Well, they were the former, shading into the latter, except their best candidate for a Mustafa Kemal Ataturk got blown up by Starfleet, so they've got the attitude but maybe not quite the same caliber of leadership.
Then again, a species is numerous, so optimistically, a species-wide political faction has a lot of potential for one heroic individual to step into the space vacated by another.
@OneirosTheWriter things that need to be addressed before the research turn because they are immediately relevant for our choices (and most of these you are probably already aware of, just listing them again so nothing slips through):
- The rest of the Decisive Battle tree, and perhaps any other fixes to the Offensive Doctrines.
- The 2315 results post mentioned a bonus to Decisive Battle Doctrine, but that never made it to the megapost.
- 2310s Starbase Design - Repair
- What project unlocks T3 SIF, probably 2320s Starship Safety?
- 2320s Dish Construction. It lists bonuses for the old design sheet and claims to unlock T3 nav deflectors, but 2320s Navigational Deflectors already does the latter and it would be weird for a project with that name not to be able to unlock the part on its own. Also nav deflectors currently aren't a very important part and needing two projects to unlock would make the project even more underwhelming than it already is. My suggestion: Either remove 2320s Dish Construction entirely or give it some sort of event bonus(es).
Fix suggestions for the entire shield tree, other than 2320s Dish Construction this isn't immediately relevant:
- 2330s Navigational Shaping should unlock T4 Nav deflectors instead of 2330s Next-Gen Emitters.
- 2330s Next-Gen Emitters should unlock T4 deflector shields.
- Next-Gen Main Deflectors should unlock T5 Nav deflectors.
- 2330s Shield Geometry should either (continue to?) increase the chance to negate hits with a shield roll if that's still a thing or increase shield regeneration.
- 2330s Deflector Absorption should reduce enemy burn-through
- 2340s Deflector Shields should unlock T5 deflector shields
- 2330s Emitter Materials could decrease the cost of future parts like 2320s Deflector Emitters does but I'm not sure that's such a great mechanic. Or it could unlock T4 low SR cost variant parts (together with 2330s Next-Gen Emitters).
- 2330s Deflector Reliability could do something like reduce burn-through or increase shield regen as well, or perhaps decrease the time it takes to get shields back up if they suffer subsystem damage in battle, but it would also be ok for this to be a pure prerequisite project for 2340s Deflector Shields considering the tier and that shield parts are actually important.
I get the feeling this is Oneiros' way of telling us the Centaur-A is fine, stop moaning about its SR costIt's a crew thing.
This quarter alone our SR income went up by +60 and we found 85 SR. Crew not so much. (I mean, it did go up by more than 1 in every category, but still.) A Constellation costs twice the crew of a Centaur-A in the two categories we care about, Officers and Enlisted.
Playing around with the sheet, I found it useful to 'cool down' our crew consumption and balance it more with SR consumption by building 2 to 4 Centaur-As. And they are useful ships.
As one of those persons advocating high presence ships on the borders along with deemphasizing excessive Excelsior production, I have to agree with SWB that some important non-BZ sectors like Sol sector should still have an Excelsior, and that if possible, we should limit border zone creation until we have the ships to properly garrison them.Do you feel like we should move Excelsiors out of border zones in favor of interior zones? Because if we buy those extra border zones (and I believe we likely will) it's going to be one or the other. We don't have enough Excelsiors to give every sector/border zone an an Excelsior flagship. (You notice only two of the border zones + Gabriel actually double up on an Excelsior.)
I could see a fleet make up where each internal sector has an Excelsior and only an Excelsior as its sole responder, with further Events in that sector addressed by Mutual Support. However, I foresee complaints about that.
1. I am forever getting told when I post a fleet distribution that I need 'high Presence' ships on the border, and Excelsiors are of course our best Presence ships.
2. If we take the technology that increases events in Border Sectors and decreases them in home sectors, those Excelsiors may be idle a lot.
I'm not saying I totally disagree with the idea, but those are the stumbling blocks that I see.
1) The colony where we made first contact with the Honiani, if was the first thing of theirs I put on the map.1) What is that minor colony just rimward of Okatha?
2) Konen, not Konnen
3) How the heck are Konen and Ashidi trading partners without Seyek knowing about them? Or probably more likely, Seyek already knew about them and didn't tell us, as is customary in TBG. *grumbles*
Still, maybe place the Ashidi as close to the border of -7g as possible, perhaps under the galactic plane (to give visual illusion of distance ala Lecarre), to make it ever slightly more plausible?
4) Sydraxians shouldn't be considered a "Cardassian client" anymore.
That's something we need for the design sheet, but not to make our research picks this turn, unless T3 onboard industry is unlocked by one of the available Starship Construction picks I suppose? Seems a bit unlikely to me, if any of the Starship Construction techs play a role for that it should be 2320s Construction Techniques which we already completed, as that is a prerequisite for 2330s Industrial Replicators, which unlock T4 onboard industry.
1) The colony where we made first contact with the Honiani, if was the first thing of theirs I put on the map.
2) It used to be Konnen and still is Konnen in the To Boldly Go Other Species post, but fine.
3) Civilizations almost right next to each other not knowing about each other apparently consistently is a thing in this quest. But maybe the Seyek only very recently expanded in that direction, say they colonized Hacitorus around 2300 and Saritcos around 2310. Affiliates not sharing their contacts with us also has consistently been a thing, the only exception being the Honiani and Obar when Zhang happened to be right there. And perhaps the Seyek thought the freighters were Cardassian/headed for Cardassia.
4) This is a bit awkward, the Sydraxians already having been orange since 2308 was a major reason for picking orange as client color in the first place. On the other hand I suppose changing colors only makes sense after the Red Hierarchy fell. Maybe they can get whatever color the Graduates use once things have calmed down there?
You pasted the entire report twice.Wargame results:
Starbase 11, Anzarri, NapiaUSS Enlightenment, CAS Hebrinda, USS Exeter, USS Saratoga, USS Republic, USS Yukikaze, Amarkia CentaurScouting phase complete - Gold Force gains positioning boost for next phase
Turn 0 - The smaller ships from the skirmish lines begin to withdraw as the heavy metal joins the fray.
Ship Anzarri has lost shields.
Turn 48 - The Anzarri has been destroyed! Destroyed by CAS Hebrinda
Ship Napia has lost shields.
Turn 73 - The Napia has suffered a Warp Core Breach, all hands lost! Destroyed by USS Enlightenment
Ship Starbase 11 has lost shields.
Ship Starbase 11 has lost shields.
Ship Starbase 11 has lost shields.
The Starbase 11 has been disabled.
Starbase 11 - Combat 0.00/10, Shield 0.00/190, Hull 0.00/180 - Crew 1-2-2/4-8-4 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status: Disabled
Fired: 7, Fired On: 97, Hits Received: 94, Damage Dealt: 39.49
Anzarri - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status: Destroyed
Fired: 5, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt: 8.66
Napia - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-0-0/0-2-2 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status: Warp Core Breach
Fired: 8, Fired On: 12, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 38.51
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 43.51/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Enemies killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 22, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 95.30
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 19.41/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Enemies killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 16, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 101.84
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 30.77/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 12, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 27.72
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 21.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 15, Fired On: 5, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 64.04
USS Republic - Combat 4.91/5, Shield 35.87/40, Hull 29.46/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 15, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 73.44
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 39.29/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Enemies killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 24, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 62.61
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 21.75/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 23, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 50.19
Fleet Blue Force Ship Detailed BreakdownFleet Blue Force applying Fleet Comm Bonuses.
Appylying Rapid Shield Roll modifier.
Fleets are using Federation and Cardassian Doctrine. Fleet Blue Force is applying Intel & Analysis Bonus.
Fleets are using Federation and Cardassian Doctrine. Fleet Gold Force is applying Intel & Analysis Bonus.
Scouting check 1 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 9 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 13
Scouting check 2 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 12 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 11
Scouting check 3 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 11 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 13
Scouting check 4 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 8 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 6
Scouting check 5 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 6 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 8
Scouting phase complete - Gold Force gains positioning boost for next phase
Turn 0 - The smaller ships from the skirmish lines begin to withdraw as the heavy metal joins the fray.
Turn 0 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.33 vs Shields 50.00
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 48.52
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 0.04
Ship CAS Hebrinda reduced to 29.96 Hp by burn-through
Blue Force Fleet is now applying Attack Pattern Echo modifier.
Turn 1 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Saratoga
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.57 vs Shields 40.00
Ship USS Saratoga Shields reduced to 36.03
Turn 2 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 3 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.21 vs Shields 40.00
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 38.68
Turn 4 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.31 vs Shields 38.68
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 33.97
Turn 5 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.05 vs Shields 33.97
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 29.55
Turn 6 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.74 vs Shields 29.55
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 25.47
Turn 7 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.91 vs Shields 40.00
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 39.00
Turn 8 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.67 vs Shields 30.00
Ship Amarkia Centaur Shields reduced to 25.92
Turn 9 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.74 vs Shields 25.92
Ship Amarkia Centaur Shields reduced to 25.09
Turn 10 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.30 vs Shields 180.00
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 177.49
Turn 11 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.74 vs Shields 177.49
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 176.68
Turn 12 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 13 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.64 vs Shields 39.00
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 33.94
Turn 14 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Saratoga
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.24 vs Shields 36.03
Ship USS Saratoga Shields reduced to 34.65
Turn 15 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Turn 15 - Critical Hit! Ship Napia on CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 20.00 vs Shields 48.52
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 28.52
Turn 16 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 17 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.78 vs Shields 176.68
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 172.56
Turn 18 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.10 vs Shields 25.47
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 22.09
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 1.73
Ship Anzarri reduced to 8.27 Hp by burn-through
The Anzarri has suffered sub-system damage: Warp knocked out! 15 turns to repair.
Turn 19 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.95 vs Shields 28.52
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 24.12
Starbase 11 - Combat 10.00/10, Shield 172.56/190, Hull 180.00/180 - Crew 4-8-4/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 0, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 0.00
Anzarri - Combat 3.31/4, Shield 22.09/50, Hull 8.27/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 3, Fired On: 8, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 6.28
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 33.94/50, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 29.86
Fleet Total: Fired: 7, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt 36.14
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.95, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 50.00/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 0, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 5.74
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 24.12/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 8.79
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 40.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 1, Fired On: 0, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 0.00
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 34.65/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 0.00
USS Republic - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 40.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 0, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 9.18
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 40.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 0, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 4.38
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 25.09/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 3.32
Fleet Total: Fired: 13, Hits Received: 7, Damage Dealt 31.41
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.05, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 20 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.11 vs Shields 22.09
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 17.60
Turn 21 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.81 vs Shields 25.09
Ship Amarkia Centaur Shields reduced to 20.85
Turn 22 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Turn 23 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 24 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.29 vs Shields 172.56
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 171.15
Turn 25 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.90 vs Shields 171.15
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 169.08
Turn 26 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.75 vs Shields 17.60
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 15.70
Turn 27 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 28 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.74 vs Shields 169.08
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 166.08
Turn 29 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 9.37 vs Shields 40.00
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 29.57
Turn 30 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.28 vs Shields 24.12
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 19.36
Turn 31 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.95 vs Shields 33.94
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 31.82
Turn 32 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Turn 32 - Critical Hit! Ship USS Enlightenment on Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 25.00 vs Shields 166.08
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 141.08
Turn 33 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.08 vs Shields 15.70
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 11.24
Turn 34 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 35 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.66 vs Shields 141.08
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 139.27
Turn 36 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.76 vs Shields 11.24
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 6.05
Turn 37 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.85 vs Shields 31.82
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 29.79
Turn 38 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.96 vs Shields 139.27
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 137.13
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 0.55
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 179.45 Hp by burn-through
Turn 39 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Enlightenment
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.42 vs Shields 50.00
Ship USS Enlightenment Shields reduced to 49.54
Starbase 11 - Combat 9.97/10, Shield 137.13/190, Hull 179.45/180 - Crew 4-8-4/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 9, Hits Received: 9, Damage Dealt: 15.19
Anzarri - Combat 3.31/4, Shield 6.05/50, Hull 8.27/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 13, Hits Received: 9, Damage Dealt: 6.75
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 29.79/50, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 34.10
Fleet Total: Fired: 12, Hits Received: 22, Damage Dealt 56.04
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.95, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 49.54/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 37.36
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 19.36/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 3, Fired On: 5, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 13.98
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 29.57/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 0.00
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 34.65/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 0.00
USS Republic - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 40.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 0, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 20.61
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 40.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 5, Fired On: 0, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 10.34
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 20.85/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 4.73
Fleet Total: Fired: 28, Hits Received: 11, Damage Dealt 87.03
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.05, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 40 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.13 vs Shields 137.13
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 134.81
Turn 41 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.34 vs Shields 134.81
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 133.34
Turn 42 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.71 vs Shields 6.05
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 4.18
Turn 43 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.06 vs Shields 4.18
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 1.93
Turn 44 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.10 vs Shields 133.34
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 129.96
Turn 45 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 46 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.70 vs Shields 1.93
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship Anzarri has lost shields.
Ship Anzarri reduced to 5.07 Hp
The Anzarri has suffered sub-system damage: Shield knocked out! 15 turns to repair.
Turn 47 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Yukikaze
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.72 vs Shields 40.00
Ship USS Yukikaze Shields reduced to 38.09
Turn 48 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.76 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Anzarri reduced to 0 Hp!
The Anzarri has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 15 turns to repair.
Turn 48 - The Anzarri has been destroyed! Destroyed by CAS Hebrinda
Turn 49 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.78 vs Shields 129.96
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 126.93
Turn 50 - Processing Shield Regen.
Turn 50 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Turn 50 - Critical Hit! Ship USS Republic on Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 18.68 vs Shields 132.61
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 113.93
Turn 51 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.99 vs Shields 113.93
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 112.85
Turn 52 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.63 vs Shields 112.85
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 108.88
Turn 53 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.62 vs Shields 108.88
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 106.02
Turn 54 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Saratoga
Ship USS Saratoga has evaded!
Turn 55 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.25 vs Shields 106.02
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 104.66
Turn 56 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.67 vs Shields 104.66
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 102.84
Turn 57 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.30 vs Shields 19.86
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 18.41
Turn 58 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.59 vs Shields 102.84
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 100.02
Turn 59 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.46 vs Shields 100.02
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 95.14
Starbase 11 - Combat 9.97/10, Shield 95.14/190, Hull 179.45/180 - Crew 4-8-4/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 3, Fired On: 21, Hits Received: 21, Damage Dealt: 16.64
Anzarri - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Destroyed
Fired: 5, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt: 8.66
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 31.29/50, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 7, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 34.10
Fleet Total: Fired: 15, Hits Received: 38, Damage Dealt 59.40
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.95, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 50.00/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 9, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 43.60
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 18.41/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 5, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 21.04
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 29.97/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 7.95
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 35.05/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 8.84
USS Republic - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 40.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 7, Fired On: 0, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 39.29
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 38.49/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 17.52
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 21.15/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 10.90
Fleet Total: Fired: 45, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt 149.14
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.05, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 60 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.33 vs Shields 95.14
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 90.42
Turn 61 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Napia
Turn 61 - Critical Hit! Ship USS Saratoga on Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 25.00 vs Shields 31.29
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 6.29
Turn 62 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.31 vs Shields 6.29
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 3.77
Turn 63 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Saratoga
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.96 vs Shields 35.05
Ship USS Saratoga Shields reduced to 30.64
Turn 64 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.74 vs Shields 90.42
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 85.24
Turn 65 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.22 vs Shields 85.24
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 80.63
Turn 66 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.67 vs Shields 3.77
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship Napia has lost shields.
Ship Napia reduced to 8.68 Hp
The Napia has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 10 turns to repair.
Turn 67 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.62 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Napia reduced to 4.73 Hp
The Napia has suffered sub-system damage: Shield knocked out! 10 turns to repair.
Turn 68 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.16 vs Shields 80.63
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 78.27
Turn 69 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.18 vs Shields 78.27
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 73.71
Turn 70 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship USS Enlightenment
Damage roll - Hitpower 6.73 vs Shields 50.00
Ship USS Enlightenment Shields reduced to 42.51
Turn 71 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.27 vs Shields 73.71
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 69.05
Turn 72 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.95 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Napia reduced to 1.51 Hp
The Napia has suffered sub-system damage: Power knocked out! 10 turns to repair.
Turn 73 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.88 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Napia reduced to 0 Hp!
The Napia has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 13 turns to repair.
Turn 73 - The Napia has suffered a Warp Core Breach, all hands lost! Destroyed by USS Enlightenment
Turn 74 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.67 vs Shields 69.05
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 68.32
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 0.43
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 179.03 Hp by burn-through
Turn 75 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.58 vs Shields 68.32
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 65.50
Turn 76 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship USS Republic
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.42 vs Shields 40.00
Ship USS Republic Shields reduced to 35.09
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 0.54
Ship USS Republic reduced to 29.46 Hp by burn-through
Turn 77 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.11 vs Shields 65.50
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 64.29
Turn 78 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.38 vs Shields 64.29
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 63.88
Turn 79 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.61 vs Shields 63.88
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 62.12
Starbase 11 - Combat 9.95/10, Shield 62.12/190, Hull 179.03/180 - Crew 4-8-4/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 5, Fired On: 32, Hits Received: 32, Damage Dealt: 29.05
Anzarri - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Destroyed
Fired: 5, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt: 8.66
Napia - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-0-0/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Warp Core Breach
Fired: 8, Fired On: 12, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 38.51
Fleet Total: Fired: 18, Hits Received: 55, Damage Dealt 76.21
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.95, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 42.51/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 14, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 64.57
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 18.41/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 32.01
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 29.97/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 7.95
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 30.64/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 4, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 44.44
USS Republic - Combat 4.91/5, Shield 35.09/40, Hull 29.46/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 44.47
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 38.49/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 17.52
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 21.15/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 12, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 16.31
Fleet Total: Fired: 62, Hits Received: 16, Damage Dealt 227.27
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.05, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 80 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.67 vs Shields 62.12
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 58.12
Turn 81 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Ship Starbase 11 has evaded!
Turn 82 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.72 vs Shields 58.12
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 52.97
Turn 83 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.19 vs Shields 52.97
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 48.40
Turn 84 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship USS Saratoga
Damage roll - Hitpower 9.39 vs Shields 30.64
Ship USS Saratoga Shields reduced to 20.20
Turn 85 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.92 vs Shields 48.40
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 43.03
Turn 86 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.41 vs Shields 43.03
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 39.30
Turn 87 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.41 vs Shields 39.30
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 34.48
Turn 88 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.56 vs Shields 34.48
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 30.59
Turn 89 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.63 vs Shields 30.59
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 27.72
Turn 90 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.02 vs Shields 27.72
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 25.52
Turn 91 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.62 vs Shields 25.52
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 22.66
Turn 92 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.50 vs Shields 22.66
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 18.84
Turn 93 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.48 vs Shields 18.84
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 15.04
Turn 94 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Turn 94 - Critical Hit! Ship CAS Hebrinda on Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 20.21 vs Shields 15.04
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 has lost shields.
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 173.86 Hp
Turn 95 - Processing Shield Regen.
Turn 95 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.95 vs Shields 5.51
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 4.47
Turn 96 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Turn 96 - Critical Hit! Ship Amarkia Centaur on Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 10.46 vs Shields 4.47
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 has lost shields.
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 167.87 Hp
Ship 1 has taken casualties: 1/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 97 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Turn 97 - Critical Hit! Ship CAS Hebrinda on Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 24.97 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 142.90 Hp
Turn 98 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.56 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 140.10 Hp
Ship 1 has taken casualties: 1/0/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 99 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.15 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 138.85 Hp
Starbase 11 - Combat 7.71/10, Shield 0.00/190, Hull 138.85/180 - Crew 2-7-4/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 51, Hits Received: 50, Damage Dealt: 39.49
Anzarri - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Destroyed
Fired: 5, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt: 8.66
Napia - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-0-0/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Warp Core Breach
Fired: 8, Fired On: 12, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 38.51
Fleet Total: Fired: 19, Hits Received: 73, Damage Dealt 86.66
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.95, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 43.01/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 16, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 72.25
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 18.91/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 11, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 82.34
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 30.37/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 18.94
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 20.60/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 10, Fired On: 5, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 49.69
USS Republic - Combat 4.91/5, Shield 35.48/40, Hull 29.46/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 9, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 48.30
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 38.89/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 11, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 28.92
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 21.45/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 16, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 34.64
Fleet Total: Fired: 81, Hits Received: 17, Damage Dealt 335.07
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.05, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 100 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.47 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 138.33 Hp
Turn 101 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.98 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 132.90 Hp
Turn 102 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.52 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 129.06 Hp
Turn 103 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.22 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 124.45 Hp
Turn 104 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.72 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 121.49 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 105 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.64 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 118.61 Hp
Turn 106 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.75 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 114.52 Hp
Turn 107 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.35 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 111.96 Hp
Turn 108 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.52 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 110.30 Hp
Turn 109 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.99 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 105.94 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 110 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.31 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 105.60 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/0/1 out of 4/8/4
Turn 111 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Ship Starbase 11 has evaded!
Turn 112 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.90 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 101.35 Hp
Turn 113 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.62 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 99.58 Hp
Turn 114 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.94 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 95.28 Hp
Turn 115 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.29 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 92.77 Hp
Turn 116 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.24 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 89.24 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 117 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.46 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 84.38 Hp
Turn 118 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.74 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 81.39 Hp
Turn 119 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.43 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 76.56 Hp
Starbase 11 - Combat 4.25/10, Shield 0.00/190, Hull 76.56/180 - Crew 2-4-3/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 71, Hits Received: 69, Damage Dealt: 39.49
Anzarri - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Destroyed
Fired: 5, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt: 8.66
Napia - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-0-0/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Warp Core Breach
Fired: 8, Fired On: 12, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 38.51
Fleet Total: Fired: 19, Hits Received: 92, Damage Dealt 86.66
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.95, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 43.01/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 17, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 72.59
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 18.91/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 14, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 96.95
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 30.37/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 10, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 25.65
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 20.60/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 13, Fired On: 5, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 58.06
USS Republic - Combat 4.91/5, Shield 35.48/40, Hull 29.46/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 13, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 64.64
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 38.89/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 17, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 41.88
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 21.45/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 17, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 37.61
Fleet Total: Fired: 101, Hits Received: 17, Damage Dealt 397.37
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.05, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 120 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.90 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 75.58 Hp
Turn 121 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.74 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 72.59 Hp
Turn 122 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.74 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 70.68 Hp
Turn 123 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.05 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 67.35 Hp
Turn 124 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.82 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 62.09 Hp
Turn 125 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.78 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 56.87 Hp
Turn 126 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.85 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 55.94 Hp
The Starbase 11 has suffered sub-system damage: Reaction knocked out! 0 turns to repair.
Turn 127 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.39 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 54.42 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 128 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.45 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 51.74 Hp
Turn 129 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.42 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 48.02 Hp
The Starbase 11 has suffered sub-system damage: Shield knocked out! 0 turns to repair.
Turn 130 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.64 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 46.23 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/0/1 out of 4/8/4
Turn 131 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Ship Starbase 11 has evaded!
Turn 132 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.83 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 40.95 Hp
Turn 133 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.93 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 37.75 Hp
Turn 134 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.73 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 33.68 Hp
Turn 135 - Processing Shield Regen.
Turn 135 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.86 vs Shields 1.07
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 has lost shields.
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 31.62 Hp
Turn 136 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.99 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 27.27 Hp
Turn 137 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.72 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 24.30 Hp
Turn 138 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.65 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 19.23 Hp
Turn 139 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.00 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 18.14 Hp
Starbase 11 - Combat 1.01/10, Shield 0.00/190, Hull 18.14/180 - Crew 2-3-2/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 91, Hits Received: 88, Damage Dealt: 39.49
Anzarri - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Destroyed
Fired: 5, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt: 8.66
Napia - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-0-0/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Warp Core Breach
Fired: 8, Fired On: 12, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 38.51
Fleet Total: Fired: 19, Hits Received: 111, Damage Dealt 86.66
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.95, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 43.51/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 21, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 91.68
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 19.41/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 15, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 100.15
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 30.77/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 12, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 27.72
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 21.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 15, Fired On: 5, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 64.04
USS Republic - Combat 4.91/5, Shield 35.87/40, Hull 29.46/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 15, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 73.44
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 39.29/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 21, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 52.06
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 21.75/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 22, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 47.77
Fleet Total: Fired: 121, Hits Received: 17, Damage Dealt 456.85
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.05, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 140 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.55 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 16.45 Hp
Turn 141 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.22 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 14.03 Hp
Turn 142 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.93 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 9.74 Hp
Turn 143 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.32 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 6.12 Hp
Ship 1 has taken casualties: 1/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 144 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship USS Enlightenment
Ship USS Enlightenment has evaded!
Turn 145 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.36 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 2.45 Hp
Turn 146 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.37 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 0 Hp!
The Starbase 11 has been disabled.
Blue Force has no remaining ships! Gold Force is victorious!
Fleet Gold Force Ship Detailed BreakdownShip: Starbase 11
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 10 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 177.49/190.00
Turn 11 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 176.68/190.00
Turn 17 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 172.56/190.00
Turn 24 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 171.15/190.00
Turn 25 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 169.08/190.00
Turn 28 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 166.08/190.00
Turn 29 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 30 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 32 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 141.08/190.00
Turn 35 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 139.27/190.00
Turn 38 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Have suffered burn-through of power 0.55!
Reduced to 179.45 Hp by burn-through
Turn 40 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 134.81/190.00
Turn 41 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 133.34/190.00
Turn 44 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 129.96/190.00
Turn 49 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 126.93/190.00
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 5.68 pts, now at 132.61
Turn 50 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 113.93/190.00
Turn 51 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 112.85/190.00
Turn 52 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Shields holding, now at 108.88/190.00
Turn 53 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 106.02/190.00
Turn 55 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 104.66/190.00
Turn 56 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 102.84/190.00
Turn 57 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 58 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 100.02/190.00
Turn 59 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Shields holding, now at 95.14/190.00
Turn 60 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 90.42/190.00
Turn 64 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 85.24/190.00
Turn 65 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 80.63/190.00
Turn 68 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 78.27/190.00
Turn 69 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Shields holding, now at 73.71/190.00
Turn 70 - Firing upon the USS Enlightenment!
Turn 71 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 69.05/190.00
Turn 74 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Have suffered burn-through of power 0.43!
Reduced to 179.03 Hp by burn-through
Turn 75 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Shields holding, now at 65.50/190.00
Turn 76 - Firing upon the USS Republic!
Turn 77 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 64.29/190.00
Turn 78 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 63.88/190.00
Turn 79 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 62.12/190.00
Turn 80 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Shields holding, now at 58.12/190.00
Turn 81 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 82 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 52.97/190.00
Turn 83 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 48.40/190.00
Turn 84 - Firing upon the USS Saratoga!
Turn 85 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 43.03/190.00
Turn 86 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 39.30/190.00
Turn 87 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 34.48/190.00
Turn 88 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 30.59/190.00
Turn 89 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 27.72/190.00
Turn 90 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 25.52/190.00
Turn 91 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 22.66/190.00
Turn 92 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 18.84/190.00
Turn 93 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 15.04/190.00
Turn 94 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 173.86 Hp
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 5.51 pts, now at 5.51
Turn 95 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 4.47/190.00
Turn 96 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 167.87 Hp
Casualties! 1/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 97 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 142.90 Hp
Turn 98 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 140.10 Hp
Casualties! 1/0/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 99 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Reduced to 138.85 Hp
Turn 100 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 138.33 Hp
Turn 101 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 132.90 Hp
Turn 102 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Reduced to 129.06 Hp
Turn 103 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Reduced to 124.45 Hp
Turn 104 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 121.49 Hp
Casualties! 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 105 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Reduced to 118.61 Hp
Turn 106 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Reduced to 114.52 Hp
Turn 107 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Reduced to 111.96 Hp
Turn 108 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 110.30 Hp
Turn 109 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 105.94 Hp
Casualties! 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 110 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Reduced to 105.60 Hp
Casualties! 0/0/1 out of 4/8/4
Turn 111 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 112 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 101.35 Hp
Turn 113 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Reduced to 99.58 Hp
Turn 114 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Reduced to 95.28 Hp
Turn 115 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Reduced to 92.77 Hp
Turn 116 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 89.24 Hp
Casualties! 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 117 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Reduced to 84.38 Hp
Turn 118 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 81.39 Hp
Turn 119 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 76.56 Hp
Turn 120 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Reduced to 75.58 Hp
Turn 121 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 72.59 Hp
Turn 122 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Reduced to 70.68 Hp
Turn 123 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Reduced to 67.35 Hp
Turn 124 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Reduced to 62.09 Hp
Turn 125 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Reduced to 56.87 Hp
Turn 126 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 55.94 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Reaction knocked out! 0 turns to repair.
Turn 127 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 54.42 Hp
Casualties! 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 128 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 51.74 Hp
Turn 129 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Reduced to 48.02 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Shield knocked out! 0 turns to repair.
Turn 130 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 46.23 Hp
Casualties! 0/0/1 out of 4/8/4
Turn 131 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 132 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Reduced to 40.95 Hp
Turn 133 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 37.75 Hp
Turn 134 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Reduced to 33.68 Hp
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 1.07 pts, now at 1.07
Turn 135 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 31.62 Hp
Turn 136 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 27.27 Hp
Turn 137 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 24.30 Hp
Turn 138 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Reduced to 19.23 Hp
Turn 139 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Reduced to 18.14 Hp
Turn 140 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 16.45 Hp
Turn 141 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 14.03 Hp
Turn 142 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 9.74 Hp
Turn 143 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Reduced to 6.12 Hp
Casualties! 1/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 144 - Firing upon the USS Enlightenment!
Ship USS Enlightenment has evaded!
Turn 145 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 2.45 Hp
Turn 146 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Ship has been reduced to 0 Hp
Turn 146 - Ship has been disabled by USS Yukikaze! Surviving 1/2/2
Ship: Anzarri
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 0 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 1 - Firing upon the USS Saratoga!
Turn 2 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 3 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 38.68/50.00
Turn 4 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 33.97/50.00
Turn 5 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 29.55/50.00
Turn 6 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 25.47/50.00
Turn 9 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Turn 12 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 16 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 18 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Have suffered burn-through of power 1.73!
Reduced to 8.27 Hp by burn-through
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Warp knocked out! 15 turns to repair.
Turn 20 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 17.60/50.00
Turn 26 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 15.70/50.00
Turn 27 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 33 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 11.24/50.00
Turn 36 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 6.05/50.00
Turn 39 - Firing upon the USS Enlightenment!
Turn 42 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 4.18/50.00
Turn 43 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 1.93/50.00
Turn 45 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 46 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Reduced to 5.07 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Shield knocked out! 15 turns to repair.
Turn 47 - Firing upon the USS Yukikaze!
Turn 48 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Ship has been reduced to 0 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 15 turns to repair.
Turn 48 - Ship has been destroyed by CAS Hebrinda! Surviving crew 0/2/2
Ship: Napia
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 7 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 39.00/50.00
Turn 8 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Turn 13 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 33.94/50.00
Turn 14 - Firing upon the USS Saratoga!
Turn 15 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 19 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 21 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Turn 22 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Turn 23 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 31 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 31.82/50.00
Turn 34 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 37 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 29.79/50.00
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 1.50 pts, now at 31.29
Turn 54 - Firing upon the USS Saratoga!
Ship USS Saratoga has evaded!
Turn 61 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Shields holding, now at 6.29/50.00
Turn 62 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 3.77/50.00
Turn 63 - Firing upon the USS Saratoga!
Turn 66 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Reduced to 8.68 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 10 turns to repair.
Turn 67 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 4.73 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Shield knocked out! 10 turns to repair.
Turn 72 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Reduced to 1.51 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Power knocked out! 10 turns to repair.
Turn 73 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Ship has been reduced to 0 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 13 turns to repair.
Turn 73 - Ship has suffered a Warp Core Breach, all hands lost! Destroyed by USS Enlightenment
Ship: USS Enlightenment
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 3 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 5 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 20 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 23 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 32 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 38 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 39 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 49.54/50.00
Turn 44 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 45 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 50.00
Turn 53 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 60 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 65 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 66 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 70 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Shields holding, now at 42.51/50.00
Turn 73 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 73 - Ship has destroyed the Napia
Turn 77 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 87 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 91 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 43.01
Turn 110 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 123 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 124 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 125 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 132 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 43.51
Turn 143 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 144 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Successfully evaded!
Ship: CAS Hebrinda
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 0 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Have suffered burn-through of power 0.04!
Reduced to 29.96 Hp by burn-through
Turn 4 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 6 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 15 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 28.52/50.00
Turn 19 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 24.12/50.00
Turn 22 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 30 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Shields holding, now at 19.36/50.00
Turn 36 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 42 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 48 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 48 - Ship has destroyed the Anzarri
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 19.86
Turn 57 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Shields holding, now at 18.41/50.00
Turn 67 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 68 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 71 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 82 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 94 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 18.91
Turn 97 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 101 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 109 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 119 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 133 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 19.41
Turn 140 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Ship: USS Exeter
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 12 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 29 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Shields holding, now at 29.57/40.00
Turn 34 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 46 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 29.97
Turn 58 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 81 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Ship Starbase 11 has evaded!
Turn 83 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 85 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 30.37
Turn 95 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 102 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 105 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 120 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 30.77
Turn 139 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Ship: USS Saratoga
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 1 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 36.03/40.00
Turn 2 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 14 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 34.65/40.00
Turn 16 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 35.05
Turn 52 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 54 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 59 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 61 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 63 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 30.64/40.00
Turn 69 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 72 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 75 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 80 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 84 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Shields holding, now at 20.20/40.00
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 20.60
Turn 99 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 106 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 113 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 115 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 122 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 134 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 21.00
Ship: USS Republic
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 13 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 17 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 25 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 26 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 28 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 33 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 40.00
Turn 50 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 64 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 76 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Have suffered burn-through of power 0.54!
Reduced to 29.46 Hp by burn-through
Turn 92 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 0.39 pts, now at 35.48
Turn 103 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 107 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 114 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 117 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 129 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.39 pts, now at 35.87
Turn 138 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Ship: USS Yukikaze
Enemies Destroyed:
Starbase 11
Turn 7 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 18 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 31 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 35 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 37 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 40 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 47 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 38.09/40.00
Turn 49 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 38.49
Turn 56 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 86 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 88 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 93 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 38.89
Turn 100 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 108 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 111 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Ship Starbase 11 has evaded!
Turn 112 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 116 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 118 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 126 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 130 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 39.29
Turn 135 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 136 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 142 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 145 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 146 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 146 - Ship has disabled the Starbase 11
Ship: Amarkia Centaur
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 8 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 25.92/30.00
Turn 9 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 25.09/30.00
Turn 10 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 11 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 21 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 20.85/30.00
Turn 24 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 27 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 41 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 43 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 0.30 pts, now at 21.15
Turn 51 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 55 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 62 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 74 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 78 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 79 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 89 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 90 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 0.30 pts, now at 21.45
Turn 96 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 98 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 104 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 121 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 127 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 128 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 131 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Ship Starbase 11 has evaded!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.30 pts, now at 21.75
Turn 137 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 141 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!Starbase 11, Anzarri, NapiaUSS Enlightenment, CAS Hebrinda, USS Exeter, USS Saratoga, USS Republic, USS Yukikaze, Amarkia CentaurScouting phase complete - Gold Force gains positioning boost for next phase
Turn 0 - The smaller ships from the skirmish lines begin to withdraw as the heavy metal joins the fray.
Ship Anzarri has lost shields.
Turn 48 - The Anzarri has been destroyed! Destroyed by CAS Hebrinda
Ship Napia has lost shields.
Turn 73 - The Napia has suffered a Warp Core Breach, all hands lost! Destroyed by USS Enlightenment
Ship Starbase 11 has lost shields.
Ship Starbase 11 has lost shields.
Ship Starbase 11 has lost shields.
The Starbase 11 has been disabled.
Starbase 11 - Combat 0.00/10, Shield 0.00/190, Hull 0.00/180 - Crew 1-2-2/4-8-4 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status: Disabled
Fired: 7, Fired On: 97, Hits Received: 94, Damage Dealt: 39.49
Anzarri - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status: Destroyed
Fired: 5, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt: 8.66
Napia - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-0-0/0-2-2 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status: Warp Core Breach
Fired: 8, Fired On: 12, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 38.51
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 43.51/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Enemies killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 22, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 95.30
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 19.41/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Enemies killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 16, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 101.84
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 30.77/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 12, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 27.72
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 21.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 15, Fired On: 5, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 64.04
USS Republic - Combat 4.91/5, Shield 35.87/40, Hull 29.46/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 15, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 73.44
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 39.29/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Enemies killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 24, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 62.61
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 21.75/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 23, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 50.19
Fleet Blue Force Ship Detailed BreakdownFleet Blue Force applying Fleet Comm Bonuses.
Appylying Rapid Shield Roll modifier.
Fleets are using Federation and Cardassian Doctrine. Fleet Blue Force is applying Intel & Analysis Bonus.
Fleets are using Federation and Cardassian Doctrine. Fleet Gold Force is applying Intel & Analysis Bonus.
Scouting check 1 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 9 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 13
Scouting check 2 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 12 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 11
Scouting check 3 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 11 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 13
Scouting check 4 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 8 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 6
Scouting check 5 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 6 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 8
Scouting phase complete - Gold Force gains positioning boost for next phase
Turn 0 - The smaller ships from the skirmish lines begin to withdraw as the heavy metal joins the fray.
Turn 0 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.33 vs Shields 50.00
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 48.52
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 0.04
Ship CAS Hebrinda reduced to 29.96 Hp by burn-through
Blue Force Fleet is now applying Attack Pattern Echo modifier.
Turn 1 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Saratoga
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.57 vs Shields 40.00
Ship USS Saratoga Shields reduced to 36.03
Turn 2 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 3 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.21 vs Shields 40.00
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 38.68
Turn 4 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.31 vs Shields 38.68
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 33.97
Turn 5 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.05 vs Shields 33.97
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 29.55
Turn 6 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.74 vs Shields 29.55
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 25.47
Turn 7 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.91 vs Shields 40.00
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 39.00
Turn 8 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.67 vs Shields 30.00
Ship Amarkia Centaur Shields reduced to 25.92
Turn 9 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.74 vs Shields 25.92
Ship Amarkia Centaur Shields reduced to 25.09
Turn 10 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.30 vs Shields 180.00
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 177.49
Turn 11 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.74 vs Shields 177.49
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 176.68
Turn 12 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 13 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.64 vs Shields 39.00
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 33.94
Turn 14 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Saratoga
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.24 vs Shields 36.03
Ship USS Saratoga Shields reduced to 34.65
Turn 15 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Turn 15 - Critical Hit! Ship Napia on CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 20.00 vs Shields 48.52
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 28.52
Turn 16 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 17 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.78 vs Shields 176.68
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 172.56
Turn 18 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.10 vs Shields 25.47
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 22.09
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 1.73
Ship Anzarri reduced to 8.27 Hp by burn-through
The Anzarri has suffered sub-system damage: Warp knocked out! 15 turns to repair.
Turn 19 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.95 vs Shields 28.52
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 24.12
Starbase 11 - Combat 10.00/10, Shield 172.56/190, Hull 180.00/180 - Crew 4-8-4/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 0, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 0.00
Anzarri - Combat 3.31/4, Shield 22.09/50, Hull 8.27/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 3, Fired On: 8, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 6.28
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 33.94/50, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 29.86
Fleet Total: Fired: 7, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt 36.14
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.95, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 50.00/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 0, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 5.74
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 24.12/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 8.79
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 40.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 1, Fired On: 0, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 0.00
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 34.65/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 0.00
USS Republic - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 40.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 0, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 9.18
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 40.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 0, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 4.38
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 25.09/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 3.32
Fleet Total: Fired: 13, Hits Received: 7, Damage Dealt 31.41
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.05, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 20 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.11 vs Shields 22.09
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 17.60
Turn 21 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.81 vs Shields 25.09
Ship Amarkia Centaur Shields reduced to 20.85
Turn 22 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Turn 23 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 24 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.29 vs Shields 172.56
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 171.15
Turn 25 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.90 vs Shields 171.15
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 169.08
Turn 26 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.75 vs Shields 17.60
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 15.70
Turn 27 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 28 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.74 vs Shields 169.08
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 166.08
Turn 29 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 9.37 vs Shields 40.00
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 29.57
Turn 30 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.28 vs Shields 24.12
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 19.36
Turn 31 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.95 vs Shields 33.94
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 31.82
Turn 32 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Turn 32 - Critical Hit! Ship USS Enlightenment on Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 25.00 vs Shields 166.08
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 141.08
Turn 33 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.08 vs Shields 15.70
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 11.24
Turn 34 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 35 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.66 vs Shields 141.08
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 139.27
Turn 36 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.76 vs Shields 11.24
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 6.05
Turn 37 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.85 vs Shields 31.82
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 29.79
Turn 38 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.96 vs Shields 139.27
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 137.13
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 0.55
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 179.45 Hp by burn-through
Turn 39 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Enlightenment
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.42 vs Shields 50.00
Ship USS Enlightenment Shields reduced to 49.54
Starbase 11 - Combat 9.97/10, Shield 137.13/190, Hull 179.45/180 - Crew 4-8-4/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 9, Hits Received: 9, Damage Dealt: 15.19
Anzarri - Combat 3.31/4, Shield 6.05/50, Hull 8.27/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 13, Hits Received: 9, Damage Dealt: 6.75
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 29.79/50, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 34.10
Fleet Total: Fired: 12, Hits Received: 22, Damage Dealt 56.04
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.95, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 49.54/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 37.36
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 19.36/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 3, Fired On: 5, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 13.98
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 29.57/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 0.00
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 34.65/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 0.00
USS Republic - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 40.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 0, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 20.61
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 40.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 5, Fired On: 0, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 10.34
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 20.85/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 4.73
Fleet Total: Fired: 28, Hits Received: 11, Damage Dealt 87.03
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.05, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 40 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.13 vs Shields 137.13
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 134.81
Turn 41 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.34 vs Shields 134.81
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 133.34
Turn 42 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.71 vs Shields 6.05
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 4.18
Turn 43 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.06 vs Shields 4.18
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 1.93
Turn 44 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.10 vs Shields 133.34
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 129.96
Turn 45 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 46 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.70 vs Shields 1.93
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship Anzarri has lost shields.
Ship Anzarri reduced to 5.07 Hp
The Anzarri has suffered sub-system damage: Shield knocked out! 15 turns to repair.
Turn 47 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Yukikaze
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.72 vs Shields 40.00
Ship USS Yukikaze Shields reduced to 38.09
Turn 48 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.76 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Anzarri reduced to 0 Hp!
The Anzarri has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 15 turns to repair.
Turn 48 - The Anzarri has been destroyed! Destroyed by CAS Hebrinda
Turn 49 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.78 vs Shields 129.96
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 126.93
Turn 50 - Processing Shield Regen.
Turn 50 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Turn 50 - Critical Hit! Ship USS Republic on Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 18.68 vs Shields 132.61
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 113.93
Turn 51 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.99 vs Shields 113.93
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 112.85
Turn 52 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.63 vs Shields 112.85
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 108.88
Turn 53 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.62 vs Shields 108.88
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 106.02
Turn 54 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Saratoga
Ship USS Saratoga has evaded!
Turn 55 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.25 vs Shields 106.02
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 104.66
Turn 56 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.67 vs Shields 104.66
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 102.84
Turn 57 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.30 vs Shields 19.86
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 18.41
Turn 58 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.59 vs Shields 102.84
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 100.02
Turn 59 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.46 vs Shields 100.02
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 95.14
Starbase 11 - Combat 9.97/10, Shield 95.14/190, Hull 179.45/180 - Crew 4-8-4/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 3, Fired On: 21, Hits Received: 21, Damage Dealt: 16.64
Anzarri - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Destroyed
Fired: 5, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt: 8.66
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 31.29/50, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 7, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 34.10
Fleet Total: Fired: 15, Hits Received: 38, Damage Dealt 59.40
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.95, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 50.00/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 9, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 43.60
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 18.41/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 5, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 21.04
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 29.97/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 7.95
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 35.05/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 8.84
USS Republic - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 40.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 7, Fired On: 0, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 39.29
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 38.49/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 17.52
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 21.15/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 10.90
Fleet Total: Fired: 45, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt 149.14
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.05, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 60 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.33 vs Shields 95.14
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 90.42
Turn 61 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Napia
Turn 61 - Critical Hit! Ship USS Saratoga on Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 25.00 vs Shields 31.29
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 6.29
Turn 62 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.31 vs Shields 6.29
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 3.77
Turn 63 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Saratoga
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.96 vs Shields 35.05
Ship USS Saratoga Shields reduced to 30.64
Turn 64 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.74 vs Shields 90.42
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 85.24
Turn 65 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.22 vs Shields 85.24
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 80.63
Turn 66 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.67 vs Shields 3.77
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship Napia has lost shields.
Ship Napia reduced to 8.68 Hp
The Napia has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 10 turns to repair.
Turn 67 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.62 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Napia reduced to 4.73 Hp
The Napia has suffered sub-system damage: Shield knocked out! 10 turns to repair.
Turn 68 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.16 vs Shields 80.63
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 78.27
Turn 69 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.18 vs Shields 78.27
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 73.71
Turn 70 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship USS Enlightenment
Damage roll - Hitpower 6.73 vs Shields 50.00
Ship USS Enlightenment Shields reduced to 42.51
Turn 71 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.27 vs Shields 73.71
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 69.05
Turn 72 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.95 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Napia reduced to 1.51 Hp
The Napia has suffered sub-system damage: Power knocked out! 10 turns to repair.
Turn 73 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.88 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Napia reduced to 0 Hp!
The Napia has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 13 turns to repair.
Turn 73 - The Napia has suffered a Warp Core Breach, all hands lost! Destroyed by USS Enlightenment
Turn 74 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.67 vs Shields 69.05
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 68.32
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 0.43
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 179.03 Hp by burn-through
Turn 75 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.58 vs Shields 68.32
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 65.50
Turn 76 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship USS Republic
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.42 vs Shields 40.00
Ship USS Republic Shields reduced to 35.09
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 0.54
Ship USS Republic reduced to 29.46 Hp by burn-through
Turn 77 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.11 vs Shields 65.50
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 64.29
Turn 78 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.38 vs Shields 64.29
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 63.88
Turn 79 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.61 vs Shields 63.88
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 62.12
Starbase 11 - Combat 9.95/10, Shield 62.12/190, Hull 179.03/180 - Crew 4-8-4/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 5, Fired On: 32, Hits Received: 32, Damage Dealt: 29.05
Anzarri - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Destroyed
Fired: 5, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt: 8.66
Napia - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-0-0/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Warp Core Breach
Fired: 8, Fired On: 12, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 38.51
Fleet Total: Fired: 18, Hits Received: 55, Damage Dealt 76.21
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.95, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 42.51/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 14, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 64.57
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 18.41/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 32.01
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 29.97/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 7.95
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 30.64/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 4, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 44.44
USS Republic - Combat 4.91/5, Shield 35.09/40, Hull 29.46/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 44.47
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 38.49/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 17.52
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 21.15/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 12, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 16.31
Fleet Total: Fired: 62, Hits Received: 16, Damage Dealt 227.27
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.05, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 80 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.67 vs Shields 62.12
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 58.12
Turn 81 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Ship Starbase 11 has evaded!
Turn 82 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.72 vs Shields 58.12
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 52.97
Turn 83 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.19 vs Shields 52.97
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 48.40
Turn 84 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship USS Saratoga
Damage roll - Hitpower 9.39 vs Shields 30.64
Ship USS Saratoga Shields reduced to 20.20
Turn 85 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.92 vs Shields 48.40
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 43.03
Turn 86 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.41 vs Shields 43.03
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 39.30
Turn 87 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.41 vs Shields 39.30
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 34.48
Turn 88 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.56 vs Shields 34.48
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 30.59
Turn 89 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.63 vs Shields 30.59
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 27.72
Turn 90 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.02 vs Shields 27.72
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 25.52
Turn 91 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.62 vs Shields 25.52
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 22.66
Turn 92 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.50 vs Shields 22.66
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 18.84
Turn 93 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.48 vs Shields 18.84
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 15.04
Turn 94 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Turn 94 - Critical Hit! Ship CAS Hebrinda on Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 20.21 vs Shields 15.04
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 has lost shields.
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 173.86 Hp
Turn 95 - Processing Shield Regen.
Turn 95 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.95 vs Shields 5.51
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 4.47
Turn 96 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Turn 96 - Critical Hit! Ship Amarkia Centaur on Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 10.46 vs Shields 4.47
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 has lost shields.
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 167.87 Hp
Ship 1 has taken casualties: 1/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 97 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Turn 97 - Critical Hit! Ship CAS Hebrinda on Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 24.97 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 142.90 Hp
Turn 98 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.56 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 140.10 Hp
Ship 1 has taken casualties: 1/0/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 99 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.15 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 138.85 Hp
Starbase 11 - Combat 7.71/10, Shield 0.00/190, Hull 138.85/180 - Crew 2-7-4/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 51, Hits Received: 50, Damage Dealt: 39.49
Anzarri - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Destroyed
Fired: 5, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt: 8.66
Napia - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-0-0/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Warp Core Breach
Fired: 8, Fired On: 12, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 38.51
Fleet Total: Fired: 19, Hits Received: 73, Damage Dealt 86.66
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.95, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 43.01/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 16, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 72.25
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 18.91/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 11, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 82.34
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 30.37/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 18.94
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 20.60/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 10, Fired On: 5, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 49.69
USS Republic - Combat 4.91/5, Shield 35.48/40, Hull 29.46/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 9, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 48.30
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 38.89/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 11, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 28.92
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 21.45/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 16, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 34.64
Fleet Total: Fired: 81, Hits Received: 17, Damage Dealt 335.07
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.05, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 100 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.47 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 138.33 Hp
Turn 101 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.98 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 132.90 Hp
Turn 102 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.52 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 129.06 Hp
Turn 103 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.22 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 124.45 Hp
Turn 104 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.72 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 121.49 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 105 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.64 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 118.61 Hp
Turn 106 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.75 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 114.52 Hp
Turn 107 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.35 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 111.96 Hp
Turn 108 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.52 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 110.30 Hp
Turn 109 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.99 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 105.94 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 110 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.31 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 105.60 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/0/1 out of 4/8/4
Turn 111 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Ship Starbase 11 has evaded!
Turn 112 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.90 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 101.35 Hp
Turn 113 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.62 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 99.58 Hp
Turn 114 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.94 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 95.28 Hp
Turn 115 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.29 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 92.77 Hp
Turn 116 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.24 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 89.24 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 117 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.46 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 84.38 Hp
Turn 118 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.74 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 81.39 Hp
Turn 119 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.43 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 76.56 Hp
Starbase 11 - Combat 4.25/10, Shield 0.00/190, Hull 76.56/180 - Crew 2-4-3/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 71, Hits Received: 69, Damage Dealt: 39.49
Anzarri - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Destroyed
Fired: 5, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt: 8.66
Napia - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-0-0/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Warp Core Breach
Fired: 8, Fired On: 12, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 38.51
Fleet Total: Fired: 19, Hits Received: 92, Damage Dealt 86.66
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.95, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 43.01/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 17, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 72.59
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 18.91/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 14, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 96.95
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 30.37/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 10, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 25.65
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 20.60/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 13, Fired On: 5, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 58.06
USS Republic - Combat 4.91/5, Shield 35.48/40, Hull 29.46/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 13, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 64.64
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 38.89/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 17, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 41.88
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 21.45/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 17, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 37.61
Fleet Total: Fired: 101, Hits Received: 17, Damage Dealt 397.37
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.05, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 120 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.90 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 75.58 Hp
Turn 121 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.74 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 72.59 Hp
Turn 122 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.74 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 70.68 Hp
Turn 123 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.05 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 67.35 Hp
Turn 124 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.82 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 62.09 Hp
Turn 125 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.78 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 56.87 Hp
Turn 126 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.85 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 55.94 Hp
The Starbase 11 has suffered sub-system damage: Reaction knocked out! 0 turns to repair.
Turn 127 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.39 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 54.42 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 128 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.45 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 51.74 Hp
Turn 129 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.42 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 48.02 Hp
The Starbase 11 has suffered sub-system damage: Shield knocked out! 0 turns to repair.
Turn 130 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.64 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 46.23 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/0/1 out of 4/8/4
Turn 131 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Ship Starbase 11 has evaded!
Turn 132 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.83 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 40.95 Hp
Turn 133 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.93 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 37.75 Hp
Turn 134 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.73 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 33.68 Hp
Turn 135 - Processing Shield Regen.
Turn 135 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.86 vs Shields 1.07
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 has lost shields.
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 31.62 Hp
Turn 136 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.99 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 27.27 Hp
Turn 137 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.72 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 24.30 Hp
Turn 138 - Ship USS Republic is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.65 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 19.23 Hp
Turn 139 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.00 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 18.14 Hp
Starbase 11 - Combat 1.01/10, Shield 0.00/190, Hull 18.14/180 - Crew 2-3-2/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 91, Hits Received: 88, Damage Dealt: 39.49
Anzarri - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Destroyed
Fired: 5, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt: 8.66
Napia - Combat 0.00/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-0-0/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Warp Core Breach
Fired: 8, Fired On: 12, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 38.51
Fleet Total: Fired: 19, Hits Received: 111, Damage Dealt 86.66
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.95, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Enlightenment - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 43.51/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-5-3/3-5-3 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 21, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 91.68
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.99/5, Shield 19.41/50, Hull 29.96/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 15, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 100.15
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 30.77/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 12, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 27.72
USS Saratoga - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 21.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 15, Fired On: 5, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 64.04
USS Republic - Combat 4.91/5, Shield 35.87/40, Hull 29.46/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 15, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 73.44
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 39.29/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 21, Fired On: 1, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 52.06
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 21.75/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 22, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 47.77
Fleet Total: Fired: 121, Hits Received: 17, Damage Dealt 456.85
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.05, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 140 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.55 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 16.45 Hp
Turn 141 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.22 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 14.03 Hp
Turn 142 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.93 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 9.74 Hp
Turn 143 - Ship USS Enlightenment is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.32 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 6.12 Hp
Ship 1 has taken casualties: 1/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 144 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship USS Enlightenment
Ship USS Enlightenment has evaded!
Turn 145 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.36 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 2.45 Hp
Turn 146 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.37 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 0 Hp!
The Starbase 11 has been disabled.
Blue Force has no remaining ships! Gold Force is victorious!
Fleet Gold Force Ship Detailed BreakdownShip: Starbase 11
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 10 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 177.49/190.00
Turn 11 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 176.68/190.00
Turn 17 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 172.56/190.00
Turn 24 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 171.15/190.00
Turn 25 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 169.08/190.00
Turn 28 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 166.08/190.00
Turn 29 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 30 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 32 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 141.08/190.00
Turn 35 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 139.27/190.00
Turn 38 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Have suffered burn-through of power 0.55!
Reduced to 179.45 Hp by burn-through
Turn 40 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 134.81/190.00
Turn 41 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 133.34/190.00
Turn 44 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 129.96/190.00
Turn 49 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 126.93/190.00
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 5.68 pts, now at 132.61
Turn 50 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 113.93/190.00
Turn 51 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 112.85/190.00
Turn 52 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Shields holding, now at 108.88/190.00
Turn 53 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 106.02/190.00
Turn 55 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 104.66/190.00
Turn 56 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 102.84/190.00
Turn 57 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 58 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 100.02/190.00
Turn 59 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Shields holding, now at 95.14/190.00
Turn 60 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 90.42/190.00
Turn 64 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 85.24/190.00
Turn 65 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 80.63/190.00
Turn 68 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 78.27/190.00
Turn 69 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Shields holding, now at 73.71/190.00
Turn 70 - Firing upon the USS Enlightenment!
Turn 71 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 69.05/190.00
Turn 74 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Have suffered burn-through of power 0.43!
Reduced to 179.03 Hp by burn-through
Turn 75 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Shields holding, now at 65.50/190.00
Turn 76 - Firing upon the USS Republic!
Turn 77 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 64.29/190.00
Turn 78 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 63.88/190.00
Turn 79 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 62.12/190.00
Turn 80 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Shields holding, now at 58.12/190.00
Turn 81 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 82 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 52.97/190.00
Turn 83 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 48.40/190.00
Turn 84 - Firing upon the USS Saratoga!
Turn 85 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 43.03/190.00
Turn 86 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 39.30/190.00
Turn 87 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 34.48/190.00
Turn 88 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 30.59/190.00
Turn 89 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 27.72/190.00
Turn 90 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 25.52/190.00
Turn 91 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 22.66/190.00
Turn 92 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 18.84/190.00
Turn 93 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 15.04/190.00
Turn 94 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 173.86 Hp
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 5.51 pts, now at 5.51
Turn 95 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 4.47/190.00
Turn 96 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 167.87 Hp
Casualties! 1/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 97 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 142.90 Hp
Turn 98 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 140.10 Hp
Casualties! 1/0/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 99 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Reduced to 138.85 Hp
Turn 100 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 138.33 Hp
Turn 101 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 132.90 Hp
Turn 102 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Reduced to 129.06 Hp
Turn 103 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Reduced to 124.45 Hp
Turn 104 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 121.49 Hp
Casualties! 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 105 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Reduced to 118.61 Hp
Turn 106 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Reduced to 114.52 Hp
Turn 107 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Reduced to 111.96 Hp
Turn 108 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 110.30 Hp
Turn 109 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 105.94 Hp
Casualties! 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 110 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Reduced to 105.60 Hp
Casualties! 0/0/1 out of 4/8/4
Turn 111 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 112 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 101.35 Hp
Turn 113 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Reduced to 99.58 Hp
Turn 114 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Reduced to 95.28 Hp
Turn 115 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Reduced to 92.77 Hp
Turn 116 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 89.24 Hp
Casualties! 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 117 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Reduced to 84.38 Hp
Turn 118 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 81.39 Hp
Turn 119 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 76.56 Hp
Turn 120 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Reduced to 75.58 Hp
Turn 121 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 72.59 Hp
Turn 122 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Reduced to 70.68 Hp
Turn 123 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Reduced to 67.35 Hp
Turn 124 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Reduced to 62.09 Hp
Turn 125 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Reduced to 56.87 Hp
Turn 126 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 55.94 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Reaction knocked out! 0 turns to repair.
Turn 127 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 54.42 Hp
Casualties! 0/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 128 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 51.74 Hp
Turn 129 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Reduced to 48.02 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Shield knocked out! 0 turns to repair.
Turn 130 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 46.23 Hp
Casualties! 0/0/1 out of 4/8/4
Turn 131 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 132 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Reduced to 40.95 Hp
Turn 133 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 37.75 Hp
Turn 134 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Reduced to 33.68 Hp
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 1.07 pts, now at 1.07
Turn 135 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 31.62 Hp
Turn 136 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 27.27 Hp
Turn 137 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 24.30 Hp
Turn 138 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Reduced to 19.23 Hp
Turn 139 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Reduced to 18.14 Hp
Turn 140 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 16.45 Hp
Turn 141 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Reduced to 14.03 Hp
Turn 142 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 9.74 Hp
Turn 143 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Reduced to 6.12 Hp
Casualties! 1/1/0 out of 4/8/4
Turn 144 - Firing upon the USS Enlightenment!
Ship USS Enlightenment has evaded!
Turn 145 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Reduced to 2.45 Hp
Turn 146 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Ship has been reduced to 0 Hp
Turn 146 - Ship has been disabled by USS Yukikaze! Surviving 1/2/2
Ship: Anzarri
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 0 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 1 - Firing upon the USS Saratoga!
Turn 2 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 3 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 38.68/50.00
Turn 4 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 33.97/50.00
Turn 5 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 29.55/50.00
Turn 6 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 25.47/50.00
Turn 9 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Turn 12 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 16 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 18 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Have suffered burn-through of power 1.73!
Reduced to 8.27 Hp by burn-through
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Warp knocked out! 15 turns to repair.
Turn 20 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Shields holding, now at 17.60/50.00
Turn 26 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 15.70/50.00
Turn 27 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 33 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 11.24/50.00
Turn 36 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 6.05/50.00
Turn 39 - Firing upon the USS Enlightenment!
Turn 42 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 4.18/50.00
Turn 43 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 1.93/50.00
Turn 45 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 46 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Reduced to 5.07 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Shield knocked out! 15 turns to repair.
Turn 47 - Firing upon the USS Yukikaze!
Turn 48 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Ship has been reduced to 0 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 15 turns to repair.
Turn 48 - Ship has been destroyed by CAS Hebrinda! Surviving crew 0/2/2
Ship: Napia
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 7 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 39.00/50.00
Turn 8 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Turn 13 - Fired upon by the USS Republic!
Shields holding, now at 33.94/50.00
Turn 14 - Firing upon the USS Saratoga!
Turn 15 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 19 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 21 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Turn 22 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Turn 23 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 31 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 31.82/50.00
Turn 34 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 37 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 29.79/50.00
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 1.50 pts, now at 31.29
Turn 54 - Firing upon the USS Saratoga!
Ship USS Saratoga has evaded!
Turn 61 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Shields holding, now at 6.29/50.00
Turn 62 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 3.77/50.00
Turn 63 - Firing upon the USS Saratoga!
Turn 66 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Reduced to 8.68 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 10 turns to repair.
Turn 67 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Reduced to 4.73 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Shield knocked out! 10 turns to repair.
Turn 72 - Fired upon by the USS Saratoga!
Reduced to 1.51 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Power knocked out! 10 turns to repair.
Turn 73 - Fired upon by the USS Enlightenment!
Ship has been reduced to 0 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 13 turns to repair.
Turn 73 - Ship has suffered a Warp Core Breach, all hands lost! Destroyed by USS Enlightenment
Ship: USS Enlightenment
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 3 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 5 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 20 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 23 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 32 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 38 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 39 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 49.54/50.00
Turn 44 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 45 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 50.00
Turn 53 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 60 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 65 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 66 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 70 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Shields holding, now at 42.51/50.00
Turn 73 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 73 - Ship has destroyed the Napia
Turn 77 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 87 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 91 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 43.01
Turn 110 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 123 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 124 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 125 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 132 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 43.51
Turn 143 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 144 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Successfully evaded!
Ship: CAS Hebrinda
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 0 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Have suffered burn-through of power 0.04!
Reduced to 29.96 Hp by burn-through
Turn 4 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 6 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 15 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 28.52/50.00
Turn 19 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 24.12/50.00
Turn 22 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 30 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Shields holding, now at 19.36/50.00
Turn 36 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 42 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 48 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 48 - Ship has destroyed the Anzarri
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 19.86
Turn 57 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Shields holding, now at 18.41/50.00
Turn 67 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 68 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 71 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 82 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 94 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 18.91
Turn 97 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 101 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 109 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 119 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 133 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 19.41
Turn 140 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Ship: USS Exeter
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 12 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 29 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Shields holding, now at 29.57/40.00
Turn 34 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 46 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 29.97
Turn 58 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 81 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Ship Starbase 11 has evaded!
Turn 83 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 85 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 30.37
Turn 95 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 102 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 105 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 120 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 30.77
Turn 139 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Ship: USS Saratoga
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 1 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 36.03/40.00
Turn 2 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 14 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 34.65/40.00
Turn 16 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 35.05
Turn 52 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 54 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 59 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 61 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 63 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 30.64/40.00
Turn 69 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 72 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 75 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 80 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 84 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Shields holding, now at 20.20/40.00
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 20.60
Turn 99 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 106 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 113 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 115 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 122 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 134 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 21.00
Ship: USS Republic
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 13 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 17 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 25 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 26 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 28 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 33 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 40.00
Turn 50 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 64 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 76 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Have suffered burn-through of power 0.54!
Reduced to 29.46 Hp by burn-through
Turn 92 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 0.39 pts, now at 35.48
Turn 103 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 107 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 114 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 117 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 129 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.39 pts, now at 35.87
Turn 138 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Ship: USS Yukikaze
Enemies Destroyed:
Starbase 11
Turn 7 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 18 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 31 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 35 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 37 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 40 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 47 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 38.09/40.00
Turn 49 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 38.49
Turn 56 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 86 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 88 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 93 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 38.89
Turn 100 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 108 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 111 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Ship Starbase 11 has evaded!
Turn 112 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 116 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 118 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 126 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 130 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 39.29
Turn 135 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 136 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 142 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 145 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 146 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 146 - Ship has disabled the Starbase 11
Ship: Amarkia Centaur
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 8 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 25.92/30.00
Turn 9 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 25.09/30.00
Turn 10 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 11 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 21 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 20.85/30.00
Turn 24 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 27 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 41 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 43 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 50 - Shields recharge up to 0.30 pts, now at 21.15
Turn 51 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 55 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 62 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 74 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 78 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 79 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 89 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 90 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 95 - Shields recharge up to 0.30 pts, now at 21.45
Turn 96 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 98 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 104 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 121 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 127 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 128 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 131 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Ship Starbase 11 has evaded!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.30 pts, now at 21.75
Turn 137 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 141 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Starbases are C10 S6 H18 L18 P6 D5, off the top of my head I think they'd wipe the floor with that task force.
So, was our wargame terribly designed or did we just learn something new about the engine?
Because the result of this battle looks a tiny little bit onesided. The base barely even dealt damage.
1) What is that minor colony just rimward of Okatha?
2) Konen, not Konnen
3) How the heck are Konen and Ashidi trading partners without Seyek knowing about them? Or probably more likely, Seyek already knew about them and didn't tell us, as is customary in TBG. *grumbles*
Still, maybe place the Ashidi as close to the border of -7g as possible, perhaps under the galactic plane (to give visual illusion of distance ala Lecarre), to make it ever slightly more plausible?
4) Sydraxians shouldn't be considered a "Cardassian client" anymore.
@OneirosTheWriter, can you give map coordinates for the following?
- Obar
- Becarra (Honiani)
- Ucuta (Honiani)
- any other major or important Honiani worlds
- Akola (Orion)
- Duaba (Orion)
- Broken Chains (Orion)
- any other major or important Orion worlds
- Hagelan (Vulcan)
- Kadann (Andorian)
- Laudon (Rigellian)
- Abadan (Rigellian)
- Vidotti (Indorian)
- Thunti (Gaeni)
- Second Risa
@OneirosTheWriter things that need to be addressed before the research turn because they are immediately relevant for our choices (and most of these you are probably already aware of, just listing them again so nothing slips through):
- The rest of the Decisive Battle tree, and perhaps any other fixes to the Offensive Doctrines.
- The 2315 results post mentioned a bonus to Decisive Battle Doctrine, but that never made it to the megapost.
- 2310s Starbase Design - Repair
- What project unlocks T3 SIF, probably 2320s Starship Safety?
- 2320s Dish Construction. It lists bonuses for the old design sheet and claims to unlock T3 nav deflectors, but 2320s Navigational Deflectors already does the latter and it would be weird for a project with that name not to be able to unlock the part on its own. Also nav deflectors currently aren't a very important part and needing two projects to unlock would make the project even more underwhelming than it already is. My suggestion: Either remove 2320s Dish Construction entirely or give it some sort of event bonus(es).
Fix suggestions for the entire shield tree, other than 2320s Dish Construction this isn't immediately relevant:
- 2330s Navigational Shaping should unlock T4 Nav deflectors instead of 2330s Next-Gen Emitters.
- 2330s Next-Gen Emitters should unlock T4 deflector shields.
- Next-Gen Main Deflectors should unlock T5 Nav deflectors.
- 2330s Shield Geometry should either (continue to?) increase the chance to negate hits with a shield roll if that's still a thing or increase shield regeneration.
- 2330s Deflector Absorption should reduce enemy burn-through
- 2340s Deflector Shields should unlock T5 deflector shields
- 2330s Emitter Materials could decrease the cost of future parts like 2320s Deflector Emitters does but I'm not sure that's such a great mechanic. Or it could unlock T4 low SR cost variant parts (together with 2330s Next-Gen Emitters).
- 2330s Deflector Reliability could do something like reduce burn-through or increase shield regen as well, or perhaps decrease the time it takes to get shields back up if they suffer subsystem damage in battle, but it would also be ok for this to be a pure prerequisite project for 2340s Deflector Shields considering the tier and that shield parts are actually important.
I know...I was just getting it off my chest. Ignore meLook, if everyone tells you who's next door to them, then we start asking who's next door to them, and then the next tier out and before you know it you've made me go six degrees of separation on the whole bloody galaxy.
Also, the Ashidi didn't exist until they were rolled for, so it's just something unavoidable. I try not to extend my bookkeeping beyond what is relevant because I'm already tracking a whole slew of things as it is.
I know this was off-the-cuff, but would our skirmishers really withdraw when theirs don't? Is that choice doctrinal or to do with some part of the typical command decision in a situation like this?Starbase 11, Anzarri, Napia
Anzarri, Napia
QueenshipCAS Jolintoor, CAS Hebrinda
USS Yukikaze, Amarkia Centaur
USS ExeterScouting phase complete - Gold Force gains positioning boost for next phase
Ships are closing to weapons range, and the skirmishers are beginning to engage.
The margin of the scouting was: 0.86 vs 1.14
Turn 45 - The Skirmish lines are joined by the Vanguard and the fighting begins in earnest.
During the Skirmish phase, the Blue Force claimed favourable angles of approach and cover.
The margin of the advantage was: 1.18 vs 0.82
Turn 81 - The smaller ships from the skirmish lines begin to withdraw as the heavy metal joins the fray.
The positioning advantage currently strongly resides with Blue Force
The margin of the advantage was: 1.25 vs 1
Ship CAS Jolintoor has lost shields.
Ship USS Exeter has lost shields.
Ship CAS Jolintoor has lost shields.
Ship USS Exeter has lost shields.
Ship CAS Hebrinda has lost shields.
Turn 156 - The USS Exeter has suffered a Warp Core Breach, all hands lost! Destroyed by Starbase 11
The CAS Jolintoor has been disabled.
Turn 176 - The CAS Hebrinda has been destroyed! Destroyed by Starbase 11
Starbase 11 - Combat 9.99/10, Shield 169.38/180, Hull 179.89/180 - Crew 4-8-4/4-8-4 - Enemies killed: 2 - Status:
Fired: 9, Fired On: 5, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 121.88
Queenship - Combat 3.95/4, Shield 65.63/70, Hull 19.76/20 - Crew 1-5-2/1-5-2 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 10, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 24.39
Anzarri - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 18.15/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Enemies killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 44, Fired On: 32, Hits Received: 17, Damage Dealt: 95.04
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 7.48/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 43, Fired On: 31, Hits Received: 14, Damage Dealt: 80.52
CAS Jolintoor - Combat 0.00/5, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/30 - Crew 2-0-1/3-3-2 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status: Disabled
Fired: 6, Fired On: 24, Hits Received: 20, Damage Dealt: 3.80
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 0.00/5, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 0.00/30 - Crew 0-0-1/3-3-2 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status: Destroyed
Fired: 13, Fired On: 33, Hits Received: 27, Damage Dealt: 27.38
USS Exeter - Combat 0.00/5, Shield 0.00/40, Hull 0.00/30 - Crew 0-0-0/3-4-4 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status: Warp Core Breach
Fired: 11, Fired On: 27, Hits Received: 24, Damage Dealt: 20.23
USS Yukikaze - Combat 3.83/4, Shield 27.19/40, Hull 28.71/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 17, Fired On: 11, Hits Received: 7, Damage Dealt: 13.87
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 16.84/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 24, Fired On: 11, Hits Received: 7, Damage Dealt: 15.04
Fleet Blue Force Ship Detailed BreakdownScouting check 1 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 6 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 10
Scouting check 2 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 7 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 9
Scouting check 3 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 7 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 15
Scouting check 4 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 11 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 7
Scouting check 5 of 5 result: Ship Napia: 6 v Ship USS Yukikaze: 10
Scouting phase complete - Gold Force gains positioning boost for next phase
Ships are closing to weapons range, and the skirmishers are beginning to engage.
The margin of the scouting was: 0.86 vs 1.14
Turn 0 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 1 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Yukikaze
Ship USS Yukikaze has evaded!
Turn 2 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 3 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 4 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 5 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.80 vs Shields 40.00
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 38.10
Turn 6 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 7 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 8 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Yukikaze
Ship USS Yukikaze has evaded!
Turn 9 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Yukikaze
Ship USS Yukikaze has evaded!
Turn 10 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 11 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 12 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Ship Amarkia Centaur has evaded!
Turn 13 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.85 vs Shields 30.00
Ship Amarkia Centaur Shields reduced to 28.58
Turn 14 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 15 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Yukikaze
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.89 vs Shields 40.00
Ship USS Yukikaze Shields reduced to 38.55
Turn 16 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 17 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 18 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Ship Amarkia Centaur has evaded!
Turn 19 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.05 vs Shields 38.10
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 36.58
Anzarri - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 36.58/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 9, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 0.00
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 40.00/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 3, Fired On: 4, Hits Received: 0, Damage Dealt: 2.87
Fleet Total: Fired: 7, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt 2.87
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.86, Next Phase Value: 1.175
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 38.55/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 7, Fired On: 4, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 3.42
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 28.58/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 0.00
Fleet Total: Fired: 13, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt 3.42
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.14, Next Phase Value: 0.825
Turn 20 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 21 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 22 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 23 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.47 vs Shields 36.58
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 35.34
Turn 24 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 25 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 26 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 27 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 28 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.37 vs Shields 28.58
Ship Amarkia Centaur Shields reduced to 27.89
Turn 29 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.52 vs Shields 40.00
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 38.74
Turn 30 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.86 vs Shields 35.34
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 33.91
Turn 31 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Yukikaze
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.22 vs Shields 38.55
Ship USS Yukikaze Shields reduced to 37.45
Turn 32 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.11 vs Shields 27.89
Ship Amarkia Centaur Shields reduced to 27.34
Turn 33 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Ship Amarkia Centaur has evaded!
Turn 34 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.72 vs Shields 38.74
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 36.88
Turn 35 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 36 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 37 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 38 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 39 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Anzarri - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 33.91/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 7, Fired On: 17, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 1.24
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 36.88/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 12, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 3.98
Fleet Total: Fired: 11, Hits Received: 6, Damage Dealt 5.22
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.86, Next Phase Value: 1.2
USS Yukikaze - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 37.45/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 13, Fired On: 5, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 5.28
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 27.34/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 16, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 3.93
Fleet Total: Fired: 29, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt 9.21
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.14, Next Phase Value: 0.8
Turn 40 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 41 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 42 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Ship Amarkia Centaur has evaded!
Turn 43 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.09 vs Shields 36.88
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 35.83
Turn 44 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Yukikaze
Ship USS Yukikaze has evaded!
Turn 45 - Processing Shield Regen.
Turn 45 - The Skirmish lines are joined by the Vanguard and the fighting begins in earnest.
During the Skirmish phase, the Blue Force claimed favourable angles of approach and cover.
The margin of the advantage was: 1.18 vs 0.82
Turn 45 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Yukikaze
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.24 vs Shields 37.85
Ship USS Yukikaze Shields reduced to 36.61
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 0.10
Ship USS Yukikaze reduced to 29.90 Hp by burn-through
Turn 46 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.34 vs Shields 27.64
Ship Amarkia Centaur Shields reduced to 24.29
Turn 47 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Yukikaze
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.92 vs Shields 36.61
Ship USS Yukikaze Shields reduced to 34.69
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 0.26
Ship USS Yukikaze reduced to 29.64 Hp by burn-through
Turn 48 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.88 vs Shields 40.00
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 38.12
Turn 49 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 50 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Yukikaze
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.05 vs Shields 34.69
Ship USS Yukikaze Shields reduced to 31.64
Turn 51 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.66 vs Shields 38.12
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 34.46
Turn 52 - Ship Queenship is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.85 vs Shields 34.46
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 30.61
Turn 53 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.66 vs Shields 24.29
Ship Amarkia Centaur Shields reduced to 22.64
Turn 54 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Queenship
Ship Queenship has evaded!
Turn 55 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Queenship
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.86 vs Shields 70.00
Ship Queenship Shields reduced to 67.14
Turn 56 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.45 vs Shields 36.23
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 33.79
Turn 57 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.07 vs Shields 33.79
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 31.72
Turn 58 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.04 vs Shields 31.72
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 27.68
Turn 59 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Queenship
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.90 vs Shields 67.14
Ship Queenship Shields reduced to 64.25
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 0.24
Ship Queenship reduced to 19.76 Hp by burn-through
Anzarri - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 34.31/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 10, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 9.29
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 27.68/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 10, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 6, Damage Dealt: 12.67
Queenship - Combat 3.95/4, Shield 64.25/70, Hull 19.76/20 - Crew 1-5-2/1-5-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 1, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 3.85
Fleet Total: Fired: 21, Hits Received: 12, Damage Dealt 25.82
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.18, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Yukikaze - Combat 3.95/4, Shield 31.64/40, Hull 29.64/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 14, Fired On: 9, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 5.28
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 22.64/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 22, Fired On: 9, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 12.79
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 30.61/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 3, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 6.49
Fleet Total: Fired: 39, Hits Received: 13, Damage Dealt 24.56
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.82, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 60 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.03 vs Shields 34.31
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 32.28
Turn 61 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.43 vs Shields 30.61
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 30.17
Turn 62 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.89 vs Shields 32.28
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 30.40
Turn 63 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.12 vs Shields 30.17
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 27.06
Turn 64 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.60 vs Shields 30.40
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 29.79
Turn 65 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 66 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.27 vs Shields 27.06
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 25.79
Turn 67 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.80 vs Shields 22.64
Ship Amarkia Centaur Shields reduced to 18.84
Turn 68 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.32 vs Shields 27.68
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 24.35
Turn 69 - Ship Amarkia Centaur is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.36 vs Shields 29.79
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 29.43
Turn 70 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.76 vs Shields 29.43
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 27.67
Turn 71 - Ship Queenship is firing upon Ship Amarkia Centaur
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.60 vs Shields 18.84
Ship Amarkia Centaur Shields reduced to 16.24
Turn 72 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.66 vs Shields 24.35
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 20.70
Turn 73 - Ship Queenship is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.14 vs Shields 25.79
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 22.64
Turn 74 - Ship USS Yukikaze is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.90 vs Shields 27.67
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 24.76
Turn 75 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.93 vs Shields 22.64
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 18.71
Turn 76 - Ship Queenship is firing upon Ship USS Yukikaze
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.48 vs Shields 31.64
Ship USS Yukikaze Shields reduced to 29.16
Turn 77 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.24 vs Shields 18.71
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 16.47
Turn 78 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.86 vs Shields 16.47
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 14.61
Turn 79 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Yukikaze
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.74 vs Shields 29.16
Ship USS Yukikaze Shields reduced to 26.43
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 0.93
Ship USS Yukikaze reduced to 28.71 Hp by burn-through
Anzarri - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 24.76/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 15, Fired On: 24, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 21.24
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 20.70/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 14, Fired On: 20, Hits Received: 8, Damage Dealt: 20.12
Queenship - Combat 3.95/4, Shield 64.25/70, Hull 19.76/20 - Crew 1-5-2/1-5-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 12.07
Fleet Total: Fired: 33, Hits Received: 20, Damage Dealt 53.43
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.18, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Yukikaze - Combat 3.83/4, Shield 26.43/40, Hull 28.71/30 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 17, Fired On: 11, Hits Received: 7, Damage Dealt: 13.87
Amarkia Centaur - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 16.24/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 24, Fired On: 11, Hits Received: 7, Damage Dealt: 15.04
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 14.61/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 11, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 12.18
Fleet Total: Fired: 47, Hits Received: 24, Damage Dealt 41.09
Fleet Positioning Value: 0.82, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 80 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.29 vs Shields 14.61
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 12.32
Turn 81 - The smaller ships from the skirmish lines begin to withdraw as the heavy metal joins the fray.
The positioning advantage currently strongly resides with Blue Force
The margin of the advantage was: 1.25 vs 1
Turn 81 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.44 vs Shields 180.00
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 175.56
Turn 82 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.76 vs Shields 175.56
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 172.79
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 0.11
Ship Starbase 11 reduced to 179.89 Hp by burn-through
Turn 83 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.53 vs Shields 12.32
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 10.79
Turn 84 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.09 vs Shields 50.00
Ship CAS Jolintoor Shields reduced to 46.91
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 0.19
Ship CAS Jolintoor reduced to 29.81 Hp by burn-through
Turn 85 - Ship Queenship is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.59 vs Shields 10.79
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 7.20
Turn 86 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.06 vs Shields 46.91
Ship CAS Jolintoor Shields reduced to 45.85
Turn 87 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.43 vs Shields 45.85
Ship CAS Jolintoor Shields reduced to 42.42
Turn 88 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 5.31 vs Shields 50.00
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 44.69
Turn 89 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.26 vs Shields 42.42
Ship CAS Jolintoor Shields reduced to 40.16
Turn 90 - Processing Shield Regen.
Turn 90 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Ship CAS Jolintoor has evaded!
Turn 91 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.75 vs Shields 40.66
Ship CAS Jolintoor Shields reduced to 36.91
Turn 92 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.79 vs Shields 7.60
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 4.81
Turn 93 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.35 vs Shields 21.10
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 19.75
Turn 94 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.94 vs Shields 19.75
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 17.81
Turn 95 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.61 vs Shields 36.91
Ship CAS Jolintoor Shields reduced to 33.30
Turn 96 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.38 vs Shields 45.19
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 41.81
Turn 97 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.44 vs Shields 33.30
Ship CAS Jolintoor Shields reduced to 30.86
Turn 98 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.95 vs Shields 4.81
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 2.85
Turn 99 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.89 vs Shields 30.86
Ship CAS Jolintoor Shields reduced to 27.97
Anzarri - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 25.16/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 21, Fired On: 24, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 38.79
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 17.81/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 21, Fired On: 22, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 37.05
Queenship - Combat 3.95/4, Shield 64.94/70, Hull 19.76/20 - Crew 1-5-2/1-5-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 5, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 15.66
Starbase 11 - Combat 9.99/10, Shield 176.39/180, Hull 179.89/180 - Crew 4-8-4/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 5.31
Anzarri - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 25.16/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 21, Fired On: 24, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 38.79
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 17.81/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 21, Fired On: 22, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 37.05
Fleet Total: Fired: 91, Hits Received: 44, Damage Dealt 172.64
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.25, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 2.85/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 16, Hits Received: 15, Damage Dealt: 15.46
CAS Jolintoor - Combat 4.97/5, Shield 27.97/50, Hull 29.81/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 0, Fired On: 9, Hits Received: 8, Damage Dealt: 0.00
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 41.81/50, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 7.21
Fleet Total: Fired: 10, Hits Received: 25, Damage Dealt 22.67
Fleet Positioning Value: 1, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 100 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.19 vs Shields 2.85
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 0.66
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 2.15
Ship USS Exeter reduced to 27.85 Hp by burn-through
Turn 101 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 102 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Ship CAS Jolintoor has evaded!
Turn 103 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.44 vs Shields 41.81
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 39.36
Turn 104 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Turn 105 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.03 vs Shields 17.81
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 13.78
Turn 106 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Turn 106 - Critical Hit! Ship Starbase 11 on CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 32.88 vs Shields 27.97
Ship CAS Jolintoor Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship CAS Jolintoor has lost shields.
Ship CAS Jolintoor reduced to 24.90 Hp
Turn 107 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.81 vs Shields 0.66
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship USS Exeter has lost shields.
Ship USS Exeter reduced to 26.70 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/0/1 out of 3/4/4
The USS Exeter has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 8 turns to repair.
Turn 108 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.80 vs Shields 39.36
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 36.56
Turn 109 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.93 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Jolintoor reduced to 20.97 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/0/1 out of 3/3/2
Turn 110 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.85 vs Shields 36.56
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 34.71
Turn 111 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 112 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.84 vs Shields 34.71
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 31.87
Turn 113 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.33 vs Shields 31.87
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 31.54
Turn 114 - Ship CAS Jolintoor is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.84 vs Shields 25.16
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 23.32
Turn 115 - Ship Queenship is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.62 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Jolintoor reduced to 18.35 Hp
Turn 116 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Turn 117 - Ship CAS Jolintoor is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.51 vs Shields 13.78
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 13.27
Turn 118 - Ship Queenship is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.80 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Jolintoor reduced to 16.56 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/1/0 out of 3/3/2
Turn 119 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Anzarri - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 23.32/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 28, Fired On: 25, Hits Received: 11, Damage Dealt: 48.42
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 13.27/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 26, Fired On: 25, Hits Received: 12, Damage Dealt: 45.61
Queenship - Combat 3.95/4, Shield 64.94/70, Hull 19.76/20 - Crew 1-5-2/1-5-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 7, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 20.08
Starbase 11 - Combat 9.99/10, Shield 176.39/180, Hull 179.89/180 - Crew 4-8-4/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 38.19
Anzarri - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 23.32/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 28, Fired On: 25, Hits Received: 11, Damage Dealt: 48.42
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 13.27/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 26, Fired On: 25, Hits Received: 12, Damage Dealt: 45.61
Fleet Total: Fired: 119, Hits Received: 50, Damage Dealt 246.32
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.25, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Exeter - Combat 4.45/5, Shield 0.00/40, Hull 26.70/30 - Crew 3-4-3/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 10, Fired On: 19, Hits Received: 17, Damage Dealt: 19.49
CAS Jolintoor - Combat 2.76/5, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 16.56/30 - Crew 3-2-1/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 14, Hits Received: 12, Damage Dealt: 2.35
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 31.54/50, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 2, Fired On: 10, Hits Received: 7, Damage Dealt: 7.21
Fleet Total: Fired: 14, Hits Received: 36, Damage Dealt 29.05
Fleet Positioning Value: 1, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 120 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.35 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Jolintoor reduced to 14.21 Hp
Turn 121 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 8.29 vs Shields 31.54
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 23.25
Turn 122 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.80 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Exeter reduced to 22.90 Hp
Turn 123 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.79 vs Shields 23.25
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 20.46
Turn 124 - Ship CAS Jolintoor is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 125 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Ship CAS Jolintoor has evaded!
Turn 126 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.90 vs Shields 176.39
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 172.49
Turn 127 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.78 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Exeter reduced to 20.12 Hp
Turn 128 - Ship Queenship is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.32 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Jolintoor reduced to 12.89 Hp
Turn 129 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.82 vs Shields 23.32
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 20.50
Turn 130 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.38 vs Shields 20.46
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 17.09
Turn 131 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.36 vs Shields 17.09
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 13.73
Turn 132 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.28 vs Shields 13.73
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 10.45
Turn 133 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.02 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Jolintoor reduced to 10.86 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/2/0 out of 3/3/2
Turn 134 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 135 - Processing Shield Regen.
Turn 135 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.68 vs Shields 10.95
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 9.27
Turn 136 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.79 vs Shields 9.27
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 5.48
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 3.38
Ship CAS Hebrinda reduced to 26.62 Hp by burn-through
The CAS Hebrinda has suffered sub-system damage: Warp knocked out! 8 turns to repair.
Turn 137 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.43 vs Shields 176.08
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 171.66
Turn 138 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.61 vs Shields 5.48
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 3.87
Turn 139 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.56 vs Shields 0.18
Ship CAS Jolintoor Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship CAS Jolintoor has lost shields.
Ship CAS Jolintoor reduced to 8.48 Hp
Ship 1 has taken casualties: 1/0/0 out of 3/3/2
Anzarri - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 20.90/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 34, Fired On: 27, Hits Received: 12, Damage Dealt: 67.10
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 13.67/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 33, Fired On: 26, Hits Received: 12, Damage Dealt: 60.31
Queenship - Combat 3.95/4, Shield 65.63/70, Hull 19.76/20 - Crew 1-5-2/1-5-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 21.40
Starbase 11 - Combat 9.99/10, Shield 171.66/180, Hull 179.89/180 - Crew 4-8-4/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 5, Fired On: 4, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 46.48
Anzarri - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 20.90/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 34, Fired On: 27, Hits Received: 12, Damage Dealt: 67.10
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 13.67/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 33, Fired On: 26, Hits Received: 12, Damage Dealt: 60.31
Fleet Total: Fired: 147, Hits Received: 54, Damage Dealt 322.71
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.25, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Exeter - Combat 3.35/5, Shield 0.27/40, Hull 20.12/30 - Crew 3-4-3/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 10, Fired On: 21, Hits Received: 19, Damage Dealt: 19.49
CAS Jolintoor - Combat 1.41/5, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 8.48/30 - Crew 2-0-1/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 3, Fired On: 19, Hits Received: 16, Damage Dealt: 2.35
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 4.44/5, Shield 3.87/50, Hull 26.62/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 18, Hits Received: 15, Damage Dealt: 18.36
Fleet Total: Fired: 19, Hits Received: 50, Damage Dealt 40.20
Fleet Positioning Value: 1, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 140 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.25 vs Shields 0.27
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship USS Exeter has lost shields.
Ship USS Exeter reduced to 17.14 Hp
Turn 141 - Ship Queenship is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.99 vs Shields 3.87
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 0.88
Turn 142 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.96 vs Shields 0.88
Ship CAS Hebrinda Shields reduced to 0.00
Ship CAS Hebrinda has lost shields.
Ship CAS Hebrinda reduced to 24.54 Hp
Turn 143 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.15 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Jolintoor reduced to 6.34 Hp
Turn 144 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.38 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Exeter reduced to 13.75 Hp
Turn 145 - Ship CAS Jolintoor is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.58 vs Shields 20.90
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 20.33
Turn 146 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.15 vs Shields 13.67
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 10.52
Turn 147 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.98 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Hebrinda reduced to 21.56 Hp
The CAS Hebrinda has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 8 turns to repair.
Turn 148 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.39 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Exeter reduced to 10.36 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/1/0 out of 3/4/4
The USS Exeter has suffered sub-system damage: Reaction knocked out! 8 turns to repair.
Turn 149 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 150 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.74 vs Shields 20.33
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 19.59
Turn 151 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 152 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.56 vs Shields 19.59
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 19.03
Turn 153 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Napia
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.04 vs Shields 10.52
Ship Napia Shields reduced to 7.48
Turn 154 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.29 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Exeter reduced to 8.07 Hp
Turn 155 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Starbase 11
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.28 vs Shields 171.66
Ship Starbase 11 Shields reduced to 169.38
Turn 156 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Turn 156 - Critical Hit! Ship Starbase 11 on USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 49.97 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Exeter reduced to 0 Hp!
Ship 1 has taken casualties: 1/0/1 out of 3/4/4
The USS Exeter has suffered sub-system damage: Power knocked out! 8 turns to repair.
Turn 156 - The USS Exeter has suffered a Warp Core Breach, all hands lost! Destroyed by Starbase 11
Turn 157 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 158 - Ship CAS Jolintoor is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.84 vs Shields 19.03
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 18.19
Turn 159 - Ship Queenship is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Anzarri - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 18.19/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 39, Fired On: 31, Hits Received: 16, Damage Dealt: 81.15
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 7.48/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 36, Fired On: 30, Hits Received: 14, Damage Dealt: 66.66
Queenship - Combat 3.95/4, Shield 65.63/70, Hull 19.76/20 - Crew 1-5-2/1-5-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 10, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 24.39
Starbase 11 - Combat 9.99/10, Shield 169.38/180, Hull 179.89/180 - Crew 4-8-4/4-8-4 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 5, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 96.45
Anzarri - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 18.19/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 39, Fired On: 31, Hits Received: 16, Damage Dealt: 81.15
Napia - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 7.48/40, Hull 10.00/10 - Crew 0-2-2/0-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 36, Fired On: 30, Hits Received: 14, Damage Dealt: 66.66
Fleet Total: Fired: 166, Hits Received: 67, Damage Dealt 416.47
Fleet Positioning Value: 1.25, Next Phase Value: 1
USS Exeter - Combat 0.00/5, Shield 0.00/40, Hull 0.00/30 - Crew 0-0-0/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Warp Core Breach
Fired: 11, Fired On: 27, Hits Received: 24, Damage Dealt: 20.23
CAS Jolintoor - Combat 1.06/5, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 6.34/30 - Crew 2-0-1/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 5, Fired On: 20, Hits Received: 17, Damage Dealt: 3.76
CAS Hebrinda - Combat 3.59/5, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 21.56/30 - Crew 3-3-2/3-3-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 12, Fired On: 22, Hits Received: 18, Damage Dealt: 27.38
Fleet Total: Fired: 28, Hits Received: 59, Damage Dealt 51.38
Fleet Positioning Value: 1, Next Phase Value: 1
Turn 160 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.71 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Jolintoor reduced to 2.63 Hp
Turn 161 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.39 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Hebrinda reduced to 18.18 Hp
Ship 1 has taken casualties: 1/0/0 out of 3/3/2
Turn 162 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.41 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Hebrinda reduced to 15.77 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/1/0 out of 3/3/2
Turn 163 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.53 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Hebrinda reduced to 14.24 Hp
Turn 164 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.50 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Hebrinda reduced to 11.74 Hp
Ship 1 has taken casualties: 1/1/0 out of 3/3/2
Turn 165 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Turn 166 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.34 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Jolintoor reduced to 0.29 Hp
Turn 167 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.95 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Hebrinda reduced to 9.80 Hp
Turn 168 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Turn 169 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.65 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Hebrinda reduced to 6.14 Hp
Turn 170 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.04 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Hebrinda reduced to 4.11 Hp
Turn 171 - Ship Napia is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.86 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Hebrinda reduced to 3.25 Hp
Ship 1 has taken casualties: 1/1/0 out of 3/3/2
Turn 172 - Ship CAS Hebrinda is firing upon Ship Napia
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 173 - Ship CAS Jolintoor is firing upon Ship Anzarri
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.04 vs Shields 18.19
Ship Anzarri Shields reduced to 18.15
Turn 174 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Ship CAS Jolintoor has evaded!
Turn 175 - Ship Anzarri is firing upon Ship CAS Jolintoor
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.38 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Jolintoor reduced to 0 Hp!
The CAS Jolintoor has been disabled.
Blue Force Fleet is now applying Way of the Bee modifier.
Turn 176 - Ship Starbase 11 is firing upon Ship CAS Hebrinda
Turn 176 - Critical Hit! Ship Starbase 11 on CAS Hebrinda
Damage roll - Hitpower 25.43 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CAS Hebrinda reduced to 0 Hp!
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/0/1 out of 3/3/2
The CAS Hebrinda has suffered sub-system damage: Weapons knocked out! 5 turns to repair.
Turn 176 - The CAS Hebrinda has been destroyed! Destroyed by Starbase 11
Gold Force has no remaining ships! Blue Force is victorious!
Fleet Gold Force Ship Detailed BreakdownShip: Starbase 11
Enemies Destroyed:
USS Exeter
CAS Hebrinda
Turn 45 - Shields recharge up to 3.60 pts, now at 180.00
Turn 81 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 175.56/180.00
Turn 82 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Have suffered burn-through of power 0.11!
Reduced to 179.89 Hp by burn-through
Turn 88 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 90 - Shields recharge up to 3.60 pts, now at 176.39
Turn 90 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Ship CAS Jolintoor has evaded!
Turn 106 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 111 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 121 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 126 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 172.49/180.00
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 3.60 pts, now at 176.08
Turn 137 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 171.66/180.00
Turn 155 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 169.38/180.00
Turn 156 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 156 - Ship has destroyed the USS Exeter
Turn 165 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Turn 174 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Ship CAS Jolintoor has evaded!
Turn 176 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 176 - Ship has destroyed the CAS Hebrinda
Ship: Queenship
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 45 - Shields recharge up to 0.70 pts, now at 70.00
Turn 52 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 54 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 55 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 67.14/70.00
Turn 59 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Have suffered burn-through of power 0.24!
Reduced to 19.76 Hp by burn-through
Turn 71 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Turn 73 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 76 - Firing upon the USS Yukikaze!
Turn 85 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 90 - Shields recharge up to 0.69 pts, now at 64.94
Turn 115 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 118 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 128 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.69 pts, now at 65.63
Turn 141 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 159 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Ship: Anzarri
Enemies Destroyed:
CAS Jolintoor
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 7 v 9
Turn 0 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 13 v 10
Turn 1 - Firing upon the USS Yukikaze!
Ship USS Yukikaze has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 10 v 8
Turn 2 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 12 v 7
Turn 4 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 8 v 11
Turn 5 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 38.10/40.00
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 16 v 9
Turn 6 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 9 v 8
Turn 7 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 10 v 9
Turn 8 - Firing upon the USS Yukikaze!
Ship USS Yukikaze has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 10 v 13
Turn 9 - Firing upon the USS Yukikaze!
Ship USS Yukikaze has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 16 v 10
Turn 11 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 12 v 5
Turn 16 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 9 v 14
Turn 18 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Ship Amarkia Centaur has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 13 v 13
Turn 19 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 36.58/40.00
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 12 v 11
Turn 20 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 7 v 13
Turn 22 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 11 v 5
Turn 23 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 35.34/40.00
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 10 v 5
Turn 24 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 8 v 7
Turn 28 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 9 v 9
Turn 30 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 33.91/40.00
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 11 v 12
Turn 32 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 10 v 10
Turn 33 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Ship Amarkia Centaur has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 10 v 10
Turn 35 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 11 v 9
Turn 36 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 11 v 11
Turn 38 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 45 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 34.31
Turn 46 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Turn 49 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 50 - Firing upon the USS Yukikaze!
Turn 53 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Turn 60 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 32.28/40.00
Turn 61 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 62 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 30.40/40.00
Turn 63 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 64 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 29.79/40.00
Turn 67 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Turn 69 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 29.43/40.00
Turn 70 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 27.67/40.00
Turn 74 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 24.76/40.00
Turn 78 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 79 - Firing upon the USS Yukikaze!
Turn 83 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 87 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 90 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 25.16
Turn 91 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 92 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 95 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 97 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 102 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Ship CAS Jolintoor has evaded!
Turn 104 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Turn 107 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 108 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 110 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 112 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 113 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 114 - Fired upon by the CAS Jolintoor!
Shields holding, now at 23.32/40.00
Turn 122 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 124 - Fired upon by the CAS Jolintoor!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 127 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 129 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 20.50/40.00
Turn 131 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 132 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 20.90
Turn 135 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 136 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 140 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 143 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 145 - Fired upon by the CAS Jolintoor!
Shields holding, now at 20.33/40.00
Turn 147 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 148 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 150 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 19.59/40.00
Turn 152 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 19.03/40.00
Turn 154 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 158 - Fired upon by the CAS Jolintoor!
Shields holding, now at 18.19/40.00
Turn 162 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 164 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 167 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 169 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 173 - Fired upon by the CAS Jolintoor!
Shields holding, now at 18.15/40.00
Turn 175 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 175 - Ship has disabled the CAS Jolintoor
Ship: Napia
Enemies Destroyed:
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 12 v 11
Turn 3 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 10 v 7
Turn 10 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 14 v 7
Turn 12 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Ship Amarkia Centaur has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 13 v 8
Turn 13 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 10 v 7
Turn 14 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 10 v 12
Turn 15 - Firing upon the USS Yukikaze!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 12 v 10
Turn 17 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 6 v 6
Turn 21 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 11 v 12
Turn 25 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 14 v 7
Turn 26 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 15 v 5
Turn 27 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 10 v 7
Turn 29 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 38.74/40.00
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 7 v 10
Turn 31 - Firing upon the USS Yukikaze!
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 11 v 10
Turn 34 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 36.88/40.00
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 14 v 8
Turn 37 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 12 v 12
Turn 39 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 16 v 15
Turn 40 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 12 v 10
Turn 41 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 12 v 5
Turn 42 - Firing upon the Amarkia Centaur!
Ship Amarkia Centaur has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Amarkia Centaur - rolls are 10 v 14
Turn 43 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 35.83/40.00
Engaged in skirmish with USS Yukikaze - rolls are 10 v 10
Turn 44 - Firing upon the USS Yukikaze!
Ship USS Yukikaze has evaded!
Turn 45 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 36.23
Turn 45 - Firing upon the USS Yukikaze!
Turn 47 - Firing upon the USS Yukikaze!
Turn 48 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 51 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 56 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 33.79/40.00
Turn 57 - Fired upon by the Amarkia Centaur!
Shields holding, now at 31.72/40.00
Turn 58 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 27.68/40.00
Turn 65 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 66 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 68 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 24.35/40.00
Turn 72 - Fired upon by the USS Yukikaze!
Shields holding, now at 20.70/40.00
Turn 75 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 77 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 80 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 84 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 86 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 89 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 90 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 21.10
Turn 93 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 19.75/40.00
Turn 94 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 17.81/40.00
Turn 96 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 98 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 99 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 100 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 101 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 103 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 105 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 13.78/40.00
Turn 109 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 116 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Turn 117 - Fired upon by the CAS Jolintoor!
Shields holding, now at 13.27/40.00
Turn 119 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Turn 120 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 123 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 125 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Ship CAS Jolintoor has evaded!
Turn 130 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 133 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 134 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 13.67
Turn 138 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 139 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 142 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 144 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 146 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 10.52/40.00
Turn 149 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 151 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 153 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Shields holding, now at 7.48/40.00
Turn 157 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 160 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 161 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 163 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 166 - Firing upon the CAS Jolintoor!
Turn 168 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Ship CAS Hebrinda has evaded!
Turn 170 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 171 - Firing upon the CAS Hebrinda!
Turn 172 - Fired upon by the CAS Hebrinda!
Successfully evaded!
Ship: CAS Jolintoor
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 45 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 50.00
Turn 84 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Have suffered burn-through of power 0.19!
Reduced to 29.81 Hp by burn-through
Turn 86 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 45.85/50.00
Turn 87 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 42.42/50.00
Turn 89 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 40.16/50.00
Turn 90 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 40.66
Turn 90 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 91 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 36.91/50.00
Turn 95 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 33.30/50.00
Turn 97 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 30.86/50.00
Turn 99 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 27.97/50.00
Turn 102 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 106 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Reduced to 24.90 Hp
Turn 109 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Reduced to 20.97 Hp
Casualties! 0/0/1 out of 3/3/2
Turn 114 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 115 - Fired upon by the Queenship!
Reduced to 18.35 Hp
Turn 117 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 118 - Fired upon by the Queenship!
Reduced to 16.56 Hp
Casualties! 0/1/0 out of 3/3/2
Turn 120 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Reduced to 14.21 Hp
Turn 124 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 125 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 128 - Fired upon by the Queenship!
Reduced to 12.89 Hp
Turn 133 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Reduced to 10.86 Hp
Casualties! 0/2/0 out of 3/3/2
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.18 pts, now at 0.18
Turn 139 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Reduced to 8.48 Hp
Casualties! 1/0/0 out of 3/3/2
Turn 143 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Reduced to 6.34 Hp
Turn 145 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 158 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 160 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Reduced to 2.63 Hp
Turn 166 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Reduced to 0.29 Hp
Turn 173 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 174 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 175 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Ship has been reduced to 0 Hp
Turn 175 - Ship has been disabled by Anzarri! Surviving 2/0/1
Ship: CAS Hebrinda
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 45 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 50.00
Turn 81 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 82 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 88 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Shields holding, now at 44.69/50.00
Turn 90 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 45.19
Turn 96 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 41.81/50.00
Turn 103 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 39.36/50.00
Turn 104 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 108 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 36.56/50.00
Turn 110 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 34.71/50.00
Turn 112 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 31.87/50.00
Turn 113 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 31.54/50.00
Turn 116 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 119 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 121 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Shields holding, now at 23.25/50.00
Turn 123 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 20.46/50.00
Turn 126 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 129 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 130 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 17.09/50.00
Turn 131 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 13.73/50.00
Turn 132 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 10.45/50.00
Turn 134 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.50 pts, now at 10.95
Turn 135 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 9.27/50.00
Turn 136 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Have suffered burn-through of power 3.38!
Reduced to 26.62 Hp by burn-through
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Warp knocked out! 8 turns to repair.
Turn 137 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 138 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 3.87/50.00
Turn 141 - Fired upon by the Queenship!
Shields holding, now at 0.88/50.00
Turn 142 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Reduced to 24.54 Hp
Turn 146 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 147 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Reduced to 21.56 Hp
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 8 turns to repair.
Turn 149 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 152 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 153 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 155 - Firing upon the Starbase 11!
Turn 157 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 159 - Fired upon by the Queenship!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 161 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Reduced to 18.18 Hp
Casualties! 1/0/0 out of 3/3/2
Turn 162 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Reduced to 15.77 Hp
Casualties! 0/1/0 out of 3/3/2
Turn 163 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Reduced to 14.24 Hp
Turn 164 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Reduced to 11.74 Hp
Casualties! 1/1/0 out of 3/3/2
Turn 165 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 167 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Reduced to 9.80 Hp
Turn 168 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 169 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Reduced to 6.14 Hp
Turn 170 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Reduced to 4.11 Hp
Turn 171 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Reduced to 3.25 Hp
Casualties! 1/1/0 out of 3/3/2
Turn 172 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 176 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Ship has been reduced to 0 Hp
Casualties! 0/0/1 out of 3/3/2
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Weapons knocked out! 5 turns to repair.
Turn 176 - Ship has been destroyed by Starbase 11! Surviving crew 0/0/1
Ship: USS Exeter
Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 45 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 40.00
Turn 48 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 38.12/40.00
Turn 49 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Turn 51 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 34.46/40.00
Turn 52 - Fired upon by the Queenship!
Shields holding, now at 30.61/40.00
Turn 56 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 58 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 61 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 30.17/40.00
Turn 63 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 27.06/40.00
Turn 64 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 65 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 66 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 25.79/40.00
Turn 68 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 70 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 73 - Fired upon by the Queenship!
Shields holding, now at 22.64/40.00
Turn 75 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 18.71/40.00
Turn 77 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 16.47/40.00
Turn 78 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 14.61/40.00
Turn 80 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 12.32/40.00
Turn 83 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 10.79/40.00
Turn 85 - Fired upon by the Queenship!
Shields holding, now at 7.20/40.00
Turn 90 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 7.60
Turn 92 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 4.81/40.00
Turn 93 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 94 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 98 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 2.85/40.00
Turn 100 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Have suffered burn-through of power 2.15!
Reduced to 27.85 Hp by burn-through
Turn 101 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Turn 105 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 107 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Reduced to 26.70 Hp
Casualties! 0/0/1 out of 3/4/4
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Sensors knocked out! 8 turns to repair.
Turn 111 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 122 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Reduced to 22.90 Hp
Turn 127 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Reduced to 20.12 Hp
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.27 pts, now at 0.27
Turn 140 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Reduced to 17.14 Hp
Turn 144 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Reduced to 13.75 Hp
Turn 148 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Reduced to 10.36 Hp
Casualties! 0/1/0 out of 3/4/4
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Reaction knocked out! 8 turns to repair.
Turn 150 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 151 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 154 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Reduced to 8.07 Hp
Turn 156 - Fired upon by the Starbase 11!
Ship has been reduced to 0 Hp
Casualties! 1/0/1 out of 3/4/4
Ship has suffered sub-system damage: Power knocked out! 8 turns to repair.
Turn 156 - Ship has suffered a Warp Core Breach, all hands lost! Destroyed by Starbase 11
Ship: USS Yukikaze
Enemies Destroyed:
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 10 v 13
Turn 1 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 8 v 10
Turn 2 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 7 v 12
Turn 4 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 11 v 8
Turn 5 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 9 v 16
Turn 6 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 8 v 9
Turn 7 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 9 v 10
Turn 8 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 13 v 10
Turn 9 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 10 v 16
Turn 11 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 12 v 10
Turn 15 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 38.55/40.00
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 13 v 13
Turn 19 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 11 v 12
Turn 20 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 5 v 10
Turn 24 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 7 v 14
Turn 26 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 10 v 7
Turn 31 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 37.45/40.00
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 10 v 11
Turn 34 - Firing upon the Napia!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 8 v 14
Turn 37 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 11 v 11
Turn 38 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 10 v 10
Turn 44 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 45 - Shields recharge up to 0.40 pts, now at 37.85
Turn 45 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Have suffered burn-through of power 0.10!
Reduced to 29.90 Hp by burn-through
Turn 47 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Have suffered burn-through of power 0.26!
Reduced to 29.64 Hp by burn-through
Turn 50 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 31.64/40.00
Turn 54 - Firing upon the Queenship!
Ship Queenship has evaded!
Turn 60 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 72 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 74 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 76 - Fired upon by the Queenship!
Shields holding, now at 29.16/40.00
Turn 79 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Have suffered burn-through of power 0.93!
Reduced to 28.71 Hp by burn-through
Turn 90 - Shields recharge up to 0.38 pts, now at 26.81
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.38 pts, now at 27.19
Ship: Amarkia Centaur
Enemies Destroyed:
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 9 v 7
Turn 0 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 11 v 12
Turn 3 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 7 v 10
Turn 10 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 7 v 14
Turn 12 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 8 v 13
Turn 13 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Shields holding, now at 28.58/30.00
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 7 v 10
Turn 14 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 5 v 12
Turn 16 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 10 v 12
Turn 17 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 14 v 9
Turn 18 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 6 v 6
Turn 21 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 13 v 7
Turn 22 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 5 v 11
Turn 23 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 12 v 11
Turn 25 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 5 v 15
Turn 27 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 7 v 8
Turn 28 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 27.89/30.00
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 7 v 10
Turn 29 - Firing upon the Napia!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 9 v 9
Turn 30 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 12 v 11
Turn 32 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 27.34/30.00
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 10 v 10
Turn 33 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 10 v 10
Turn 35 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Anzarri - rolls are 9 v 11
Turn 36 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Ship Anzarri has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 12 v 12
Turn 39 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 15 v 16
Turn 40 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 10 v 12
Turn 41 - Firing upon the Napia!
Ship Napia has evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 5 v 12
Turn 42 - Fired upon by the Napia!
Successfully evaded!
Engaged in skirmish with Napia - rolls are 14 v 10
Turn 43 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 45 - Shields recharge up to 0.30 pts, now at 27.64
Turn 46 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 24.29/30.00
Turn 53 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 22.64/30.00
Turn 55 - Firing upon the Queenship!
Turn 57 - Firing upon the Napia!
Turn 59 - Firing upon the Queenship!
Turn 62 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 67 - Fired upon by the Anzarri!
Shields holding, now at 18.84/30.00
Turn 69 - Firing upon the Anzarri!
Turn 71 - Fired upon by the Queenship!
Shields holding, now at 16.24/30.00
Turn 90 - Shields recharge up to 0.30 pts, now at 16.54
Turn 135 - Shields recharge up to 0.30 pts, now at 16.84
The effect was achieved by their skirmishers also being listed among the heavy metal, in the same way some ships were listed twice in the battle of 24 Enio.I know this was off-the-cuff, but would our skirmishers really withdraw when theirs don't? Is that choice doctrinal or to do with some part of the typical command decision in a situation like this?
Usually by the time you have reached the end of the vanguard phase, the expectation is that the skirmishers will be played out, so they should make way for the heavy metal and avoid being chewed up further. But because Apiata Stingers were used, that's not really an option. If it was a large force of Stingers they would subdivide, but in this case Apiatan doctrine takes hold - they won't leave the Queenship, and for practical purposes they are the heavy metal.I know this was off-the-cuff, but would our skirmishers really withdraw when theirs don't? Is that choice doctrinal or to do with some part of the typical command decision in a situation like this?
Usually by the time you have reached the end of the vanguard phase, the expectation is that the skirmishers will be played out, so they should make way for the heavy metal and avoid being chewed up further. But because Apiata Stingers were used, that's not really an option. If it was a large force of Stingers they would subdivide, but in this case Apiatan doctrine takes hold - they won't leave the Queenship, and for practical purposes they are the heavy metal.
As a suggestion, instead of (apparently) manually including ships in multiple deployment groups like you did here:Usually by the time you have reached the end of the vanguard phase, the expectation is that the skirmishers will be played out, so they should make way for the heavy metal and avoid being chewed up further. But because Apiata Stingers were used, that's not really an option. If it was a large force of Stingers they would subdivide, but in this case Apiatan doctrine takes hold - they won't leave the Queenship, and for practical purposes they are the heavy metal.