Looks like the risk of ordering a simultaneous attack has paid off. Not only did it help our Intelligence team get away, but also they'll have no opportunity to effect requires.
Now we just have to worry about their outposts, their minefield, and whatever ships they have in system.
I was half hoping as part of the sabotage they would fire off a shot at one of the defenses and use that to trigger a reaction to destroy the superlaser.
I don't want to jinx us, but with houses Ixaria and Kortenon de-fanged, the FDS could probably arrange for a rather satisfactory end to the war: get a Tartresis heir to marry into the Imperial house, with the Bene's support (and boy, doesn't this just remind you of anything?) and we can put through a peace treaty that stipulates the requisite limits on the use of Mentats .
I mean, there's still a lot of political finagling to do, but if we can take Gammon, the biggest material hurdle to peace will be overcome.
I mean, I don't want to call it just yet, but we may have just had ourselves a Short Victorious War.
I don't want to jinx us, but with houses Ixaria and Kortenon de-fanged, the FDS could probably arrange for a rather satisfactory end to the war: get a Tartresis heir to marry into the Imperial house, with the Bene's support (and boy, doesn't this just remind you of anything?) and we can put through a peace treaty that stipulates the requisite limits on the use of Mentats .
I mean, there's still a lot of political finagling to do, but if we can take Gammon, the biggest material hurdle to peace will be overcome.
I mean, I don't want to call it just yet, but we may have just had ourselves a Short Victorious War.
The neat thing about intelligence ops like this is when everything goes our way and we get a successful mission we can sing songs about how great they are.
But when things go to shit, everything falls apart. Imagine they had failed entirely at an early juncture, as in fail, then fail second attempt. Then the DC or penalties would start to stack up for continuing, we start accumulating delay tokens like crazy, maybe a team dies, and then we have an op like the first time the Courageous got blown up.
If I were Baron Kortennon, this is when I would send mentat ships into Federation space to hold a system hostage. Eaton, you had better not let them slip through, or that simulation with the Betazoid sun is going to come true.
If I were Baron Kortennon, this is when I would send mentat ships into Federation space to hold a system hostage. Eaton, you had better not let them slip through, or that simulation with the Betazoid sun is going to come true.
There is something about the overall strategic/political situation that has gone unsuspected. And before all is said and done there will be some ... callbacks.
There is something about the overall strategic/political situation that has gone unsuspected. And before all is said and done there will be some ... callbacks.
While the full, official, FDS report isn't scheduled for release until next week, we have sorted through the interviews with the Sydraxian "Concerned Citizens" that we have conducted over the last day and the information gathered by the Federation's own intelligence services to put together everything we have on the situation into an informal memo for distribution to members of the Federation Government and Starfleet that are deemed in the need to know that need to know with some haste.
A note of caution however: due to the potential biases of the interviewees, and the incomplete nature of information that our intelligence services have gathered, the report may already be outdated or wrong in some areas. Especially due to the fast paced nature of a people undergoing revolution.
That said, the more that the council knows, and the sooner, the better. I will, of course, forward the final, official, report to you and your colleagues as soon as it is finalized.
SECTION 1.0: "The Six Dawn Hours"
Nearly three weeks ago, on the morning of third day of the ninth Sydraxian month, the Governing coalition of the Sydraxian Hierarchy collapsed. While details are scarce, we in the Diplomatic Service can present the following simple summary:
A simple street protest of the sort that has become increasingly common since the Battle of Lora escalated within hours into a general strike across the Sydraxian capital. Before the next two hours had passed the workers of the orbital shipyards and other industrial concerns across the system had joined in and turned the protest into a system-wide general strike.
Two hours after the the declaration of the general strike the First Voice of the Red Hierarchy ordered Sydraxian Fleet Marines to disperse the strikers in orbit and the regular groundside troops of the Capital Garrison to suppress the protestors in the Capital's streets.
At this point the situation rapidly left the Red Hierarchy's control. The deputy Garrison commander and the officer in command of the Fleet Marines did deploy their forces -but to protect the protestors from the actions of the government- ordering their troops into the crowds.
At this point someone in the Sydraxian Admiralty panicked and ordered units of the Sydraxian Navy to target the strikers with orbital weaponry and declared martial law throughout the entire Hierarchy.
During the confusion immediately following this order one of the Sydraxian frigate commanders declared for the protesters and threatened to attack any ship moving to execute the government's orders. This unilateral escalation confused the situation further with the entire structure of the Hierarchy's armed forces moving to support one side or the other in a confused rush.
In a last ditch effort to prevent the outbreak of total civil war the traditionally moderate elements of the government, in concert with the long standing establishment "loyal opposition", moved of their own accord to dissolve the current government and form a provisional government under their own auspices.
Talks between the new "Blue Hierarchy", the revolting military officers and the strike leaders established an extremely shaky partnership that prevented the outbreak of civil war. This situation is the one that we have been invited into by the arrival of "Concerned CItizens".
Due to the highly pressurized and stressful nature of the Sydraxian aggression against the Federation, and their membership in the Ashalla Pact, the formerly harmonious Sydraxian Hierarchy has splintered into five major factions in the aftermath of the "Autumn Spring" - The Sydraxian term for the Revolution. I understand that it is much more poetic sung in the original Sydraxian. However from here on out I will be using the FBS's more prosaic term: "Sydraxian Spring"
SECTION 2.1: The Red Hierarchy
The initial Sydraxian government that made first contact with Sarek, and later pursued the destruction of Miracht and membership in the Ashalla Pact (for reasons that are still not entirely clear to us in the Diplomatic service.)
The opacity and reluctance to engage in discourse of the Red Hierarchy seems to have become a large contributing factor in the Sydraxian Spring, as the government became less willing to interact with the populace even as it became more harsh and demanding of that same populace.
In the aftermath of the Six Dawn Hours that brought down the government, the Red Hierarchy has receded from the public sphere. That said, the Reds still hold a desperate grip on many of the senior positions of the deep state and the judiciary, which has kept open a line of return should the Reds gather the political strength for such a push.
Such a push would likely come with Cardassian aid, as the Reds are the Sydraxian faction most in favour of the Union (Due to sunk costs and reduction in popular support, if nothing else.) Their return to power would see the continuation of the status quo that we have experienced for the last near decade.
Due the importance of music and song in Sydraxian culture, I will be adding a small addendum listing the popular themes of each faction, for the Reds: their anthem is that of the Sydraxian Hierarchy itself, a long list of the deeds and accomplishments of the Sydraxian people stretching back into mythical times.
SECTION 2.2: The Blue Hierarchy:
The Blue Hierarchy is the current provisional government of the Sydraxian Hierarchy.
The Blues are drawn from the more moderate membership of the previous administration of the Red Hierarchy, as well as the establishment "loyal opposition" to that government. It was the legislative actions of the Blues that fully broke the back of the Red Hierarchy before it could deal with the uprising in the streets and the military.
The Blues represent a moderation of the status quo but not a total repudiation of it. Their main platform is negotiation of an armistice with the Federation and a renegotiation of terms with the Cardassian Union, though not a withdrawal from the Ashalla Pact.
The Blues have also committed themselves to reduction from a full war economy to a more sedate early war footing as they still seek hegemony over the Gretarians and Yrillians.
While the Blues have a sort of de facto legitimacy from being the successor government to the Red Hierarchy, they are still on shaky ground, and are vigilant against the return of the Reds or moves by the other factions.
There is a lesser faction among the Blues, known as the Greens (for obvious reasons), which would prefer to rebuke the Cardassian Union by moving to an alliance with the Romulan Star Empire. Starfleet Intelligence believe that this sub-faction is generously supported by the Tal Shiar.
The anthem for the Blue and Green Hierarchy is the Sydraxian Anthem -but with an additional verse added on the end in which the old corrupt Reds are overthrown by a virtuous new group of leaders that bring the Sydraxian people into the light of a prosperous new dawn.
SECTION 2.3: The Gabriel School Graduates
Also known as the "Young Officers", the "Class of '15", or the "Gabriel School," the Graduates are a main contributor to the fall of the Reds, and could very well seize power from the Blues during the coming months.
The Graduates are an informal network of junior to midrank Sydraxian naval and army officers, most of whom served in the Gabriel Expanse at some point before the Sydraxian abandonment of their ambitions there.
The Graduates hold in common a number of beliefs. Chief among those is a distaste for the current and former establishment, who they believed bargained away Sydraxian honour and sovereignty to the Cardassians in exchange for more opportunities to enrich the establishment.
As a faction the Graduates seem to share most of the following objectives: peace with the Federation, rejecting both Ashalla Pact client status and Federation affiliation, an isolationist policy that avoids military entanglement with the Gretarians and the Yrillians, rebuilding the Sydraxian Navy, replacing the Blues with a trustworthy Military Junta until order can be fully restored and Graduate aims met, and a return to an idealised time of personal honour and military glory.
The Graduates have enough popular legitimacy that they could easily seize to power. That it was Graduate officers that ordered Fleet Marines and capital garrison troops into the strikers' ranks during the Six Dawn Hours, and Graduate ships that threatened to fire on any Navy ship that targeted the surface, has won the Young Officers a great deal of gratitude among the populace. Along with the Vanguard, the actions of the Graduates were key to the Sydraxian Spring coming into being.
The Gabriel School Graduates have two main anthems: The first is "Back On Lora" a very new, and surprisingly whimsical, tune that extolls the simple virtues of honour and camaraderie and suspicion of anyone that sits back and orders others to fight for them. The second is "Orchestrator Rekoldie's Bones" a popular and well known marching song, dating back well into the pre-space era of Sydraxian history, that is often sung with the name of the titular "Rekoldie" replaced by that of a leading light of the Graduate School who died at Lora.
SECTION 2.4: The Vanguard
"The Vanguard of what?" you may ask. The Vanguard of a new way of life and a new society for Sydraxia.
The largest of the politically active factions, the Vanguard grew out of a political awakening on the part of the initial wave of strikers dating back over the last several years, particularly amongst the shipyard workers of Sydraxia's major orbital shipyards -Many of whom had contact with Federation traders during our brief period of peaceful exchange. Even more influential is their ongoing contact with the Yrillian work gangs that form the backbone of Sydraxia's international, interstellar, trade.
Reports have filtered back to us of Vanguard leaders reading copies of the United Earth and Tellarite constitutions to excited crowds, and even more popular is the Declaration of Rights from the Federation Charter. The most influential works, however, are imported Yrillian philosophy and political theory, especially as years of contact with Yrillian traders have familiarized the increasingly marginalized Sydraxian workers with Yrillian egalitarianism and political theory.
While this does seem very encouraging, it must also be kept in mind that the other major driver of the Vanguard is pure bloody-minded vengeance against the old establishment.
Many common Sydraxians are still enraged by the use of Navy Marines to suppress the earlier strikes and to quash dissent. They also remember the unrelenting drive of a war economy they deem as unnecessary, as well as the anger of a working class that feels as if they had been fed into a woodchipper feet first. The lopsided nature of the losses at Deva and Lora, while small population-wise, still figure prominently into an image of an uncaring establishment that takes much and accomplishes nothing.
The Vanguard don't have any single Anthem, but have a tremendous vocabulary of marching and protest songs. They have native songs, many of them common military songs, though also popular are foreign works Including the ever popular The Interstellar, the Indorian labourer's song The Ever Rising Tower, and interestingly enough Deny the Sun (EItara na Eihss) a Reman protest song.
SECTION 2.5: The Key Demographic
The fifth faction is not one that is an official faction with a unified ideology or coherent vision but is key to the future of the Sydraxians nevertheless: The common soldier and policeman.
The Six Dawn Hours ended up becoming the start of the Sydraxian Spring because these men and women defied Red Hierarchy orders. In many cases, without any interference from the other factions, they simply refused to go along with orders that would trigger a massacre.And now the hearts and minds of these men and women are the prizes to be fought for in the political and media war waged between the other factions.
The Blue Hierarchy represents a quick return to the familiar and an easy legitimacy- not to mention a steady paycheck.
The Gabriel Graduate School offers the promise of peace and future glory, free of alien domination, as well as a ruling class that cares about the common soldier.
And most farfetched of all, the Vanguard promise not only peace, but a society where everyone is equal and looked after in freedom, though this is also seen by many as a promise that is too good to be true.