My thoughts on what we might ask for in the Intelligence Steering Committee:
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Shipbuilding Report
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Fleet Strength Report
If third report available:
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Shipyard Report
Yes, technically the Cardassian Shipyard Report wasn't an option for the "free" report last time, but I don't know if that's an oversight or what since it is an option for the Klingon and Romulan free reports.
[ ][ROM] Romulan Fleet Strength Report
Hey @Simon_Jester I actually think we never got around to putting up listening posts in the Romulan Border Zone since there's no roll for a second report... sorry, you could have put that in your plan if I had thought to look it up.
[ ][KLI] Klingon Fleet Strength Report
If second report available
[ ][KLI] Klingon Shipbuilding Report
I figure that with literally everything in chaos, "how many ships do they have left" ought to be the simplest question to answer.
[ ][HOH] Horizon Diplomatic Posture Report
If second report available
[ ][HOH] Horizon Ship Analysis Report - Virtuoso Strike Corvette
The HoH uses diplomacy as their primary weapon. I would get a DP report on them every single year in preference to a ship report, but by all means let's start getting their ship stats if we can.
[ ][ISC] ISC Ship Analysis Report - Guardian Cruiser
Guardian Cruiser makes up the majority of their fleet.. might as well get stats.
Okay, now we get to the six general reports. I'm going to propose we devote three of them, half the total, to the Klingon and Romulan stuff as all of that is coming to a climax.
[ ][REPORT] Romulan New Government and Political Cohesion
[ ][REPORT] Klingon New Government and Political Cohesion
[ ][REPORT] Status/Progress of Klingon-Romulan War
Rather that asking for diplomatic posture, I would like to do a deep drill into what is going on with the governments of each of the respective sides so that we can support peace negotiation efforts, as well as our usual war status report.
[ ][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
It's been a couple of years since we got a Cardassian DP report, and this might aid in ongoing Gabriel negotiations.
[ ][REPORT] Connections between Imelak and Hismeri
Let's investigate this since it's a known mystery that could shortly explode. We have sources and contacts with the Hishmeri so a mechanism exists for SI to look into it.
[ ][REPORT] Gorn Diplomatic Posture Report
This last one is a little random, but we've been seeing increasing Gorn contact, including as far away as Licori space. It would be good to know what they're up to and where their Great Power Ambitions might be taking them.