I actually like to imagine that with the Advent of the UT, bilingualism is pretty much dead and most languages are fine, and that if it the UT ever failed most of the humans on Starfleet ship wouldn't be able to understand each other at all.
I dunno.
I'm pretty sure people don't walk around with universal translator plugs in their ears
literally all the time. There almost has to be some kind of
lingua franca that's widely used and accepted on Earth, and it sure sounds like it's English.
Furthermore, the language-learning community is vigorous enough to support people like Uhura, who knew a dozen-plus languages the old-fashioned way. If the practice of adult (and childhood) foreign language learning withered hard enough, people like that would be very rare. Now granted,
intellectually lazy people wouldn't bother with bilingualism. But the kind of high-intellect, motivated, scholarly types Starfleet selects for? That's different.
Can I ask why we got a point of Militarization for successfully catching a Romulan spy? Wouldn't a Threat Level raise be more appropriate? It feels like we just got punished for something someone else did from what appeared to be a successful event.
Thaaaat is a good point?
Sometimes you roll the dice, sometimes the dice roll you.
Okay, so
just to be clear, this was some kind of disastrous event failure, where "success" would have meant something like "+5pp" or whatever?
I don't know if the Prime Directive is going to get a lot of outraged defenders here.
At best there tends to be a sort of grudging, "Well, I can see how the Federation might have decided that was safer after a bunch of bad experiences," acceptance to it.
Honestly, I can see it. The Shanpurr are a species of super-extroverted pacifist serial hermaphrodites; they are not, to put it mildly, an 'average' species, insofar as uch a thing as an 'average' species of Star Trek humanoids exists.
The odds are good that be remaking the character of their not-entirely-consensually adopted 'child' species in their own image, they have bulldozed a LOT of stuff that just plain didn't fit in the Shanpurr social template.
Imagine if a species like, oh, the Apiata, showed up to "uplift" humanity some time in the 1500s. And they want to make us 'more developed.' As in, they're firmly convinced that we'd be better off as eusocial hive-based societies and proceeded to use all the science and soft-power leverage at their disposal to help us evolve into that?
Would that be doing humanity a favor? Certainly not an unalloyed favor.
So think of this not just as "eh, screw the Prime Directive." Think of this as the Shanpurr carrying out a cuter, softer, fuzzier version of the
rather forcible 'Westernization' of the Native American population in the US and Canada.
My version of the Amarki would be
fucking livid over this, by the way. At least when the Orion Empire visited their planet, all it stole was
people. It didn't try to turn the Amarki into a junior-varsity version of or
Meh. Considering just how sturdy certain cultures have been even in the face of extremely violent persecution, I rather suspect this ones were in their way out regardless of what the Shanpurr did. I mean, if this people were in the stone age or something like that their culture was going to go away no matter what.
Gee, I wonder what might have replaced it if they'd been left alone... Guess we'll never get a chance to find out.
The fact they got an uplift straight to a culture that won't blow up their planet, or enforce an underclass or something else like that instead of having to stumble their way forward naturally, is fully to their benefit.
Ah, yes, those poor stupid primitives we assume were stupid. They would be bumping into walls and setting their hair on fire if we were not around to show them the way!
Also, multiple native species in the same homeworld? Yeah, skipping them past the xenocide stage is a public service and also, in fact, the Shanpurr's moral duty.
We have at least one specific example in this very quest of multiple intelligent species coexisting on a single planet and doing quite well for themselves, without xenocide.
You have literally zero evidence that species-killing genocide was a plausible or even possible outcome of the Shanpurr leaving this planet alone.