[X][KEP] S8/P4/D5 Kepler with rec by Nix

The most science for the science ship!

The Gaen, Vulcan, and Caladonians are going to love this. Risa would love P5 party ships, and D6 really fast options. Ah well.

[X][KEP] S8/P4/D5 Kepler with rec by Nix

[X][KEP] S8/P4/D5 Kepler with rec by Nix

I like the fact that we can switch between a Science! and a budget version.

[X][KEP] S8/P4/D5 Kepler with rec by Nix

[X][KEP] S8/P4/D5 Kepler with rec by Nix

[X][KEP] S8/P4/D5 Kepler with rec by Nix

I'd like to hear your reasoning for the P4. This is significantly cutting into the Kepler's ability to hold down peace time event response, and to take over for our Excelsiors in time of war. S8 does not help us significantly for event response. It makes the Kepler better in the Scout role, yes, but this is and should he a rare occurrence. Moreover, if we need a S8 Kepler for some reason it is easy enough to conduct a power system refit and add a Science Module after the prototype completes. And if not, using the S7/P5/D5 model means that by 2332 we can refit up to S9 P6 D6 easily.

S8 is overkill and defeats the purpose of the Kepler. If we need a superscout, we can build one.
I'd like to hear your reasoning for the P4. This is significantly cutting into the Kepler's ability to hold down peace time event response, and to take over for our Excelsiors in time of war. S8 does not help us significantly for event response. It makes the Kepler better in the Scout role, yes, but this is and should he a rare occurrence. Moreover, if we need a S8 Kepler for some reason it is easy enough to conduct a power system refit and add a Science Module after the prototype completes. And if not, using the S7/P5/D5 model means that by 2332 we can refit up to S9 P6 D6 easily.

S8 is overkill and defeats the purpose of the Kepler. If we need a superscout, we can build one.
We can also do a refit to P5 or higher later, so that's not really an argument either way. We don't definitely know how important either stat will be to event response (we know neither the DCs nor the distribution of the different stat checks with any degree of certainty), a higher stat could be overkill more often, particularly if the DCs aren't adjusted and no higher success thresholds introduced, but the Kepler in particular could be responding to a lot more science events than events that involve presence. Also the design is significantly cheaper. The variant without module even 15 SR cheaper.

For most presence events I would prefer to send an Excelsior or Renaissance anyway because often failure could mean combat breaking out, and avoiding having higher P than the Renaissance means the Kepler won't be picked ahead of it for such missions.
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tally time
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Sep 9, 2017 at 1:22 PM, finished with 48 posts and 11 votes.

Simple answer: Yes, probably.

Complicated answer: Yes, probably, but we don't have a 1200kt frame, so it would be inefficient as we'd be using a 1500kt frame. Their costs would still be better. Our next "cruiser" is likely to be an Explorer framed All-7s/H6.

So can we get more frame sizes? It seems we are pretty limited on frame sizes...
Did anyone not expect the Sowtaw to become a Romulan ally/client state?

I'm surprised other people are surprised, I thought this was the intent from the beginning.

Hell, I've been expecting those crazy miners to crash into the Klingon's flank every time we've had a War Update.

Captain's Log, USS Sappho, Stardate 26708.7

I think I will need a talk with the surviving away team members.

The dreadnought's main shuttle hangar contained a one hundred kiloton parasite craft with no apparent airlock entrance or viewports. Three of our engineering staff reported they were seeking an alternate access method. Two minutes later, the ship blew the shuttlebay door open and tore off into space. We didn't detect any life signs aboard. This is a drone ship. It fired disrupters as soon as we were in its sights, and took out our shields before we could even shoot back. It stopped when I ordered inertial dampers released and main power turned down. Now its set an intercept course for a civilian cargo ship exiting Leas Akaam.

I have had everyone beamed back aboard, and we are in pursuit. We're going through the data we gathered from the derelict, and cross referencing everything historically known about Orion Empire fleet doctrine. There are no other Starfleet ships within range to intercept, and the Confederate Amarki Navy's nearest frigate won't get to the cargo ship before the drone does.

On one hand, Berserkers, Great. This thing will keep killing until Sappho takes it out.

On the other hand, if Sappho captures it intact we can get drone weapons of our own! Come on Sappho, score big! Hogtie that bot and bring it back home!

Captain's Log, USS Sappho, Stardate 26708.9

Just two hours before intercept, we isolated the emergency recall signal from the other automated messages in one of the derelict's hard drives. When we transmitted the signal, the drone ship turned around and set a collision course for the Sappho. We made sure there were twelve photon torpedoes in its way. It would have been nice to recover the drone intact, but too much risk.

Ships has arrived from the Confederacy of Amarkia and the Orion Union to help inspect the main derelict more closely. If it is safe, President Motarr of the Orion Union hopes to make it a museum ship.

Sappho, I'm making my 'I'm disappointed in you' face.

As a further point of interest, we have determined that the hollow moon accidentally collapsed by the USS Enterprise on stardate 20715.6 was, in fact, the remains of another stellar body that had been used as an incubator by this species.

No Nash, Starfleet Geology Command will never let you forget that one.

Personal Log, Captain Vol Chad

Who needs Nash Magic when you have Chad Magic! Vol Chad for Commader, Starfleet 23XX!
Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 26709.2

By drilling addition shafts into the moon and lodging a high-powered sonic reverberation device in each, we have subjected the organism to a constant vibrational bombardment that makes its feeding impossible. The organism has entered into a state of hibernation, which we believe will continue for as long as the vibrations prevent it from continuing its growth.

With further research of this dormant specimen, I believe that Starfleet may someday devise a method of harmlessly deterring this species from attacking starships. It is both logical and morally imperative to exploit this opportunity to discover a means of peaceful coexistence.

As a further point of interest, we have determined that the hollow moon accidentally collapsed by the USS Enterprise on stardate 20715.6 was, in fact, the remains of another stellar body that had been used as an incubator by this species.

[Gain +10 rp, Research colony option at Beta Cthon I-B]
So how long until the cosmozoan joins Starfleet and becomes captain of a ship?
Is the Starfleet Academy on earth the only one in the Federation? Or are there Satellite campuses for students that are coming in from the opposite side of Federation Space closer to the Cardassian border? If it doesn't have on Amarkia should have a second main Starfleet Academy based on it.
As for the Jalduin 2 its now has a disturbingly high S and P score meaning most of these ships encountered in the next few years will be blooded; not an encouraging development.
Cardassian ships use conscript crews and don't respond to all the same kinds of events we do anyway. It's not clear if they have a veterancy mechanic.

We may wish to carryout diplopushes on the Ked Padah and the Tauni in the next snakepit as those are likely to be anchor points in the HBZ.
That sounds optional, and at 40pp we may have to do without it. Pushing the Licori seems more important in my book, because they're the ones the Romulans are actively courting.

Then why is the new Jaldun flat out a better boat? Did they design a 2340s ship from a 2310s base?
Because it's 20% heavier, maybe even a little more with the refits. What they have is basically an uparmored Renaissance with +1S -1D, and given that they're accepting two hundred thousand tons of extra hull (that is, the size of a pair of Nimitz-class supercarriers) in extra weight), improvement's to the ship's armor scheme and shielding are to be expected.

It's very disturbing how the Cardasians have a more effective cruiser than us in pretty much all categories that matter for a slight bump in tonnage and being cheaper in SR costs, I was always under the impression that Federation ships of the same 'year' date would tend towards being well... better but having to spread their stat focus across a broader range of capabilities, whilst groups like the Cardassians or the Klingons would have a slight edge in the military stats.

Kind of a shock to see the Jaldun II being straight up superior to the Rennie in Science as well as hull and shields. The only stat a rennie has the edge with is D, which for a cruiser makes little difference iirc.
It's a size issue. We're limited in the maximum size of cruiser we're comfortable building by the mass of one-megaton berths we have, a size that was presumably originally intended to fit the old Constitution-class explorers back in the last century. By contrast, the Cardassians do not labor under such a restriction, and can build cruisers that are just plain bigger. With equal or only-slightly inferior technology, that inevitably means the Cardassians can build a superior ship.

(NOT A GM Statement, just musings)
Yeah, come to think of it we're going to have to be careful telling those apart with four co-GMs. :p ;)

Our intel says there are three Takaaki Science vessels total - we know where all three are currently (one in their side of the CBZ, two scouted for Pact fleets in the GBZ). Was the second GBZ one always there, or was it transferred in from this other war they had going on?
Two of them being deployed in the Expanse would make sense given how many surveying operations there are to do there.

The Romulons are actually winning some of their fights. Bit of a change from Klingon Klingon Klingon. We avoided diplomacy with the Somtaw because they were in the RBZ - guess the Romulons did not extend the same back to us.

There is only one 'O' in "Romulan." There are two 'A's in the word.

More then that; the Federation-Romulan Neutral Zone is an area neither side is supposed to enter. We see multiple times in TNG the Federation and Romulans getting angry at each other for the other side entering, or as they call it on the show trespassing, the Neutral Zone. Having an ally inside the Neutral Zone renders it's whole point for existence moot!

To be quite honest, it's pretty clear in hindsight that the main reason the Romulan Neutral Zone ever existed is that the Romulans wanted it, because they were afraid. If they don't feel a need for the Zone anymore, then maybe it would be for the best if it becomes a part of history rather than current events, mucas the Berlin Wall.
Do we know what if any technology other than sensor tech was leaked by the Caitian's. The sensor tech was the most obviously damaging one in the short term but there are other things we would be unhappy about the Cardasians aquiring.
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Is this quest the most enormous quest to yet grace SV yet? If not, it certainly seems like we're headed that way.

How close did we come to disaster in the Enio campaign? From the tone of the updates, it seems like we came rather close to disaster.

However, the Cardassians can't be happy right now. The Federation is consistently winning battles with them and their clients.

Between the stresses of the constant expansion of the Federation, the Cardassians, the Horizon and the still dangerous Klingons and Romulans, I am starting to feel like we may need a funding increase soon (especially if that funding increase boosts recruitment as well).

I feel people are being a little causal about the Somtaw situation. Romulan trade with the Somtaw is to be welcomed, but I'd like to see if we can keep the Somtaw as friendly to the Federation as they are to the Romulans.

I am concerned by the Horizonite science ship.

[Scientist-Pattern Science Cruiser. 1578kt, 405m, 600 crew, C2, S7, H4, L?, P?, D7]

That's deployed now, and rather better than the Kepler versions we're discussing (though maybe the cruiser frame makes it worse for some jobs).

As to the Kepler, I am not sure of what to vote for. (The current leading option seems quite adequate, at least.) This talk of modules being added later is rather confusing. I'd also like the Kepler to have good upgrade potential (since we'll be building alot of them and they are so useful, it seems wise to make sure that they'll have a long working life). Which options have the best upgrade potential?

Is S8, P5, D5 possible with current tech?

(And it does seem to me that it is worth having expensive and good ships rather than numerous and cheap ships in this role.)

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Is S8, P5, D5 possible with current tech?
Not without some very significant sacrifice. Options include:
  1. No recreation and being limited in deployment to interior sectors.
  2. No warp core eject system.
  3. No actual weapons (which would almost certainly have consequences, just like lacking recreation does). Perhaps dropping to C1 but retaining a pea shooter would work, haven't tried it.
  4. Dropping shields to L3.
I think it would also be possible with a medium tactical frame, but that wouldn't match our requirements.
I am concerned by the Horizonite science ship.

That's deployed now, and rather better than the Kepler versions we're discussing (though maybe the cruiser frame makes it worse for some jobs).
These aren't really comparable designs at all. A 1.6mt cruiser will have a very different maximum capability to a 1mt frigate thanks to the massive difference in size and cost, and is deployed in different circumstances. In addition, recent discussion in the SDB thread has revealed a reluctance to allow cruisers to scout/skirmish, so it's not likely the Scientist-class fills that role; it seems a pure-bred event responder.

As to the Kepler, I am not sure of what to vote for. (The current leading option seems quite adequate, at least.) This talk of modules being added later is rather confusing. I'd also like the Kepler to have good upgrade potential (since we'll be building alot of them and they are so useful, it seems wise to make sure that they'll have a long working life). Which options have the best upgrade potential?
All designs have limited upgrade potential, not considering fitting a module. Fitting a module is easiest on Nix's design but could be refit on any other design too with a refit project.

Is S8, P5, D5 possible with current tech?
Only if you accept no warp core ejection system. e: Nix gives a fuller explanation above.
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Is this quest the most enormous quest to yet grace SV yet? If not, it certainly seems like we're headed that way.
Depends on how you count.
With all threadmarks, including Omake it seems to have the highest wordcount. Without omake propably not quite.

By number of pages/posts it's definitly not the biggest.

Edit: Though there might be some of the older quests, spread out over several threats that are even longer. Difficult to find all especially since some switched between here and SB.
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Just sensors, a few variant protein re-sequences, an early prototype of the Genesis device, and some coolant dispensor systems.
One of those things is not like the others.

Protein resequencers are our highest tier technology and the one that enables the biggest capability jump for us right now. If the Cardassians can use them on their next generation frigate it would be a disaster.