Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 26631.3 - Captain Demora Sulu
An election date for the Sydraxians is rapidly approaching, and there is much work to do. Our role is consultation and support, rather than an operational one.
Of course, part of this job does mean helping the nascent security infrastructure find out who is still answering to outside forces. To our frustration, these outside forces are not the Cardassians now, but the Tal Shiar. The Greens have experienced a considerable resurgence, and we strongly suspect that the Tal Shiar recently delivered shipments of aid to their faction a fortnight ago. Cheron is sitting just outside the border, and Starfleet Intelligence is providing us with support, but as we discovered in Licori space, a Tal Shiar press is a powerful thing. We are doing our best to keep their involvement honest and open, and fighting any attempts at blackmail, intimidation, or foul play.
It would be utter hypocrisy to insist they are not allowed to provide aid when we are here as well, but they will play by the rules, or they will not play.
Captain's Log, USS Tarrak, Stardate 26631.8 - Captain Larai Leaniss
Starfleet has ordered the Tarrak to start patrolling the fringe of Sydraxian space. They suspect Romulan activity in the area, and want to see if we can slow it down.
Of course, from my own experience with the Romulans, I very much doubt we'll find anything. Cloak lingers in the mind, but the dozens of Yrillian craft that frequent this space provides a much more appropriate stealth system.
Captain's Log, USS Reason, Stadrate 26632.3
A geographical anomaly that the Indorians have been trying to puzzle out in the Icustae system, one of the flanks of Lapycorias, has finally revealed its secrets. An intense mix of electromagnetic field strength from a rapidly spinning iron core, plus strong radiation from charged particles in the atmosphere, rendered sensor readings of one moon indecipherable. Using new mineral sciences techniques, we were able to filter out the noise and identify thick verterium veins.
[Gain +30br]
Captain's Log, USS Valiant, Stardate 26632.7
We have met with Indorian Congressional leaders, and admirals of the Congressional Fleet, to discuss Starfleet's interests in strengthening the preparation of our defence on this front. Our news was overall quite well received. Orion progress was encouraging to the Indorians, as they certainly feel more comfortable with a full Federation member at their backs. Also our renewed focus on holding any battle line at Lapycorias, and limiting Indoria's exposure to flanking attacks, is also reassuring to them. Taken together, it has made them much more receptive to carrying out our suggestions for strengthening their positions.
[Gain +5pp, Indoria takes on message]
Captain's Log, USS Hood, Stardate 26632.9
We have sent out an urgent request for additional support. The Caldonian minor colony of Pirid is like an antimatter pod with failing EM fields right now. We are getting to the bottom of it, but we definitely need additional support.
Captain's Log, USS Thirishar, Stardate 26633.3
We arrived in the Pirid system just behind the Hawking to link up with the Hood, supporting their work here. Typhoon and Dynamo have patrol duties for the Klingon Border Zone right now, and the Stalwart is present at Caldonia proper to work with the leadership there. The situation on the ground is tense, with some demonstrations that local authorities are working hard to keep peaceful. Security detachments are deploying to help assist the local authorities, but we are still looking into the deeper causes. A number of scientists have been jailed by the colonial authorities under the Caldonian Directorate's protocols for pseudoscience. Local community leaders are calling it a return to the old days and a breach of the Lomay II accords.
Captain's Log, USS Pleezirra, Stardate 26633.7
A sprint to deliver critical supplies to a series of listening posts and research stations became necessary after the cargo ship that should have delivered them experienced a hull breach. The Calypso delivered the supplies to us, and we made a high-warp sprint after it became clear that the supplies had spoiled due to vacuum exposure. Thankfully no lives were lost and all stations remained in operation.
Vulcan High Command recovered the cargo ship and it will be repaired soon.
[Gain +5pp]
Captain's Log, T'Mir, Stardate 26634.2
After receiving a distress call from an Ashidi freighter, we arrived and rendered aid, keeping the situation calm before the arrival of the Salnas shortly thereafter. The SS Shadat is among the first of the new trade vessels delivering to Indoria, but they experienced a mutiny. The Ashidi culture tends towards deep suspicions, especially to new forces - we have apparently done very well to get past this initial suspicion so quickly. Unlike in other mutinies, the crew didn't have demands so much as an unreasonable level of paranoia about the Federation. After inviting the ringleaders aboard to discuss, and returning them "uneaten", to borrow from what one of them said, they have apologised to the ship's master and agreed to continue the voyage and accept whatever punishment may lie at the end.
[Gain +10pp, +10 with Ashidi]
Captain's Log, USS Hawking, Stardate 26634.7
Took some clever approaches and one of my communications officers apparently having the mind of a thief, but we were able to bring a peaceful resolution to the Pirid situation. Turns out the Colonial Director was corrupt up to his eyeballs, and was jailing the scientists in order to discredit work which could have struck down one of his own published theories on subspace field oscillations. His co-conspirators were using a sneaky system of piggy-backed carrier waves to coordinate across the planet, with some extra bells and whistles attached, but we spotted it and broke the encryption. The old Director is now under arrest and a new Director appointed from among the community leaders.
[Gain +15pp, +25 with Caldonia]
Captain's Log, USS Tarrak, Stardate 26635.3
The space between Yrillian and Sydraxian space is thick enough with traffic that we are kept busy bouncing from ship to ship checking for the Tal Shiar. We did have one small windfall, however, when we discovered duranium deposits.
In one of the more unusual moves we've undertaken, we've made an arrangement with an Yrillian Carryall to haul duranium ores from an uninhabited system core and tailward of Sydraxian space. Not a large deposit by any means, it is still worth the effort. The Yrillian workgang was tricky to deal with, however you don't serve in the Amarkian Senate without learning some tricks!
[Gain +25br, +5 (five) with the the Yrillians]
Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 26636.7
The Concerned Citizens are not running for office as a unified ticket, but rather beginning to disperse and join other tickets. Suffrage has been widely expanded, though still not universal. It is a good start though, and we should encourage them down this path. Our comrade Nakra Klikuchki is running for the expanded First Voice office on an independent ticket, and is widely expected to win that election.
I mean the man has a tenor range that beggars belief, that counts for a lot in a Sydraxian election.
During this period we have defanged a Tal Shiar plot that would have spoiled the expansion of suffrage as well as removing a number of potentially Federation or Cardassian friendly politicians, and a few other subversive activities. Myself and my first officer both played a role here, but I must give the bulk of the credit to Lieutenant-Commander Wycombe, who has come a long way since his brush with death by the Sdranach.
[Gain +15pp, Sydraxian elections will go ahead successfully]