Which means they may or may not be workable for civilian use because Starfleet can assume really high levels of training that most everyone else can't.

Safety procedures are almost always tombstone tech. You get them because people died because they did not have them. They can absolutely be applied to civilian shipping on the basis of Starfleet experience if the situations are comparable.
Also, on the topic of Sousa deals, I proposed a general infrastructure buildup a while ago. Freighters, more auxiliaries, etc.

This is something we can do in two years, I guess.

It wouldn't be hard to tack on a Starfleet Academy Annex expansion, and the creation of cross-training programs.
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I agree with the criticism that proposing a common training program for StarFleet and the member worlds is perhaps not the best idea. But I dont think that should rule out using a sousa deal to increae our crew income.

What about that idea that was floated a while back for establishing SFA satellite campuses on member worlds? To help sell it we could open some Academy courses to civillians. Im sure increasing the skill base of the population at large would appeal to the Development faction.
A Star Fleet auxiliaries school, to teach the merchant marine everything SF has learned about space travel. That just so happens to have a fast track to star fleet proper should any be interested.
I agree with the criticism that proposing a common training program for StarFleet and the member worlds is perhaps not the best idea. But I dont think that should rule out using a sousa deal to increae our crew income.

What about that idea that was floated a while back for establishing SFA satellite campuses on member worlds? To help sell it we could open some Academy courses to civillians. Im sure increasing the skill base of the population at large would appeal to the Development faction.
We already have them; they're mostly abstracted.

Here's another idea: Training ships. Use older ships due to be scrapped, or heavily damaged ships that are too expensive to repair back up to full.

Somewhat related is the idea of creating a Starfleet Merchant Marine Academy for the Auxiliary corps, with minimal requirements post-graduation, like the US Merchant Marine Academy.
[><][FACTION] Approach the Council with a Type-3 phaser in hand and squads of Starfleet Security personnel deployed strategically around the exits of the Palais de la Concorde. Calmly inform them that no one has to be hurt, we're all friends here, so about that officer recruitment expansion you've so graciously decided to grant Starfleet...
[><][FACTION] Approach the Council with a Type-3 phaser in hand and squads of Starfleet Security personnel deployed strategically around the exits of the Palais de la Concorde. Calmly inform them that no one has to be hurt, we're all friends here, so about that officer recruitment expansion you've so graciously decided to grant Starfleet...
Outcome: Scotty comes BUSTIN' THROUGH a nearby door and shoots you.
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I agree with the criticism that proposing a common training program for StarFleet and the member worlds is perhaps not the best idea. But I dont think that should rule out using a sousa deal to increae our crew income.

What about that idea that was floated a while back for establishing SFA satellite campuses on member worlds? To help sell it we could open some Academy courses to civillians. Im sure increasing the skill base of the population at large would appeal to the Development faction.

We already have them; they're mostly abstracted.

Here's another idea: Training ships. Use older ships due to be scrapped, or heavily damaged ships that are too expensive to repair back up to full.

Somewhat related is the idea of creating a Starfleet Merchant Marine Academy for the Auxiliary corps, with minimal requirements post-graduation, like the US Merchant Marine Academy.

It's like, where were all these ideas when the vote was active?
[><][FACTION] Approach the Council with a Type-3 phaser in hand and squads of Starfleet Security personnel deployed strategically around the exits of the Palais de la Concorde. Calmly inform them that no one has to be hurt, we're all friends here, so about that officer recruitment expansion you've so graciously decided to grant Starfleet...

I'm honestly surprise we haven't had to fight off a coup yet given how often it happened in canon.

Please don't take this as a suggestion :V
Perhaps there is a better place to put that vote where it doesn't become an afterthought to the Council plan. Snakepit - Results, perhaps?

Honestly I'm with Briefvoice in that I'm not a huge fan of the Sousa deal to begin with. It's too open-ended and not knowing the cost or results of any action we take means we're basically flying blind when it comes to voting, so people tend to vote conservatively or bandwagon.
It's like, where were all these ideas when the vote was active?
The vote was open for less than 24 hours. I'm willing to bet that a lot of posters got only two or three read-think-reply loops in, which is absolutely nothing when you're brainstorming. Furthermore, the open/close timing meant that most Americans weren't able to get a sleep cycle in (vote opens at noon, get off work at 7, post until 10, sleep, go to work, vote closes), so they were operating on the same state of mind for the entire vote. Throw in the early bandwagon scaring away casual suggestions and I'm not at all surprised that we only got one serious candidate.

If this is supposed to be an important vote where creativity matters, it should be structured and timed to permit deep thought and let people take multiple shots at it.
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Perhaps there is a better place to put that vote where it doesn't become an afterthought to the Council plan. Snakepit - Results, perhaps?

Yeah. The results would have been better placed as we would have a year to budget out the PP cost rather than on the fly.

Honestly I'm with Briefvoice in that I'm not a huge fan of the Sousa deal to begin with. It's too open-ended and not knowing the cost or results of any action we take means we're basically flying blind when it comes to voting, so people tend to vote conservatively or bandwagon.

While I do like the feature I do think we should have gotten training wheels (give examples to chose from or disallow write ins for the first year or two) due the change in mechanics.
Perhaps there is a better place to put that vote where it doesn't become an afterthought to the Council plan. Snakepit - Results, perhaps?
Hmm. It'd probably help if you had a "State of the Council" snippet, with a summary of the current Council's priorities. I wouldn't mind pp costs becoming more volatile, and responding to our actions.


The Council is concerned about:
- The Mentat War (H, X, P, D)
- Federation Losses, especially member world (H, X, P, D)
- Aging and insufficient infrastructure (All, esp X and D)
- The next wave of affiliates/members (X and D)
- Cardassians (H, X)
- Klingon-Romulan War (H, X, P, M)
- Sydraxian Spring (H, X, P)
- Dawiar
- Gretarians

I'm guessing two at most. Most professional service heads IRL serve 4-5 years. Enough to affect change but not enough for empire building.
Yeah, Oneiros previously stated that the Duranium Lady's 10 year tenure is exceptional.

Commander, Starfleet, Admiral Valentina Sousa [More opportunities to cut deals with Council and at cheaper costs]
Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command, Vice Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse (+4 to Diplomacy Results)Chief of Starfleet Operations Vice Admiral Nyota Uhura (human, +3pt to Comms Research, +2pp/yr)
-Starbase 1 [Sol] Rear Admiral
-Starbase 2 [Vulcan] Rear Admiral
-Starbase 3 [Andoria] Rear Admiral
-Starbase 4 [Tellar Prime] Rear Admiral Waafrinch lorin Skef
-Starbase 5 [Amarkia] Rear Admiral Ikitha zh'Bessash
-Starbase 6 [Beta Indi] Rear Admiral
-Starbase 7 [Ferasa] Rear Admiral
-Starbase 8 [Vega] Rear Admiral
-Starbase 9 [Lapycorias] Rear Admiral
-Starbase 10 [Rigel] Rear Admiral
-Starbase 11 [Apinae] Rear Admiral

-Sol Sector Command, Commodore -
-Vulcan Sector Command, Commodore -
-Andor Sector Command, Commodore Brufraogm Wev
-Tellar Sector Command, Commodore Hurgok Sagek
-Amarkia Sector Command, Commodore Victoria Eaton -
-Ferasa Sector Command, Commodore Tomas Meyer
-Rigel Sector Command, Commodore T'Lam
-RBZ Sector Command, Commodore -
-KBZ Sector Command, Commodore Syzi ch'Zelil
-CBZ Sector Command, Commodore T'Lorel
-SBZ Sector Command, Commodore Gorac Crogan

-GBZ Fleet Command, Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth
-- TF 1 Commodore Jessica Rivers
-- TF 2 Commodore Revak
-- Aux Commodore Alejandro Suarez

-ASTF Fleet - Rear Admiral Victoria Eaton
--TF 1 - Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
--Ground - Commodore T'Lorel
Starfleet Explorer Corps Rear Admiral Viraan zh'Dohlen (Andorian Female, 67, +10pp/year)
Starfleet Shipyard Operations Vice Admiral Patricia Chen (Parallel builds go faster)
Chief of Staff, Commodore Trinnarv Xursh
San Francisco Fleet Yards, Rear Admrial Maynard Banks
40 Eridani A Shipyard, Rear Admiral Vinan
Tellar Prime Shipyard, Commodore Lofap Poll
Andor Shipyard, Commodore -
Utopia Planitia Shipyard Rear Admiral Patricia ChenStarfleet Ship Design Bureau Vice Admiral Rinias ch'Vohlet (Andorian, 66, all techs under the Ship Design or Ship Construction areas gain +2 research)
Starfleet Academy Commandant Rear Admiral Certunn Guk (Tellarite, 52, +0.5 Tech/0.25 Exp Tech)
Starfleet Personnel, Rear Admiral Seruk [Old Guard]
Starfleet Intelligence Vice Admiral Scott Linderley (Gain better counter-espionage)
Chief of Staff Commodore
Yeoman Aymi TejixStarfleet Tactical Vice Admiral Hikaru Sulu (+2pp per active FYM)


Starfleet Tactical Vice Admiral Hikaru Sulu (+2pp per active FYM)
Starfleet Shipyard Operations Vice Admiral Patricia Chen (Parallel builds go faster)
Starfleet Intelligence Vice Admiral Scott Linderley (Gain better counter-espionage)
Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command, Vice Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse (+4 to Diplomacy Results)
Starfleet Ship Design Bureau Vice Admiral Rinias ch'Vohlet (Andorian, 66, all techs under the Ship Design or Ship Construction areas gain +2 research)
Chief of Starfleet Operations Vice Admiral Nyota Uhura (human, +3pt to Comms Research, +2pp/yr) (Not enough TIR)

Our options are ch'Tharvasse and Sulu, with Chen after Sulu, and Uhura after that.

My guess is Sulu's bonus will be a buff to Explorers and Special Operations.