Well, i guess it's a real vote then because I fundamentally disagree with you on strategy.
Let me ask, why are the NPCs in Starfleet Tactical on my side, and why have they not drawn the same conclusion that you have? After all, they have far more information in-universe than we can have. So if it's so obvious to you, why is it not obvious to them? You smarter than Sulu?
Oh, my.
@Briefvoice, would you mind clarifying what support from Oneiros's posts leads you to believe that Starfleet Tactical favors a gradual campaign of attrition against their shipping over a 'blitz' attack? It does seem like a counterintuitive plan given what we think we know about the Arcadian Empire (namely that it is decentralized and that the emperor may or may not have much actual power).
Frankly, if Starfleet Tactical recommends this course of action, I suspect it's because they are Starfleet
Tactical, not Starfleet Political Analysis. They're thinking of the Licori species as a single unified war machine that can be forced into compliance by inflicting cumulative damage on the machinery. They're not thinking about the internal divisions within the species that insulate certain parts of the species from damage that affects other parts.
3x Tech-Skiff C2 H1 L2, S2
5x Tech-Frigate C2 H2 L3, S3
6x Tech-Cruiser C4 H3 L6, S5
Total: C40 H31 L57, S51
This, combined with the Licori having a total of like Combat 70 or 80 or 90, causes me to find it darkly amusing that a bunch of people were once going "oh yeah, with the Gaeni involved in the war, the Licori won't be able to stand up on their own, we don't need to get involved."
Yeah... not that simple, I guess. For that matter, it's entirely possible that the Licori
now have military ascendancy over the Ked Paddah, if enough of their current ship listing is recent construction build up during the war mobilization. Since we know they lost a big chunk of their fleet attempting a full-out attack into Ked Paddah space some 3-5 years ago (I forget), it's likely that most of their current g
What the hell have they been doing? Those death traps should have been retired a decade ago!
Maybe Vulcans are just really, really good at upkeep on vintage spaceships, because of being super-meticulous about maintenance requirements? Maybe for some crazy reason they assembled a 'fresh'
Soyuz out of spare parts some time in the 2260s and it's actually much newer than most of the other ships of that class? Maybe the head of the Vulcan Space Council has a secret sentimental fixation on that
Soyuz because it was their first command back in the days when Jim Kirk was a cadet, and Saurian brandy was almost as good as Romulan ale (but nobody knew what Romulan ale was yet)?
"It's not a waste, it's an investment."
Licori star killer wipes out the Megatortoise.
Well, sometimes investments go bad ....
[Colossal nova blast wave washes across star system]
[Megatortoise is still there, the only ship left mobile, slightly scorched, having
just fucking tanked a blast that would have reduced an
Excelsior to a pancake, with light hull damage]
"...We're gonna be up to our eyeballs in intolerably smug turtle-men for the next thirty years, aren't we?"
We might want to consider diplomatic outreach to the Laio. Their location makes it likely they'll get caught up in any super weapons deployed, or become a battlefield if we aren't careful. They don't have much of a fleet so there's no point trying to recruit them for the war, but we should look into fast-tracking them to affiliateship just in case the Licori decide to start exploiting them for resources like the Sydraxians and Gretarians.
I worry that fast-tracking them to affiliate status might have the opposite effect. Right now they're uninvolved neutrals. As affiliates they're fair game for attack that we have to defend, and might be targeted precisely for that reason.
Plus, the Laio are technologically primitive, and
unlike the conflict with the Sydraxians, we're being given the go-ahead to wage aggressive war against the Licori directly. If the Licori start abusing the Laio, we can find out with reasonable ease and start blowing up the Licori ships involved. That wasn't an option for us when we found out the Sydraxians were muscling in on the Gretarians.
Yeah, the Apiata combat doctrine looks unbalanced to the point of paranoia in keeping their queens safe. Such a ratio would make more sense if the Queenships each accompanied 4 Stingers instead of 2 Stingers, but we're not seeing that here.
It does rather have the effect of making the Apiata fleet seem resource-inefficient, if they can only commit an average of two or maybe three
Stingers per explorer-sized combatant that doesn't do much fighting.
You're not wrong, but hopefully in that situation we would be capable of protecting them. At the very least, we should let them know what's going on and just why we're at war, so they can decide what to do for themselves.
Sure, but that's within the bounds of normal Federation Diplomatic Service activities. The Laio probably won't remain ignorant of this war for very long. If they decide not to join us, it's probably because they don't want to risk getting their sun exploderized, and if they're attacked, they have our phone number.
… the point where you realize the situation has gone FUBAR: when you start to think the introduction of the Dominion may actually improve the state of affairs.
"So, who are these Domino-whozits..."
[read read read]
"Huh. Ugly. Son, are you talking about the time when
I start to think that, or the time when
you start to think that?"