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You can make good arguments for not putting Mbeki back in an explorer (among other things, that he might well merit a promotion within the next year or two, and we don't promote commodores off of Explorer Corps ships until their five year missions are up).

The real accusations of favoritism might come from comparing Sulu to Chad (who has several years' experience and has done well throughout that time), and to T'Rinta (who has the same amount of command experience Sulu does, that is to say less than a year, but considerably more seniority in grade).
Vote will close in two hours!
I suppose there might be a massive turn around in the next two hours but I doubt it:

Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 1180 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

Task: FYM

[X][FYM] Captain Langa Mbeki
No. of Votes: 30

[X][FYM] Captain T'Rinta
No. of Votes: 13

[X][FYM] Captain Vol Chad
No. of Votes: 8

[X][FYM] Demora Sulu
No. of Votes: 4

Total No. of Voters: 55
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[X][FYM] Commodore Nash ka'Sharren

Let's let Nash explore the crap out of the Syndicate, fuck whatever Seruk says.

edit: might as well turn it into a vote
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The longer we go without an update the more convinced I am that we just accidentallied Enterprise into a trap and everything (Including the entire Apiata, Seyek, and Qloathi fleets) as far as Ord Grind Duk has fallen. And that a unit of Cardassian salvagers are as of this moment sifting through the remains of Stargazer and the Pride of Kadesh in Apiata Orbit while on the other end of the Federation the Risans have just accepted Cardassian clienthood at phaser point.

...I'm feeling pretty paranoid right now is what I'm trying to say > : |
Now Oneiros just obliged to delay update on that situation till next week and spend time writing interludes and flashback omakes.
Interesting fact: During that scene Jonathon Frakes (Will Riker) is wearing a uniform on loan from Avery Brooks (Commander Sisko) Which explains why he spends half the movie in an ill fitting uniform.

This was because they'd designed a new uniform for Generations (That had elements of TNG and WoK Uniform combined) that they stopped using after only a scene or two of shooting.

They really had no idea what they were doing when they made Generations... > : |

Speaking of which I found a cool uniform design that we could use when we eventually replace the movie era style.

Im thinking keep the red colour with division shoulder tabs, collars and cuffs.
Speaking of which I found a cool uniform design that we could use when we eventually replace the movie era style.

Im thinking keep the red colour with division shoulder tabs, collars and cuffs.
Hm... I could work with that, actually. I've been considering redoing my attempts at a homegrown uniform variation.

Are we set on keeping red or would transitioning over to say, dark blue work?

Also I'm unsure as to the pant stripe thing.
Hm... I could work with that, actually. I've been considering redoing my attempts at a homegrown uniform variation.

Are we set on keeping red or would transitioning over to say, dark blue work?

Also I'm unsure as to the pant stripe thing.
Pretty sure the stripe is on the movie uniforms.

I think we should keep red and the movie era division colours.