On the Proposed Deal
Approach the Developers - Crew recruitment and training is an issue not just for Starfleet, but for all Member World fleets. Propose founding a joint Federation Space Academy based on input from Starfleet and all Member World fleet organizations with the goal of unifying starship crew training standards across the Federation, allowing Starfleet Academy and similar member world institutions to focus solely on service-specific training. (Desired mechanical effect- Improve Crew income, especially officers.)
As the resident Academy writer, I dislike the wording of the Developer Sousa deal. The intentions are
good, but I'd rather not have yet
another academy system. Let's put it this way: It's like forcing the US Air Force, Naval, and Military (West Point) Academies, as well as VMI, the Moscow Military Academy, the PLA National Defense University, and academies from other countries under one system, as well as the recruit training centers/Basic Training centers from many different services. At most, we'll have a set of standards codified for educating people how to put on vac-suits and operate certain equipment, as not much else is common.
A large part of the benefit of a service academy is service-specific training. SFA is for officers, the RTCs are for enlisted, and Techs are a mix of SFA Science Academy grads and enlisted with advanced training and warrant-officer equivalents. While it supposedly allows SFA and member world institutions to focus more on service-specific training, they already do so.
I give it at least a
75% chance of backlash.
The member world services probably zealously guard their independence from Starfleet. They are there to protect their homeworlds specifically. UESPA is there for the people of Sol, and Sol sector. Likewise, the Apiata Navy is there to guard against Cardassia, at home, and in the Border Zones. I predict a stink from Apiata, Amarkia, Earth, and the Hawks/Expansionists in general. And even the Development party might not like it. It's seemingly logical, but tradition is tradition, and for many of the sophonts of the Federation,
especially the newer members, they have as much pride, if not more, in their home forces.
This is the type of action that is on a path paved by good intentions. This is the type of action that provokes instinctive, emotional, illogical response.