[X][BUILD] Option C - 2318 2 Excelsior-A, 1 Excelsior Refit, 2 Constellation-A Refits, 3 Renaissance, 1 Kepler, 1 Hospital Ship
[X][BUILD] Option C - 2318 2 Excelsior-A, 1 Excelsior Refit, 2 Constellation-A Refits, 3 Renaissance, 1 Kepler, 1 Hospital Ship
Just looking ahead on the ship build spreadsheet's current plan. We are voting for 2318 currently, so anything after that is purely speculative.

Under the current on sheet plan, we start one (last?) Excelsior-A class Explorer build next year. For some reason the sheet shows one more starting in 2323 - I am not sure if we will want to actually build more. It is currently scheduled for one of the 2.5MT berths so Ambassador construction is not an option at that location. Unless we can enlarge the berth?
Once the Ambassador prototypes are released, UP becomes an Ambassador factory, with all five 3MT berths producing them. Other 3MT berths around the Federation queue them as resourcing allows.

We have a lot of concentrated Renaissance class Cruiser construction going on - but that ends hard once the Kepler Frigate becomes a build option. The plan currently tops out at 20 Renaissance in Starfleet service.
With build plan C currently leading, there is no new Constellation-A construction scheduled.

Once the Kepler prototype is rolled out of it's ship berth, every 1MT berth not already doing something else gets to work duplicating more of them (currently 10 pencilled in to begin construction asap).
The sheet shows 4 more Centaur-As being produced, that will definitely be revisited later in the 2318 progression as we decide whether that class has any future at all.

There are very few berths left empty long enough to contribute to auxiliary builds - depending on Development pressure, this may need adjustment.
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Was the prototype hospital ship built in the Amarki aux yard? Does that mean the launch party took place in Amarkia, or did they fly the ship to Sol for the pre-launch shakedown and then launch it from Sol like they seem to be doing for all the FYM ships?

For that matter, where exactly is the SDB located? I mean, all the teams are working from a central hub location rather than from their original planets of origin, right? Is it on Earth? Mars?
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Was the prototype hospital ship built in the Amarki aux yard? Does that mean the launch party took place in Amarkia, or did they fly the ship to Sol for the pre-launch shakedown and then launch it from Sol like they seem to be doing for all the FYM ships?

For that matter, where exact is the SDB hub located? I mean, all the teams are working from a central hub location rather than from their original planets of origin, right? Is it on Earth? Mars?

Mars, I would guess.
Some of the refit possibilities for the Centaur are interesting. Possibly enough so we would be well served building a lot more refit Centaurs...
There are very few berths left empty long enough to contribute to auxiliary builds - depending on Development pressure, this may need adjustment.
I will omake as much as I need to in order to keep, or even create, additional free member berths.

Er. That is, alternate pathways will be available if we look hard enough I'm sure. We'll have to see what T'Faer does for the Auxiliary Hospital ship builds, whether they'll be happening in waves of two or three, but either way the main push there shouldn't last more than decade unless they start getting eaten by space plagues (or whatever. Weird happens). Small supplementary builds shouldn't cramp anyone's style too badly.

Moving on, we wouldn't want to allocate more than three berths to engineering team builds, I'd think, since that allows for builds of a fresh team from scratch every 6 years - fast enough for anyone outside of an emergency and it still leaves room for an odd prospector or additional cargo ship to run the supply requirements for the growing fleet of engineering craft.

We're behind, we're still digging ourselves deeper into the hole, but T'Faer is doing yeoman's work here and I think we'll get through this if we can keep booking member berths fast enough to make up our current backlog and settle in to a more steady state situation. (No math to back this up, work is melting my brain. Will math when brain resolidifies.)
Or we build a new Aux yard in Orion space ~ not around the capital mind but a secondary world ~ as a shiny new benefit for going the Federation.

Also we should be considering R&Ding an upgraded Engineering Ship bases on the Renny
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[X][BUILD] Option C - 2318 2 Excelsior-A, 1 Excelsior Refit, 2 Constellation-A Refits, 3 Renaissance, 1 Kepler, 1 Hospital Ship
Just looking ahead on the ship build spreadsheet's current plan. We are voting for 2318 currently, so anything after that is purely speculative.

Under the current on sheet plan, we start one (last?) Excelsior-A class Explorer build next year. For some reason the sheet shows one more starting in 2323 - I am not sure if we will want to actually build more. It is currently scheduled for one of the 2.5MT berths so Ambassador construction is not an option at that location. Unless we can enlarge the berth?

Probably an option will appear to enlarge the berth. Though instead of an Excelsior, maybe we will be prototyping a light explorer/heavy cruiser.

Once the Kepler prototype is rolled out of it's ship berth, every 1MT berth not already doing something else gets to work duplicating more of them (currently 10 pencilled in to begin construction asap).
The sheet shows 4 more Centaur-As being produced, that will definitely be revisited later in the 2318 progression as we decide whether that class has any future at all.

Something you may have missed is that I also assume the next generation combat and/or general frigate (called "Super-Miranda" in the sheet) will be prototyping in 2321, leading to a wave of those produced after the wave of Keplers.

There are very few berths left empty long enough to contribute to auxiliary builds - depending on Development pressure, this may need adjustment.

The most obvious way to adjust that would be to order some shipyard expansions in the Snakepit. It would be easy/cheap to pick up a second 1mt berth at Ana Font, Lor'Vela OCF, and Intazzi.
Or we build a new Aux yard in Orion space ~ not around the capital mind but a secondary world ~ as a shiny new benefit for going the Federation.

Also we should be considering R&Ding an upgraded Engineering Ship bases on the Renny
We've got another 4x1mt Aux berths under construction at Ferasa right now.

We had this discussion about new Engy ships right after the Hospital ship got started. The Engineering Corps doesn't want one. The current version works just fine for their needs and they are perfectly happy with it. Until they tell us otherwise, trying to force them to use a new model is unproductive. Plus, mechanically we don't have any ability to research a new Engy ship design on our own. We NEED either the council or Engineering Corps to give us that directive.
For that matter, where exactly is the SDB located? I mean, all the teams are working from a central hub location rather than from their original planets of origin, right? Is it on Earth? Mars?

Mars, I would guess.

It depends. Daystrom is on Mars, and SF Academy is in San Francisco, but all of the member teams probably have a minimal detachment for liason purposes in the SDB complexes on Mars, San Francisco, Paris, and Starbase One, where the Starfleet internal teams are located.

In the age of the Subspace Relay, it's not necessary to be physically present to collaborate.

See Also:
Federally funded research and development centers - Wikipedia
University Affiliated Research Center - Wikipedia
We've got another 4x1mt Aux berths under construction at Ferasa right now.

Some people are saying four berths. Some are saying five.

Anyone know for sure what the actual berth count at Ferasa will be?

The Amarki Aux yard was initially four berths, and I think we added another berth? Could this be causing confusion for Ferasa?
Also we should be considering R&Ding an upgraded Engineering Ship bases on the Renny
We had this discussion about new Engy ships right after the Hospital ship got started. The Engineering Corps doesn't want one. The current version works just fine for their needs and they are perfectly happy with it. Until they tell us otherwise, trying to force them to use a new model is unproductive. Plus, mechanically we don't have any ability to research a new Engy ship design on our own. We NEED either the council or Engineering Corps to give us that directive.

Given that an engineering team requires so very many ships, an Ambassador-based Engineering ship that could carry a whole team worth of stuff would be a noticeable improvement. It would reduce our berth-years per team substantially.

Some people are saying four berths. Some are saying five.

Anyone know for sure what the actual berth count at Ferasa will be?

The Amarki Aux yard was initially four berths, and I think we added another berth? Could this be causing confusion for Ferasa?

Ferasa is 4x1mt, 1x2mt. Amarki is 4x1mt and we're building a 5th.

Phaser Arrays and Isolinier Systems. We'll be refitting everything with those, even the brand new Ambassadors.

Not relevant for a new Centaur-B design. Phaser arrays won't finish until 2327, Isolinear around then as well.

Probably an option will appear to enlarge the berth. Though instead of an Excelsior, maybe we will be prototyping a light explorer/heavy cruiser.

We will not have the tech for a 2323 design unless Nix's research timeline changes drastically. No Isolinear or Arrays at that time and probably not all the subframes either.
Some people are saying four berths. Some are saying five.

Anyone know for sure what the actual berth count at Ferasa will be?

The Amarki Aux yard was initially four berths, and I think we added another berth? Could this be causing confusion for Ferasa?
Five, 4 1mt and 1 2mt berth.

So Apiata now have 136 Combat, followed by Amarkia at 86 and Catian at 80. For our Affiliates they are lead by Ked Peddah at 98 followed by Seyek at 78, Qloathi at 72 and Honiani at 63. As a whole, Starfleet has 66 ships for 274 combat, Members have 235 ships for 785 combat and Affiliates have 104 ships for 365 combat, not including the Ashidi, Laio and Tauni (though the last two would be small fleets with much earlier tech versions of ships, pre Miranda old)
It depends. Daystrom is on Mars, and SF Academy is in San Francisco, but all of the member teams probably have a minimal detachment for liason purposes in the SDB complexes on Mars, San Francisco, Paris, and Starbase One, where the Starfleet internal teams are located.

In the age of the Subspace Relay, it's not necessary to be physically present to collaborate.
Hm... I guess it would make more sense to have the Directors of all the teams meet up when the research vote happens (like in the tutorial turn) and then all go back to their original worlds/institutes/etc. with the plan for the next year.
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Some people are saying four berths. Some are saying five.

Anyone know for sure what the actual berth count at Ferasa will be?

Four 1mt berths and one 2mt berth (for building super-freighters).

EDIT: With the Amarki yard expansion, we're going to have TEN BERTHS devoted to nothing but Auxiliary Ship production. I think we're pretty covered.
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I think the Centaur B is an excellent idea - we built a bunch of Centaur As and keeping them up to date is worth the investment IMO. Also, I think it's worthwhile to have a decent support ship that is SR expensive and crew cheap in our force mix - currently, we're what, 5 years away from being able to replace the Centaur A with an entirely new ship even if we rushed it and maybe more like 8-9 years away if we replace the Centaur A organically.

Also, I'd like to see if we can hire a whole bunch of yard space from the Orion Union shipyards to build freighters. Starfleet is currently lacking in logistical tail and the Orions are currently suffering an economic depression. It would be a nice way to secure the gains of the Syndicate War if we could give the Orions a big fat ship building contract as a present for joining the Federation. Also, it would help with securing progressive labour law in Orion industry, since their capitalist class will have a concrete example of why good worker relations are profitable - it means access to fat Starfleet contracts.

Did we bring engineering command into Sulu's direct chain of command? Or is that still to be done? Because more engineering ships to deploy in the Gabriel Expanse would be nice too.

Five, 4 1mt and 1 2mt berth.

So Apiata now have 136 Combat, followed by Amarkia at 86 and Catian at 80. For our Affiliates they are lead by Ked Peddah at 98 followed by Seyek at 78, Qloathi at 72 and Honiani at 63. As a whole, Starfleet has 66 ships for 274 combat, Members have 235 ships for 785 combat and Affiliates have 104 ships for 365 combat, not including the Ashidi, Laio and Tauni (though the last two would be small fleets with much earlier tech versions of ships, pre Miranda old)
A few members will be shedding last generation ships like the Almud/Egillah, the Mk1 Stingers and Swarmers. So the Ked Paddah are about to return to something a little more prudent.