The deal is fine. Some of us apparently can't see the forest for the trees.

I remember debating what a peace with Cardassia would look like several thousand pages ago. The fact is, their society and government is based on two pillars: the sociological construct of service to the state (with the implication that the current military state is the ideal worth their service), and the xenopsychological idea that the dominant party sets the terms. We obtained the negotiating position we had by beating them handily and repeatedly in the GBZ pocket war, and now the Pacifists are after the Cardassian state too.

In order to obtain a peace with Cardassia, we'd force a negotiation from an advantageous position. I think we certainly could have demanded to keep 26 Enio, the Dorsata colony sites, and maybe then sold colony sites for a portion of the proceeds as, well, I'd say tax, but it's more like wergild. But that would have left us in an untenable position to keep a lasting peace. We'd have maybe 10-15 years before another border war, or worse.

The Council and the Pacifists in particular are thinking beyond immediate peace. The Pacifists want a treaty that is solid, smooths over resentments, yet also brooks no true weakness. And they want to use that treaty and the failure of the Cardassian military apparatus to erode and influence the Cardassian definition of "strong state worth serving". The point they're making is to cut military influence out of Cardassian foreign affairs.The Pacifists, or at least some of them, see that the only way forward to is to reframe how the Cardassians interact and are allowed to interact with the Federation. If the majority of interaction is through phasers and torpedoes and even angry shouting on hails, then we will see a war within two decades. If the majority of interaction is through negotiation, the Cardassian military apparatus and the idea of getting what they want militarily takes blow after blow.

This isn't an approach that would work if we had traded successes. But we ran right over the Cardassians from Ghosts and Whispers to the Sydraxian affair to every GBZ flashpoint even up to preventing them from taking back Enio. Their closest successes were Celos and Bajor, and the Treaty of Celos was an obvious flop in hindsight to Cardassian goals, while Bajor was only tangentially related to the Federation.

So basically, what this treaty does is force the Cardassian military to eat crow, after a decade and a half of constantly eating crow. That's what the Pacifists are after here, and I would go so far as to say that after ending the war, it's the primary goal. If we hadn't won so hard, we wouldn't have the option of root beering them like this, we'd have to wave our big stick menacingly and settle for a militarized border about the same as the one we see today. But we did, so the Cardassians know they have no military chance to influence the border using their fleet.

I think it's a bit of a gamble very dependent on what work we do after the ink dries on the treaty, but I do agree with the Pacifists that giving up a little territory that the Cardies know they were completely unable to take costs us little and that the right approach to long-term peace is slow reformation of the Cardassian state.
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Cardassia will no longer pay 25br/25sr for access through Themis.
@OneirosTheWriter, the current Themis economic concessions are 50br/50sr per year, not 25br/25sr.
[ ][THEMIS] Open the Straits of Themis to limited commerce. Set up an Access Zone, patrolled by Starfleet. (This will act as another border zone, and will have a garrison requirement). In exchange, Cardassia must accept economic concessions (+50 BR/SR a year, limited trade open). Hawks angry, Expansionists annoyed (-26 pp). Cardassia will be unhappy, but may accept this arrangement.

1) Is the Themis access toll of 50br/50sr per annum completely nullified, or has it just been reduced to 25br/25sr?

2) Do these mid-year changes apply for this year's annual income to be applied at EOY?

DMZ now in effect within GBZ. Coordinates in attached data packet.
So the DMZ has some significant connotations in 21st century Earth, where North and South Korea are still technically at war with each other, and the DMZ is really a no-man's land.

But a "Demilitarized Zone" technically speaking is just a neutral area that doesn't allow militarization. That doesn't necessarily preclude colony development, especially mining colony development, for either side since those can be considered civilian colonies. It would just require truly neutral colonies or diplomatic territorial wrangling. And obviously they would be risky as heck.

Can you confirm whether all colony sites with the exception of Apruzza in the DMZ are off limits to colonization/mining for both sides or not?

Other corrections, that may not matter with the GBZ winding down anyway:
-USS Reformation, NCC-2625, Centaur-A, Captain Savesh
This is a Renaissance, not a Centaur-A.

Task Force 4, Admiral Senai Nebriec
-CAS Friec, NCC-2202, Riala-A
-CAS Hebrinda, NCC-2402, Hebrinda-A (C5 S2 H3 L5 P3 D4)
-CAS Hilindia, NCC-2403, Hebrinda-A
-CAS Linacail, NCC-3803, Anacail
-CAS Idnacail, NCC-3807, Anacail
-CAS Bofroil, NCC-2303, Brieca-A
-CAS Penfroil, NCC-2309, Brieca-A

Task Force 5
-CAS Ipoilab, NCC-3805, Mielab
-CAS Talarlab, NCC-3806, Mielab
-CAS Kundaia, NCC-2119, Centaur-B
-CAS Calac, NCC-2305, Calac-A
-CAS Peliac, NCC-2308, Calac-A
This is still missing the Riala-A CAS Valaia.

edit: also nice to see the redundant "Member World Assets in Sector" section removed.
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Hmm, how valuable is it for us to diplomance the ISC?

They seem very ideologically compatible, at least in terms of being a close ally. I don't see us assimilating them, but a mutual defence pact seems feasible.

Something where the pact sets current borders, and we agree to help each other with defensive actions within that territory.

I'd love to see a treaty(s) with them to the effect of (in approximate order of trust needed):
  • Fixed top-level communication lines between governments. (i.e. we can batphone each other)
  • Limited commerce between nations, highly government regulated.
  • Sharing of media/cultural data + ability for media figures to travel back and forth for "What's the other side like?" type sharing/reporting.
  • Shared stations for mining.
  • Joint fleet exercises for training and sharing of doctrine.
  • Open tourism.
  • Free trade pact.
  • Philosophical sharing. We have fundamental disagreements on things like the prime directive, and I bet the tellarites would love to have a nice friendly shout with some ISC folks about that. (i.e. setting up incentives and infrastructure that lets our citizens start reconciling our cultures)
  • Cooperative research projects.
  • Allow citizens of either nation to emigrate to the other.
  • Mutual defence (up to some fixed limit of ships) within the boundaries as they exist when the treaty is written.
  • 1-2 shared colonies that can send representatives (non-voting/half-voting?) to both bodies of government.
I know I'd feel more secure if we have a solid ally on our borders.
I hope they will feel more secure with us being one of their border.
Friends tell friends where they are deficient and listen to valid critique themselves.

I don't feel the need to enforce philosophy too much on them. They are a lot less expansive than we are, and they are a lot more defensive than we are, and I find that fine.
They are our somewhat-eccentric neighbor, and they are their somewhat eccentric neighbor, we exchanged power tools, time to swap some recipes and let children to play in each other's gardens?

Also, time for grand barbecue for whole street.
As in, where we try to mediate peace between Klingons and Romulans, invite ISC, Cardassian and even Horizon observers, beyond normal spread of gentlebeings expected in that event.
[jk] Send the President a thank you fruit basket for getting Gabrial settled. Pick some extra tasty and exotic fruit.

Having this settled is a big forking deal. SR and colony sites are nice, but we are not loosing any people or members. Our relationship with them is advancing as we are getting them used to resolving things with us by talking, and that is a big step.
now maybe we can focus on getting that center closed up and the races on the border too join
while doing that we can smile and shake hands with cardasia while dealing with other problems
I'm a little baffled by all the salt regarding the GBZ deal as well. Are people just hating on the idea of a peace treaty or DMZ because of TNG/DS9 on principle?

Did people look at the previous map for the GBZ and arbitrarily decided that all the black spaces on the map that isn't Ashalla-claimed already are destined to be ours by reasons of...manifest destiny or something? Do we need a gentle reminder that this isn't an Empire quest and our goal is not to conquer all the non-blue spaces on the map?

Also, like, when the vote was given to us on what priorities we wanted out of the deal, did anyone vote for keeping all of Dorsata and Enio? Anyone? Bueller?

I'm likewise baffled by people complaining about how the areas we got near the top of the GBZ map don't count because we'll need to split them, like 50/50 or something, with the ISC. Please remember the ISC is not an expansionist polity. Their growth is something like 1 planet per couple of decades. They're not going to be demanding a bunch of territory from us.
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i blaim power gamers

would i have like a better deal, sure
did i expect one, not really
also the ISC to me is pretty much a interl blackhole at this point
we barely know anything about them?? might want too fix that at some point

i`m happy with the peace. free`s up ships, calms things down overall and give`s us time to prep for if when the big war does come

more worried about what the hell is going to happen in the east at this point because i do not see that ending well for anyone in the scrap at all
also the ISC to me is pretty much a interl blackhole at this point
we barely know anything about them?? might want too fix that at some point

*cough* This Research turn we voted where to put a foreign analysis team. The ISC was one of the options.

[X] Base Plan Heavy Cruiser 2327
[X] [UBZ] University of Betazed : 2330s Passive Diplomacy
[X] [OFFENSIVE] Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team : Battle Bridge Link
[X] [TIGER] Kuznetsova's Tiger Team : Horizon Research

You voted to put them on Horizon research instead.
So much salt over Dorsata.

Apruzza III [33 Dorsata] (Apiata), 20sr/yr mine site
Apruzza IX [33 Dorsata] (Apiata), 30sr/yr mine site
2 Dorsata (Apiata) - 2x25br/yr mine
19 Dorsata II (Starfleet) - 10sr/yr mine site

(Apiata) 21 Dorsata IV - Asteroid Belt, 35br/yr mine site (Actively being built)

11 Dorsata - 25br/yr mine and 15br/yr mine available
30 Dorsata VI - 35br/yr mine site on 30 Dorsata VI (Class K colony option on 30 Dorsata III)

We did not lose any Built location. We even got special dispensation to keep Apruzza (one of the richest sr sources ever found - you can be sure the Pact wanted that out of our hands!)
If the Claimed system 21 Dorsata has been subsumed by the DMZ, then it is not spelt out here. Seeing as it is being built, but not listed I assume it is safe, pending GM statement.
If any of the UNCLAIMED systems are subsumed by the DMZ, who cares - they are UNCLAIMED.

Even if the only things we get to keep in Dorsata are the built locations, that is still 50 sr and 60 br (95 if 21 Dorsata is kept) flowing into Federation coffers - better than most other entire sectors.
There was negligence here, based on the log, even if Samyr also just got outplayed. I don't want her stripped of command, but it's a black mark no question.
Samyr is pretty much finishing up her 5YM this Q4 anyway, so most the results of the inquiry isn't going to affect her tour of duty on the Sarek. Since captaining a 5YM is pretty much the capstone of a captain's career in Starfleet, I'm not sure if there is any meaningful punishment (to her) that we can hand out.

(I mean, I'm pretty sure Nash would've happily taken a demotion for the loss of the Enterprise because it'll just mean she gets another shot at the EC once she works her way back up from Commander.)

I suppose she is off the EC panel for Sarek's next tour, and she won't be getting a promotion to Commodore any time soon. She might end up getting a ground assignment somewhere, but that seems to be an awful waste of her skills.
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Er no, the Cardassians might argue many things but they'll all agree the monopoly of force should be held by Cardassia. And the Affiliates are probably sized about the same as our affiliates, which means that even if they all got together they wouldn't have the economy or military to contest the Cardassian blob.
'The Cardassians' aren't nearly that monolithic a block. Oh, they'll want a Cardassian in charge, but most of them don't want it to be a Cardassian from a different faction. Fault lines to lean on there.
And while the remainder of the Pact might not be able to survive crossing swords with an undistracted Cardassian Union, all that is is a matter of timing about when one should employ the knife to the back.
We can afford to be patient and work on building the Fleet and the Federation further with the breathing space this affords us.
We already won anyway. The way I see it, this deal is much like what we have with Romulus. Except the Cardassians seem even more unstable than them, and they are due for collapse eventually, be it internal revolt or a change in policy. As long as we follow our rules, play nice, and prove that power doesn't need to enter the negotiating table, we win.

Sometimes you gotta let a pot simmer to get a good stew. Whinging over territory that is ultimately meaningless in the long term is short sighted.
Literally because what could they do?

Seriously? We know that most of the major battles we fought against them we won with something resembling blind luck and Nash Magic but they don't. What they've seen is us basically kicking their shit in from day one. Sure they've had a few success here and there, the occasional destroyed ship and successful raid. But we won every major conflict we've fought and they had nothing to show for it.

They were planning one final push prior to the current treaty talks to try and gain the upper hand in negotiations but with our reinforcements in the GBZ they realized that trying to fight one more time was foolhardy and would put them in an even worse position if their push failed.

Oh sure they could probably keep their people from knowing but that doesn't have any bearing on what they can force on us, which is what matters.

Or they could have simply waited another few months/years till the breakdown in the Klingon/Rom Area as well as the rising tensions with Horizon meant that the Federation and Starfleet would find it increasingly difficult to justify keeping a massive military force in Gabriel. Do you guys really find it that hard to believe that with practically all of the (north)-eastern border of the Federationslated to go up in flames and the continuing problems faced in the south the Federation, especially one dominated by diplomatic if not pacifist minded people/factions, might think it good idea to reduce tensions with the CU?
I can't wait for the next update to post and distract everyone from the SALT!

UFP looks like an amoeba.

Welcome to six months ago. Congratulations on finally getting the joke!

Just.. so people hating on the treaty realize, we basically get like, 20, 30 ships freed out of this deal?

Yeah, people seem to be forgetting that. I'd bet the Klingons and Horizon care a whole lot. The Romulans have too many things on fire to care.
You know, iirc forensic data reconstruction is actually capable of retrieving pretty large parts of a hard-drive that's been smashed with a hammer, isn't it? Irl, at least, there should be a fairly good chance for the same to be true for more refined data storage. Given that Mipek has the fragments, and that I also expect him to be hoarding every scrap of data that went into her construction, and that he should have copies of his own perspective of any shared experiences to transfer and to extrapolate from, and that he's going to be working with one of our most advance computer institutes, would it be possible to reconstruct our accidental AI?
It porpably wouldn't be a perfect copy of course. At best, you could propably get the same fidelity as with a stroke victim whose symptoms include Amnesia. But, well. It's at least something, isn't it?

I'm somewhat allergic to the permanent death of sympathetic characters, I'm afraid.
Whether or not this would work depends heavily on how brittle isolinear storage media are, and exactly how they respond to damage. If they smashed into a few large pieces then almost everything might be repairable, but if the thing shattered into a mass of microfractures, there might be nothing left to save.

Also, isolinear computers are very rare and new technology, so there may simply not be high-fidelity data recovery hardware in existence to work on them. I suspect that hard drive data recovery wasn't a very reliable technology either, back in the first days of the magnetic hard drive.

So, the border shifted East compared to the original negotiation position.
I'm pretty sure that negotiation position was just a "line of cease-fire" to avoid any major international incidents from blowing up while we negotiated a permanent frontier.

Did we actually give up a single existing colony site? Or just sites we were kinda hoping to get ahold of eventually?

Of course they aren't unhappy about the deal, the only thing they lost was the chance to continue being wailed on. We conceded everything else, just like I feared would happen. What part of 'we're winning, act like it' was so hard for the Council anyway?
Oh for God's sake, we did NOT concede "everything." We did not give up a single colony we were exploiting, the Cardassians are keeping a significantly smaller share of the Gabriel Expanse than we are, and everything we gave up was so close to their starbase that in case of war it would have been on fire in a matter of days.

Make no mistake, kicking the shit out of us in the negotiation table after getting beaten every time they tried something by main force was a major Cardassian win.
If they hadn't gained SOMETHING at the table, they would have just waited until the chaos on the Romulan-Klingon border forced us to move most of our modern ships over to the other side of our space, then kicked the shit out of us in real space and recovered all the territory they lost in ka'Sharren's offensive. The Cardassians are neither weak nor stupid, and there is no universal law that they can't beat us when they get an opening.
Assuming internal forces in the Pact doesn't move to start breaking things straight away, and we don't have rogue Apaita/Amarkia/Hawks movements trying to break things from our direction, the GBZ and CBZ should be quiet for a few years at least.

We are busy invalidating the TBZ by trying to steal the Dawair away.

The RBZ and KBZ are likely to need reinforcing as their war crashes everything and the local power of law is weakened, if it even still exists.

The HBZ is a political hot potato and we probably need to reinforce it.

Tellar (luck of the dice or something else?) will probably get an increased D value.

Any other sectors that are changing in importance at the moment?