Is this a joke or are the GMs high?

This sounds like lootboxes. Lootboxes are the worst game mechanic ever invented. Why would you implement them as anything other than a bad joke?
Look on the bright side the aquisition of rare loot from the lootboxes are not being broadcast across the entire quadrante by way of bright yellow text lines across the display screens.
Yes, you are being trolled.
And why am I not trolled? Isn't there something in the TOS that requires 'equal rights for all'?

Speak for yourself, I don't feel trolled at all.

Although the QMs could stand to up the drop rate a little, or maybe introduce another source of points in case Q is busy that quarter.
That's easy, they just have to repeat the same quarter in different timelines / different parallel universes.
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@charysa, for Kepler: First Impressions -
[ ][KEPLER] Accurate rumors: Sapok will captain USS Kepler.
[ ][KEPLER] Ava Ree-Tatyarr: The first time Kepler rolls snake-eyes for an event, while Ree-Tatyarr is aboard, will result in something interesting happening, even if the ship fails the event.
[ ][KEPLER] Straak's supervision: Gain an additional +10 SR the first time Kepler passes a resource gain event.
[:p][KEPLER] Accurate rumors: Sapok will captain USS Kepler.

Going for the sure thing rather than relying on RNG or a one time bonus.
did anyone else see the marker for 'Chicken chicken Chicken chicken' on fucking road? Fucking 7, 5121 Fucking, Austria
A random thought.

Some have speculated that not all of the bought forward in time ships belong some to the Techno-Vulcans. Some may belong to the Sol Resistance.
If there are Sol Resistance ships present, how are the crews of such going to react to this?

Their solar system is devastated.

There are these gigantic vessels, laying waste (we hope) to their Techno-Vulcan led foes.

When contacted, there are Humans there, but also Vulcans, Andorians and Amarkians - all races that these humans have only known as foes.