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The most likely thing to mess this up is shield regeneration, but without more clear information on how that works we can't determine if it's relevant.
Not exactly. Every single ship seems to regenerate a single point of shield every 10 turns, and we don't seem to do damage to hull if shields collapse midshot, which makes things even more lopsided in favor of the Miranda-A's killing it dead with little hull damage.
Here's a section from the last battle that shows this well. I do have a couple of questions for @OneirosTheWriter though.
Turn 59 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship CDF Ardok
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.14 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CDF Ardok reduced to 31.58 Hp
Turn 60 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship CDF Ardok
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.53 vs Shields 1.00
Ship CDF Ardok Shields reduced to 0.00
Turn 61 - Ship USS Saratoga is firing upon Ship CDF Ardok
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.33 vs Shields 0.00
Ship CDF Ardok reduced to 30.18 Hp
Turn 62 - Ship CDF Ardok is firing upon Ship USS Saratoga
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.85 vs Shields 1.00
Ship USS Saratoga Shields reduced to 0.11
Ship 1 has taken casualties: 1/0/0 out of 3/4/4
First, are ships really meant to be able to take crew damage after shields come back up again due to regen? Because the Saratoga took casualties on Turn 62 when that's the case. The shot didn't even get through the shield too.
Second, why are both ships apparently doing slightly more damage than they should be? Here's an example. Turn 62: Ardok hit for .85 damage, but does .89 for some reason. (Just looking for clarification that this is due to combat damage bonuses.)
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