I want to see her run into EC/veteran explorer science bullshit.
I mean seriously she'd just probably bluescreen at some of the stuff they do. Like Salnas using one that Hishimari frigate as improvised ablative armor and KKV.
I want to see her run into EC/veteran explorer science bullshit.
I mean seriously she'd just probably bluescreen at some of the stuff they do. Like Salnas using one that Hishimari frigate as improvised ablative armor and KKV.
The flip side is, her ship actually outguns and I think outmasses them. From her point of view they're capital ships of respectable size, but groanworthy shoddiness and primitivism.
I want to see her run into EC/veteran explorer science bullshit.
I mean seriously she'd just probably bluescreen at some of the stuff they do. Like Salnas using one that Hishimari frigate as improvised ablative armor and KKV.
I wonder if we could do some horse trading to get one of those for the task force. They are both slow but could act as roving strong points that could go toe to toe with the dreadnaught. They may not be able to beat it, but they would be able to hurt it.
The flip side is, her ship actually outguns and I think outmasses them. From her point of view they're capital ships of respectable size, but groanworthy shoddiness and primitivism.
I wonder if we could do some horse trading to get one of those for the task force. They are both slow but could act as roving strong points that could go toe to toe with the dreadnaught. They may not be able to beat it, but they would be able to hurt it.
The problem is that the Megatortoises are so much drastically slower in warp than the dreadnoughts (plural now) that all one could do would be to park in a system and pray for one of them to show up. Even our fastest ships can't actually keep up with them, except by dangerously overclocking their drives while exploiting the fact that Hayant can't afford to risk wearing out her own engines by using her ships' maximum cruising speed over the long haul.
But at least our Rennies and Excelsiors can move fast enough to reposition noticeably in time to respond to the threat posed by one of the dreadnoughts. A megatortoise can't.
The problem is that the Megatortoises are so much drastically slower in warp than the dreadnoughts (plural now) that all one could do would be to park in a system and pray for one of them to show up. Even our fastest ships can't actually keep up with them, except by dangerously overclocking their drives while exploiting the fact that Hayant can't afford to risk wearing out her own engines by using her ships' maximum cruising speed over the long haul.
But at least our Rennies and Excelsiors can move fast enough to reposition noticeably in time to respond to the threat posed by one of the dreadnoughts. A megatortoise can't.
The problem is that the Megatortoises are so much drastically slower in warp than the dreadnoughts (plural now) that all one could do would be to park in a system and pray for one of them to show up. Even our fastest ships can't actually keep up with them, except by dangerously overclocking their drives while exploiting the fact that Hayant can't afford to risk wearing out her own engines by using her ships' maximum cruising speed over the long haul.
But at least our Rennies and Excelsiors can move fast enough to reposition noticeably in time to respond to the threat posed by one of the dreadnoughts. A megatortoise can't.
Like I said, I was thinking more a mobile strong point. Something to plop down on something we don't want to be raided, essentially treat it like a pocket outpost that can move.
Well then, let me bounce the question back to you:
Suppose you were trying to design a scientifically plausible ecosystem in which active predation by large land animals was minimized. Not necessarily zero, but minimized, with any large land animals that do exhibit predatory behavior being relatively less aggressive (i.e. scavengers who will occasionally opportunistically finish off a crippled prey animal).
1) Either the ecosystem is artificial (a park) or has had recent artificial intervention that has messed it up (so it's a park gone feral) recently enough that evolution has not had much time to work. (As has already been discussed.)
2) The few predators there are are really good at predating, leaving little room for other predator species.
3) The animals are not using oxygen/carbohydrate metabolisms - maybe they are methanogens, maybe fermentors, maybe ammonia breathers, are silicon based, or breathe nitrogen oxides - as a result of using these less energetic chemistries, each trophic level is less able to support trophic levels above. So plants would support fewer herbivores, and the herbivores could not feed so many predators. Of course, the less energetic metabolisms mean organisms would be moving and growing slower and would be highly unlikely to find a way to afford large brains.
4) The planet's ecology goes through seasonal cycles with high and low predation periods - perhaps the planet has an elliptical orbit and animals concentrate on eating plants and breeding during the warm periods (so almost all animals are herbivores during the orbital "summer") and when orbital "winter" hits, most animals then switch to predatory strategies or dig in and hibernate through the long winter. As a result, the ecology looks very different depending on when an outside observer arrives. However, the turn of seasons keeps the whole planetary ecology in a dynamic balance which favours heavy focus on plant eating during summer.
I can also think of a few minor variations on the above.
Like I said, I was thinking more a mobile strong point. Something to plop down on something we don't want to be raided, essentially treat it like a pocket outpost that can move.
Megatortoises are few enough that this isn't likely to be a winning strategy all by itself. It's a big galaxy, and we're only going after this problem with a number of capital ships small enough to be counted on our finger. Unless we know very well where the enemy is going, we can't get the megatortoise there in time to use it to deter them from going there- by the time our ship arrives they're already there. Unless we can single out one place in all the galaxy that they want to go, and they just happen to not start heading there for quite a while, it doesn't work. A small squadron of cruisers and frigates would be able to accomplish the goal as well or better.
I can confirm that the Interstellar Commonwealth has entered the Gabriel Expanse, led by one of their explorer Pathfinders, with a reinforced squadron of Guardian cruisers to back them up. Their initial prospecting has already revealed a Class M world that they are looking forward to colonising. I have sent the Appleseed coreward to make contact, sending along envoys. I would like to get our cooperation off onto a solid start.
The Tellarite Engineering Team has arrived, a welcome addition. Likewise a great convoy of super-freighters and freighters from Rigel, Amarkia, Earth and Tellar Prime. All the components required to assemble a starbase are now in Collie orbit. I have been debating where to place this Starbase and the Apruzza system is my best bet. However, that won't be starting until my successor appears. I have already detailed Gorc Belth's engineers to begin establishing the listening post network.
Well, the rest of the minutiae is in the appendices. For me, this is the end of another combat command, my bloodiest yet. I return to more peaceful climes, but I will never forget those of my brothers and sisters in the fleet who continue to live as if in a forever war, sailing in the shadow of death. Yet here too Starfleet explores, seeks knowledge and truth, and expands the Federation. They uphold the highest standards of Starfleet and the Federation, even though they are far from the minds of the average shen or chan on the Great Winter Plaza. Many of my staff and commanders I have known from far earlier in their career, and I am privileged to have seen what each of them have made of their tremendous talents. I have only the highest praise for my Captains and Crew. I have grown to know and work closely with fine officers and administrators from Apinae, from Amarkia, and from Ferasa. It has been an honour to know and work with these fine people. I have come to have the same smile for the sight of a Riala that I do for an Excelsior.
My time in this command has been both richly rewarding. But I am glad to be moving on. I have seen enough battle, and I want to unlearn my current suspicions when I look at the stars.
Rear Admiral Nash ka'Sharren
Sector Command, Gabriel Border Zone
Ongoing Projects
Starfleet Engineering Team - Developing +10 SR Mining Colony 19 Dorsata II - ETC 2320.Q3
Starfleet Colony Team - Developing +10 SR Mining Colony 19 Dorsata II - ETC 2320.Q3
Starfleet Intelligence Estimates courtesy of SS Appleseed
Cardassian Exploration of Enio subsector (2g) - 100% complete
Cardassian Exploration of Gabriel Cluster Core (2h) - 100% complete
Cardassian Exploration of Gabriel Cluster Rim (1h) - 100% complete
[Known to have at least 1 Starbase in operation at 67 Gabriel
Dylaarian Exploration of Dayan subsector (4h) - 100% complete
Dylaarian Exploration of Opal subsector (4g) - 100% complete
Konen Exploration of Indigo subsector (3h) - 50% complete
Collie (Starfleet) - Outpost, Logistics Hub, Mines, 2 Repair Bay
41 Miele IV (Starfleet)
Sguirri (Apinae) - Outpost, Logistics Hub, Mines
Tal Hanar (20 Miele) (Amarkia) - Outpost, Logistics Hub, Mines, 1 Repair Bay
10 Miele II-3 (Amarkia) Class M moon, 10br & 15sr/yr, 2 planets with ancient ruins
Apruzza III [33 Dorsata] (Apiata), 20sr/yr mine site
Apruzza IX [33 Dorsata] (Apiata), 30sr/yr mine site
10 Miele V (Amarkia), 15br, 15sr mine site
29 Baker V (Starfleet), 10 (20) sr/yr mine
29 Baker II (Starfleet), 15br/yr mine, minor colony potential
23 Firefly XI (Caitian), Class M, 40br/yr, 25sr/yr - Major Colony potential
(Starfleet) 41 Miele II, Class L habitable planet, 41 Miele IV Class C frozen rock with 25br/yr mine potential
(Starfleet) 19 Dorsata II - 10sr/yr mine site, small interest
(Amarkia) 3 Miele VI, 35br/yr mine
(Amarkia) 10 Miele V, Class M Planet, 15br & 15sr/yr
(Apiata) 2 Dorsata - 2x25br/yr mine <-- only 1 mine built thus far
(Caitian) 23 Firefly IV - 10sr/yr mine
(Caitian) 23 Firefly X - 10sr/yr mine
(Caitian) 23 Firefly XII - Class L, 25sr/yr - Major Colony potential
(UESPA) 5 Firefly X - Class M, 30sr/yr - Major Colony potential
(UESPA) 5 Firefly XIII-1 - Class C, 10sr/yr
11 Dorsata - 25br/yr mine and 15br/yr mine available
31 Miele V-3 - 5rp/yr research colony site, difficult terrain, minor interest
38 Miele VII - Research Colony site
21 Dorsata IV - Asteroid Belt, 35br/yr mine site
30 Dorsata VI - 35br/yr mine site on 30 Dorsata VI (Class K colony option on 30 Dorsata III)
42 Miele V - Class M 10br & 10sr/yr
27 Firefly III - 35br/yr mine
1 Firefly V-1, moon with research sites (Ancient Ruins)
The Gabriel Sector
Starfleet Status: Normal (Can travel 1 Sq Length per 2 Weeks)
Starfleet Status within GBZ: High Alert (Can travel 1 Sq Length per Week)
Federation Status: Normal
UESPA: Normal
VHC: Normal
TSF: Normal
AG: Normal
Amarkia: High Alert
Caitian: High Alert
Apiata: High Alert
Indoria: High Alert
Orion: High Alert
Rigel: Normal
BDF: Normal
Caldonia: Normal
Risa: Reduced Chill
Gaen: Normal
Seyek: Raised Alert
Qloath: Raised Alert
Honiani: Normal
Tauni: High Alert
Ked Paddah: Normal
Laio: Normal
Ashidi: Normal
Sector Command Staff
Sector Commander: Rear Admiral Nash ka'Sharren
Task Force 1: Commodore
Task Force 2: Commodore
Task Force 6: Commodore
Auxiliary: Commodore
Apiata TF: High Queen Nerzizza
Amarki TF: Admiral Galen Toor
Caitian TF: Admirall N'shrr Anara
FBS Embedded Reporter -
FNN Embedded Reporter -
High Comb Times Embedded Reporter -
Rear Admiral Nash ka'Sharren
Current Posting: Commander, Gabriel Border Zone
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium
High Queen Nerzizza
Current Posting: Commander, Apiata Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: Medium
Admiral Galen Toor
Current Posting: Commander, Amarkian Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Politics: High
The man who led the Amarkian response to Syndicate slaving raids in Amarkian Space.
Admiral N'shrr Anara
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force Gabriel, Caitian Grand Fleet / Task Force 7, Gabriel Border Zone
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High
Sector Details
Roughly encompasses area from 4h to 1e, with outcroppings, with space above and below this plane
~15 Squares worth, each of which contains a few dozen stars, of which a quarter will have planets and other items of interest
Each power is accessing the sector from a different direction. Your staff will be attempting to surge out, claim, then retain space. Keeping a safe route for logistics for stations and nascent colonies will be important.
To start with, your commanders will have Starfleet assets and Starfleet auxiliaries. They will begin to ask for other resources, and you will be empowered by Acts of Council to pick and choose who you use to contribute.
Current Sector Policy Settings
Green Light = Fully Allowed, Red Light = Fully Denied, Yellow Light = Proceed on Own Recognizance
Apiata Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
Amarki Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
UESPA Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
Caitian Grand Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
All Member World - Fleet Unit GBZ Access - Red Light
All Member World - Auxiliary GBZ Access - Red Light
Expansion - Green Light
Infrastructure Building - Yellow Light
Mining Colony Building - Yellow Light
Civilian Colony Building - Red Light
-> Exceptions:
Civilian Colony Building (Miele Subsector) - Yellow Light
Assault on Entry Worlds - Yellow Light
Assault on Link to Entry Worlds - Red Light
Attack Opposing Auxiliary Shipping - Yellow Light
Engineering Ships = Build and Repair Facilities
Hospital Ships = Allow responses to medical distress calls without tying down your Excelsiors
Freighter/Cargo Ships = Supply
Prospectors = Required to prepare for Colony creation
Colony Ship = Required to deliver colonists
Passenger = Required for evacuations, and major colonies
Civilian = Can be set for a number of tasks.
Logistics Example Requirements:
1 Sm per four Auxiliaries deployed
1 Sm per two Escort assigned
1 Sm per Cruiser assigned
2 Sm per Explorer assigned
1 Sm, 1 Blk per Station
2 Sm, 2 Blk per Outpost
5 Sm, 5 Blk per Starbase
Colony: Varies
Starfleet Sector Infrastructure supporting GBZ
"Critical" - One of very few (or even only one) of its given type of infrastructure within Starfleet's control, the loss of which will cause major loss of function
"Key" - Important assets, the loss of which will impair functions for Starfleet
Unified Hives of the Apiata
2 Light Queenships
4 Stingers
2 Foragers
6 Bumblebees
4 Worker Bees
Indorian Congress
Member World Sector Infrastructure in GBZ
UE = United Earth
V = Vulcan High Command
A = Andorian Empire
T = Tellarite State Forces
M = Amarkian Confederacy
B = Betazoid Noble Houses
F = Caitians Grand Fleet
R = Rigel Defence Forces
P = Unified Hives of the Apiata
I = Indorian Congress
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (Honiani) [Can be taken up to four times]
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (Muuyozoi) [Can be taken up to four times]
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (Hishmeri) [Can be taken up to four times]
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (Gorn) [Can be taken up to four times]
Dispatch 3 x Weapons Platform and Outpost heavy (+2) reinforcing components to GBZ staging area at Delzarr, 35pp
Request new Starbase I [Clover in Licori Border Zone] 20pp
Request development of Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility, 18pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
Request new Shipyard at Gaen, 37pp, (12 turns, 2 x 2mt Berth)
Request Service Academy Development, 20pp (Gain +1 Enlisted throughput)
Request Academy Development, 60pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Vice Admiral position to an Admiral position. Pick one: 45pp for Starfleet Tactical (This may create subordinate Vice Admiral positions)
Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Rear Admiral position to a Vice Admiral position. Pick one: 30pp for Personnel
Total = 367
My logic:
Picking up the colony slack. The SR colony is first priority, and if we have drop one of the research colonies then whichever pays off less.
Diplomacy... For reasons much discussed in the thread, we need to be pushing on the Honiani before the Harmony can successfully recalibrate their diplomatic strategy. The Muuyozoi are also being courted by the Harmony, and we need to keep more members of the Hishmeri Septs from falling in the Eternal Empress's orbit. I threw the Gorn in as a kind of "why not". They're a fan favorite, and it wouldn't hurt to have friends who are flanking the Klingons.
Finishing off the GBZ upgrades with the option we didn't pick last time with those weapons platforms.
We need to start putting up starbases to fulfill our Ambition, so I picked the LBZ. It's not specifically urgent, but it'll help strengthen us in that area while being less provocative than one in the HBZ.
The new shipyard at Gaen is a good deal... it gets as much tonnage of berths per pp as a UP expansion, and you can't beat that. As for Ler'Vela, it satisfies my sense of symmetry to give them their second 1mt berth. We can always use if for auxiliary builds if nothing else. (I know there are concerns about tying up our engineering ships, but for a 3 year project we can probably push off a lot of the ship work with the first year being more administratively organizing things and getting resources in place.)
Maintaining our crew increases, though I thought long and hard about if we needed another Academy development. That rising cost is starting to get to be too much.
Finally, picked this year to do some clean-up on reorganizing Starfleet Command. Personnel has been hanging out there forever, and making Tactical into a Full Admiral position will ensure we can keep Lathriss and his doctrine bonus there longer.
Highlighted Officer's Summary
Promoted to Petty Officer
Ozaw - Assigned to Security, USS Atuin
Promoted to Chief Petty Officer
Rebok - Assigned to Computer Technician, USS Odyssey
Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Arozirzzi - Assigned to USS Emancipation
Promoted to Lieutenant
Dawne'teelo - Assigned to USS Pathfinder
Orgot - Assigned to Navigator, USS Challorn
Promoted to Lieutenant-Commander
Buce na'Masharr - Assigned to Conn Officer, USS Courageous
Lwaxana Nixa - Assigned to Chief of Security, USS Courageous
Beekeru - Assigned to Science Officer, USS Courageous
Promoted to Commander
Kirc blasch Brann - Assigned to XO, USS Gerzzi
Mark Heisenberg - Assigned to Deputy Director, Utopia Planitia Design Group
Jonas Hopper - Assigned to Warp Core Safety Office, Underway Department, Starfleet Engineering Command
Calai Tabriec - Assigned to Ambassador Project Team, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
T'Zen - Posthumous
Promoted to Captain
Allen Jenson - Assigned to Captain, USS Clarion
Koneegan - Assigned to Chief, Irregular Operations Department, Starfleet Intelligence Command
M'Rasha - Assigned to First Officer, Starbase 4
Joshlan xom Ghreg - Assigned to Captain, USS Dynamo
Xuysaan - Assigned to Director, Advanced Propulsion Division (Yoyodyne), Starfleet Ship Design Bureau
Promoted to Commodore
Vol Chad - Assigned to CO, Horizon Border Zone Task Force
Alexandria Kuznetsova - Assigned to Chief, Field Research Division, Starfleet Explorer Corps
Tethvox - Assigned to Director, Analysis Desk, Starfleet Intelligence Operations Command
Promoted to Rear Admiral
Hurgoc Sagek - Assigned to CO, Tellar Sector Command
Talan th'Zahliss - Assigned to Director, Starfleet Research Command
Promoted to Vice Admiral
Anyth sh'Nathriq - Assigned to Vice Admiral, Tailward Theater
Constance Lecras - Assigned to Director, Starfleet Intelligence
Rartay Aronn - medical discharge
Key Reassignments
Lieutenant Dill chim Clunn - Assigned to Communications Officer, USS Pathfinder
Lieutenant T'Wilit - Assigned to USS Atuin from USS Sappho
Commander Solen - Assigned to CO, Clover Outpost from XO, USS Sappho
Captain Demari Iekn - Assigned to Captain, USS Enlightenment from Captain, USS Clarion
Captain Enad Rebin - Assigned to Captain, USS Odyssey from Captain, USS Vigour
Captain Xuggaed - Assigned to Captain, USS Hood from Captain, USS Sappho
Captain Zolani Volanan - Assigned to Captain, USS Docana from Captain, USS Hood
Captain Jennifer Zhang - Assigned to Captain, USS Spirit from Captain, USS Challorn
Commodore Diego Zaardmani - Assigned to CO, Task Force Aqua
Commodore Saavik - Assigned to CO, Task Force Burgundy
Rear Admiral Nash ka'Sharren - Assigned to Chief of Staff, Explorer Corps from Commander, Gabriel Border Zone
Rear Admiral Waafrinch Iorin Skef - Assigned to Director, Starfleet Spacelift Command from CO, Tellar Sector Command
Rear Admiral Khirg glov Wurkon - Assigned to Director, Starfleet Engineering Command from Director, Shipyard Industrial Command
Notice of Retirement
Admiral Hikaru Sulu (intends to retire at the end of 2320)
Changes to Explorer Panel of Captains
Out: Vol Chad (promotion)
From: Rear Admiral Zrai ch'Shennaryth, Director, Starfleet Personnel Command
To: Admiral Hikaru Sulu, Commander, Starfleet
Subject: Reassignments and Ship Complements
Hello Admiral,
The reorganization of Starfleet Medical is almost complete. All that is left now is to name its new Director. I have a list of candidates for head of Starfleet Medical:
[ ][MED] Rear Admiral Leonard McCoy
Human Male, 92
The current Surgeon-General of Starfleet, Dr. McCoy is legendary for his work on the Enterprise and in the Biophage Crisis.
Benefit: +0.1 Officer, +0.1 Enlisted, and +0.1 Technician recruitment each year due to increased crew retention.
[ ][MED] Rear Admiral T'Kora
Vulcan Female, 92
The current Director of Starfleet Medical, T'Kora is a capable administrator and skilled manager.
Benefit: Increases experience gain for successful responses to medical missions.
[ ][MED] Rear Admiral Chuth bav Shul
Tellarite Female, 76
Head of the Infectious Disease Institute, bav Shul's testiness belies a strong sense of compassion.
Benefit: +1 to all plague-related rolls.
The billet of Commander, Gabriel Border Zone is also coming open. Please name a replacement for Rear Admiral ka'Sharren.
[ ][GBZ] (write-in)
Finally, four Excelsior-A class vessels are completing between 2320 and 2321.
Unnamed Excelsior-A class (NCC-2027) @ 40 Eridani A Berth A
[ ][CREW1] Crew with Explorer Corps
[ ][CREW1] Crew with Standard Crew
Unnamed Excelsior-A class (NCC-2028) @ 40 Eridani A Berth B
[ ][CREW2] Crew with Explorer Corps
[ ][CREW2] Crew with Standard Crew
Unnamed Excelsior-A class (NCC-2029) @ Utopia Planitia Berth A
[ ][CREW3] Crew with Explorer Corps
[ ][CREW3] Crew with Standard Crew
Unnamed Excelsior-A class (NCC-2030) @ Utopia Planitia Berth C
[ ][CREW4] Crew with Explorer Corps
[ ][CREW4] Crew with Standard Crew
[ ][NAME1] Name the Excelsior that will launch in 2320.Q4 from 40 Eridani A Berth A
[ ][NAME2] Name the Excelsior that will launch in 2320.Q4 from 40 Eridani A Berth B
[ ][NAME3] Name the Excelsior that will launch in 2321.Q1 from Utopia Planitia Berth A
[ ][NAME4] Name the Excelsior that will launch in 2321.Q1 from Utopia Planitia Berth C
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (Honiani) [Can be taken up to four times]
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (Muuyozoi) [Can be taken up to four times]
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (Hishmeri) [Can be taken up to four times]
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (Gorn) [Can be taken up to four times]
Dispatch 3 x Weapons Platform and Outpost heavy (+2) reinforcing components to GBZ staging area at Delzarr, 35pp
Request new Starbase I [Clover in Licori Border Zone] 20pp
Request development of Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility, 18pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
Request new Shipyard at Gaen, 37pp, (12 turns, 2 x 2mt Berth)
Request Service Academy Development, 20pp (Gain +1 Enlisted throughput)
Request Academy Development, 60pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Vice Admiral position to an Admiral position. Pick one: 45pp for Starfleet Tactical (This may create subordinate Vice Admiral positions)
Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Rear Admiral position to a Vice Admiral position. Pick one: 30pp for Personnel
Total = 367
My logic:
Picking up the colony slack. The SR colony is first priority, and if we have drop one of the research colonies then whichever pays off less.
Diplomacy... For reasons much discussed in the thread, we need to be pushing on the Honiani before the Harmony can successfully recalibrate their diplomatic strategy. The Muuyozoi are also being courted by the Harmony, and we need to keep more members of the Hishmeri Septs from falling in the Eternal Empress's orbit. I threw the Gorn in as a kind of "why not". They're a fan favorite, and it wouldn't hurt to have friends who are flanking the Klingons.
Finishing off the GBZ upgrades with the option we didn't pick last time with those weapons platforms.
We need to start putting up starbases to fulfill our Ambition, so I picked the LBZ. It's not specifically urgent, but it'll help strengthen us in that area while being less provocative than one in the HBZ.
The new shipyard at Gaen is a good deal... it gets as much tonnage of berths per pp as a UP expansion, and you can't beat that. As for Ler'Vela, it satisfies my sense of symmetry to give them their second 1mt berth. We can always use if for auxiliary builds if nothing else. (I know there are concerns about tying up our engineering ships, but for a 3 year project we can probably push off a lot of the ship work with the first year being more administratively organizing things and getting resources in place.)
Maintaining our crew increases, though I thought long and hard about if we needed another Academy development. That rising cost is starting to get to be too much.
Finally, picked this year to do some clean-up on reorganizing Starfleet Command. Personnel has been hanging out there forever, and making Tactical into a Full Admiral position will ensure we can keep Lathriss and his doctrine bonus there longer.
Ah, poor Sulu. He only lasted four years, but it's an exhausting job. Time for a younger, stronger, replicantaugment perfectly normal woman to be selected for the top job.