So can we get more frame sizes? It seems we are pretty limited on frame sizes...

No real reason to do so? Anything we want should be on 1500kt plus so it's future proof.

We can also do a refit to P5 or higher later, so that's not really an argument either way. We don't definitely know how important either stat will be to event response (we know neither the DCs nor the distribution of the different stat checks with any degree of certainty), a higher stat could be overkill more often, particularly if the DCs aren't adjusted and no higher success thresholds introduced, but the Kepler in particular could be responding to a lot more science events than events that involve presence. Also the design is significantly cheaper. The variant without module even 15 SR cheaper.

A Presence refit would be an intense one that would require technology available much later on. Adding a science module is a power System refit requiring technologies that will be available shortly after the Kepler enters main production, iirc. It can even be done as a wartime crash refit if necessary.

Restricting the Kepler and it's Presence will also result in slowing it's Veterancy rate down significantly. And no matter how we stack it, they will be responding to Presence events, so it's best to be prepared for that.
Is this quest the most enormous quest to yet grace SV yet? If not, it certainly seems like we're headed that way.
Depends by what you mean when you say "enormous". By pages it's #6 but it's a long gap since PMAS at #1 has almost twice as many pages as TBG. I don't think there is a way to sort by word count but going off the first page of top replies TBG may have the largest at 1.1 million.

I am concerned by the Horizonite science ship.

That's deployed now, and rather better than the Kepler versions we're discussing (though maybe the cruiser frame makes it worse for some jobs).
Is it better though? Sure it's got a tougher Hull and higher Defense but for all we know it might be P1 or have a weak Shield. It also costs a lot more crew (600 vs. 450) and given it's size is probably more expensive in resources and build time.

(And it does seem to me that it is worth having expensive and good ships rather than numerous and cheap ships in this role.)
The problem is that we kinda want/need a lot of Keplers. If we want just one in every sector we'll need at least fifteen and odds are by the time we're mass producing them that will be up to sixteen with the addition of the Seyek and Qloath. Two per sector, something I've seen a number of people mention wanting, would push that up to thirty two which would make the Kepler the single largest produced class currently in Starfleet, and possibly in history.
The problem is that we kinda want/need a lot of Keplers. If we want just one in every sector we'll need at least fifteen and odds are by the time we're mass producing them that will be up to sixteen with the addition of the Seyek and Qloath. Two per sector, something I've seen a number of people mention wanting, would push that up to thirty two which would make the Kepler the single largest produced class currently in Starfleet, and possibly in history.

Which is why we should focus on building fewer ship designs in larger numbers.

Current: Excelsior
Future: Ambassador

Current: Renaissance, Constellation
Future: Excelsior Replacement

Generalist/Combat Escort
Current: Midanda, Centaur
Future: Future Generalist Escort

Science Vessel
Current: Oberth
Future: Kepler

There. I just cut down six designs to four, each playing it's own role or roles in Starfleet.
A Presence refit would be an intense one that would require technology available much later on. Adding a science module is a power System refit requiring technologies that will be available shortly after the Kepler enters main production, iirc. It can even be done as a wartime crash refit if necessary.

Restricting the Kepler and it's Presence will also result in slowing it's Veterancy rate down significantly. And no matter how we stack it, they will be responding to Presence events, so it's best to be prepared for that.
We are very unlikely to do a refit only to raise P by 1 or only to allow attaching a module so comparing just those two in ease doesn't make much sense. Both are going to be possible during any refit we are actually likely to do, and neither will be the most difficult thing to do during that refit.

An impact on the veterancy rate would presuppose an impact on the successful event rate, which was the very thing under dispute. Sure, if you start with the assumption that P5 will help in more events a Kepler actually handles than S8 does then that can have an impact on the experience gain rate. If it's the other way round then the veterancy effect will also be the other way round. The question isn't whether we can reduce the presence event participation rate to zero, the question is whether the rate of presence events where the difference between P4 and P5 matters is going to be higher or lower than the rate of science events where the difference between S7 and S8 matters, and we genuinely don't know the answer to that. It could be that the Kepler will participate in 4 times as many science events as presence events, and that P5 vs P4 matters in 16% of presence events while S8 vs S7 matters in 5% of science events, for example.
No recreation and being limited in deployment to interior sectors.

Is a rec area that important? If all it does is keep the Kepler to Federation territory, I am not seeing the downside, since science on the frontiers is the Explorer's job.

These aren't really comparable designs at all. A 1.6mt cruiser will have a very different maximum capability to a 1mt frigate thanks to the massive difference in size and cost, and is deployed in different circumstances. In addition, recent discussion in the SDB thread has revealed a reluctance to allow cruisers to scout/skirmish, so it's not likely the Scientist-class fills that role; it seems a pure-bred event responder.

If that cruiser has good event response (i.e. good presence) it would fill the role of the Kepler better than the Kepler does, though that may come at the cost of tasty war-time advantages to the Kepler design. I will stand by my concern.

I think it is important that we keep focused on a short list of missions for the Kepler. Loading on too many missions is a good way to get a sub-standard design.

While the Kepler may be useful in battle, that's not it's real job, so I don't think we should prioritize for that (designing it to be survivable if it is forced to fight is OK), exploring beyond the frontier is similarly not the Kepler's core mission.

Is a rec area something that could be added during a refit? If it could be, then maybe we can add that if we find the Kepler really does need long range.

The problem is that we kinda want/need a lot of Keplers. If we want just one in every sector we'll need at least fifteen and odds are by the time we're mass producing them that will be up to sixteen with the addition of the Seyek and Qloath. Two per sector, something I've seen a number of people mention wanting, would push that up to thirty two which would make the Kepler the single largest produced class currently in Starfleet, and possibly in history.

Point. But a Kepler that is, say, 10 sr more expensive and has +2 or more better stats overall seems a worthwhile trade-off to me.

I would like to see us ordering new classes more often and producing fewer of each even if the difference between them is small.
Why? Wouldn't that just waste pp on generating the research projects and eat up berth time doing said research and then prototypes of ships that are only small improvements?

What makes it better than waiting until we can design a new class that's a significant improvement over the current one?
If that cruiser has good event response (i.e. good presence) it would fill the role of the Kepler better than the Kepler does, though that may come at the cost of tasty war-time advantages to the Kepler design. I will stand by my concern.

I think it is important that we keep focused on a short list of missions for the Kepler. Loading on too many missions is a good way to get a sub-standard design.

While the Kepler may be useful in battle, that's not it's real job, so I don't think we should prioritize for that (designing it to be survivable if it is forced to fight is OK), exploring beyond the frontier is similarly not the Kepler's core mission.

Frankly, that point of view is naive at best. We can't afford specialization. Our industrial advantage can only be maintained if we avoid it. Each ship must have a use under all general scenarios. The fact that event response is mandatory means that ships aimed at battle can't be produced. I utterly reject the idea that we should specialize in the least.
which doesn't really change things seeing as we can't recreate the Renaissance with Starfleet's tech on the spreadsheet. This is important considering that the Jaldun-II is better in every category despite only being a little heavier and a refit rather then new build.
Turn it around. The Federation can build the Renaissance-class, therefore it must have the technology to do so, regardless of what parts are or are not available on the custom ship design spreadsheet. If the Rennie is the best-designed ship we have, it is by definition the benchmark for what we can design. And if we could build a ship as good but 20% heavier, it would be about as good as this Jaldun-bis.

I'm surprised you can upgrade frames in a refit. That seems like the sort of thing that would be unchangeable.
Again, turn that around. The point is that the Cardassians excel in designing efficient, well laid out cruisers. It may well be that this extends to designing their ships with upgrade potential and high modularity. Given that we know they designed a reasonably modular frigate that could be readily adapted into three entirely different roles.

The presence of the Hismari Septs is likely to divert sufficient Cardasian forces to make putting together a counterstrike force in the GBZ problematical.
Honestly, those guys make me wonder. We've heard practically nothing about the Hishmeri in two years or so. Have they moved on? Are they turning around? Where did they go?
A couple of questions for people to mull over regarding he GBZ.

Assuming the Cardasians try to play the diplomancy game to recoup some of their territorial loses in the GBZ what would we be prepared to surrender and what would we want in exchange?

If we do end up holding onto 45 Gabriel what do we do with it, restart mining and ship reources back to the Federation and perhaps build a listening post there?
Why? Wouldn't that just waste pp on generating the research projects and eat up berth time doing said research and then prototypes of ships that are only small improvements?

What makes it better than waiting until we can design a new class that's a significant improvement over the current one?
Because of the massive time cost of bringing a technology to production. In order to deploy a new capability we require 8 to 15 years to go through research (3 to 4y), prototyping (3 to 7y), and mass production (2 to 5y). If we leave technology on the vine because we're saving it up to put out a generational ship, we add even more years to that lag. The only way to reduce the technology lag is to constantly have new ship projects. In addition, we should upon obtaining generational tech, deploy the most impactful new technology through immediate refits of modern designs that can adapt easily (1.5 to 2y total time). Waiting decades between designs is wasting our most precious resource of all.

The time cost is in my view orders of magnitude more than the cost of the PP or the research team or the prototype penalty. It is far and away more important to reduce the time than it is to conserve anything else we have. I would pay four times the PP and prototype costs to reduce the time by half.

The problem is that comes at the direct cost of slowing our tech development.
Every class we request basically costs us a completed research project somewhere due to tying up one of our senior teams.
Buy more teams and accept the use of junior teams in class development. We've been using senior teams because we want to get new designs out asap because there's been so long between designs. Without such a large gap we can accept the use of junior teams in design projects, as long as those projects are constantly rolling.
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As to the Kepler, I am not sure of what to vote for. (The current leading option seems quite adequate, at least.) This talk of modules being added later is rather confusing. I'd also like the Kepler to have good upgrade potential (since we'll be building alot of them and they are so useful, it seems wise to make sure that they'll have a long working life). Which options have the best upgrade potential?

Is S8, P5, D5 possible with current tech?

(And it does seem to me that it is worth having expensive and good ships rather than numerous and cheap ships in this role.)

We can do S8, just not immediately. If I'm reading the time estimates for power generation tech we could upgrade the warp core, EPS, and possibly Coolant of the P5/D5 option and then slap a +1S module on rather soon after the Kepler enters service.

I can't easily say which is the easiest to refit. Depends on stats desired. I'm quite confident that I can make the 755 Design 966 after 2332, though.
Frankly, that point of view is naive at best. We can't afford specialization. Our industrial advantage can only be maintained if we avoid it. Each ship must have a use under all general scenarios. The fact that event response is mandatory means that ships aimed at battle can't be produced. I utterly reject the idea that we should specialize in the least.

I would like to see us ordering new classes more often and producing fewer of each even if the difference between them is small.

So want to design new classes often, but have each class built to do every mission equally well?

We HAVE to have some specialization. We can't afford a fleet of all-explorers.

And we have to prioritize what is really important to us in each design.

2318.Q4 - Well, They Try Addition - Bajor Situation
Report On The Bajor Situation
The contacts made by the USS Atuin on Stardate 26600.9 are now calling themselves Tears of the Prophets colony, and have been a major boon in helping us piece together the larger Bajoran situation. While their stories cannot be considered entirely reliable, as they have every incentive to reinforce their caste-based viewpoint, the work of those in Office 30 and Office 34 to corroborate their claims cannot be understated. We've also found success in making contacts on Valo II, another Bajoran diaspora site.

The party encountered by the Atuin claimed that the Cardassians have been increasing their mineral extraction operation massively. Signal intercepts and field intelligence confirmed this was partially due to our threat in the Gabriel Border Zone. Now that their facilities in the Enio sector and at Gabriel 45 have been captured or destroyed, the Cardassians are expected to accelerate this process further, in an attempt to make up for some of the shortfall.

The consequences are far-ranging. Tears of the Prophets and the refugees on Valo II speak at length of villages being depopulated by forced relocation, then often destroyed by Cardassian strip-mining. The Bajorans report little concern by the Cardassians for environmental safety, and so the few villages that are not destroyed are rendered uninhabitable by contaminated water supplies, soil leaching, and caustic rain. The Cardassians have used this as an excuse to pack more and more Bajorans into urban centers, a new state of affairs for a largely pastoral people. This move provides the Cardassians with a centralized workforce and better control over the population. It also reduces the ability for the scattered, rural-based resistance groups to gather supplies and recruits.

Despite the claims of the Atuin's contacts, other sources suggest the caste structure is not being completely dismantled. In a successful attempt to direct popular discontent on Bajor away from themselves, the Cardassians reportedly stood by during an uprising against First Minister Hokal Ennog. They then used the resulting chaos to install a new First Minister, Marak Barra. Educated in Cardassian schools, he has for now successfully directed the dissent of the populace away from the Cardassian occupation and to the reformation of the existing regime. Our Socio-Political analysts believe that to do this Marak is importing the Cardassian bureaucratic structure and giving it more rigid boundaries. The Cardassians apparently have supported this move, as it gives them their chosen leaders the supposed divine backing of the Prophets, and allows them to play castes against each other. From the perspective of Bajoran hardliners, this twisted perversion of their ordained system is tantamount to abolishing it altogether, leading to the rhetoric reported by the Atuin.

The Cardassians have so far made little effort to interfere with the worship of the Prophets by the Bajoran people. This is most likely to avoid unifying the deeply spiritual Bajoran people against a common religious enemy in the Cardassians, especially during a time of social upheaval. While the Caste system derives its legitimacy from the Prophets, the iteration under First Minister Hokal has been cast as a political construct that need reform, and Marak's reforms as offering the structure to Bajoran society that pleases the Prophets, while also making it more efficient and equitable.
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So want to design new classes often, but have each class built to do every mission equally well?

We HAVE to have some specialization. We can't afford a fleet of all-explorers.

And we have to prioritize what is really important to us in each design.

Some specialization, yes, but my opinion is that under every single typical deployment scenario (peace garrison, peace local tensions, limited war, total war, and so on), each ship should be able to fill multiple roles that overlap to some degree. The degree of specialization you're advocating in avoiding Kepler use in the war scenario is bad for us and will cause us to lose wars because we put a considerable amount of resources, our biggest advantage, into ships that can't be used. Same for, for example, building a science responder that can't also respond to presence events to some degree (say, P1 instead of P3+). Specialization that creates inefficiencies is bad.
Too bad, I was hoping they were already dealing with the caste-issue so we don't have to do it once we take over, sorry free, the planet.
Well, can't rely on those Cardassians for any solid work.
Buy more teams and accept the use of junior teams in class development. We've been using senior teams because we want to get new designs out asap because there's been so long between designs. Without such a large gap we can accept the use of junior teams in design projects, as long as those projects are constantly rolling.
We can't buy arbitrary numbers of teams because we don't have unlimited pp and the cost of new teams has been increasing rapidly recently. This year we spent 120pp for teams, and I wouldn't be surprised if the cost per team is 60pp next year. It would be more reasonable to assume that we will already have as many teams as reasonably viable most of the time rather than that we can always just get one more team to compensate without issue.

And it's not like putting newbie teams on class design projects would help, they are actually going to be less efficient than senior teams most of the time due to class design projects having many different techs and inspiration being useless for them. If the cost of class design projects stays constant while the cost of research projects increases class design projects will tend to have less of an impact with time, but we don't know whether that will be the case. Oneiros is probably going to revise the pricing of class design projects to keep them from being all identical.
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So want to design new classes often, but have each class built to do every mission equally well?

We HAVE to have some specialization. We can't afford a fleet of all-explorers.

And we have to prioritize what is really important to us in each design.

Just as importantly, our member worlds can't afford to have do everything designs. We need a cheap combat escort that dumps most mission options so that our member worlds can build it in bulk. A bulk that won't do missions by and large.
Omake - Spirit of 45 Gabriel - Briefvoice
Spirit of 45 Gabriel

Characters have previously appeared in following omakes:
Off the Ranch
Academy View
Comings and Goings
Qute and the Space-Time Vortex

9 Months before Battle of 45 Gabriel: Olympus Mons, Mars

"Guess who!" demanded a familiar voice as two hands covered Jacqueline Appel's eyes.

"Well it better be Dash sh'Rinboq, cause I don't know anyone else with blue hands who would reckon they could get away with playing 'guess who' with me," replied Jacqueline.

Taking her hands away, Dash circled around the small table and settled into a seat across from Jacqueline. "What about Rartay?"

"Rartay would say, 'A lady could, but she never would'," said Jacqueline in a decent approximation of their amarkian friend's refined tones. They both laughed.

"But seriously, what are you doing here Dash?"

"Duh, same thing that you are. You are looking at the new Gamma Shift Helm officer for the USS Spirit... well, once it launches that is."

"Helm officer on an Excelsior, huh? Somebody better warn the Captain never to order you 'full speed ahead'. Ah still remember what you did in that simulator. Warp bubbles are not supposed to flash rainbow colors!" teased Jacqueline.

Her andorian friend looked annoyed, antenna shifting back and forth. "I don't care what the simulator thinks, my math says it'll work... I mean, as long as I can steer around any subspace instabilities in our flight path."

"All right, sorry I done brung it up. Don't want to be having this argument again. But yeah, it's great to see you, Dash. Good to be shipmates with one of the old gang," answered Jacqueline, pleased.

"It's going to be awesome! I mean, being Helm Officer on its own was worth it, but I am so ready to get off the Renaissance," agreed Dash.

"I always thought you liked it there. Didn't your letters go on and on about it?" replied Jacqueline, puzzled.

"I did, when Captain Leaniss was in charge and we were out doing things! I learned so much from her, even when things were rough, like at the battle of Gammon." Dash paused at the mention of the concluding battle of the Arcadian war and looked solemn for a moment. Then the moment passed.

She continued. "But then Captain Leaniss left and we got posted to the Gabriel Border Zone... or maybe I ought to call it the Gabriel Boring Zone."

"It can't be that bad."

"I'm serious. There's nothing to do there. We've got the place garrisoned up with 20 Starfleet ships, never mind the member world fleets, so there are enough phasers and torpedoes to keep the Cardassians scared off. Fine! But that means that whenever there's anything interesting to do, there's 20 ships competing for the job. Mostly we just crawl along, following cargo ships and freighters so they don't get attacked. Maybe once in a while the Cardassians give us a scare to make sure we stay awake, but apart from that it's months of boring at a time. And forget about shore leave anywhere fun."

"Hmmm," hummed Jacqueline in a non-comment.

Dash grinned. "Yeah, I didn't think Lt. Jacqueline 'Explorer Corps' Appel would know much about boredom. How did they get you out of the EC anyway?"

"It was stay a Lieutenant Junior Grade on the Courageous or come be a full Lieutenant on the Spirit. Now ah do love the Corps, but if I ever want to get my own command someday I have to keep moving up. Besides, after some of what we saw I'm ready for a standard sector patrol. Those parasites that messed with our memories were about the worst!"

Dash gestured towards Utopia Planitia far overhead. "Well where one goes out, another goes in. You were copied on the same letter I got; looks like Mitchie has a posting on the Opportunity. Guess she'll see some Explorer Corps fun on her own."

Jacqueline glanced quickly to one side and then the other.

Dash put her hands on her hips in exasperation. "Oh come on. She's not going to appear just because I mentioned her-"

"HEY GIRLS," boomed Mitchie Peh as she appeared out of nowhere and slapped both of them on the back.

"Dang it Mitchie, you sure you're not part Q?" said Jacqueline.

"Part what? Anyway, my Mitchie sense told me two of my old pals were here and it is time for a reunion par-tay!" answered Mitchie, practically bouncing on her toes. The other human hadn't changed much since the last time Jacqueline had seen her, still all big grins and poofy hair.

"The scary part is, I believe her," said Dash to no one in particular. "Too bad we can't have the whole gang here, but T'Wilit and Rartay are still out on the Sappho in Amarkia sector, and Shayla-"

"Is scheming to get her way on the Kepler when it launches in a few years, just you wait," said Mitchie happily.

"Huh?" asked Jacqueline.

"Poor, sweet naive Applejack," said Mitchie, patting Jacqueline's head. "What, you thought she joined the 40 Eridani A Ship Design Bureau because ship design is her passion all of a sudden?

"Half the people there right now transferred to work on the Kepler project, and half of those are looking to pad their record to get on the initial crewing. 'I literally helped design the ship' looks good on your application," continued Mitchie.

"How do you know all this?" demanded Dash.

"I have sources. So many sources," declared Mitchie smugly.

"I guess we're lucky just to have the three of us all in one place," said Jacqueline, picking up the earlier conversation thread. "It gets harder and harder with the six of us spread across the Federation like we are."

"Hmmm, that does make party planning tough" said Mitchie, putting a finger to the side of her head as she thought. "Oh, I know! You'll just have to buckle down, do amazing things in your career, and get appointed to captain a five year mission. Then Dash can fly the ship, and Shayla can be the CMO, T'Wilit can be your Science Officer, and... I dunno, Rartay and I can take turns being First Officer. Then we'll hang out for five years!"

"Take turns, wha- That don't seem too likely, seeing as how we all graduated the same year," replied Jacqueline.

"So get a move on and be appointed the youngest Explorer Corps captain ever!" said Dash, getting in on the joke.

And the three of them laughed and enjoyed their reunion, however brief.


4 Months before Battle of 45 Gabriel: USS Spirit, Cardassian Border Zone

Lt. sh'Rinboq jerked into alertness as the Turbolift doors opened and Captain Przybylski came onto the bridge a full 2 hours before Gamma Shift was due to end. The ship had launched only a short time ago, but she was pretty sure that was unusual for him.

He settled into the command chair after it was hastily vacated by Lt. Commander Dimal. "Lieutenant, what's our current course?"

Dash double-checked her panel, though of course she knew the answer already. "Underway to Starbase 9 at Lapycorias with an ETA of about 30 hours, sir."

"Plans have changed. Plot a new course to Delzarr in Apinae Sector. And increase speed to Warp 8."

There was a pause of a couple of seconds as Dash waited for him to continue to explain, only to realize that no explanation was coming. "Aye sir," she finally coughed out just in time not to seem insubordinate. Dash began laying in the new route. As she did, she snuck a look at Jacqueline, who was on a sensors station near the wall. The other lieutenant caught her eyes and then glanced meaningfully at the Comms station. That was right, an eyes only transmission come come through for the captain about half an hour ago.

As it developed, they didn't have to wait long for an explanation. As soon at his first officer arrived on bridge, Captain Przybylski made a shipwide announcement. "Attention all crew, this is the Captain. We have received new orders from Starfleet Command. I'm sure all of you are familiar with the recent destruction of the Republic. A large retaliatory force is assembling in the Gabriel Expanse under the command of Rear Admiral ka'Sharren, and the Spirit has been ordered to join them. We are going to war.

"Make no mistake, this will be very different from when we recently engaged a crystalline cosmozoan in defense of Miirilin. We go now to face an intelligent, determined enemy. As we brave that danger in the weeks and months ahead, I know all of you will perform in the finest traditions of Starfleet. Consult your duty officers for details on specific preparations for your departments. Captain out."

As soon as their duty shift ended, Jacqueline grabbed Dash to go talk.

"Just when I thought I was out of Gabriel, they yank me back in," complained Dash.

Jacqueline gently smacked her on the shoulder. "Hey, be serious! This is... I mean, you know I missed the entire Arcadian War. They never pulled the Odyssey off duty to assist. But you were in the main battle task force on the Renaissance. What was that like?"

"Scary. When you're in a big fleet battle like that, you have no control. It's all about who the other side shoots at, if they get a lucky hit or not, how the ships on your own side are doing... it's chaos, and not the fun kind. All you can do is trust your ship, your captain, and your admiral."

Dash ruminated for a few seconds, then spoke again. "We didn't see any warp core breaches, but I still remember how it felt when we heard about ships going down. The Endurance... the Sojourner... and the Thunderhead cracked clean in half. Not to mention the shots the Renaissance was taking. We lost thirty people. Nobody I knew too well, but they were still part of the crew."

"Dash, ah'm sorry I..."

"No, it's fine. I thought about resigning from Starfleet after that, you know? That's not why I want to be out here. I want to fly ships and explore and make friends and help people. But I guess sometimes you have to fight to keep everyone safe. So here we are, going to show the Cardassians they can't blow up our ships and get away with it. But it's hard when you know so much in a battle is outside your ships's control."

Jacqueline thumped a wall. "It's different in the Explorer Corp, I guess. We sure get into plenty of scrapes there, but you always feel like there's something you can do about it. Some last minute trick or smart idea Captain Thuir or Captain Mbeki or Captain Sabek would pull out."

Dash patted her friend on the shoulder. "Come on Applejack, let's get something to eat and you can tell me some Explorer Corps stories."

"Sure! Ah ever tell you about the time I lassoed a god?"


2 ½ Months before Battle of 45 Gabriel: USS Spirit, orbiting the remnants of Collie Mining Colony

"Put that back Lieutenant, there's no one left alive from the mining complex," said Captain Przybylski.

Jacqueline hefted the medical supplies kit and protested. "But sir, Dash- I mean, I heard from Lt. sh'Rinboq that sometimes personnel liked to go exploring when they got bored. Maybe there was someone far enough away from the blast site, and our sensors are missing them with the ionized atmosphere and all-"

The Captain looked about to reinforce his order when Rear Admiral ka'Sharren interrupted him. "That's a good thought, Lieutenant. Go do a circuit of the perimeter while the rest of us are sifting through the remains."

The Admiral's voice held its famous confidence, but Jacqueline thought she detected an underlying bitterness. Well, no wonder. If they'd only arrived a little earlier, maybe the Konen attack could have been stopped before it destroyed the mining colony. Or maybe it would have caught the Spirit with its shields down and blown it up. Chilling thought.

The Admiral, the Captain, and various personnel beamed down to Collie. The weather was typically awful, wind and rain howling, but it fit everyone's moods. While the others took sensor readings of the facility and looked for its 'black box' recorder that should survive even an orbital phaser strike, Jacqueline wandered around outlying areas scanning with her tricorder.

She didn't find any survivors.

She did find a boulder with "KS + JMV" scratched into it, a reminder of some couple who had commemorated this spot but would never be back to see it again. Jacqueline realized her cheeks were wet, but it was probably just the rain.


Battle of 45 Gabriel

The Spirit's battle bridge shook with impact. Jacqueline checked her screen. "Torpedo impact from Jaldun 2. Shields holding at 80%. No damage"

Lt. Commander Dimal nodded from the command seat, his rigellian features calm. He issued no orders because there was no cause to issue any. None of them had any duties, yet. They were here manning the battle bridge purely in case the main bridge took an unlucky hit that wiped out the command crew and someone still needed to be flying the ship. They had to keep absolutely up to date on everything that was going on in the battle, but at the same time they could control none of it.

It was hell.

"Not that way," muttered Lt. sh'Rinboq. Her hand twitched above the controls, disagreeing with the decisions of Helm on the bridge, but she couldn't do anything about it.

Lieutenant Parhynr over on comms gasped in a way that everyone knew instantly was bad news. "USS Renaissance has suffered a warp core breach. It... it's gone with all hands."

"No," murmured Dash not very loudly.

Over the next hour the battle continued. The Spirit continued to take attack after attack from both Jalduns and Kaldars both, shields gradually weakening to as low as 20%, but never quite failing. Finally they escaped the crossfire, firing back the entire time. Finally free, Captain Przybylski took them in after one of the Konen ships, a Whisper class. They managed to knock out its shields and then keep them down. The Spirit then joined the Riala in an assault on the Konen flagship, the Death Rattle, pounding its shields until the Riala could get in a killing shot. Everyone was so numb by this point that the announcement that the Huascar too had fallen to a warp core breach barely shook them.

Finally with the rest of the enemy fleet in retreat, they joined the Endurance in blowing up the Gabriel 45 Outpost. It was over, and somehow the Spirit hadn't even been scratched, never suffering shield burn-through and not a single crew member dead. How lucky they were. How lucky.


Battle of 45 Gabriel: Aftermath

Afterwards Applejack kept Dash company while she mourned the Renaissance, alternately drinking and crying for all the people she had known, then raging at the Cardassians and the Konen for their loss, at Leaniss for leaving the ship, at Admrial ka'Sharren for not saving them.

"War sucks!" declared Dash sh'Rinoq, and Jacqueline Appel could hardly argue with her.

A week later, Captain Przybylski had a new announcement to make.

"Attention all crew. You will have heard that a number of ships brought in to reinforce the Gabriel Border Zone will be staying behind to make up the numbers in light of our losses during the campaign. I've just received orders from Starfleet Command, and the Spirit will not be among them. Instead we are to proceed to Rigel Sector and then beyond to anchor the new Horizon Border Zone.

"These past few months have been hard on us all, and I join you in mourning the wounded and the dead. The Spirit launched less than a year ago, and already it's seen the worst that service in space has to offer. I hope that in our new assignment we will see the best. Perched on the edge of Federation space, we will be at the front line to encounter new life, new civilizations, and new worlds. And more than that, the Spirit will seek to learn more about the many civilizations in that area of space that we have known for only a short amount of time. To understand them and help them understand us. To aid those in distress and encourage peaceful exploration. I look forward to this mission as a new beginning for the Spirit. Captain Przybylski out."

Sitting in the crew lounge, both Dash and Jacqueline found themselves grinning.

"Well, don't that just beat all. We might find ourselves teaming up with Mitchie on the Opportunity yet," said Jacqueline.

"You said it, Applejack!" agreed Dash.
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