that? New warp signatures inbound? Time to meet some new friends!

To be continued next month, but warp signatures plural sounds like she's stumbled across somewhere important and not just another ship.

While I'd wondered if I was laying it on a bit think, it seems that Swiftpad's advice was entirely correct: the egos of the Senate's politicians enjoy a good stroking. That and the opportunity to show up the Parliament of Corporations is what made the Harmony leaning Senate Committee finally decide to accept our offer in the end.

[+15 on Felis [Harmony Influence] tag, now 62/100]

That should be 62/300 now that all the Harmony tags got upgraded. Hope we see the ISC coming in this quarter!

Captain's Log, Stardate 28060.0, USS Eclipse, Captain Spera Haran
(Miranda-A, Rethelia)

We've stumbled into something really fascinating! Eclipse was conducting a routine survey of RUR-300 when we found unexpected concentrations of metal - which turned out to be a crashed ship. We identified the wreck as the Moligow, a shuttle reported lost about sixty years back. Unfortunately, the shuttle's two crew both apparently perished in the crash ... but their unreported third crewmember is still alive. Well, technically, intact?

See, what we found is a robot! It strongly resembles a Qloathi child, on the outside. On the inside, though, from our scans, it's got a computer for a brain and a duranium chassis. When we activated it, it seemed confused to find itself on a ship of aliens and its companions missing, but was quite pleasant to talk with.

Personal Log, Stardate 28061.8, USS Eclipse, Commander Skye Tallisker
(Miranda-A, Rethelia)

What a cute little robot!

I thought robots were supposed to be emotionless, concerned only about their missions; this one doesn't seem to have a mission, other than to learn. And it wants to learn about everything! It still hasn't come up with a name of its own, not that it hasn't heard all manner of suggestions from the crew.

At dinner tonight, it was asking us about what we ate, how it tasted, why we ate what we ate, why certain people were eating together... and that led to it asking what love is, which is simply adorable. The robot wants to learn to love!

I almost feel bad that we're going to have to let it go.

Personal Log, Stardate 28062.7, USS Eclipse, Ensign Assash
(Miranda-A, Rethelia)

That little robot we picked up was a monster.

All this time, while we thought it was just curious, it was gathering intelligence about the crew. This evening, the robot struck. It was fast, precise, and exceedingly efficient; within five minutes of starting its rampage through the mess, it had injured or killed almost everyone in the room, then proceeded to stalk the ship, prioritizing leadership targets. Captain Haran only lost an eye, but Commander Tallisker is among the many dead.

We managed to destroy it ... in sickbay. Utterly vaporized the vile little beast. Nurse Sstoon has had to take charge there, as our CMO is among the casualties.

[-1 O, -5 pp]

That was a disturbing series of logs. The Eclipse basically found a terminator, and nearly their entire command staff got taken out. I remind everybody that -1O comes out of a pool of only 1O in the first place for a Miranda. The pp loss is just the cherry of humiliation on top.

Captain Ishiliuanatha, for her part, has showered praise on us for both our bravery and our even handed dealing with an innocent creature. The Shanpurr are thankful for our assistance and now plan to spend a few months studying this creature up close.

I wish Captain Ishiliuanatha all the best.

[+5 Rp, +10 Shanpurr Relations, now 75/100]

One push from affiliation... it's going to be really tempting.

Captain's Log, Stardate 28069.6, USS Fluffy-Puffy
(Centaur-B, Apinae)

I regret to report that our sensor modifications came too late, and our proposed deflector remodulation did not allow either us or the Apiata ships to penetrate far enough until the spike in plasma storms ended naturally, just 2.5 hours ago. The Ziriatrid lost shields a day ago. Only half of the crew managed to survive the radiation bombardment, and most are in critical condition.

Perhaps if the storms had abated just a day faster, or our engineers just slightly more...well, perhaps there is nothing that could have been done. We will do our bests to help with treatment of the survivors as we and the Apiata fleet tow the ship back to Alrizzine for repairs.

[Apiata forager crippled, -10 pp]

This sucked, but sometimes you fail. At least it's not the result of anything sinister.

Captain's Log, Stardate 28070.1, USS Zh'Mai
(Renaissance, Romulan Neutral Zone)

Working together Zh'mai and Rhea's Helm were able to detect a cloaked shuttle trying to leave the Athos system on low power.

While Rhea's Helm made the final intercept, it was our sensor suit that detected the trail left by the shuttle as they passed through a loose dust cloud.

Commander T'lek informs us that the shuttle was crewed by the remnant of the Tal Shiar hardliner strike team that attempted to assassinate Admirals ka'Sharren and Wenlai.

With Rhea's Helm bringing the renegades home to Romulus to face trial and sentencing, Zh'mai has been ordered to return to our own patrols on our side of the Zone.

[-1 Threat Level]

Nice to see those jerks got caught.

Captain's Log, Stardate 28070.4, USS Whale, Captain Toressa Lalen
(Renaissance, Rethelia)

The Whale is a Centaur-B, not a Renaissance. (This error gets repeated through the following log entries.)

Captain's Log, Stardate 28078.3, USS Challorn - Captain Hazag Daz-Hara
(Constellation-A, Andor)

The procedure was successful, and the results...I am having difficulty containing my excitement.

The entire lower atmosphere of Josephine VI is made up of a tangle of continent-sized organisms! These bioforms are capable of manipulating subspace in order to change their relative mass to a greater degree than any Federation starship, and appear to feed by converting the gas giant's gravimetric pressure into usable energy. The entire outer biosphere evolved by feeding on their particulate waste products that rose through the storm layer.

The Andorians are preparing to bring a full flotilla of science and construction vessels to this planet. I will be following their findings with great interest over the coming years.

[Gain +10 rp]

Sounds like the Andorians got a research colony out of this, even if we didn't.

The natives now speak, not only of the Flickering Mesa being destroyed by a divine storm and flood from the heavens, but also of "Angels cloaked in red and wreathed in light" pulling all the faithful from deadly floods and feeding and clothing them in their hour of need. And I fear that I personally, as an authority figure, now seem be designated a god by iron age natives despite my best efforts to dissuade them.

I may lose my command, and my career may crater now, and I desperately hope that Whale's reputation isn't tainted by this incident. But, by the empty void, I'll see the idiots that approved the holomasker for field use go down harder than me.

[PD Violation, -25PP]

Harsh. I don't know what else Captain Lalen could have done, though I suppose it was her responsibility to think of something.

I'm skeptical there will really be any long term damage. This is the sort of myth that iron age cultures create anyway., no help needed. And it's not like there was cultural contamination. Lalen didn't lay down any commandments or anything, so they'll just made the religion whatever they're going to make of it.
Harsh. I don't know what else Captain Lalen could have done, though I suppose it was her responsibility to think of something.

Science check to take control of the malfunctioning holograms, maybe even repair them. Then making the base disappear completely, long enough to at least clear the place out. Otherwise, super-hard diplomacy check to convince the natives that everything is just swamp gas, recreational drugs, and/or tall tales instead of real.
Harsh. I don't know what else Captain Lalen could have done, though I suppose it was her responsibility to think of something.

Just follow the Prime Directive.

Wait for the Storm to drown the natives, then clean up in the aftermath.

The Prime Directive outright requires that billions are left to die to let civilizations develop naturally. Disease, disasters happen near constantly, after all. This case was just one more of those natural disasters.

Lalen's job was simple : Don't interfere.
See, what we found is a robot! It strongly resembles a Qloathi child, on the outside. On the inside, though, from our scans, it's got a computer for a brain and a duranium chassis. When we activated it, it seemed confused to find itself on a ship of aliens and its companions missing, but was quite pleasant to talk with.
...why did they activate a suspicious robot on a Miranda A? Instead of ferrying it to a qualified lab? I would understand an EC crew with explorers facilities doing this, especially when beyond the Federation borders, but this really should be against the relevant SOP.
And yeah, suspicious. The Federation itself doesnt have the tech to make a robot like that I think? Where did it come from? And duranium is a milspec material.
[Apiata forager crippled, -10 pp]
That's new I think? Has this happened before?
Personally, I am especially worried as the Bannicka observation post was seeing the first field uses of that experimental Gaeni holo-illusion technology.
Experimental and Pre-warp Civilization Observation together spell Prime Directive Violation.
Captain's Log, Stardate 28078.3, USS Challorn - Captain Hazag Daz-Hara
(Constellation-A, Andor)

The procedure was successful, and the results...I am having difficulty containing my excitement.

The entire lower atmosphere of Josephine VI is made up of a tangle of continent-sized organisms! These bioforms are capable of manipulating subspace in order to change their relative mass to a greater degree than any Federation starship, and appear to feed by converting the gas giant's gravimetric pressure into usable energy. The entire outer biosphere evolved by feeding on their particulate waste products that rose through the storm layer.

The Andorians are preparing to bring a full flotilla of science and construction vessels to this planet. I will be following their findings with great interest over the coming years.

[Gain +10 rp]
Fascinating. Absolutely warrants a flotilla of science and construction vessels.
Surprised that we only got 10rp out of this in fact, but more research is probably needed.
[PD Violation, -25PP]
Yeah, I expected something like this. Hopefully the captain will be fine after the court marshal.
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To me the biggest question here is "Who the hell authorised field testing that technology on a planet protected by the Prime Directive!?" To be more specific, why was it in a position to risk a Prime Directive violation in the first place?
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Just follow the Prime Directive.

Wait for the Storm to drown the natives, then clean up in the aftermath.

The Prime Directive outright requires that billions are left to die to let civilizations develop naturally. Disease, disasters happen near constantly, after all. This case was just one more of those natural disasters.

Lalen's job was simple : Don't interfere.
Incorrect, because that storm was Federations doing. It would be mass murder.
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Just follow the Prime Directive.

Wait for the Storm to drown the natives, then clean up in the aftermath.

The Prime Directive outright requires that billions are left to die to let civilizations develop naturally. Disease, disasters happen near constantly, after all. This case was just one more of those natural disasters.

Lalen's job was simple : Don't interfere.

"I never liked that interpretation of General Order One. Never."


"One sighting of an alien spaceship is a tragedy, they say; then they say a million dead is a statistic. To hell with that. That's not what we're out there for."

To me the biggest question here is "Who the hell authorised field testing that technology on a planet protected by the Prime Directive!?" To be more specific, why was it in a position to risk a Prime Directive violation in the first place?
Presumably, it had already been field tested elsewhere?
"One sighting of an alien spaceship is a tragedy, they say; a thousand dead is a statistic. To hell with that."

It would've greatly limited the potential contamination of the native society.

That said, I agree with the others. What the hell were they thinking when they authorized the use of experimental technology to hide the research base. At minimum that functionary/commission also needs to be brought to the attention of the court for their part in the tragedy.
It would've greatly limited the potential contamination of the native society.

"There's always been a limit to my patience with that excuse. Especially once we're already involved. If you ask me, a man can only make so many excuses to walk away from so many drowning children before it would have been better if he were the one dropped in the lake."

"There's always been a limit to my patience with that excuse. Especially once we're already involved. If you ask me, a man can only make so many excuses to walk away from so many drowning children before it would have been better if he were the one dropped in the lake."

Especially if that man's compatriots were the ones to make the lake that the children are drowning in. Given how that 'natural' disaster occured only due to Federation technology on the planet, I feel that the Federation has the obligation to try and save the people it put in danger. Otherwise it is pretty much genocide.

I'm pretty sure that genocide is worse than a prime directive violation./s
In all honesty, knowing there's something out there worth visiting and that it's possible to get there well within a natural lifetime once you have the technology would make a decent incentive to avoid blowing yourself up or wrecking your homeworld's biosphere before you can leave it.

Which raises the question of just how visible the interstellar civilizations in Star Trek are if you're not already in contact with them.
Especially if that man's compatriots were the ones to make the lake that the children are drowning in. Given how that 'natural' disaster occured only due to Federation technology on the planet, I feel that the Federation has the obligation to try and save the people it put in danger. Otherwise it is pretty much genocide.

I'm pretty sure that genocide is worse than a prime directive violation./s
I wouldn't say genocide, because "genocide" is a crime distinct from "killing a bunch of people," it's "trying to kill all of a [cultural/racial/biological/regional] group of people." But "mass murder" really is a sufficiently ugly word for just about anybody, don't you think?


That said, Leslie's feelings on the matter would be much the same if the storm weren't caused by Federation technology. He's from the old school of interpretation of the Prime DIrective (what he calls "General Order One"), which had rather more exceptions for honorable good faith conduct. And he never really signed on to the progressive clamping-down of restrictions on it that's taken place since.


"You can say that the tightened-up way they parse it these days is more in keeping with the original spirit of the order, but frankly I'm not sure we should have it the way it was originally. Admiral Archer drafted the first version of G.O. One, and we know how some of his calls on poking alien planets went. Making a few more allowances for common decency would have been an improvement compared to what Doctor Billings persuaded him to do to the Denobulans."


[Why yes I punched that retcon button, why do you ask? ;) -SJ ]
I wouldn't say genocide, because "genocide" is a crime distinct from "killing a bunch of people," it's "trying to kill all of a [cultural/racial/biological/regional] group of people." But "mass murder" really is a sufficiently ugly word for just about anybody, don't you think?

I dunno, they seem to only be dying because they a pre-warp. I doubt if they weren't pre-warp, folks wouldn't be so okay with leaving them to die as they are and I doubt anybody here would be arguing that we should have left them to die if they were from a warp-capable civ or species. If you change [cultural/racial/biological/regional] to [cultural/racial/biological/regional/warp-level/species] then it starts to look a lot like genocide again.

That sums up my stance on the matter. What if it wasn't a prewarp civ, but Cardie or Romulan colony? Would we still have some people suggesting that we should have arguing that Toressa Lalen should have left them to die?
The comet uses the 900t hull and adds 130t for nacelles and a module.
With the 2330s Construction Techniques improving the berth sizes from +10% to +20% in 2324 there is room for a larger frigate.
For example i designed a pair of P frigate designs for around 2327(or when 2320s Escort Science Package research completes) using this new room in the yards:
C3 S4 H3 L6 P9 D8 110br 90sr O2 E3 T3 3 years
C3 S5 H3 L6 P9 D8 115br 95sr O2 E3 T3 3,25 years
if i had to pick right now i would go with
C3 S4 H3 L6 P9 D8 110br 90sr O2 E3 T3 3 years

longer term however i think the other one would be better

I'd rather have the PRepler which has, at last estimates, P11 S5. If we're going to make a Presence ship, we should make it the best it can possibly be.

It mostly made sense to ka'Sharren, except for one thing. "Well if you're asking for our advice, why didn't you just say so clearly? Why the vagueness?"

Wenlai looked puzzled. "Well honestly.... I thought what I was doing was rather obvious."

Cue the laugh track.

Never change Romulans, never change.

"Hey, Mipek? Want to upgrade your chassis?" ;)

Or, more seriously, permanent assignment split between FDS and a science team, working with the Dreamers.

Mipek deserves an Explorer.

Captain's Log, Stardate 28053.5, USS Enterprise, Captain Jennifer Zhang
(Ambassador, EC-Felis Space)

Someone. Told. The. Harmony. Again. I've checked my own ship's communication logs, and it wasn't anyone on my ship. Swiftpad swears that it wasn't any of her crew, and Captain Bertorus Galorus of Chapel of Faith is just as certain that it wasn't one of his people. It's almost certain that someone in the League Senate's Committee of Exploration Expenditures leaked to their corporate masters who then tipped off the Harmony.

There has to be a Manchurian Agent somewhere.

Start watching at 1:54

Personal Log, Stardate 28062.7, USS Eclipse, Ensign Assash
(Miranda-A, Rethelia)

That little robot we picked up was a monster.

All this time, while we thought it was just curious, it was gathering intelligence about the crew. This evening, the robot struck. It was fast, precise, and exceedingly efficient; within five minutes of starting its rampage through the mess, it had injured or killed almost everyone in the room, then proceeded to stalk the ship, prioritizing leadership targets. Captain Haran only lost an eye, but Commander Tallisker is among the many dead.

We managed to destroy it ... in sickbay. Utterly vaporized the vile little beast. Nurse Sstoon has had to take charge there, as our CMO is among the casualties.

We found the Anti-Mipek!

Captain's Log, Stardate 28070.4, USS Whale, Captain Toressa Lalen
(Renaissance, Rethelia)

Starfleet has lost contact with a VSA anthropology team studying the prewarp natives of the planet Bannicka.

With the scientists well past their check in date Whale has been dispatched to investigate.

Personally, I am especially worried as the Bannicka observation post was seeing the first field uses of that experimental Gaeni holo-illusion technology.

I remember this episode!

Who Watches The Watchers (episode) - Memory Alpha

Captain's Log, Stardate 28079.9, USS Whale, Captain Toressa Lalen
(Renaissance, Rethelia)

Disaster. Many of the locals did not leave the area until far too late; seemingly drawn in by our warnings more than repulsed

Many were nearly killed in the flash flooding, and our transporters would not have been able to keep up with the required evacuation rate.

With the possible loss of life in mind I personally led the shuttle recovery shuttle teams to pull as many as possible away from the flooding and onto nearby mesas where we provided them with survival supplies modified to look as native made as possible.

While the observation base, and the mesa it was built into, are now permanently gone; I fear we may have made the problem worse.

The natives now speak, not only of the Flickering Mesa being destroyed by a divine storm and flood from the heavens, but also of "Angels cloaked in red and wreathed in light" pulling all the faithful from deadly floods and feeding and clothing them in their hour of need. And I fear that I personally, as an authority figure, now seem be designated a god by iron age natives despite my best efforts to dissuade them.

I may lose my command, and my career may crater now, and I desperately hope that Whale's reputation isn't tainted by this incident. But, by the empty void, I'll see the idiots that approved the holomasker for field use go down harder than me.[PD Violation, -25PP]

That went significantly worse than in TNG. I hope Captian Lalen succeeds in bringing whoever approved the holomasker down with her.
Presumably, it had already been field tested elsewhere?
If it was, it wouldn't be experimental anymore.

Otherwise it is pretty much genocide.
Not genocide, mass murder.

That sums up my stance on the matter. What if it wasn't a prewarp civ, but Cardie or Romulan colony? Would we still have some people suggesting that we should have arguing that Toressa Lalen should have left them to die?
If they refused our help? Yes.

Pre-warp societies are not mature enough to make the decision of accepting or rejecting our help. Few would even have planetary government or equivalent to choose for their species.

There is also the issue of cultural 'weight' for lack of better term. Any contact between barbarians and people with advanced culture, technology, and education will almost certainly have similar results to putting a drop of green color into a bucket of blue. Dissolution.

One of, if not the, Federation core value is Freedom. It does not presume to be pre-warp civilizations parent, and therefore have the right to violate their freedoms for their own good.
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One of, if not the, Federation core value is Freedom. It does not presume to be pre-warp civilizations parent, and therefore have the right to violate their freedoms for their own good.
You know what it's called when you stand and watch as a child steps into the street and gets run over? Abuse and murder.
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Which is why we would would interfere if there was threat of an extinction event I am sure.

Abuse? Why would it be called that, if it is not your child?
You don't get to say it's okay because they "only" lost a hand or a finger, or because it'd all be cleared up by a month in the hospital.

Also, fun fact: You don't have to "own" a child to abuse it.