Target of opportunity. The NX-01 is very vulnerable relatively and destroying it gives additional certainty.

Indeed, destroying the NX-01 would almost certainly accomplish her purpose even if she failed to sterilize the Federation worlds. Without Archer the Federation might never have formed.

EDIT: No extra pressure or anything, ka'Sharren!
"My ship," calls out the unfamiliar Rear Admiral. "USS Enterprise, NCC-1002. Not as illustrious as some of the other Enterprises, but we played our part." He leans forward and shakes your hand. "Rear Admiral Babajide, Admiral, at your service."
The Ranger-class Enterprise

Called it:
A retired Rear Admiral you don't recognise.

Random question but anyone know who this is?
Continuing with my assumption that the Starfleet signal is from a Ranger-class Enterprise I'm going to say they are the former captain of said ship.
I wasn't right about the signal being from the Ranger-class Enterprise but I was right about the Rear Admiral being from it!
Great as always Oneiros! This should totally have it's own Tv Tropes page by now. Hm, come to think of it...
Nash is going to fly out of the gas giant straddling an empty torpedo, wearing a space suit and holding a high-powered comm array.
More practically, they could leave a message for Future Starfleet somehow?

Stupid, stupid mentats. Picking a fight with not one, but FIVE Enterprises?! They're just BEGGING for a Darwin Award.
To be fair they have so far managed to knock out two of them including the biggest, nastiest one.

I'm headcanoning it now that TBG's Archer isn't played by Bakula and the NX-01 crew in general are much improved characters over their original selves. Also if T'Pol and T'Lorel were to meet I imagine there'd be a fair amount of confusion.
Not at all.



Think of T'Lorel as the descendant, not of the person T'Pol was (though she really wasn't all bad at all), but of who T'Pol should have been. If TBG is the show we got instead of Enterprise, then every specific bad thing about Enterprise that we blame on Berman and Braga can reasonably be assumed to not have happened as such.

I believe this is the part where we make like a submarine and release a timed comm bouy, then get the hell away from it.

Which also conveniently would cause the Blank Slate to close the bouy to look for us, probably.
That would be a good time for said buoy to be ticking. :D

I wonder why Betarre isn't just moving on to her target.
It may well be that her ship would have to render itself vulnerable or spend an extended period of time irradiating each of the several target planets. As long as she's facing pursuit it might not be practical for her to carry out her plans. In particular she might be concerned about Kirk's Enterprise (which outmasses her command and is only moderately damaged) and for that matter Babajide's Enterprise (very possibly likewise, and with less damage). Archer's Enterprise is comparatively puny and obsolete enough to not pose much of a threat operating in isolation- but the same cannot be said of Kirk's ship and maybe not of Babajide's.

Assuming history doesn't go completely pear-shaped (which I suppose we know it doesn't) and the various surviving Enterprises make it back to their own points in the timeline, what happens with the survivors of NCC-134?
I think the only choice is to send them back on the Enterprise immediately future to them, so the Ranger-class if it survives.
Sending back the NCC-134 survivors aboard the Enterprise-B would also be an option, and arguably the one most compatible with stabilizing the timeline. Because that puts them firmly in the causal future of ALL the ships we've seen to date.

So what class of ship was Rear Admiral Babajide's Enterprise?
Probably Ranger, I guess. This... well, if I don't radically reimagine some bits of my "2235 game" concept, I'm going to have to retcon that specific detail a bit, I think... [wanders off, mumbling]

It wouldn't surprise me if her target IS the NX-01, since it (and its crew) represents a linchpin in the formation of the UFP and Starfleet. Kill them, butterfly away the organization taking you apart at home.
I'm not sure Betarre's grasp of Federation history is that good. She seems to be adopting the much more 'brute-force' approach of simply annihilating her enemies' entire species. If she were planning a pinpoint temporal incursion against a specific target, she would never have intended to emerge this far in the past. She almost certainly couldn't have planned on Archer's Enterprise showing up in the same anomaly as she did, in a position for her to take a shot at him.
Sending back the NCC-134 survivors aboard the Enterprise-B would also be an option, and arguably the one most compatible with stabilizing the timeline. Because that puts them firmly in the causal future of ALL the ships we've seen to date.

That would be pretty cruel, though. Send them back on the Ranger, and many of their friends and loved ones would still be alive.

And I know, "history says we never learned what happened to" but if you sent them back then history would presumably say something different.

I'm not sure Betarre's grasp of Federation history is that good. She seems to be adopting the much more 'brute-force' approach of simply annihilating her enemies' entire species. If she were planning a pinpoint temporal incursion against a specific target, she would never have intended to emerge this far in the past. She almost certainly couldn't have planned on Archer's Enterprise showing up in the same anomaly as she did, in a position for her to take a shot at him.

It occurs to me that one reason for approaching things this way is that 20 million years leaves a lot of leeway in hitting your target time. I mean, missing by a million years here or there isn't such a big deal. The reason she didn't try a more historically precise intervention like, "Go back a year and tell them not to go to war with the Federation," might be that she couldn't manage that level of precision with the time travel means she had available,
She's almost certainly not using the supernova device.

Doing ANYTHING 20 million years back has a non-negligible chance of destroying the Licori as well simply by the butterfly effect, but nova induction has a very high chance at this distance and a full up supernova has a 100% chance of killing them off.
Hm. Some ideas for an Enterprise story are starting to emerge here, but maybe not enough to implement it. Tentative working title would be Dreams- Once More, With Feeling

That would be pretty cruel, though. Send them back on the Ranger, and many of their friends and loved ones would still be alive.

And I know, "history says we never learned what happened to" but if you sent them back then history would presumably say something different.
It's a balance of cruelty versus risk to the timestream.

It occurs to me that one reason for approaching things this way is that 20 million years leaves a lot of leeway in hitting your target time. I mean, missing by a million years here or there isn't such a big deal. The reason she didn't try a more historically precise intervention like, "Go back a year and tell them not to go to war with the Federation," might be that she couldn't manage that level of precision with the time travel means she had available,
Very plausible- although that then raises the question of how four other Enterprises wound up getting catapulted so close to the exact arrival time of Blank Slate and Enterprise-B. Clearly they didn't ride on the coattails of Blank Slate, but given that they're all 'exploiting' the Aga Carmide anomaly, you'd think they'd all be subject to SOME of the same limitations.

In any event, though, we can agree that the mentat could not have planned on blowing up a spaceship that existed for a few decades 120-150 years ago by traveling back ten million years into the past. :D
Can someone tell me about the canon and fanon enterprises that are at this particular location? What models? Representing whom? What is present? Someone said something about five enterprises? I'm confused!
Can someone tell me about the canon and fanon enterprises that are at this particular location? What models? Representing whom? What is present? Someone said something about five enterprises? I'm confused!

In chronological order,

NX-01 Archer's Enterprise from the United Earth Starfleet in the 2150's. Should return to original time if history is to be preserved.

NCC-134 Daedalus Class Enterprise went missing in 2182. Was destroyed by Mentat ship but crew mostly recovered.

NCC-1002 Ranger Class Enterprise precursor to the Constitution class from the OS, taken from 2332. No mention of it going missing, so presumably will return to original time.

NCC-1701 The Enterprise, Constitution class captained by Kirk. Should return to original time if history is to be preserved.

NCC-1701-B Our Enterprise, Excelsior class. Captained by Mrr'shan with Commodore ka'Sharren in overall command. Hopefully will return to present day in quest.


The NX and Ranger had functioning warp drives and so were the lead two ships. Kirk's Enterprise is catching up, currently 30 minutes out. The NX and Ranger were intercepted by the mentat, and attacked. The Ranger withdrew, while the NX fled into a pocket of gas and is trying to set a trap for the mentat so that Kirk can destroy it when he arrives.

The Excelsior class Enterprise is unfortunately without warp as they were redlining to keep up with the Mentat ship before the time anomaly, and only barely made it in at all. So barring an engineering miracle the fate of the Federation depends on Kirk.
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There is a non-Enterprise ship on the gone missing in this system list + the research base. I hope we do get those back.
Lion is a Miranda, so her offensive punch is probably broadly in line with a stock Connie, maybe a little heavier. I could see her being very helpful if she shows up.

Then again, maybe she only got slingshotted FIVE million years into the past or something and is off saving the universe from something entirely different?