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- Mid-Atlantic
Leslie:Ah, Starfleet captains. Doing crazy shit since ... um, probably before Starfleet was a thing?
"At least 1930."
Leslie:Ah, Starfleet captains. Doing crazy shit since ... um, probably before Starfleet was a thing?
Well, I mean according to our own records it's more "since about 10 million BCE."
Leslie:Well, I mean according to our own records it more "since about 10 million BCE."
Well, if we're talking time travel, then Picard will potentially go back to the beginning of multi-cellular life on Earth, and Janeway will potentially go back to the Big Bang.Well, I mean according to our own records it more "since about 10 million BCE."
Cost. CB is just as good at resolving rolls (less D but D5 is perfectly fine for many things) but costs much less. Comet is better in a fight and in the skirmish role. We will likely build both.
"Admiral we've spoken about this before, multiple times in fact. Those are classified!"
Leslie:"Admiral we've spoken about this before, multiple times in fact. Those are classified!"
"I've also never heard of these Picard and Janeway people they're talking about, so I'm pretty sure they've been read in. If they haven't, you have bigger problems. Now, why do those damn yellow Nazi aliens keep busting in on my office? Seriously, just because I keep a phaser in my desk drawer doesn't mean you boys should be slacking off on the job!"
They have one planet and no warships. Their hat is espionage, not war.I'd really like to spend an intel report on the Lecarre the next few times, to get an idea of where their planets are, what kind of ships they have, etc. We know far too little about them to form a coherent response to things they do.
Cost. CB is just as good at resolving rolls (less D but D5 is perfectly fine for many things) but costs much less. Comet is better in a fight and in the skirmish role. We will likely build both.
Honestly the Comet will compete most with the Rennie-A... Which will handle response just as well but is a significantly better combatant and benefits more from doctrine. +2CH +1L is significant.
Getting close to two decades; I think we first met the Lecarre during Straak's first tour as captain of the Sarek, early in the mission.
Also, we don't know that they have no warships, just that Sarek didn't encounter any, which might just indicate that at the time the Lecarre had no warships they thought were worth spit when up against an Excelsior. Plus, as noted, that was a long time ago; even if their planetary income is pretty small, they've had time to build up a fairly nasty defense force by now. I bet they could give, say, a task forced sized formation of ours a big, unpleasant surprise if they wanted to.
Besides, if they didn't have a navy, the Ittick-ka or the Hishmeri would have rolled over them by now. It's kind of a tough neighborhood down there even if most of the competition is relatively penny-ante by great power standards.
It would at least be nice to have a rough idea what they have and if they've established any bases or fortifications beyond their home system.We do have our tactics reports on a possible war, which all agree any conflict with the Lecarre is likely to be special forces and espionage rather than conventional combat. Plus we know the Cardassians had to vector some ships their way to protect them from the Hishmeri. So I think it's safe to assume what ships the Lecarre may have could easily be dealt with by member fleets like the Caitians, Andorians, or the STO, rather than requiring significant Starfleet presence.
Don't our treaty with the Cardassians, like, forbid Lecarre Infiltrators, or somesuch? With penalty clauses or something.