Only Sunblessed Stalker was lost. The other two merely suffered enough damage to make warp pursuit impossible. They weren't destroyed.

Still, that's the second time that Salnas, and Sorek in particular, have humiliated that clan.

Definitely want either an intelligence report or maybe some diplomacy with the Hishmeri soon. We clearly need to keep an eye on them...
So casting our eyes out further, here are newly available ships starting a year from now, in 2320.Q4.

Fleet Strength/Requirements Changes
2320.Q4 – Excelsior-A [40 Eridani Berth A] launches
2320.Q4 – Excelsior-A [40 Eridani Berth B] launches
2320.Q4 – Centaur-A [UP Berth 3] launches
2320.Q4 – Centaur-A [UP Berth 4] launches
2320.Q4 – Centaur-A [UP Berth 5] launches
2320.Q4 – Centaur-A [UP Berth 3] goes into refit, ETC 2321.Q4
2320.Q4 – Centaur-A [UP Berth 4] goes into refit, ETC 2321.Q4
2320.Q4 – Centaur-A [UP Berth 5] goes into refit, ETC 2321.Q4
2320.Q4 – New Member Sector (Risa?) goes into effect
2321.Q1 – Renaissance [40 Eridani Berth 1] launches, replacing Bull
2321.Q1 – Bull [Centaur-A] goes into refit, ETC 2322.Q1
2321.Q1 – Salnas Returns from refit as Excelsior-A, replaces Pathfinder*
2321.Q1 – Excelsior-A [UP Berth A] launches, replaces Avandar*
2321.Q1 – Excelsior-A [UP Berth C] launches
2321.Q1 – Pathfinder goes into refit, ETC 2322.Q1
2321.Q1 – Avandar goes into refit, ETC 2322.Q1
2321.Q2 – Renaissance [LOCF Berth 1] launches, replacing Zephyr
2321.Q2 – Zephyr [Centaur-A] goes into refit, ETC 2322.Q2
2321.Q2 – Centaur-A [UP Berth Z] launches
2321.Q2 – Centaur-A [UP Berth Y] launches
2321.Q2 – Centaur-A [UP Berth Y] goes into refit, ETC 2322.Q2
2321.Q3 – Renaissance [Oreasa S Berth 1] launches, replacing Yukikaze
2321.Q3 – Yukikaze[Centaur-A] goes into refit, ETC 2322.Q3

*Doesn't have to be Pathfinder/Avandar, but these should be switched out for some unrefitted Excelsior. Other two options are the Pleezirra or the Rru'adorr.

So let me bottom line that for you. Assuming the threat of the Eternal Empire continues, we're going to have the following new ships available to start a new Task Force or reinforce an existing task force or sector:
  • 3 Excelsior-As (2 in 2320.Q4, 1 in 2320.Q1)
  • 1 Centaur-A (2321.Q1)
Other ships completed will be swapped out for ships going into refit. (I assume no one objects to replacing Task Force blooded Centaur-As with Renaissances.) From these ships we're also going to have to garrison whatever new member sector is added next year, likely Risa.

I thought the plan was to have the Centaur-A new builds deployed into service and refit 3 other Centaur-As including one blooded. You dont want UP berths cluttered up with refits because the parallel build bonus doesn't apply. The idea was to build additional Centaur-Bs when those were done with possibly a Renaisance and a freighter in there too. In short you would have 2 additional green Centaur-A's as well as the Excelisor-As
I thought the plan was to have the Centaur-A new builds deployed into service and refit 3 other Centaur-As including one blooded.

It really doesn't matter.

You dont want UP berths cluttered up with refits because the parallel build bonus doesn't apply.

If we want to start the Kepler wave as soon as possible, there's no space in those berths to build anything else before Keplers start, so might as well do the refits in the UP berths.

The idea was to build additional Centaur-Bs when those were done with possibly a Renaisance and a freighter in there too. In short you would have 2 additional green Centaur-A's as well as the Excelisor-As

I don't see any point in starting new Centaur-Bs later than 2321.Q1. After that we might as well build Keplers instead, while we're waiting for the Generalist frigate prototype to finish.
From memory, it's a case of wanting those UP berths to be available when the Kepler leaves prototype - and refits are the only thing that fits in the time period.
I think we will want an Excelsior in the Risa sector. Iirc we never sent an EC mission in that direction, so we know almost nothing about that area. I would expect an inflated number of events to happen there just for exposition reasons, at least until we get to know our local neighbours.
All Vulcans can be hardcore; just ask the Klingons how they used to say hello. :p

I can't help but wonder if the Andorians and Tellarites in our UFP all think the current Pacifist leaning Vulcan politics as a recent and unnatural fad, and the way Solitude turned Hawk in the last election was a return to the natural state of things... :whistle:

(E: The Romulans of course know it is, and probably would accuse their cousins of being lematyas in er...the equivalent of sheep clothing.)

Oh, the truth is that the Vulcans are bidding their time, it is the logical thing to do, after all.

And when the time comes.... it is going to be logic for everybody, even the Romulans... specially the Romulans.

Unless you believe the whole Vulcan/Romulan split is one massive con, not many people do that, and most who do are simply washed out losers that decide to restart their lives in the beta quadrant frontier sooner or latter :p

EDIT: Exeter's CO deserves a commendation, but the Captain of the Salnas? that calls for a new sort of price: a medal with a simple legend: "For doing something deemed too crazy even for Kirk"
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Reserving most commentary until I've actually read the 4300-word Captain's Log post, buuut...

That would explain why that clan went for the deal Hayant offered. They wanted revenge. The failure, and indeed worse humiliation, offered by the attempt is likely to cause considerable loss of face and political strife in the clan, and may or may not result in a third attempt, or the Hishmeri deciding, 'you know what, let's not fuck with Starfleet.'
The Hishmeri being a divided species, it could even result in both.

I think we will want an Excelsior in the Risa sector. Iirc we never sent an EC mission in that direction, so we know almost nothing about that area. I would expect an inflated number of events to happen there just for exposition reasons, at least until we get to know our local neighbours.
Also, the Hishmeri might well start poking around there, and it's not so far from Orion space that one of those old Empire depots (or other assets) couldn't be there.

Plus one leftover from before the log.

In fact they were. After revolution there was a whole bunch of people who were untouchable by the law - "I'm hero of Revolution" and all that. They could do anything they want as long as they pretended to be doing things properly. Stalin fought that with different degrees of success. After '53 it returned in a different way - when you advanced enough in hierarchy you became untouchable to law again as long as you pretended to be doing things properly. So as long as all was fine on paper law enforcement could do jack and shit about real situation. Andropov tried to fight that again and suffered "sudden health failure" to be replaced with placeholder then somebody everybody in power thought that he was safe.
Duly noted.

If so, it sounds like the Soviet system's need for extremely harsh punishments of failures was in essence "required" as a response to a problem of the USSR's own making, namely the lack of accountability within the normal functioning of the system. Create a system where only retirement or death can end a factory manager's career, and if you want them out of the picture against their will, you have no recourse but to shoot them.*

I can see the logic behind arguing that IF you have a de facto aristocracy or ruling elite. If the upper ranks of your society have enough ties to the top-ranking nomenklatura, and are so influential, then this can become a problem. If in the normal course of things the system has no means of applying negative incentives to them... To be fair, in that case, I can see you saying that the only way to keep them accountable is with extreme measures. Giving them something to fear, when otherwise they would have nothing to fear, by using the full force of the oppressive, legalistic state as a sledgehammer on the worst offenders to keep the rest in line.

However, societies don't have to work this way, and high-functioning modern ones usually don't.

So I might amend my point to note that you only need maximally brutal and bloody punishments when you are trying to exercise control over a group of people who are normally above the law, and normally act accordingly. That is precisely because all normal mechanisms societies use to restrain powerful individuals with "soft power" and incremental incentives are failing to work, due to a breakdown in the society's incentive structure.

*Just to be very clear I am not saying that the sentence this footnote spawns from is 100% accurate, that the USSR literally had no way to remove a factory manager short of retirement or death. I am simplifying so that the idea I'm trying to express is reasonably clear.
1. That horny monk has apparently been playing the field for quite some time - I kinda wish that could be reversed on the Honiani, but I suppose a certain amount of anger had already embedded in to the population by the time of the revelations.

2. The Hishmeri clearly need to have closer tabs kept on them - well, the ships of that particular clan at the least. And maybe a bit of hinting to the other clans that Starfleet is Not Very Amused at their fellows.
2a. A problem is that the Hishmeri migration to Ashalla Pact space might allow them to be something of an intermediary between the current problem and the one in the wings.

3. On the bright side, there's probably only the two ships that can try and contact the Cardassians... and they're needed to go around hunting down other facilities. So the failed attempt at diplomatic contact should have had an opportunity cost.

4. I wonder how much the Empress is aware of the political circumstances - yes, she's got two massive ships and a bunch of drone cruisers, but she's effectively fighting a polity a lot larger than her... and she's unlikely to be welcomed by anyone (even the Orions), and managing to control a population in a meaningful sense needs that cooperation or sufficient numbers to do so. She's aware enough to try and head to the Pact to seek allies... how much does she still believe the baloney she was fed by the woman who woke her up and she stated in her announcement about Orions being a subjugated species and such?

5. I'm starting to feel like Starfleet should start to draw on member fleets to crush her - or at least intimidate her into coming to the diplomatic table. It feels like there's little the task force is going to do to actually make headway against her - only taking defensive shots at blocking her actions, with any failure leading to being in a worse situation (Hishmeri sect today, maybe another tomorrow... or another attempt at the Pact succeeds... or she picks up dreadnaught #3). It's not really an entirely rational feeling - it's early days yet, etc etc - granted.

I suppose it's because I feel like there's nearly always been a Federation-level crisis going on - that there's no break from crisis management. So there's an urge to just crush a crisis at any cost, in the hope that that will lead to a bit of a breather before the Cardassians decide the treaty of Celos is a hindrance... or Harmony will manage to somehow yoink the Honiani in a manner that naturally leads to a massive dilemma for Starfleet... or the other Hishmeri clans get bribed by the Cardassians to slow down and do some serious cooperative raiding.
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Regarding always a crisis

The Federation was born out of a defensive pact against the Romulans. It has survived a war with the Klingons.

It survived the serial crisis that Kirk kept finding.

Then it had a nice quiet decade or two with only internal domestic issues. (See Admirals Cartwright and Rogers)

Then we got involved ......
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I suppose it's because I feel like there's nearly always been a Federation-level crisis going on - that there's no break from crisis management. So there's an urge to just crush a crisis at any cost, in the hope that that will lead to a bit of a breather before the Cardassians decide the treaty of Celos is a hindrance... or Harmony will manage to somehow yoink the Honiani in a manner that naturally leads to a massive dilemma for Starfleet... or the other Hishmeri clans get bribed by the Cardassians to slow down and do some serious cooperative raiding.
Crisis? You've only had two crisis since the game started.

Everything else is just the ordinary bustle of running a fifteen-species strong Federation.
a somewhat heavy handed police action
a blood disagreement about R&D safety
and on going diplomatic disagreement with cardasian

apart from those thing i think we have done pretty well diplomatic wise
Meanwhile, we've been getting a front-row seat to something extraordinary. From what T'Kel thinks, the alien ship must've been carrying some kind of singularity, perhaps as a power source. It had been under some sort of control, but the subspace inversion wave ended that. By the time the ship collided with CFBDS0059, it had mostly been consumed by the singularity. It started to try to consume the body, but the huge output of radiation given off by this led to resistance to the inflow of further material. The density and temperature of CFBDS0059 are increasing as a result, accelerated rapidly by the subspace inversion wave.

In short, we are witnessing a star being born - not through the traditional manner, but artificially, 'seeded' by a black hole.

[+15 rp]

Captain's Log, Stardate 27006.5, USS Sojourner
We're keeping pace for now. I'm not sure Gale's going to be able to keep up much more than a day, though, and certainly not if our quarry decides to start sprinting.

She's heading towards Cardassian space. If she can get past our patrols and negotiate an alliance with the Cardassians... Well. I'm no legal expert, but I'm pretty sure the Council would see that as a violation of Celos.
I'm not sure how that's fair, it's not like Hayant is an affiliate of ours or anything... It'd only seem to me to be a problem if the Cardassians agree to help her subvert stuff in our space, which to be fair they probably would, right?

Captain's Log, Stardate 27007.9, USS Sojourner

They're faster, they're tougher, but they're not smarter. There are many fields in which the Orion Empire held a lead over even modern Starfleet. Subspace research clearly is not one of them.

Properly calibrated, a brace of photon torpedoes detonated in the right weak spots in subspace can cause a subspace rupture, dropping the warp field of any ship that passes through the rupture.

"Wait, you detonated torpedoes. At high warp. And tried to predict what would happen in subspace... that's... that's..."

[Old '60s-era navigator training aches]

[does Spacegoogle search]

"Well I will be double-dog damned. They have made some progress on that since I last checked. Huh. Still, that list of data-crunching processes makes my eyes water; I can't blame the old Orions for not looking into it, or forgetting about it if they did."

Captain's Log, Stardate 27006.4, USS Salnas, Captain Sorek
I have set general quarters throughout Salnas as at 15:55 Hours Starfleet Underway Time Lieutenant Commander T'Pel detected three Andalusian class Hishmeri frigates emerging from under emissions control directly across our course.

I immediately ordered a course change to return to Orion space at Warp Factor 12.5 and the broadcast of a wide band distress frequency.

At 16:05 Hours Starfleet Underway Time a formation of four Thoroughbred class Hishmeri frigates were detected moving into Salnas's new course at high warp.

I have ordered another course change towards the Mar Oscura nebula to evade my command's pursuers at Warp Factor 13.5.

"Oh no. Oh no no no. Not with that many safeties off, through that many density gradients, without the deflector firmware upgrades... ah Klono's carballoy claws, this is NOT going to end well..."

Captain's Log, Stardate 27007.475, USS Salnas, Captain Sorek

At 3:10 Hours Starfleet Underway Time I was obliged to recover the crew and passengers of the Hishmeri vessel in the gip of Salnas's tractor beam, as the Thoroughbred class frigate had received crippling damage from our high speed run through the damaging anomalies of the Mar Oscura Nebula.

"...I would not have thought of that. I'm not sure Kirk would have thought of that. That was impressive. Now, you crazy copper-boiled son of a berserk android and a torpedo tube, DON'T TRY IT AGAIN!"

Captain's Log, Stardate 27008.01, USS Salnas, Captain Sorek

Salnas exited the Mar Oscura dark matter nebula at 04:30 Hours Starfleet Underway time.As we exited the Nebula; Salnas detected four Hishmeri frigates moving into position to intercept my command: two Andalusians, and two Thoroughbreds.

We were able to use a calculated trajectory release of the remaining 47% of the Sunblessed Stalker's mass to disable the lead Andalusian frigate, while a precisely targeted all weapons systems activation was able to rapidly disable the warp nacelles of other Andalusian class frigate.

"Oh hell he's trying it again..."

With the faster Hishmeri ships disabled I ordered Salnas to make a high speed sprint at Warp Factor 14.43 towards the Quolothi fleet base located at Arqeniou.

[strangled noises]

The rift has not been entirely closed -- the materials creating it are trapped in a semi-stable temporal loop in the future. However, benefit: we have set up a series of stabilizing beacons. With more powerful generators, they can force some of the rare, transmuted materials out of the future and into the past. This will eventually close the rift entirely. A very symmetrical solution.

This does have the strange effect of causing material to disappear from the planetoid in our present when we harvest material from the future.

[+15rp, New SR Colony option - Freddy-419]

"Wait what."


"YAAAY Constellation-class SCIENCE VESSELS win the day woohoo!"


"Time adventures are fun! Gloomy captains are sad. :( "

With the immediate crisis handled, we can experiment freely with further warp field modulations until we find the state that will allow us to leave the eddy. Lieutenant Commander th'Varket is confident he'll have us free within the day, and we can get back to our patrol having learned quite some useful ins and outs of subspace physics.

This ship has survived monsters, cosmic explosions, and ancient tyrants returned from beyond the grave. Its not going to die to a simple subspace anomaly.

[Gain +10 RP, Valiant gains +1 Crew Rating]

Personal Log, Captain Zesh sh'Rannax

I still think we should be off feeding Hayant some gourmet antimatter with Task Force Burgundy, but I guess that was exciting enough in the meantime.

"...I think this is the only thing that happened all month that I'm sure I understand... so... proud..."

[sheds single tear]

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Yer Quote Boxes are broken. It starts after "Leslie strangled noises"
Spotted it, but thanks.

I mean, her first interception at Celos was Orion led tho
Yeah. I'm not sure she actually grasps that the Federation is big and civilized enough that negotiating with us is a good idea. Garita (name?) has been feeding her much of her information on the modern galaxy and she has a very large axe to grind.

On the other hand, what could we even give her, that she would consider a meaningful compromise? She believes herself to be rightful ruler of an Orion race that runs on the premise of species supremacy through more advanced technology and through ruthless enslavement of aliens. We're not going to bow down to Orion overladies, we're not going to let her actually snatch Orion planets from the Union... the best she could hope for from us would be if we just let any residual Orion monarchists emigrate to new colonies of her own founding. And I don't think she'd accept that, and I don't think we'd want that. Humbling her is a prerequisite for an outcome our Council is likely to accept, and she's not going to take well to being humbled.

Also, this has got to be freaking weird for the Orions. Like, how would the modern Chinese feel if Qin Shihuangdi arose from his tomb at the head of eight thousand supernatural terracotta warriors and started trying to claim chunks of Asia in the name of himself? How would the British feel if King Arthur showed up and promptly invaded France or the Netherlands, and it looked like he might somehow win?

The biophage and.... the Arcadian War? What's the second one?
No, that was business as usual. That was just the wartime machinery coming into play to deal with a strategic threat on the frontier. A 'crisis' is when you have an outside context problem of some kind, or that's my interpretation.

Now, if they'd somehow triggered a supernova that was spreading across the quadrant at Warp 2.5 due to spatiotemporal bullshit and we had to frantically build planetary shields and evacuate minor colonies in a spreading wave throughout Federation space, THAT would be a "crisis."

Empress Hayant is a crisis. The Biophage was a (larger, hairier) crisis. Everything else? Business as usual, or at least within the envelope of it.
Crisis? You've only had two crisis since the game started.

Everything else is just the ordinary bustle of running a fifteen-species strong Federation.

Eh, I guess I consider "crisis" to be somewhat broader than "Biophage and the Empress". The Konen offensive, the Syndicate campaign and even the Mentat War count to my mind.

Logically I can say "well, considering the range of space, it's reasonable for there to be something of key importance happening"... but less logically, I think of Star Trek (or other long-running setting with chronologies) timelines and remember seeing years where nothing really all that threatening happening - that there's occasional 'breaks' that make the crises graver in contrast, the important events standing out in comparison. The taste of peace, as it were - as almost all said crises seem to involve military force.

Perhaps "crisis" isn't the right term to use - especially as you consider that term to refer to "out of context" problems as opposed to "business as usual" issues. Perhaps "problem that must be solved with large-scale violence" is a better phrase?

I mean, Star Trek canon had those, and had some pretty massive ones to boot, but they felt a lot more spread out, I suppose. Here we have a pair just about back-to-back - the Konen-led conflict happens under a year before the Empress revives, I believe. And both are (or look to be, in the latter case) 'pure' military concerns - the Biophage had quite a bit of science and medical effort involved, along with some fairly intense diplomacy, for example, while the Syndicate campaign had a lot of law enforcement and investigatory action.
We really need to find a means to break the Ashalla Pact and incorporate Cardassia into the Federation. If only to avoid this:

And this:

Incorporating the Dawair and Sydraxians would be really good, particularly from our strategic and tactical perspectives.

I'n not sure if we can integrate Major Powers, ever. Would be nice tho.