Tibby Reaches Out
Dear Aunt Vitalia,
Today I killed a man.
I knew from the stories you told, and the teachers at the Academy that Starfleet was more then on site astronomy and hand-holding Apatian Queens (and Queen Imprezza asked me to pass along her personal greetings, though she was a bit confused by our family structure and relationship). I admit, that 'classified mission' was a bit tense, but I was mostly on the sidelines for that one. This was different.
I was on the bridge when it started, third shift. A bit disappointed that I was sleeping while the Sayek ship, the Sign of Rethelia, we were visiting was being put through its paces. Suddenly, something was up with the Rethelia, power fluctuation and weapon readings. My first impulse was to blame the Orion Cartels, but then Lwaxana (The Betazoid girl who finished off the chocolate cake when I had my classmates over for dinner over winter break, as if you don't remember the name of like… everyone) reported some message about a 'Reformation' was being broadcast. Internal politics meant we had no idea what to expect.
It had been only moments since the weapon fire and red alert when Captain Mrr'Shan charged onto the bridge, just a command jacket over exercise pants. By the time we had her updated on the situation, Commander Stol had tagged me out on Conn, and when she headed off to the turbolift saying "Lets see what we can do about this before anyone else gets hurt", Lwaxana and I followed along without even taking a moment to think if we were included in the 'we'.
Is it always like that? Was that me? Was that the Captain?
We met up with Commander Acheson at the armory outside Transporter Room A, and split to join up with the two ready security teams on hand. Acheson grabbed Lwaxana, thinking a telepath would help sort out loyalists from separatists as he prepared to go after the bridge. He told me to cover the Captains back as she lead the other team after auxiliary control. The Captain was giving orders to pass on to the next wave, telling them to go for engineering as we beamed over onto the Rethelia.
I'd done transporter ship assaults in the Academy, but this was different. Most of our exercises were against thinly veiled Cardassian ships, the occasional Fed, Romulan, or Klingon ship for variety. The Sayek was not familiar, and not set up like a training exercise either. Mrr'Shan knew her way around from her tour earlier. I think that must have been why she had taken the first team deep into the ship, and not after the more accessible bridge.
I was sweating, and it was not just because it was warm and humid. I had a Tricorder in one hand, a phaser in the other, and was trying to cover every opening, look in every direction, and scan for lifesigns all at the same time.
We started taking fire, and I mostly used the tricorder to help spot their locations and gave cover fire, but while I was afraid of getting hit, I knew my weapon was set on heavy stun, and I was not afraid of using it. Resistance was not heavy at first, and we managed to secure AuxCon, meeting up with the Sayak officer Sanos, who had his own loyalist crew-members in support.
That was when we got word from Lt. Jelan that the team that had gone after Engineering was being driven back. Our Captain and Sanos pulled up a map, and planned out routs to support them, but that was easier said than done.
We were harried all of the way to engineering, but Captain Mrr'Shan kept us together, moving from strong-point to strong-point. There were a few glancing blows, but not enough organized resistance to stop us, just enough to make us move slow and keep cover. Then we emerged around a corner and saw Lt. Jelan standing cover over two security crew who were down, with a third trying to drag both backwards.
A group was just coming out from cover to charge them, and Mrr'Shan literally leaped onto them from down the hall, pushing arms out of the way as she deliberaly tangled the bodies as she landed, making a hole in their defensive fire. We stunned the bodies around her, but everyone was a bit shocked from unexpected assault.
Lt. Jelan gave us an update, and we managed to get a sensor beacon onto our downed crewmates and got them beamed back to Enterprise, then we pushed forward. There were heavy signs of battle around us; phaser burns, damaged panels, sparks and flickering lights. There were sounds of heavy tools off in the distance.
We came around a corner, and there were a few of them behind a heavy panel. We were exposed, trying to push them under cover by firing as we moved, but they had the better position.
I looked for a deflection shot. I tried to come up with some idea to try to stun them, but they were good, and did not spend enough time exposed to get a good shot. Another security crewman went down, and I noticed a heavy GNDN conduit junction over them, heavy insulation and metallic shielding.
I shot it, and a gout of plasma shot out before the safeties could shut it down. Three of them were flash fried. The other two were blasted into the open, and stunned in moments.
The rest of the fight is like a movie in my head. I can see it, but I don't feel like I was there.
I still see the plasma burst in my head. I can smell the char.
Does it get better?
I have an appointment with the ships councilor in the morning. Lwaxana needs support now. Apparently, being around combat deaths for an empath for the first time can be extra hard.
Moms and dad won't understand, but I know you will.
With love,
Tiberius Kahurangi, your nephew who can't fall asleep