I guess we just disagree on when the next war will be then. I'm almost certain the Cardassians will attack before 2316 is over. Once the moratorium ends and we start taking in new members, we start growing far too fast for them to keep up. If I'm right, if we don't build a Starbase this year, then it'll still be under construction when the war starts.

It's extremely meta, but Oneiros has indicated he wants us to have a period of peace after the current war. Of course, no guarantees, but I think you have to look to the Cardassian shipyard push rather than our moratorium. Their shipyard push will start launching cruisers in 2318-2319. That's when I expect the Cardassians to strike.
But a push on the Yrillians doesn't take your intent, it's just a push. We don't have the opportunity to open lines of communication or trade. We won't get the ability to decide that.

I think that the concerned citizens aren't going to be in Starfleet's box, because we failed the event and the FDS is taking the lead. We won't have the opportunity to do anything with the new government until everything is finished.

Let me rephrase then; Improving relations with the Yrillians further will improve the ability of the Federation and the FDS to improve relations with the Sydraxians and influence their politics.

And my main point is the Gretarian push anyway, which we already know could have negative consequences.
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In fairness, when we pushed the Yrillians above 100 it seemed to have a narrative effect. All of a sudden we started getting information from "our friends in Yrillia" about all the goings on in the Ashalla Pact and the Sydraxians especially. The idea that getting them above 300 would produce a similar narrative impact isn't unreasonable.

Yes, I do support a Yrillian push, but I don't think we can guide its effects like Gnarker is claiming. It will simply have good effects.
It's extremely meta, but Oneiros has indicated he wants us to have a period of peace after the current war. Of course, no guarantees, but I think you have to look to the Cardassian shipyard push rather than our moratorium. Their shipyard push will start launching cruisers in 2318-2319. That's when I expect the Cardassians to strike.
And then only if they either have limited goals they are sure can be pushed after inital Starfleet losses or are sure we'll lose even with new members.
Yes, again, the shipyard push is extremely telling. There's no point in launching the war before their new shipyards bear fruit - the Romulans and Klingons have both used the same shipbuilding logic in delaying their war.

We know the shipyards were completing at the end of 2314. Cruisers will start to launch in 2317. We could see war anytime from 2317 to 2321.
Yes, I do support a Yrillian push, but I don't think we can guide its effects like Gnarker is claiming. It will simply have good effects.

On the other hand, we also have ample evidence on how a diplopush can have negative consequences; Bajor getting occupied, or in this case strengthening the case of the hostile Sydraxi factions. Maybe it won't, and will instead help, yes, but I'd prefer not to take that risk with the Gretarians when we can influence the situation in other, less dangerous ways, or could even simply sit back and see if good things won't happen even without our actions.
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Do our own economies actually need help? I would have done the deal focused on the other participants directed at the Pacifist, as they would be interested in fixing what this war messed up and making the area more stable.
Do our own economies actually need help? I would have done the deal focused on the other participants directed at the Pacifist, as they would be interested in fixing what this war messed up and making the area more stable.

It's also a political tool - the areas where the development are strong have been largely unaffected by the war and need an opportunity to be seen as helping those who are fighting. The President will see this and run with it.

I'd approach the Pacifists if I thought we needed to push something through an unwilling Council, but that's not the case here - there should be wide support from the development, pacifists, and expansionists.
It's also a political tool - the areas where the development are strong have been largely unaffected by the war and need an opportunity to be seen as helping those who are fighting. The President will see this and run with it.

I'd approach the Pacifists if I thought we needed to push something through an unwilling Council, but that's not the case here - there should be wide support from the development, pacifists, and expansionists.

Plus Mercantilists. Opening up trade routes with the Ked Paddah is almost certain to make them happy campers.
With the exception of the Gaeni, who actually are in for an economic slump.

I'm not voting for the "economic aid" option because I'd rather solve a concrete problem that Starfleet has with crew shortages.

So my earlier Sousa Deal idea to approach the Expansionists about a special Officer recruitment drive. Good idea?

Plus Mercantilists. Opening up trade routes with the Ked Paddah is almost certain to make them happy campers.

We and the Ked-Padda are for being *campers* together?

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So I appear to be the only one who wants to make Personnel a VA position, to gain a VA bonus for our most critical issue of lack of personnel. Am I missing something?
So I appear to be the only one who wants to make Personnel a VA position, to gain a VA bonus for our most critical issue of lack of personnel. Am I missing something?

Personnel handles promotion boards, not recruitment. The Academy Commandant would be a better target for boosting recruitment, though simply expanding the Academy is the best way.
[X][COUNCIL] Industrial Parks and Academy
-[X] Request Research Colony at Cronulla VI, 8pp 5 (7) rp/yr, 4 turns
-[X] Request Academy Development, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
-[X] Sponsor efforts to create Heavy Industrial park to reduce construction times by 1 month/year in that system, 115pp (Sol System)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species (Ashidi), 20pp

[X][FACTION] Approach the Developers - Crew recruitment and training is an issue not just for Starfleet, but for all Member World fleets. Propose founding a joint Federation Space Academy based on input from Starfleet and all Member World fleet organizations with the goal of unifying starship crew training standards across the Federation, allowing Starfleet Academy and similar member world institutions to focus solely on service-specific training. (Desired mechanical effect- Improve Crew income, especially officers.)

We are pretty much crippled by our crew shortages. The faster we can get the issue rectified, the easier everything will be in the long run. Any sort of delay will compound the issue.
So my earlier Sousa Deal idea to approach the Expansionists about a special Officer recruitment drive. Good idea?

We and the Ked-Padda are for being *campers* together?

Seeing how Starfleet reacted to the Orz would be interesting.
Particularly if there were no Androsynth ruins nearby to trigger unwanted questions.

Diplo push a friendly race to affiliate status, before figuring out they are actually the *fingers* of an eldritch abomination.
Our current bonus is +3 to medical research so not a huge priority for VA
The staff post in the threadmarks has it down as an Old Guard RA Seruk, with no bonuses?

Oh, and I should probably just check: @OneirosTheWriter , does the department of Personnel handle recruitment and the Academy, or does it purely manage existing staff for promotions and such? I thought it was both, but I've been told I'm mistaken. If not, what department does handle recruitment? There's nothing listed for the Academy in the Staff megapost at all.)
Holy shit, after this is over can we make a hard push to affiliate the Licori? Clearly their Hat is fixed defenses, which should help with our sort of pacifist outlook.

More seriously I can only suspect the Goliath Stations are like, militarized moonlets, and thus unreplicatible. Like, Gammon has a big moon and then they ALSO either have three nickle-iron rich Deimos-moons or they dragged asteriods into orbit and stuck a bunch of guns and shield generators on them. C8 L14 H14, what is this???

[Note I can't find the stats for Starbase I so maybe they're not too off. Still, three of them??]
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