[X][ORDERS] Write in: Patrol into unclaimed space, don't initiate contact with Cardassians, but don't back down either unless outgunned.

[X][ROE] Return fire in all circumstances

[X][RISK] Write in - Captain may make their own judgment based on strength of opposition and the situation

Even the Enterprise had to fire back. It doesn't look like most ships could afford not to fight when shot at.
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@OneirosTheWriter does Amarkia Station Count as a Starbase for defensive quota or not? I'm assuming it does below, but if it does not I can edit to fix.

[X][ORDERS] Patrol defensively, stick to claimed space, track Cardassian ships but don't initiate
[X][ROE] Return fire in claimed space, retreat if in contested/unclaimed space
[X][RISK] Write in - Captain may make their own judgment based on strength of opposition and the situation

[X][FLEET] Plan Cover CBZ and Amarkia
- Requires: D15
- Currently: 2 Constellation (6) [Polaris, Stalwart], 2 Miranda (4), 1 Soyuz (1), 1 Oberth (1), Starbase 1 (5)
- Proposed New (remove Polaris, add a Miranda): 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart], 3 Miranda (6), 1 Soyuz (1), 1 Oberth (1), Starbase 1 (5) = 16D

- Requires: D12
- Currently: 1 Constitution (5) [Cheron], 1 Constellation (3), 1 Soyuz (1) [Vokau], 1 Miranda (2) [T'Kumbra], Starbase I (5)
- Proposed New (Remove Cheron, add a Miranda): 1 Constellation (3), 1 Soyuz (1) [Vokau], 2 Miranda (4) [T'Kumbra], Starbase I (5) = 13D

- Requires: D9
- Currently: 1 Constellation (3) [Docana], 1 Soyuz (1), 1 Miranda (2) [Eketha], Starbase I (5)
- Proposed New (no change): 1 Constellation (3) [Docana], 1 Soyuz (1), 1 Miranda (2) [Eketha], Starbase I (5) = 11D

Tellar Prime
- Requires: D9
- Currently: 1 Constellation (3), 1 Soyuz (1), 2 Miranda (4), Oberth (1), Starbase I (5)
- Proposed New (damaged Constellation, remove Miranda, remove Oberth): 1 Constellation [USS Vigour - returned when repaired in 2307Q1] (3), 1 Soyuz (1), 1 Miranda (2), 1 Unassigned Centaur [Until Vigour is repaired in 2307Q1, then switch to CBZ] (2), Starbase I (5) = 10D until 2307Q1, then 11D

Amarkia Sector
- Requires: D9
- Currently: Amarkia Station (Starbase I) (5)
- Proposed New (add Miranda from Tellar Prime, add Constellation from Sol, add Oberth from Tellar Prime): 1 Constellation (3) [Polaris], 1 Miranda (2), Oberth (1), Starbase I (5) = 11D

Romulan Border Zone
- Requires: D12
- Currently: 1 Excelsior (6) [Excelsior], 1 Constellation (3) [Challorn], 1 Centaur (2) [Yukikaze], 4 Miranda (8) [Bon Vivant, Svai], 1 Oberth (1)
- Proposed New (remove 2 Mirandas, remove Challorn): 1 Excelsior (6) [Excelsior], 1 Centaur (2) [Yukikaze], 2 Miranda (4) [Bon Vivant, Svai], 1 Oberth (1) = 13D

Klingon Border Zone
- Requires: D6
- Currently: 1 Excelsior (6) [Kumari), 1 Constellation (3) [Kearsage], 2 Miranda (4) [Lion], 1 Soyuz (1)
- Proposed New (remove Kumari; remove Soyuz as error, add new Const. in 2307.Q1): 1 Constellation (3) [Kearsage], 2 Miranda (4) [Lion], new Constellation in 2307.Q1 (3) = 7D until 2307Q1, then 10D

Cardassian Border Zone
- Requires D10
- Proposed New: 1 Constitution (5) [Cheron], 1 Excelsior (6) [Kumari), 1 Constellation (3) [Challorn], reassign 1 Centaur (2) from Tellar Prime in 2307Q1 = 14D until 2307Q1, then 16D
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So D9 on Amarkia, and either D6 or D9 to Betazed in a 3-5 quarters too. We may need to go for Defense efficiency and build speed to keep up with our new needs.
[X][FLEET] Plan Cover CBZ and Amarkia

Looks good.

[X][ORDERS] Write in: Patrol into unclaimed space, don't initiate contact with Cardassians, but don't back down either unless outgunned.

This looks good. We patrol outside our borders, but aren't overly aggressive.

[X][ROE] Return fire in all circumstances

If the Cardassians pick a fight, we'll give them one.

[X][RISK] Write in - Captain may make their own judgment based on strength of opposition and the situation

Letting our captains decide themselves sounds good.
[X] Fleet Plan Briefvoice

[X][ORDERS] Write in: Patrol into unclaimed space, don't initiate contact with Cardassians, but don't back down either unless outgunned.
[X][ROE] Return fire in all circumstances
[X][RISK] Ships should withdraw the moment shields are lost
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[X][FLEET] Plan Cover CBZ and Amarkia
[X][ORDERS] Write in: Patrol into unclaimed space, don't initiate contact with Cardassians, but don't back down either unless outgunned.
[X][ROE] Return fire in all circumstances
[X][RISK] Write in - Captain may make their own judgment based on strength of opposition and the situation
[X][FLEET] Plan Cover CBZ and Amarkia
[X][ORDERS] Write in: Patrol into unclaimed space, don't initiate contact with Cardassians, but don't back down either unless outgunned.
[X][ROE] Return fire in all circumstances
[X][RISK] Write in - Captain may make their own judgment based on strength of opposition and the situation
[X] Fleet Plan Briefvoice

[X][ORDERS] Write in: Patrol into unclaimed space, don't initiate contact with Cardassians, but don't back down either unless outgunned.
[X][ROE] Return fire in all circumstances
[X][RISK] Ships should withdraw the moment shields are lost

I am all for taking an aggressive-defensive posture towards Cardassians. I do not want them growing bold. I am worried with the "retreat if fired upon outside our space" option we open ourselves to being pushed back to our current borders once the Cardassians figure out our ROE.

Balancing this by retreating when shields are lost seems acceptable. That way we don't take serious damage while also baring our teeth.
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[X][FLEET] Plan Cover CBZ and Amarkia

I'll trust Briefvoice on this one.

[X][ORDERS] Write in: Patrol into unclaimed space, don't initiate contact with Cardassians, but don't back down either unless outgunned.
Resonable blend between Aggressive, which is way too aggressive, and Defensive, which is too defensive.

[X][ROE] Return fire in all circumstances
If the Cardassians open fire and we run away it will make the Federation look weak. That will only provoke more attacks and quite possibly lead to war.

[X][RISK] Ships should withdraw the moment shields are lost
There is no point risking our ships in a border skirmish. While it does make us look weaker, which is bad, we are better off conserving out strength for now. We just don't have the ships to be able to afford the repair/replacement times required.
For risk, how does this sound:

[][RISK] Write in: Captains may make their own judgement, but will need to explain themselves if they get their ships damaged after deciding not to retreat when shields are lost.

Too long?
For risk, how does this sound:

[][RISK] Write in: Captains may make their own judgement, but will need to explain themselves if they get their ships damaged after deciding not to retreat when shields are lost.

Too long?
I'd rather we preserve our ships by retreating upon losing shields.
X][FLEET] Plan Cover CBZ and Amarkia
[X][ORDERS] Write in: Patrol into unclaimed space, don't initiate contact with Cardassians, but don't back down either unless outgunned.
[X][ROE] Return fire in all circumstances
[X][RISK] Write in - Captain may make their own judgment based on strength of opposition and the situation

For risk, how does this sound:

[][RISK] Write in: Captains may make their own judgement, but will need to explain themselves if they get their ships damaged after deciding not to retreat when shields are lost.

Too long?

Sounds too obvious. If a captain fucks up and survives, there's gonna be an inquiry. No need to state that on official fleet posture.
I'd rather we preserve our ships by retreating upon losing shields.
Seems too wishy washy, honestly.
Noted, sticking to retreat on lost shields then. I don't want any hotheads to think they have licence to get their ships damaged for no good reason, and circumstances where it makes sense not to retreat are going to be pretty rare. A captain following their conscience in a case where a lot of lives depend on staying would probably be excused anyway.
I'd rather we preserve our ships by retreating upon losing shields.

My main concern is if third party sentients are on the line. Cardassians are aggressively harassing other races in the area. If our ship decides it's necessary to risk hull damage to save them, or because the situation otherwise seems to call for it, I want them to have that flexibility.
Do we want to explicitly be more aggressive in aiding local races under attack? Being aggressive enough to help push disputes back to talking and discouraging provocations is neighborly.
Given Nash and Enterprise are going to be out there and are a role model for the rest of the fleet, I have a feeling most of our captains would disobey orders if they thought it would save civilian lives anyways.
[X][FLEET] Plan Cover CBZ and Amarkia
[X][ORDERS] Write in: Patrol into unclaimed space, don't initiate contact with Cardassians, but don't back down either unless outgunned.
[X][ROE] Return fire in all circumstances
[X][RISK] Write in - Captain may make their own judgment based on strength of opposition and the situation
[X][FLEET] Plan Cover CBZ and Amarkia
[X][ORDERS] Write in: Patrol into unclaimed space, don't initiate contact with Cardassians, but don't back down either unless outgunned.
[X][ROE] Return fire in all circumstances
[X][RISK] Write in - Captain may make their own judgment based on strength of opposition and the situation

The "don't initiate contact, but don't back down" part will lead to some funny staring contests, but I'm down with that.
[X][FLEET] Plan Cover CBZ and Amarkia
[X][ORDERS] Write in: Patrol into unclaimed space, don't initiate contact with Cardassians, but don't back down either unless outgunned.
[X][ROE] Return fire in all circumstances
[X][RISK] Write in - Captain may make their own judgment based on strength of opposition and the situation