Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by MonkeyTypewriter on Jan 12, 2018 at 8:57 AM, finished with 114 posts and 36 votes.
Captain's Log - 2321.Q3.M1
"Alright team, I'm ready, and you're ready," Team Captain and also Ship Captain Samyr Kanil called out, "I've pushed you hard this last week, but here's where it pays off. We're not going to be beat by a team that was conquered by a Horizonite with twenty extra pounds weighing him down, are we?"

"No ma'am!" Her team called back. Her Indorian Chief of Security, Lieutenant Commander Egiram, spun a beya-marker with cocky assurance. Doctor Ginzan, who'd turned out to have terrific Beya-War instincts, hefted her long-range charger with a smile.

The only one who seemed uncertain was her XO. "I'm not sure, ma'am." Commander Khiwuolo said, I was checking out the other team training and they look really good."

"I'm sure we'll--"

"Ma'am! Ma'am! Wait!" Solla Payat burst into the room, panting, holding a PADD. "Ma'am, it's a trap! A ruse, ma'am! I went back through all their social media -- Phantomoons has never played Colom, that was Instamoon, a much worse team. Phantomoons is one of the top five teams in OSA space." She let out a breath. "You could back out now--"

Samyr Kanil gave her subordinate a cocky grin. "No," she said, "Colom thinks he's outplayed me, but trust me, I snuck by Starfleet in an Oberth. I think I can handle this."

Captain's Log, Stardate 27591, USS Atuin - Captain Hassan Aharani

We are responding to a somewhat surprising distress call - one from an Ashidi expedition, requesting medical help. The Ashidi were following up on Voshov's survey of NME-918 when half the team started to come down with Contagious Horn Rot. Normally, they'd've simply awaited an Ashidi hospital ship, rather than allowing us to help, but apparently the Ashidi medical service is busy dealing with an outbreak of Sondalian Bird Flu.

Officially, they haven't made the request. Officially, we're simply following up on the survey ourselves. The Ashidi government wouldn't want to admit that they weren't able to respond themselves, so this is all being done under the table.

I understand why they're doing it this way, but it still feels weird.

Captain's Log, Stardate 27594, USS Spirit - Captain Glori Khaggers

We're in orbit above Morshadd, here for a diplomatic summit. The Arcadian Empire, as part of recent reforms, is launching a new disaster relief initiative, and they've requested input from Starfleet.

I will be beaming down to the Elad Tartresis Gathering Hall, named after one of the ancestors of the current emperor, first thing tomorrow morning. It's only one of about a thousand buildings named after Tartresis relatives in the Imperial capital.

Captain's Log, Stardate 27595, USS Sarek - Captain Samyr Kanil

We are over Ikegenoi today. Officially, I'm here to allow Dr. Ginzan to participate in a medical conference. Unofficially, Task Force Beyond has enlisted my magic touch while I'm in the area. The fact I made first contact with the OSA gives me some level of 'star power' here, which I am more than happy to put to good use.

Captain's Log, Stardate 27596, USS Spirit

Well, something of a teensy little problem has developed: the Gathering Hall is on fire. As is a fifth of the capital city. Nothing like centuries of feudal Houses taking liberties with fire codes to make life interesting.

In fairness, it's not entirely clear what caused this firestorm. There was a wildfire burning out on the fringes of the capital, a fuel leak from an accident at a nearby shipyard seems to have condensed into flammable rain, and local geography favors fires - the capital is in a hot, dry region, with winds funneling through the picturesque canyon networks on the outskirts only helping to fan the flames.

And it really doesn't matter what caused it, so long as we can end it.

Personal Log, Stardate 27597, Commander Valon - USS Atuin

Hypothesis: The Ashidi were testing our ability and willingness to respond to emergencies. Supporting evidence: Lieutenant Commander Boh told me he had a very easy time treating the sick Ashidi; NME-918 is fairly close to claimed Imelak space; NME-918 reportedly had no resources to exploit, according to Voshov's survey; Contagious Horn Rot is apparently a slow-acting disease, cosmetically scary but rarely actually fatal.

Hypothesis: We passed with flying colors.

[Gain 10 points on Too Good To Be True, now 50/500]

Science Officer's Log, Stardate 27598, USS Spirit - Lieutenant Commander Erin Rosenthal

I can't believe I'm going to go through with this.

I really can't believe I'm going to go through with this.

But we're running out of options. We've done our best to evacuate the city, but there's still thousands of people trapped here. Our attempt to modify the phasers to generate a sumayon particle beam failed, the firestorm is easily leaping firebreaks, winds are picking up in intensity.

And so we're going with the Mentat Ozani's plan. A firestorm is, in essence, its own weather system, and weather systems can be manipulated. So Ozani argues that we can accelerate the creation of pyrocumulonimbus clouds, and moreover, seed them to rain. Torrents of ordinary rain this time, not the flammable variety.

To do this, though, he wants us to feed the fire.

Captain's VLog, Stardate 27599, USS Hood - Captain Xuggaed

Sup, it's ya girl Xug Xug, coming live from lovely GH-99. That was a lie, it's not lovely at all. But curiosity will never let me go, and I'm following up on old reports there might be an old -- and I mean last active sixty years ago -- Syndicate base here. We're here with Dryad to assist with defusal and possible recovery of special resources..

Captain's Log, 27599.5 USS Sarek - Captain Samyr Kanil

So, I've made an interesting challenge for myself! Scholar Ihra Colom of Horizon -- a Tauni, which made me glad I had the forethought not to bring any of them in my crew along -- was telling me about how he had played a team called Phantomoons, and managed to eke out a close victory.

With a Muuyo-Fest on the issue of Poppin' Bottles versus A Quiet Evening In for the OSA New Years, taking on Phantomoons could drum up major support for the side we pick. Even though I'll need to spend the next week training intensely with a hand-picked team from my crew, I'm fairly confident I can come out on top of Phantomoons if Colom can -- he knocked over an entire tray of sparkling wine literally seconds after he stopped talking to me.

Personal Log, Stardate 27601, Commander Tigre Zal - USS Selaya

Today, I took (temporary) command of the starship USS Selaya. The crew seems nervous. Honestly, I can't blame them. The last several months must have been something of an emotional roller coaster - nearly losing a number of crew to parasites, losing the XO, finding out the XO had been replaced by an infiltrator, losing the captain, finding out the captain faked her death... and now I'm here. An outsider.

It's not that I'm new to starships. But I am relatively new to operating a Starfleet ship. My training was at Radlawxa, not San Francisco; my first assignment was a BDF Patrol Cruiser, not a Constellation. A portion of the crew have been on this ship longer than I've been in Starfleet.

Well, they'll have to get used to me, one way or another.

So will T'Arvit. Or, rather, I suppose I'll have to get used to her when she returns in a few months. I don't know what to make of her. Oh, she's had a solid career, sure. But faking her death? Going rogue? Confusing. Vulcans, in my (limited) experience, have been fairly predictable. I like it that way. But this one, not so much.

In any case, we have our orders, and are traveling to Tigrata for a conference on improving security measures in the Sarqel Treaty Organization.

Captain's Log, Stardate 27601.9, USS Hood - Captain Xuggaed

That… could have gone better. Based on some post-mission analysis, we believe the fault lies not in our stars, but Hood's bones. She was one of the vessels to receive parts from some of the mothballed Constitutions. Apparently, the sensors on the base were specifically tuned to pick up Constitutions, who did a lot of policing work back in the day. But not Dryad, because Mirandas, hadn't been invented yet.

Honestly, I'm dissapointed but not too torn up about it. That SR was stolen from someone… I wasn't totally comfortable with taking it, even if it was for a good cause.

Also it is super messed up how it was rigged to blow immediately on detection of a Constitution. Concern for lives, much? Wait, this is the Syndicate we're talking.

[Event failed]

Captain's Log, 27604.5 USS Sarek - Captain Samyr Kanil

[This entry appears to contain 4 hours of energetic music, with Captain Kanil shouting instructions to others. In the background sounds of running, practice shots with beya-war weapons, and climbing can be heard.]

[CoS Note: I'm not sure if she recorded this by accident, or to document how hardcore she was about the training.]

Captain's Log, Stardate 27605, USS Spirit

Well, only a third of the Empire's capital city is burnt out, now, instead of the whole city. And hey, the Licori are going to get some interesting practice with disaster relief right now. It's only at the cost of, what, a few hundred dead and a few hundred thousand homeless?

[Gain 10 pp]

Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 27606.1, USS Selaya - Commander Tigre Zal

There's nothing like an early crisis to start the day off. Nothing like it at all.

I'm awakened three hours after turning in for the night with news that there's been a mass terrorist incident. A group calling themselves the Tigrata Liberation Front stormed Vulpetomium Plaza, the central government office building on Tigrata, taking the attendees of the STO security conference hostage. Among the hostages is my Chief of Security and Acting First Officer, Lt. Commander Lei Viza.

The TLF claims to have planted bombs throughout ten major government buildings, including the Central Bank, the Spaceport, the Senatorial Forum, and the Hall of Justice. The bombs are reportedly linked; any interference with one will set off all ten. We have 25 hours for the current government of Tigrata to step down, accepting its replacement by the Tigrata Revolutionary Committee - an obscure and previously quiescent group - and for all Federation and STO personnel to leave Tigrata's space.

I have no intention of following through with these demands.

Audio Recording, Vulpetomium Plaza, Stardate 27606.2

[???]: What is this writing?

[??]: It's Betazoid. Something to the effect of: "I've got a phaser now. Thanks!"

[???]: I thought you said she'd be easy to recapture. I thought you said you've dealt with Betazoids before.

Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 27606.3, USS Selaya

I can report good and bad news in equal measure. Good news: we have found seven of the ten bombs. Bad news: they do, indeed, appear to be in constant communication, and the other three have yet to be found. Good news: apparently, Lt. Commander Viza has escaped. Bad news: in response, the TLF has accelerated their timeline, giving us just 6 hours to work with.

Audio Recording, Vulpetomium Plaza, Stardate 27606.4

[Lt. Cmdr. Viza] You know how to use one of these?

[???] I, well, I mean, I've played around in sims, but -

[Viza] Well, time for the real thing. Nothing to it, don't mess with the settings. Just point and shoot.

[???] A-alright. If you say so.

[Viza] C'mon, this way.


[???] {in a different accent} Drop the phaser.

[Viza] Nice Arqueniou accent, there. Maybe you shoulda gone into theater, not terrorism?

[???] I will count down from three. If you do not drop the phaser ... well, I've set this one to kill.

[Viza] Go ahead and shoot.


[Viza] Check your power pack, dummy! You think I'm stupid? Think I don't know what you're thinking?

[???] You tell me.

[Sounds of phaser and disruptor fire]

Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 27606.5, USS Selaya

We've found all ten bombs, and Lieutenant Commander Achiss believes we have a method for disabling them without tripping the detonation signal. Specifically, Achiss intends to spoof a copycat signal, making each bomb think that the others are still online.

In the meantime, however, we need to keep the terrorists distracted, so that they do not notice.

I have talked this over with the head of Tigrata's special police detachment, and with my own security officers, and they agree that the plan we have developed makes the most sense, despite my misgivings about it. I will trade myself for one of the hostages, and will attempt to negotiate a peaceful resolution from within. If I am successful, then mission accomplished; if not, then I will have kept them distracted while Achiss's teams disable the bombs.

And perhaps, if she's still alive, I may be able to contact Lt. Commander Viza.

Audio Recording, Vulpetomium Plaza, Stardate 27606.55

[Lt. Cmdr. Viza] Alright, ya got me. Doesn't matter, though.

[???] And why is that?

[Viza] Because your bombs are all disabled.

[Transporter sounds]


Excerpt from Beya-War Challenge - Team USS Sarek vs Team Phantomoons

[Commentator Puce Ilegin] "-- Here comes the final push by Team Phantomoons, only a minute and a half into the match! The tower seems like it's unstoppable!"

[Commentator Jlefenis] "Phantomoons has had Sarek on the back foot this entire match."

[Ilegin] Indeed. It's almost like a modicum of natural talent and a week of training can't overcome years of experience and -- OH! Team Captain Kanil gets flanked by Belagi and hosed down. She's transporting back to the starting position--

[Ilegin] --and she looks mad! Only a few meters away and the rest of her team has gone down -- here's a chance for her to turn it around! If she can jump on the tower, she might be able to ride it to overtime!

[Jlefenis] She's rushing out of spawn, putting a hard sprint on, increasing the distance between herself and her team. It's a risky move but one -- SHE'S HIT A BEYA MINE!

[Ilegin] Ooh, and she skids right into the path of Phantomoons Team Captain Teddin, who runs right over her to get on the tower. He looks apologetic!

[Jlefenis] And Kanil looks apopleptic as she beams back in but it's too late, match over!

[Ilegin] Teddin doesn't look very proud of this. He's coming up for the fist-bump here and -- KANIL WALKS RIGHT BY?!


[Ilegin] Teddin looks confused, he's calling after her, but she's out of the arena folks!

Captain's Log, Stardate 27606.7, USS Sarek - Captain Samyr Kanil

Alright. I'll own up to it. I let my feelings get the better of me on that one. I forgot how important a post-match fist bump is to the OSA. In my defense, I thought that their Team Captain had disrespectfully walked on me -- but on review, it was entirely unintentional.

What I was really mad about was not believing that idiot Colom could trick me like that. Next time I'll make sure to do way more research -- he's got a deep wellspring of guile.

My saving grace is an appearance on a talk show across from Colom. I'm going to set the record straight, reveal his deception to all of Ikegenoi, and then apologize to Teddin and Phantomoons. Ideally, I'll goad Colom into taking them on too.

Personal Log, Stardate 27607, Commander Tigre Zal

All's well that ends well. There's still a few nagging questions - why one of the terrorists disintegrated when hit with a stun blast, why according to Lieutenant Commander Viza they seemed so intent on getting access to government computer databases. But those are matters for the Tigrata police to resolve.

Apparently, we Betazoids aren't 'predictable', either. Or at least Lei Viza isn't. I've read and reread her full debrief. She makes it clear: none of what she did was planned. All of it, every step, from her escape on up through when she made telepathic contact with me, was improvised. It worked out tremendously well for us, but it easily could've gone wrong.

Viza and T'Arvit were both veterans of USS Atuin. So are over a dozen other officers, and a good portion of our enlisted complement served on the Sappho at some point. How much do I need to know about Commodore Chad and his methods to help run this ship?

I have some reading to do.

[Gain 10 pp]

Captain's Log, Stardate 27609, USS Hawking - Captain Tersu Lakun

Hawking arrived in Sarcissa System. System reported as having fifteen planets as of last stellar survey; Hawking only observes fourteen. Substantial debris field between seventh and eighth planets. Will attempt long-range scans, but expect to need to enter the debris field for complete survey.

Captain's Log, Stardate 27610, USS Sarek - Captain Samyr Kanil


My appearance on the talk show derailed almost the instant I brought up the Phantomoon/Instamoon deception. Colom admitted he'd mixed the two up, but said it was an understandable mistake, riffing on the similarities to applause from the audience. Then, before I could apologize, he said he felt bad for me for having to go up against such a tough team, and offered to take them on as well in a spirit of solidarity.

He was crushed, of course, though not as badly as I was, that slippery -- anyways, he did the fist-bump, and then had a speech right beside Teddin on the eve of the Muuyo-Festival extolling the virtues of good, fair play and mutual respect, before revealing he'd picked Poppin' Bottles as his Muuyo-Fest team. Teddin was so moved that he selected the team as well, and now Starfleet believes that our selected team, A Quiet Evening, will suffer a major popularity drop.

I sent an apology note to Teddin. He sent back a loop of the moment where I take a beya-bomb and make a face that is incredibly unflattering.

I royally screwed this one up. I hope my orders are to deal with the Breen next.

[Lose 20 points on Horizon Influence tag, now 41/100]

Personal Log, Stardate 27616, Lieutenant Yesmine Kim - USS Hawking

Big day today. Haven't flown like this since ... Hell, I don't know when, outside of sims. And sims ain't nothing like the real thing.

There's absolutely no room for error when you're flying an Oberth through a field of planetary debris, some fragments larger than Hawking herself. Fortunately, I am just that good. Oh, alright, I won't take sole credit. Couldn't have done it without our science team's help, plotting trajectories of the major fragments. But still. Ultimately, the ship was in my hands, and I guided her through, nice and sure.

Of course, the job's not over yet. After all, I've gotta fly us out of the debris field, once we finish our survey.

Nothing to worry about, though. No sweat.

Captain's Log, Stardate 27617, USS Voshov - Captain Iliae Rurliss

Our survey takes us to GLL-700, a main sequence star 34 ly rimwards of the Cardassian colony of Perkash. On the second planet, a cute little L-class world, we've found something curious: a region of the planetary surface that our sensors have been unable to make out clearly.

I'm thinking of going down for a look in person. Oh, my XO won't approve, but I've been cooped up aboard ship too long. About time I stretched my legs. Besides, I think this could use a personal touch.

Tellar Daily News, Stardate 27618.5

Fallout from the Klingon-Romulan War seems to have taken an unusual turn recently on the farming settlement of Keren IV, where colonists woke up one morning to meet their new neighbors: Tribbles.

Tribbles, or Polygeminus grex, are an invasive species of small, furry animals that breed exceptionally fast. "They're capable of self-fertilization - in fact, that's their primary means of reproduction," says our science advisor, Geraldo Davidowitz. "If you start with one tribble, assume an average litter of ten and a new generation every twelve hours, then over a period of three days, you will wind up with 1,771,561 tribbles."

The Keren IV tribble population had four days to gorge on Keren IV's crops before the scope of the problem became apparent. Colonist Jenkin chim Junn reports: "Well, at first, nobody really seemed to think it an issue. They're adorable little critters, at least at first. And we had fences, right? So surely they couldn't get through? Turns out they're good diggers. I know some people are going to blame us for letting a few into our homes as pets, but I've seen the tunnels they dug under our fences. These things are a menace."

By the fifth day, every farm in the settlement was affected. "We moved crops into our greenhouses, but if you're not extremely careful, you'll wind up transplanting a tribble with your plants. And then it's just a matter of time before the entire greenhouse gets gobbled up," chim Junn says.

The Tellarite Ministry of Health deemed the matter of minimal importance, ignoring the ecological threat. The colonists directly petitioned Commodore Khaggers, but he was reportedly unable to coordinate a response in time.

In the end, the colonists were forced to take matters into their own hands and destroy the tribble population themselves before it completely overwhelmed their food supply. According to chim Junn, "We had to use the last of this year's seeds as bait to lure in the tribbles, then set fire to the lot. You don't want to know what burnt tribble smells like. Or tastes like. But we got them all."

Davidowitz is skeptical. "I'm not convinced there aren't some populations out in the wilds of Keren IV right now. It's very, very difficult to eradicate a tribble population, once it gets going."

[Political firestorm in the Tellarite government. Also, Starfleet loses 8pp. Also, you all should feel bad about the millions of dead tribbles.]

First Officer's Log, Stardate 27619.2, USS Voshov - Commander Llyhua

Captain Rurliss's shuttle went missing eight hours ago. Last we heard from them was during their descent; they were encountering heavy wind activity, and having some difficulty maintaining control. We haven't heard a word since. I can't beam a team down even if I knew where to beam them, because there's interference all over the region they were flying through. I couldn't risk another shuttle in the heavy winds. I went into a low orbit in hopes of improving our sensor picture, even considered entering the atmosphere itself, but it's too late now.

Lt. Commander T'Kel reports strong shifts in solar magnetic activity, suggesting an impending solar superstorm in the next 23 minutes. We have to move to a safe distance ... a full 50 million kilometers away from the planet.

I'm sorry, Captain.

Bridge Transcript, Stardate 27619.22, USS Voshov

[Lt. Cmdr. T'Kel] I have a weak sensor track that appears to be on a trajectory suggesting a launch from the second planet's surface. Attempting to enhance.

[Lt. Janssen (Communications)] Sir, I have an incoming transmission, audio only. There appears to be a lot of interference.

[Cmdr. Llyhua] Put it through.

[???] -craft Fugu -- -ance to -- Shuttlebay 2.

[Llyhua] Say again?

[Cpt. Rurliss] Ah, that's better. This is Shuttlecraft Fugu, requesting clearance to land in Shuttlebay 2.

[Llyhua] Captain, where are you? We don't read -

[Rurliss] Interesting. I am launching a signal beacon.

[T'Kel] I have the beacon at 235,000 km away from us, on the same trajectory as that weak sensor track. Visual telemetry shows ... Shuttlecraft Fugu, with what appear to be some field modifications.

[Rurliss] That's us. How weak a track are we talking? Wait - tell me when I get back aboard.

[Llyhua] I'm clearing you for shuttlebay 2 now, ma'am. Though ... what happened?

[Rurliss] We crashed, did our survey, I repaired the shuttle, we lifted off again. Not much to tell.

Captain's Log, Stardate 27619.25, USS Hawking

Substantial deposits of tritanium identified, suitable for exploitation. Safe routes through debris field plotted. Recommend exploitation of site begin soon, as site will recoalesce into a planet in only three million years.

[New BR Colony found, Sarcissa Belt, bottom-left corner of -4f, 15 (30) BR/year]

Personal Log, Stardate 27619.9, Captain Iliae Rurliss

I really don't see what's so impressive about repairing Fugu. Oh, sure, I was Tactical track, but when you grow up in the kind of family I grew up in, on the kind of world I grew up on, you pick up certain skills. And really, it was a pretty simple field repair, especially with the resources we found on site.

The interesting thing is, we seem to have stumbled on a material with some valuable emissions absorption qualities. It's not perfect, and there's only limited quantities that could be extracted, but I think it's worth seeing if we can replicate this.

[Gain 10 sr]

Xuggaed and Kanil logs courtesy of @Iron Wolf
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So, I've managed to solve the issues I had with the Kepler, without a full rebuild. I've also given some attention to the shuttlebay:

The probe launcher is certain to change; I might move it to the ceiling, and call the top deck a lab.
Starfleet Medical does not recommend standing in front of a deflector dish.

Edit: well, that was the worst possible time to post it!
Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 27606.1, USS Selaya - Commander Tigre Zal

There's nothing like an early crisis to start the day off. Nothing like it at all.

I'm awakened three hours after turning in for the night with news that there's been a mass terrorist incident. A group calling themselves the Tigrata Liberation Front stormed Vulpetomium Plaza, the central government office building on Tigrata, taking the attendees of the STO security conference hostage. Among the hostages is my Chief of Security and Acting First Officer, Lt. Commander Lei Viza.

The TLF claims to have planted bombs throughout ten major government buildings, including the Central Bank, the Spaceport, the Senatorial Forum, and the Hall of Justice. The bombs are reportedly linked; any interference with one will set off all ten. We have 25 hours for the current government of Tigrata to step down, accepting its replacement by the Tigrata Revolutionary Committee - an obscure and previously quiescent group - and for all Federation and STO personnel to leave Tigrata's space.

I have no intention of following through with these demands.
Fallout from the Klingon-Romulan War seems to have taken an unusual turn recently on the farming settlement of Keren IV, where colonists woke up one morning to meet their new neighbors: Tribbles.
And here come the Klingon death squads....
Wow, Samyr really screwed up there. Not winning is one thing, but being rude when you're there to help with diplomatic efforts is really bad.

Yeah. And complaining about the deception could have made it a lot worse. I mean, it's basically admitting that you only wanted to compete if the game is "rigged" in your favor.
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Ah, gameplay and story integration.

[Cool In A Crisis] means that when faces with with a "crisis" she already knows how to solve Captain Rurliss is pretty much "yeah, just another day at the office".
2321.Q3 - Ex Astra, Scientia
[X] A Pair Of Considerations
-[X] 26 Enio holds the key to the Badlands, and whichever side possesses it can hide activity in the sensor shadow of that area freely. Defensively speaking it the key installation in preventing strategic surprise going forward. It would also keep the border shorter and avoid protruding/intruding subsectors.
-[X] Much like Athos V has done much for our relationship with the Romulans, shared research colonies, outposts, or stations with Pact species within the DMZ could do a lot for thawing relations going forward. Much like the Themis deal, the more that can be done to relax or create exceptions to the "no contact" rule the better.

Shipyard Operations Report

The following ships have completed construction:

USS Concord, Renaissance-class cruiser (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2627) @ Oreasa Starfleet Yards Berth 1
Starfleet Cargo Ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3724) @ Oreasa Starfleet Yards Berth 2

The following ships have completed refit:


The following ships have commenced refits:


The following ships have commenced construction:


The following ships have drawn crews:



Director's Log, Ship Design Bureau, Admiral Nyota Uhura

Admiral ch'Tharvasse,

The annual research steering committee is, if nothing else, rather a brighter affair, with the rising tide of the reorganisation netting us a slew of new two- and three-stars. Although out of everyone, Vice Admiral zh'Darlyth of Drafting Command has the brightest demeanour. The rumours about the Comet Project, soon to proceed to prototyping, are flying around the station. Project Nettle, the Warp 15 Drive System and the favoured child of Rear Admiral th'Zahliss of the Warp Technology Design Division, is a key component in the fast response frigate.

I must say, being brought up to speed with this project has been my favourite part of coming to the SDB so far. The nacelle system is a simple refinement of the Type V Cruiser Nacelles, reworked by Lasieth Craft Works Design Bureau and the massive Ushaad Drive Plant. However, the newly reworked Type VI Frigate Warp Core System, a project from Yoyodyne and Vice Admiral Jessica Rivers, is the true innovation. With a simplified five-phase to the matrix, three-phase to the nacelle plasma PTC system, delivered by an oversized Type III-B MARA, and moderated by a high efficiency injector and coolant system, the ability of the Comet to maintain a high-speed sprint is unparalleled.

Unless you happen to be thrown across the galaxy by a nigh-omnipotent rogue entity, of course. But I think I'd prefer plying the stars this way. Really, about the only part that disappoints me is that it is still using a Type III-A duotronic core. I look forward to working with Vice Admiral Clarg Aghluk and the Experimental Computing Group to develop the next generation of Isolinear cores that will surely power the ship soon.

Admiral Nyota Uhura


Current RP Pool = 644pt

7.5pts are required to activate a Tech Team
644 / 7.5 = a lot

a lot of Tech Teams may be activated. Unused rp will carry forward to next year

The following Tech Teams require assignments:

Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau :
University of Betazed :
Spock :
40 Eridani A :
Utopia Planitia :
Admiral Lathriss :
Games & Theory Division :
Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team :
Kuznetsova's Tiger Team : Horizon Research

The following Tech Team assignments are carrying over:

Intazzi Team : Generalist Frigate Project
Daystrom Institute : 2320s Ship Computer Cores
Amash Hagan Research Office: 2330s Mobile Computing
Experimental Computing Group : Production Isolinear Computers
Yoyodyne : 2320s Core Efficiency
Ana Font Design Group : 2320s Warp Core Safety
Office of Naval Architecture : 2320s Lightweight Frames
San Francisco Fleetyards : 2330s Construction Techniques
Generic Team 1 : 2330s Industrial Replicators
Caitian Frontier Police R&D : Primitive Integration
Aerocommandos Research Corps : 2320s Equipment
Inid Uttar Institute : 2330s Anti-Cloaking Sensors
Herelund Tomographics Division : 2330s Phaser Tracking Sensors
Advanced Sensor Concepts Group : 2320s High-Powered Sensor Arrays
Generic Team 2: 2320s Torpedo Tracking
Oreasa Yards Design Group : 2320s Deflector Shields
Andorian Academy : 2320s Navigational Deflectors
T'Rinta : 2320s Torpedo Development
Hacitorus Nadion Laboratory : 2320s Phaser Development
Starfleet Intelligence Office 44 (Diplomatic Analysis) : 2320s Signal Intercepts
Starfleet Science Academy : 2320s Colony Datanets
Federation Broadcast Service : 2320s Encryption
Arqueniou System Broadcast Service : 2330s Emergency Network
All Pyllix Geological Institute : 2320s Special Surveying
Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science : 2330s Special Refining
Vulcan Science Academy : 2310s Xenopsychology
Starfleet Medical Research Command : 2320s Multi-Species Care
Generic Team 3: 2320s Radiation Therapy
Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau : 2320s Sublight Motion
Generic Team 4 : 1mt Escort Design
Lasieth Craft Yards Design Bureau : 2310s Cruiser - Combat
Generic Team 5 : 2320s Explorer - Combat
Taves Nar Orbital Engineering : 2310s Starbase Design - Repair
Henn-Makad Engineering Institute : 2310s Starbase Design - Combat
Apinae Protective Engineering Bureau : Frontier Service Training
Technocracy Interstellar Ministry : Cardassian Research


[ ][PLAN] Submit a Research Plan (Only changing teams need to be listed)

For an additional +10rp each, an extra Inspiration roll will be applied to a team. Up to five teams may be boosted.
[ ][BOOST] List teams to Boost

For list of tech areas and teams, please see: The State of Play - Research Megapost


Member World Coordination Office

Ships Commissioned

Amarkia - CAS Locail (Anacail, NCC-3811), CAS Frielab (Mielab, NCC-3812)
Betazoids -
Rigel - Repair [USS Thirishar]
Apiata - 2 x Bumblebee
Orion - Refit [BDS Harmony, Centaur-B, NCC-2120]
Risa - Graceful Tide (Corvette, NCC-5014)
Licori Nobles -
Tauni - 1 Civilian Freighter
Yrillia - 1 Carryall (Independent)

-, did Samyr like, roll double-ones or something?

That was incredibly disappointing acting on her part, no excuses. And if this were the Breen, we'd probably be in a shooting war already :V
  • Daystrom Institute [Skill 6 Computing/Shields]: 2320s Ship Computer Cores [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
  • Amash Hagan Research Office [Skill 4 Computing/Personal]: 2330s Mobile Computing [unchanged] [ETC 2323-24] (two boosts guarantee 2323, but aren't necessary if inspiration hits Wolff-T'Par twice)
  • Experimental Computing Group [Skill 2 Computing/Sensors]: Production Isolinear Computers [unchanged][ETC 2325-27] (three boosts guarantee 2325, even without any bonuses from prototyping)
Warp Tech:
  • Yoyodyne [Skill 6 Warp Tech/Starship Construction] : 2320s Core Efficiency [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
  • Ana Font Design Group [Skill 2 Warp Tech/ Cruiser Design] 2320s Warp Core Safety [unchanged] [ETC 2325-26] (93.75% chance of 2325)
Starship Construction:
  • Office of Naval Architecture [Skill 4 Fleet Design/Starship Construction]: 2320s Lightweight Frames [unchanged] [ETC 2324-25] (three boosts starting 2322 guarantee 2324, but 96.9% chance a single boost in 2324 will be sufficient)
  • San Francisco Fleetyards [Skill 5 Capital Design/Starship Construction]: 2330s Construction Techniques [unchanged] [ETC 2324]
  • Generic Team 1 : 2330s Industrial Replicators [unchanged] [ETC 2326-30] (five boosts for 2326, two boosts for 2328)
  • Caitian Frontier Police R&D [Skill 4 Personal/Communications] : Primitive Integration [unchanged] [ETC 2321]
  • Aerocommandos Research Corps [Skill 3 Personal] : 2320s Equipment [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
  • Advanced Sensor Concepts Group [Skill 2 Sensors/Computing]: 2320s High-Powered Sensor Arrays [unchanged] [ETC 2324-2325]
  • Inid Uttar Institute [Skill 3 Sensors / Propulsion] : 2330s Anti-Cloaking Sensors [unchanged] [ETC 2321]
  • Herelund Tomographics Division [Skill 3 Sensors] : 2330s Phaser Tracking Sensors [unchanged] [ETC 2322] (Eaton for 2+ years)
  • Spock [Skill 6 Xenopsychology/Sensors]: 2320s Diplomacy [complete] -> 2320s Long Range Sensors [ETC 2324-25] (2324 with 1 boost and Eaton for 3+ years)
  • Weapons Fabrication Division [Skill 4 Weapons/Starship Design]: 2320s Phaser Efficiency [unchanged] [ETC 2321]
  • Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau [Skill 2 Weapons/Capital Design] : Primitive Phaser Arrays [complete] -> Production Phaser Arrays [ETC 2325-2328] (2325 with 5 boosts and T'Lorel for 4+ years)
  • Hacitorus Nadion Laboratory [Skill 3 Weapons] : 2320s Phaser Development [unchanged] [ETC 2325]
  • T'Rinta's Tactical Research Team [Skill 3 Weapons] : 2320s Torpedo Development [unchanged] [ETC 2325-26]
  • Generic Team 2: 2320s Torpedo Tracking [unchanged] [ETC 2325-29] (5 boosts for 2325, assuming T'Lorel for 3+ years)
  • Andorian Academy [Skill 5 Shields/Communication]: 2320s Navigational Deflectors [unchanged] [ETC 2324-25] (94.44% chance for 2324, otherwise one boost guarantees it)
  • Oreasa Yards Design Group [Skill 2 Shields / Frigate Design] : 2320s Deflector Shields [unchanged] [ETC 2322-23]
  • Starfleet Science Academy [Skill 5 Computing/Communciation]: 2320s Colony Datanets [unchanged] [ETC 2322-23] (boost guarantees 2322)
  • Federation Broadcast Service [Skill 4 Communication/Xenopsychology]: 2320s Encryption [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
  • Starfleet Intelligence Office 44 (Diplomatic Analysis) [Skill 2 Communication/Foreign Analysis] : 2320s Signal Intercepts [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
  • Arqueniou System Broadcast Service [Skill 3 Communication] : 2330s Emergency Network [unchanged] [ETC 2325] (Uhura for 4+ years)
  • Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science [Skill 5 Minerals/Personal]: 2330s Special Refining[unchanged] [ETC 2325]
  • All Pyllix Geological Institute [Skill 3 Minerals/Sensors]: 2320s Special Surveying[unchanged] [ETC 2325]
  • Vulcan Science Academy [Skill 6 Xenopsychology/Sensors] : 2310s Xenopsychology [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
  • University of Betazed [Skill 5 Xenopsychology/Personal]: 2320s Affiliates Research [complete] -> TASK UBZ
  • Starfleet Medical Research Command [Skill 5 Medical/Personal]: 2320s Multi-Species Care [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
  • Starfleet Infectious Diseases Institute [Skill 4 Medical] : 2330s Trauma Medicine [unchanged] [ETC 2324] (ch'Shennaryth for 2+ years)
  • Generic Team 3: 2320s Radiation Therapy [unchanged] [ETC 2323-25]
  • Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau [Skill 2 Propulsion / Capital Design] : 2320s Sublight Motion [unchanged] [ETC 2323-24]
Ship Design:
  • Intazzi Team - Grand Hive R&D [Skill 4 Propulsion/Frigate Design]: Generalist Frigate Project [unchanged] [ETC 2321]
Frigate Design:
  • 40 Eridani A [Skill 5 Frigate Design/Warp Tech] : 2320s Escort - Engineering [complete] -> 2320s Escort - Combat [ETC 2323]
  • Generic Team 4 : 1mt Escort Design [unchanged] [ETC 2323]
Cruiser Design:
  • Lasieth Craft Yards Design Bureau [Skill 2 Frigate Design / Cruiser Design]: 2310s Cruiser - Combat [unchanged] [ETC 2321]
Capital Design:
  • Utopia Planitia [Skill 6 Cruiser/Capital Design]: 2320s Explorer - Engineering [complete] -> plan dependent
  • Generic Team 5 : 2320s Explorer - Combat [unchanged] [ETC 2329*] (possibly replaced by UP in 2325, resulting in completion in 2326)
Starbase Design:
  • Taves Nar Orbital Engineering [Skill 4 Starbase Design/Starship Construction] : 2310s Starbase Design - Repair [unchanged] [ETC 2324]
  • Henn-Makad Engineering Institute [Skill 3 Starbase Design / Minerals] : 2310s Starbase Design - Combat [unchanged] [ETC 2321]
  • Admiral Lathriss [Skill 5 Fleet Design/Defensive] : Frontline Infrastructure [complete] -> Dispersed Industry [ETC 2322]
  • Apinae Protective Engineering Bureau [Skill 3 Starbase/Defensive Doctrine] : Frontier Service Training [unchanged] [ETC 2321]
  • Games & Theory Division [Skill 4 Foreign Analysis/Offensive] : United Starfleet [complete] -> Arsenal of Liberty [ETC 2322-23] (2322 with Uhura for 2+ years)
  • Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team [Skill 3 Weapons/Offensive Doctrine] : Sensor Pickets [complete] -> TASK OFFENSIVE
Foreign Analysis:
  • Kuznetsova's Tiger Team [Skill 5 Fleet Design/Foreign Analysis] : Horizon Research [tier complete] -> TASK TIGER
  • Technocracy Interstellar Ministry [Skill 3 Xenopsychology / Foreign Analysis] : Cardassian Research [unchanged] [ETC 2327-28]

[X] Base Plan Light Explorer 2327
-[X] Spock : 2320s Long Range Sensors
-[X] Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau : Production Phaser Arrays
-[X] 40 Eridani A : 2320s Escort - Combat
-[X] Utopia Planitia : 2330s Explorer - Engineering
-[X] Admiral Lathriss : Dispersed Industry
-[X] Games & Theory Division : Arsenal of Liberty

[X] Base Plan Heavy Cruiser 2327
-[X] Spock : 2320s Long Range Sensors
-[X] Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau : Production Phaser Arrays
-[X] 40 Eridani A : 2320s Escort - Combat
-[X] Utopia Planitia : 2310s Cruiser - Engineering
-[X] Admiral Lathriss : Dispersed Industry
-[X] Games & Theory Division : Arsenal of Liberty

2327 (after the 2326 research completed) is the earliest date we can count on phaser arrays being available (short of research system revisions). It's possible we might finish them in 2325 (and so being available for 2326 designs), but that's a lot of boosts to commit to and we can't always rely on an Admiral staying in a single posting for that long. The extra year also has a high chance to make the difference for availability of the following parts: Secondary phasers, T4 industry, T3 fuel & matter storage, T4 warp cores, T4 OS, T4 automation. For cruisers it makes the difference between having EITHER T3 tactical OR T3 engineering+hull+warp subframes (2326), or having all of those at T3 (2327). For an explorer it makes the difference between having T4 engineering+hull (and possibly warp) subframes or only T3.

The reason why this is a plan split and not just a task for UP even though these two plans are otherwise identical is to keep the possibility of 2326 plans open if someone wants one. I'm not putting one together ahead of time because there are a couple of non-obvious choices involved, such as whether we are willing to delay Dispersed Industry by two years (meaning an income loss of something close to 200 BR 200 SR), whether to prioritize tactical or engineering+hull+warp (in case of a heavy cruiser), whether to try to keep options open and go for a plan that could accommodate either a heavy cruiser or a light explorer in 2326 and only choosing then (implies delaying Dispersed Industry).

[] [UBZ] University of Betazed : 2330s Affiliates Research
[] [UBZ] University of Betazed : 2330s Active Diplomacy
[] [UBZ] University of Betazed : 2330s Passive Diplomacy

[] [OFFENSIVE] Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team : Attack Pattern Omega
[] [OFFENSIVE] Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team : Hand in Hand
[] [OFFENSIVE] Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team : Torpedo Charge
[] [OFFENSIVE] Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team : Battle Bridge Link

[] [TIGER] Kuznetsova's Tiger Team : Horizon Research
[] [TIGER] Kuznetsova's Tiger Team : Klingon Research
[] [TIGER] Kuznetsova's Tiger Team : Romulan Research
[] [TIGER] Kuznetsova's Tiger Team : ISC Research

Recommended boosts: Experimental Computing Group, Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau, Generic Teams 1, 2, 3
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personalty leaning toward the heavy
[X] [UBZ] University of Betazed : 2330s Passive Diplomacy
like this because we can get more minor not active pushes races into the diplo mill
i really do not know
[X] [TIGER] Kuznetsova's Tiger Team : Horizon Research
because du
[x] [OFFENSIVE] Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team : Attack Pattern Omega

Not voting for hand in hand since I have no idea what it even DOES as the United Fleet Sector hasn't materialized.

[x] [TIGER] Kuznetsova's Tiger Team : ISC Research

Because we're at level 0 on ISC research.

[x] [UBZ] University of Betazed : 2330s Affiliates Research
Parts unlock, free diplo-push, recruitment, what's not to like?

[X] Heavy Cruiser 2327
SDB says we can get a better intermediate ship as a cruiser.

[x][BOOST] Experimental Computing Group, Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau, Generic Teams 1, 2, 3
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[X] Light Explorer 2327

When in doubt I'd prefer an Explorer for doctrine reasons.

[X] [UBZ] University of Betazed : 2330s Affiliates Research

[X] [OFFENSIVE] Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team : Hand in Hand

Attack Pattern Omega is IMO the most important of the doctrine options, but more efficiently researched by the Games & Theory team in 2323 (they should only need that single year after they level up). If you think getting APO a year earlier than that is worth the reduced efficiency that's understandable though.

[X] [TIGER] Kuznetsova's Tiger Team : Horizon Research

I think ISC Research can wait a while, we don't really have all that many useful things to do even with our existing report. One more ship class analysis next year and we're probably back to low information diplomatic posture reports.

[X][BOOST] Experimental Computing Group, Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau, Generic Teams 1, 2, 3
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question that been on my mind
there is R&D for 4000k ship yards
honani have 4000k ship yard!
do we copy paste that teck too skip the R part and go into D for 4000k??