Do note that we haven't even managed to phase out all of the Soyuz class yet, and that's only 4 escorts! Budgeting the replacement of 7 cruisers isn't in the cards, especially if we keep pushing explorers. Although I think we've almost hit our quota on those?
I think we've got 2 more Excelsiors to go for the required Explorer missions. Which I think we'll have by the beginning of 2307.
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Do note that we haven't even managed to phase out all of the Soyuz class yet, and that's only 4 escorts! Budgeting the replacement of 7 cruisers isn't in the cards, especially if we keep pushing explorers. Although I think we've almost hit our quota on those?
I could swear we already have enough to meet our explorer quota currently being assembled in the docks, but I might be wrong.
I honestly think that we should always be locked in at two diplomatic pushes per year, and for now that is the Amarki and the Betzoids.
Actually if we were limited to two I'd choose the Caitians and Rigellians next year. Both are likely to cross 300 as a result, and the Amarki are likely to finish accession within the next two years anyway.
Do note that we haven't even managed to phase out all of the Soyuz class yet, and that's only 4 escorts! Budgeting the replacement of 7 cruisers isn't in the cards, especially if we keep pushing explorers. Although I think we've almost hit our quota on those?
We need to have at least 5 in the Explorer Corps and I want at least one in each sector, so we need at least 11 total. Remember, we are currently researching Lone Wolf Doctrine so going Explorer heavy only makes sense (and one per sector isn't really going heavy anyway).
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I fully understand why Stesk is so oriented towards Peace, and I sympathize with him. Unfortunately, his actions, and those like him, will only end up causing more harm than good when the Federation inevitably encounters groups such as the Borg and the Dominion. The Borg cannot be negotiated with, and the Dominion will only negotiate either from a position of overwhelming strength, or when they have no other option.

While this is true, recall that he was also completely in favor of mobilizing against the Biophage. He recognizes the necessity of force in extreme cases.

I could swear we already have enough to meet our explorer quota currently being assembled in the docks, but I might be wrong.

We do, but we'll need to transfer officers to the Explorer Corps next year for crewing it. That or wait until '08.
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Not really. The only thing becoming an Affiliate does is get an automatic diplomatic push every year, while going above 300 means they start contributing to Starfleet's yearly budget.
Convincing races to become affiliates is, in a number of ways, it's own reward. For one, since they start rolling diplomatic pushes automatically, they'll eventually cross the 300 thresh-hold on their own. Eventually. More importantly though, it means we've effectively called 'dibs' on that species, protecting them, and any space they've claimed, from the deprevations of more hostile powers.

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Hmm, it might be worth spending the political will for a boost to Explorer Corps personnl in order to get an extra set of Captain's Logs that much earlier.
Would be too late, crew deducts before the next snakepit. Hopefully setting academy recruitment policies next quarter will allow us to divert more crew to the Explorer Corps.
I can't wait to see the Cardassian reaction to the first time we have more than four full members.
"That's... what? I'm missing something here."
"What's the problem?"
"Weren't there four full members?"
"Sure, but some more joined. There's too much work to do, and things to discover, to try and do everything ourselves. Here, take a brochure."
As far building Excelsiors go, we can spend PP to get the council to just outright pay for one. Which could alleviate cost concerns.
We need to have at least 5 in the Explorer Corps and I want at least one in each sector, so we need at least 11 total. Remember, we are currently researching Lone Wolf Doctrine so going Explorer heavy only makes sense (and one per sector isn't really going heavy anyway).
We only wasted what, two? turns on Lone Wolf doctrine so far. That's not so terrible an investment that we can't realign ourselves to the (IMO) much superior Combined Arms doctrine.

And frankly, Explorer Cruisers draw from our sharply limited explorer manpower pool. The regular Light Cruisers don't.
There's a reason my vote calls us to drop the Doctrine team. When we put them back on, I won't be voting to have them work on Lone Ranger.
We only wasted what, two? turns on Lone Wolf doctrine so far. That's not so terrible an investment that we can't realign ourselves to the (IMO) much superior Combined Arms doctrine.

And frankly, Explorer Cruisers draw from our sharply limited explorer manpower pool. The regular Light Cruisers don't.

Lone Wolf is probably over half done already, lone Ranger was at 21/50 after the first push.
We only wasted what, two? turns on Lone Wolf doctrine so far. That's not so terrible an investment that we can't realign ourselves to the (IMO) much superior Combined Arms doctrine.

And frankly, Explorer Cruisers draw from our sharply limited explorer manpower pool. The regular Light Cruisers don't.
Ok, we get that you don't like Lone Ranger. Please stop mentioning it so often.
We only wasted what, two? turns on Lone Wolf doctrine so far. That's not so terrible an investment that we can't realign ourselves to the (IMO) much superior Combined Arms doctrine.

And frankly, Explorer Cruisers draw from our sharply limited explorer manpower pool. The regular Light Cruisers don't.
Combined fleet calls for at least one explorer in every sector fleet as well, otherwise no combat bonus for that fleet. And no, Excelsiors outside the Explorer Corps draw on the normal crew pool.
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We only wasted what, two? turns on Lone Wolf doctrine so far. That's not so terrible an investment that we can't realign ourselves to the (IMO) much superior Combined Arms doctrine.

And frankly, Explorer Cruisers draw from our sharply limited explorer manpower pool. The regular Light Cruisers don't.

Actually the Explorer-class ships don't have to have Explorer crews. Kumari is Explorer-class, but has a standard crew, for example.
Speaking of Excelsior, any word on how quickly we can expect O'Hare's head on a platter, or anything we could do to expedite the head-plattering process? Hell, how's T'Faer doing right now?
I have two points which have no doubt been made before. The first is that the Excelsior was a workhorse of the Federation fleet for over a hundred years, much like the Miranda. Unlike the MIranda, the Excelsior spaceframe has serious refit and retrofit viability in the long term. This is probably something we should keep in mind. In comparison, the Ambassador experienced a very limited production run. Whether this was because the Galaxy-class eclipsed it very rapidly is unclear, but it certainly didn't stick around very long.

The second point is that the technological inferiority of the Cardassians to the Federation is a major advantage that has been historically sustained. The simple fact of the matter is that we do have a measurable head-start on them in practically all technological fields, one that should be maintained. The Galor-class was supposed to be the mainline warship of the Union, but they had to start wolfpacking them in groups of three to take on Federation starships.
The Cardies' main strength was never tech so much as subterfuge and mind games and underhanded diplomacy. Which is why I want to secure the Indorians and Gretarians now, because otherwise they will get them. I also wish we could specifically try to find Bajor, but sadly that's hampered a bit by the OOC/IC divide >_>
In comparison, the Ambassador experienced a very limited production run. Whether this was because the Galaxy-class eclipsed it very rapidly is unclear, but it certainly didn't stick around very long.
That's too bad, the Ambassador is a significant upgrade compared to the Excelsior.

But yea, I'm not in any rush to retire the Excelsior, and completely agree that refitting it is worth it.
That's too bad, the Ambassador is a significant upgrade compared to the Excelsior.

But yea, I'm not in any rush to retire the Excelsior, and completely agree that refitting it is worth it.
Ambassador will be an upgrade in 20 years. We don't know if it would be now.

Let us not forget rushing new classes can cause them to be under powered. So refit is more important in the short term I believe.