2305.Q2 - The Snakepit

An uncomfortable buzz wends its way around the Council chambers as you wait your turn to speak. Throughout your time here this week in Paris, you know that the Cardassians are front of mind for many Councillors. An uptick in the Defence requirements of all stations is on the way. The Council wants more ship hulls to make sure they can keep up the patrols. To many of the long-lived Councillors, this bears uncomfortably familiar impressions of the early, wilder and woollier days of space exploration, where the Klingons and Romulans marauded and flint-eyed Starfleet Captains held the line. All very romantic, of course, but hardly a practical way of life.

The Khitomer Accords, and the replacement of your predecessor, are so close to bearing the fruits of prosperity that the Council has hoped for that they can taste it. And yet, at every turn there are obstacles...

You met with the President in private, where he tells you that the Federation does not want a war on it's Tellar Sector frontier, but it also doesn't want depredations of our colonies or affiliates. Starfleet must be prepared to hold the line, to continue to explore, but not attack without being attacked first. You know your captains will sweat under the restrictions, but no one joins Starfleet to be in the path of least resistance.

[ ][COUNCIL] Submit a plan to the Council
(You may select any number of options, as long as you can pay the Political Will cost. You currently have sixty-nine point five (69.5) Political Will to spend.


Federation Council Options for 2305.Q2
  • NEW Propose join Research Colony at Athos V with Romulans (8 turns, gain +5 rp / year), 16pp
  • NEW Request Mining Colony at Pygmalion 337 IV-3, 8pp (4 turns, gain +20 br / year)
  • NEW Request Research Colony at Aelin System, 8pp (4 turns, gain +5 rp / year)
  • Request expansion of San Francisco Fleet Yards, 15pp (4 turns, gain new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times]
  • Request expansion of 40 Eridani A Shipyards, 20pp (4 turns, gain new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times]
  • NEW Request expansion of Ana Font Shipyard, 10pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times]
  • Request Excelsior berth at a shipyard, 35pp (6 turns, gain new 3m t berth)
  • Request new Starbase I [Write in Sector] 20pp for home sectors or RBZ, 30pp for KBZ
  • NEW Request expansion of Outposts in the Tellar Sector, 10pp (4 turns, +5 Defence in Tellar, more colonies with outposts if state of emergency ensues)
  • Reduce Militarisation Level 75pp [Increased due to low level]
  • Increase Threat Level 40pp [Increased due to peaceful outlook]
  • Request Ongoing Budget increase 35pp (Roll for success)
  • Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 20pp
  • Request Academy Expansion, 25pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 20pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
  • Request Start of Ambassador class project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 50pp
  • Request Start of Renaissance class project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 35pp
  • Request Start of Custom Explorer project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 60pp
  • Request Start of Custom Cruiser project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 40pp
  • Request Start of Custom Escort project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 55pp
  • Request Refit Program for Miranda class [+1 S,H,L for 20br, 10sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns, 45pp
  • Request Refit Program for Constellation class [+1 C,S,D, for 20br, 10sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns 45pp
  • Request Refit Program for Centaur class [+1 S,L,P,D for 15br, 15sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns 45pp
  • Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 30pp
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Can be taken multiple times]
  • Arrange to have an Old Guard Admiral convinced it is time to retire, 20pp


Federation Grading:
Current Minimum Science = 50 [Now 75]
Current Maximum Combat = 230 [Now 103]

(Soft cap, will gain +1 Militarisation per 10 pts over - will increase with Threat Level by 10)

Minimum Concurrent 5 Year Missions = 3
Current Militarisation Level = 2
Current Federation Threat Level = 5

Council Objectives:
85 Science by 2311 (Currently 75)
2 New Oberths by 2311
120 Defence by 2312 (Currently 87)

Starfleet Ambitions:
Operate no fewer than 5 concurrent Five Year Missions by 2311.

Current Federation Full Members:

Current Federation Affiliates:
Betazoids 308/500 + 14 = 322/500
Rigellians 211/500 + 12 = 223/500
Caitians 173/500 + 11 = 184/500
Amarki 323/500 + 21 = 344/500
Risa 170/500 + 16 = 187/500
Caldonians 125/500 + 15 = 140/500
Gaeni 125/500 + 21 = 146/500
Orions 117/500 + 19 = 136/500

Currently Known Others Possible Members:
Yrillians 45/100
Dawiar 25/100
Kadeshi 35/100
Sotaw 35/100
Gretarians 25/100

Major Powers
Romulans - Unusual (The recent cooperation has caused relations to enter an unknown phase that is still being assessed)
Klingons - At Peace
Cardassians - No Formal Treaty (Starfleet Captains advised combat is a possibility in any encounter)


Select a new Head of Starfleet Intelligence Command

[ ] Commodore T'Prau
Vulcan Female, 47
Current Posting: Director, Supercomputing Division, Starfleet Intelligence Command
A genius with the latest generation of duotronic computers, and possibly one of the finest minds outside of the Daystrom Institute. Gain +5 RP / year

[ ] Commodore Nash zh'Rhashaan
Andorian Female, 62
Current Posting: Director, Signals Division, Starfleet Intelligence Command
A strong advocate of expanding listening post networks and investing in cryptography. Gain better intel on other powers.

[ ] Rear Admiral Hikaru Sulu
Human Male, 68
Current Posting: Commander, Starbase 1
A legend of the Federation, Sulu is bold, daring, and skillful. Starfleet field operations unit will become effective.
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Captain's Log - 2305.Q2
Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21856.4 - Captain Nash ka'Sharren

While exploring rimward from the Aelin system, we have picked up a new set of warp signatures that also do not match anything in our records. Interestingly, the Chief Engineer and Mr Zaardmani were having quite the discussion about these new warp signatures. They weren't as fast as modern Federation drives, but they apparently have an extremely smooth subspace wake, indicating a very, very precisely aligned warp drive.

Onward to the Pylix system!


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 21857.1 - Captain T'Lorel

After continuing our exploration mission past Greterian space, west and coreward, we were encountered and escorted back to the homeworld of a new race to make first contact.

We are now in orbit around Borandt III, home of a people who call themselves the Sydrax Hierarchy. I confess the name does not fill me with great optimism, but then sometimes these names do not necessarily translate very well. I am awaiting permission to beam down with an away team to meet the First Voice of the Sydraxians.


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 21857.4

Travelling out from Andor space, we have made our way through Caitian space, towards their far frontier. While transiting the admittedly completely uninteresting Gamma Thebes 43 system, we picked up a long range hail from a Caitian task force in the Foshieran system.

The Caitian Fathership Pride of Ferasa was in orbit, with a host of Swarmer escorts dancing attendance. It has been a while since I have seen one of these craft, with their great saucer hub stations. Admiral K'Niri thanked us for coming, and explained that a civilian expedition had disappeared on the Foshieran IV planet, and that if we were in the area they would appreciate the assist. We will use our sensors for a detailed sweep.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21857.7

Well, well, the game's afoot! These Indorians of the Pyllix, who are master engineers, might I add, are expecting company. Apparently they have met the Cardassians as well recently, and are expecting Ambassadors soon. We have been strenuously warned, and the Cardassians likewise, that anyone who fires on the other while in their system will be viewed as an enemy of the Indorians.

Thankfully, we have a head start to make some friends. Time to unleash Lieutenant Leaniss!


Captain's Log, USS Polaris, Stardate 21857.9

I have been wondering why the diplomats of the Federation have sent a Constellation-class cruiser to go handle these trade negotiations with the Caldonians, rather than handling it themselves.

And then I saw the K'tinga in orbit. Well, well. Competition!


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 21858.2

I am making this report from the surface as we explore the abandoned camp of the Caitian science expedition. We have still detected nothing that would indicate that any possible threat to the scientists, nor any indication as to their current whereabouts.

In other news, my Chief Tactical Officer is holding down the bridge on the Courageous, as my new First Officer is even less amiable to being left behind on away missions than Rosalee was. Is. Apparently, since she snuck her way on to one of the Away Teams as a 'consultant'.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 21858.5

A further report on the Sydraxians. It seems they are definitely a martial people, although in these more enlightened days they appear more taken with the celebration of violence rather than the actual commission thereof. In particular, songs of valour. I would not necessarily call it a logical progression, but I believe I can see the rationale.

While they are not quite our technological peers, the Sydraxians have a strong exploratory bent, and have carved out a number of colony worlds for themselves. They could be very useful allies for the Federation.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21858.8

The Cardassians have arrived, and have met across the negotiating table. For unknown reasons the Ildorians apparently believe that it would be best to assess options side-by-side. I guess it is an approach to appeal to particular mindset, as my own Chief Engineer approved immediately. Leaniss' work is earning us many local allies already however, except one local power broker who is acting in not just a staunch pro-Cardassian manner, but an underhanded one too!.

As for my personal meetings, it appears the drubbing the Enterprise gave one of their ships recently has taken them aback. Cagey, even paranoid, I would suggest, especially of me. One of their aides seems more curious than anything else, though. It may be time to break out the charm offensive.


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 21859.4

We have survived the night, if only just. A ferocious assault befell us around midnight, where deadly predators appeared out of solid ground and attacked. One Caitian team was overwhelmed, and I lost three crew members myself, but I have trained my crews well. A fierce front-foot defence did wonders for proving to the predators that there are no easy meals to be had here. Rosalee led the defence of one of the weakest sectors personally, and was instrumental in saving many lives. We are in her debt.

Which makes it, thus, quite unfortunate that I will now have to throttle her for risking her neck like that!


Captain's Log, USS Polaris, Stardate 21860.3

Negotiations are continuing apace, but there are troublesome clashes with the agitated Klingon crew. One barfight saw one of my human crewmembers hospitalised. However, his Vulcan and Andorian counterparts cleaned house. I have publicly reprimanded them, of course.

The Caldonians have determined that the fight was instigated by the Klingons and are not amused.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 21861.4

There is a personal challenge necessary to be given the right to address the Red Hierarchy if one is not a veteran of their military. They may be surprised by me, however. As a Vulcan, I possess far greater strength than the average bipedal species of comparable size.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21861.7

Between the constant schmoozing of Lieutenant Leaniss and my own investigations with the Cardassian Aide, we have found the loose thread of the bribed Ildorian official and followed it back to prove the Cardassians are bribing him to tamper with the negotiations process.

The scandal was as satisfying as it was enormous. Engineers are, in my experience, very intolerant of bribery messing with their precious processes.

[Meet new race: the Indorians, 80/100 relations]


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 21862.2

Forensic review of the logs and controlled experiments have revealed that the local organisms use a certain manner of "phasing", a process with a very similar heritage to cloaking devices. I feel there is much to be learned here.

The Caitian Admiral K'Niri has told me that she will organise an orbital research colony in orbit to study the phasing action of the predators, and will share the research with the Federation. An expression of gratitude for Starfleet's aid in discovering what had happened and saving their landing teams.

[+25 Relations with Caitians, +10pp, +5/rp year]


Captain's Log, USS Polaris, Stardate 21862.3

Apparently what tipped us over the line in the end was the reports of the tidal wave of research that Starfleet was engaged in over the last year. The Klingons had nothing to match except new Bat'leth research! Okay, slight exaggeration. Still. If they are going to trade with anyone, apparently the Caldonians want to trade with those pushing the bounds of science.

[+25 Relations with Caldonians, +10 br/year]


Captain's Log, USS Sarek , Stardate 21862.6

Contrary to my initial conclusions, it appears that the ritual did not involve physical combat at all. Thankfully, when I discovered that it was a contest of song, there was still time to arrange for a Champion. My Chief Tactical Officer is reputed to have a fine singing voice, and was happy to take on the role. I was satisfied with this arrangement, until the Commander spent fifteen minutes singing an ode to, effectively, the practice of orbit-to-ground phaser strikes in my name.

The Commander is most fortunate that this appears to have worked, or there may have been exceedingly severe consequences.

[Meet new race, the Sydraxians, 60/100]


A/N: God, really tired. Hopefully all this makes sense.
2305.Q2 - The Snakepit - Results
[X][COUNCIL]Plan A Scholar and a Diplomat
-[X]Request Academy Expansion, 25pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
-[X] NEW Propose join Research Colony at Athos V with Romulans (8 turns, gain +5 rp / year), 16pp
-[X] NEW Request Research Colony at Aelin System, 8pp (4 turns, gain +5 rp / year)
-[X]Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Amarki
-[X]Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Betazoids

[X] Commodore Nash zh'Rhashaan


After the staggering scale of the development unleashed in the last year, the arrangements made with the Council feel much tamer, even though they are by normal standards quite the raft of appropriations. Two new colonies being proposed, yet another expansion to the Starfleet Academy system, and more diplomacy for Amarki and Betazed.

News of the Promotion into the role of leading Starfleet Intelligence Command of one Nash zh'Rhashaan quickly made its way through the political types in Paris. Or rather, news of the overlooking of Hikaru Sulu made its way around. It is an unpopular decision among your fellow humans, but a pleasant surprise for other Federation Members.

Starfleet Academy Expansion
+0.5 all Categories
Officers (O): 5.15pts (+1.25 Explorer Corps)
Enlisted Crew (E): 6.15pts (+1 Explorer Corps)
Science Techs (T): 5.65pts (+1.25 Explorer Corps)

Current Federation Affiliates:
Betazoids 322/500 + 9 = 331/500

Amarki 344/500 + 21 = 365

The Integration of Betazed and Amarkia into the Federation System has begun. Their home systems will become noted on your Key Systems list, including what they are providing, and what installations they have.

Betazed - Sol Sector

- Provides: 15br 10sr, 2rp, 2pp
- Requires: D0
- Installations: Shipyard (1x1mt berth, 1x 400kt berth), Outpost
- Currently: 2 Betazoid Cruisers, 6 Betazoid Patrollers

Amarkia - Amarkia Sector
- Provides: 20br, 10sr, 5rp, 5pp
- Requires: D0
- Installations: Amarkia Station [Starbase I], Amarkian Arsenal (2 x 2.5mt berth, 2 x 1mt berth)
- Currently: 2 Riala Explorers, 3 Modern Amarkia Cruisers, 2 Old Amarkia Cruisers, 3 Light Escorts, 3 Heavy Escorts

Amarkia provides additional +0.2 to Officers/Enlisted/Techs.
Betazed provides additional +0.1 to Officers/Enlisted, +0.2 to Techs.
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2305.Q3 - Ex Astris, Scientia
Starfleet Commander's Log, Stardate 21952.5

The feeling of progress made last year is still infectious around the meeting table as the new research priorities are discussed. The breakthroughs that were made in several areas have excited many of the scientists and officers present, especially the astounding work of Spock. Although there are no new plaques around the table, designating team names, those that are there are learning their fields well, developing and growing with the experience.

I am very optimistic about what this current year will bring. A lot of projects are on the cusp of breakthroughs, I am sure of it.

Computer, End Log


Current RP Pool = 113pt

9pts are required to activate a Tech Team
113 / 9 = 12 rem 5

12 Tech Teams may be activated. Unusued rp will carry forward to next year

The following Tech Team assignments are carrying over:
- San Francisco Fleet Yards Design Bureau - Ship Design (Explorer)
- 40 Eridani A Shipyards - Ship Design (Escort)
- Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science - Minerals
- Starfleet Medical Command - Medical
- Utopia Planitia Design Group - Ship Design (Light Cruiser)
- Starfleet Tactical Command - Doctrine (Lone Ranger)
- Daystrom Institute - Computing
- Spock - Xenoanalysis
- Vulcan Science Academy - Sensors
- Starfleet Science Academy - Communications
- Starfleet Tactical Command - Foreign Analysis (Romulan Research)
- Andorian Academy - Shields
- Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems - Warp Technology


[ ] Submit a Research Plan, using up to twelve Tech Teams

For list of tech areas and teams, please see: The State of Play - Research Megapost

A/N: By the way, if anyone has a better logo for the doctrine team, all submissions are welcome.
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Omake - CDF Trager Log - anon_user
CDF Trager, Mission Day 607

Gul Penelya Miran lies down on the bed rack in her quarters. It's been an interesting day, to put it mildly - it's not every day that you encounter an entire new civilization. She pulls out a datarod, activates the recorder, and begins: "On Mission Day 607, the survey ship CDF Trager encountered an unknown vessel emerging from warp less than 100,000 deca away, which promptly identified itself as the starship "USS Enterprise" of the "United Federation of Planets." The following is an initial report of Trager's encounter, with an analysis of the vessel, its crew, and the military it serves. A supplemental recording reports on the species of the United Federation of Planets in detail, and other less important information gleaned from the encounter."

"Enterprise hailed Trager shortly after emerging from warp. Initial communication was, as per protocol, by audio only. Enterprise's captain proposed to meet for discussions on Trager; as per protocol, I refused and counter-offered to meet on her ship (so as to gather intelligence about its capabilities). The offer was accepted, and, accompanied by Glinn Yarra and Gil Korinas -" respectively, Trager's XO and probable Obsidian Order minder - "I transported aboard the Enterprise."
"Enterprise's captain immediately offered a tour of her vessel, which was obviously accepted. Curated as it was, it nonetheless provided a wealth of information about the capabilities of her vessel. Following this tour, we attempted to convince Captain Ka'Sharren of the necessity of respecting Cardassian operations and refraining from further survey of the region, but this proved unsuccessful: Ka'Sharren insisted on the Federation's right to explore unknown space in all directions. Further diplomatic talks were held on a personal basis, but this, too, failed. Ultimately, Enterprise resumed her course."

"Enterprise is, at 181 ceta, approximately ninety percent longer than Trager. Its mass is twice the mass of Trager. It is composed of a primary saucer-shaped hull, a secondary hull extending out from beneath the saucer, and two large exposed nacelles. Energy weapons are concentrated in the saucer section, while missile bays are located in the secondary hull. Shield strength could not be accurately determined by our sensors, but energy output would permit operation of Class-9 shields. Warp engines were sufficient to match us at maximum warp."
"Enterprise is a very spacious vessel, with wide corridors, a very open bridge layout, sizable quarters for most crew, etc. Quite inefficient. Environmental conditions were not optimal for us - the ship's temperature was excessively cold and the ship's lights excessively bright." Perhaps those details are irrelevant ... but no, knowing the environmental conditions preferred by one's opponent is important.

"Enterprise's personnel are generally characterized by their curiosity, their pride, and their naivete. I have the impression that they lack want - that they know only abundance." Miran pauses. She can't safely leave it there, so she adds, "This undoubtedly represents a weakness. I suspect the Federation emphasizes comfort, and expect it would react badly to a sudden loss of that comfort. This can be exploited, probably on both an individual and a societal basis."
"Enterprise's captain, as captain of Starfleet's flagship, undoubtedly represents the beau ideal of a starship captain for that organization. Therefore, based on Nash Ka'Sharren's example, we can see that Starfleet seeks captains who are adventurous, brash, charismatic, and quite ... flippant." She pauses. She can't exactly acknowledge it, but inwardly she'd add to that description 'charming', 'cute', 'witty'... This isn't the first time Penelya's encountered aliens. It is, however, the first time she's found herself attracted to one. Most unfortunate. Obviously, said attraction could not be acted upon. A foreigner, of course, could not be trusted, and even if this one could, how could she start a family with Nash? She has her mission, and Nash has hers. She sighs inwardly. The sacrifices one makes in the line of duty are many and varied. Today, she's discovered one more.
She resumes her documentation file: "These qualities suggest a significant degree of latitude afforded to Starfleet captains. One wonders how Starfleet hopes to operate as a unified fleet, if all its captains emulate Ka'Sharren. It is, of course, conceivable that Starfleet does not expect to operate as a unified fleet, particularly given its function as the military for a coalition of worlds, rather than a single people's military."
"Enterprise's first officer is exceedingly curious, even for Starfleet. Ajam sought information on our culture, our society, our customs, our homeworld ... just about anything she could think of to ask. Given this intensive questioning, she may be the ship's intelligence officer." It would be unusual for an Obsidian Order minder to be so highly placed in the organization chart, but Starfleet may operate differently. That said, Ka'Sharren plainly respects her, so Ajam is probably not a minder. Of course, that doesn't get said.
"Enterprise's weapons officer was distinctly professional. Unlike her crewmates, Mrr'Shan had a healthy respect for us, treating us with due caution." She also lacked a sense of humor, but that's unimportant to this report. Perhaps Miran will mention it in the supplemental report; it might be typical of her species.
"One has to wonder about how seriously Starfleet takes the scientific mission, considering the science officer on their flagship. Technically, the scientific capabilities of the vessel are significant... and yet they are entrusted to a male science officer. While one might give allowances to foreign cultures, Zaardmani is archetypically male - arrogant, emotional, excessively proud of his work - in short, lacking a proper temperament for the sciences. And yet Ka'Sharren expressed pride in her ship's scientific achievements. Perhaps they are the product of the ship's Medical Officer?" It's pure speculation, and not worth incorporating into the report, but Miran suspects that Zaardmani's a consort of Dr. Asurva. Perhaps that explains a male science officer? Quite unprofessional, if so.
"Enterprise's chief engineer is male, but unlike with Zaardmani, I am reluctant to hold that against him. Yes, Bazeck is a simple man, but his curiosity is respectable. His appreciation of a good argument more so." If he is a typical Tellarite, then the species should be easy enough to get along with.
"Enterprise's diplomatic officer is quite obviously a political animal, an incredibly smooth talker. It is honestly delightful to watch the conversational arts mastered as well as they are. 'Diplomatic Officer' is obviously a euphemism for a political representative of the central government - perhaps the public arm of the Security Service." Leaniss does seem a better candidate than Ajam for minder ... save that she's a member of a client race. "That being said, she is still agreeable. Pleasant to work with, even in failure."

"The United Federation of Planets is composed of four member peoples - the Andorians, the Humans, the Vulcans, and the Tellarites, of which the Andorians appear to be the dominant people - and several client states, referred to as 'affiliates.' Several officers aboard the Enterprise came from the client states - an unusual level of trust. Known clients are the Caitians, the Orions, and the Amarki. It is presumably to the Galactic East of the Cardassian Union."
"The United Federation of Planets is a fairly young organization, predating the modern Cardassian Union by only a decade. Its origins lie in a conflict with yet another people, the Romulans, who had attempted to set the Vulcans against the Andorians and later engaged in a war with the Humans. Tensions with still another people, the Klingons, were ultimately resolved about a decade ago with a peace agreement."
"The United Federation of Planets is led by a Federation Council and by Starfleet. There is no obvious state security apparatus; veiled questioning about its existence produced only confusion. Therefore, I must conjecture that the Federation's state security operates in secret." Or perhaps doesn't exist?
"Starfleet claims its primary mission is exploration. Enterprise itself is on a five-year exploratory mission to 'seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.' A rather grand way of describing a similar mission to our own. Contradictory, as well - if one is going where none have gone before, then there would be no life to find. Most likely, as with any other military organization, Starfleet's true primary mission is combat."
"Based on Enterprise, one can surmise that Starfleet emphasizes livability, versatility, and operational range in its ship designs, and relies on sheer scale to engineer designs that can meet these ends. Based on its crew, one can further surmise that Starfleet emphasizes independent action, and likely designs with that in mind - rather than our superior doctrine of coordinating mutually supporting ships, Starfleet doctrine presumably gives initiative to individual captains. This lack of control is an obvious weakness to be exploited in fleet actions."

"In summary, my recommendations are as follows: increase surveying in this region, focus intelligence gathering on this United Federation of Planets to better analyze their threat, and proceed with caution in any encounters with Enterprise. In future conflicts, focus on discomforting and disrupting the Federation, seek allies among the 'Romulans' and 'Klingons,' and peel off 'affiliate' client states from the Federation."


CDF Trager, Mission Day 649

Forty-two days later, Gul Miran adds a follow-up to the report: "On Mission Day 649, CDF Trager encountered the destroyer CDF Renok orbiting a planet in system M-407. Renok was adrift, her weapons destroyed, her warp drive under repair. She had encountered the starship Enterprise. While Gul Remir is entitled to submit his own report, I am attaching his sensor logs to this documentation file, along with an abbreviated analysis of Remir's actions."

"Remir encountered Enterprise entering orbit. He hailed the ship, threatening it with dire consequences for any interference with the operations of the Cardassian Union. Upon Enterprise taking up a far orbit on the other side of the planet, Remir elected on his own initiative to transport an antimatter charge into its orbit, hoping to enforce his claim. This failing, he refused to respond to hails, was engaged, and lost to the larger, more powerful Federation vessel, which then proceeded to survey the system before departing. That is what happened. The question is, what mistake was made?"
"Simply put, the mistake was failing to recognize the situation. One should not make claims one cannot enforce - it devalues one's authority. A lone destroyer, operating without support, cannot reasonably deter a ship twice her mass. Remir listened to his pride, his need to personally assert dominance, not his duty to his vessel. Yes, ensuring proper respect for the Union is important - but Remir's actions failed to achieve this end. In fact, by demonstrating an inability to defeat Enterprise, Remir has diminished the Federation's respect for our strength. The costs of repairing the Renok must now be paid by the Union, as must the price of the operational time lost, all for the sake of attempting to block the scan of a single world."
"That is not to say that the attempt was unjustifiable. Given our needs, securing every resource possible is essential to the continued survival of the Union. Rather, the attempt was inadequate. And due to its inadequacy, our efforts to survey this region of space must be slowed down by the time it takes to repair Renok or send out a replacement ship."
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Omake - Vulcan and Betazoid Relations - Briefvoice
Yo, I heard people like Omakes (and want male characters).....

Vulcan and Betazoid Relations

Councillor Stesk did not appreciate clutter. That was the first thing the Betazoid ambassador noticed when entering his office. There were no plaques on the walls, no pictures on his desk, no distractions or reminders of any sort. There was a plant with purple spines by the window, but Ambassador Nikael Dalera noted that it seemed to be part of the office's design and likely Stesk had decided leaving the space empty would be more aesthetically displeasing than compromising with this one bit of clutter.

Which made the pot, small cups, and various other items on a low table between two chairs somewhat surprising. Stesk wordlessly indicated for Dalera to sit at one of the tables. Indicated without a gesture of any sort, as Stesk's mind communicated the message with great precision. In fact -and this was the second thing Ambassador Dalera noticed- Stesk's mind was highly indicative of some form of advanced telepathic training. He had never met the Councillor one-on-one before and so never been able to focus his attention sufficiently to note it, but it was obvious now.

Using loose leaves, a strainer, and some form of stirring device Stesk prepared tea and poured them each a cup. As most Vulcan telepathy is limited to touch and touching the Councillor might give offense, Ambassador Dalera spoke aloud. He was used to speaking aloud here in the Federation.

"How charming; a beverage preparation ceremony that can be used to reinforce mental discipline in social settings through its requirements for precise movement. A Vulcan custom? No, I see. An import from Earth that has become quite popular in certain Vulcan circles. Ah how charming, an example of strengthening through diversity, importing the best aspects of other cultures. Wonderful!"

Dalera and Stesk sipped their tea.

Dalera spoke again. "Yes, I do appreciate your time so I will speak to the matter. Now then, why did I request this private meeting? Simple answer. I want to know why as my world has grown ever closer to the Federation you have been one of our strongest supporters on the Federation Council. It's not like we have ever approached you in any way or that we have any personal bonds. In fact, my people and yours are quite different. You seek to eliminate your emotions and we strongly believe in freely expressing ours. I imagine we annoy Vulcans a great deal! If you allowed yourselves an emotion like annoyance, which, let's not kid ourselves I am fully aware you do even if you refuse to express it."

There was a pause. Dalera's face was briefly puzzled, then illuminated by an expression of enlightenment. "Ah. Ah, I see! Politics. Yes. But no, you should speak this aloud Councillor Stesk. Clarity is important, and speech is your primary method of communication. Let us distinguish between what your are considering saying and what you actually choose to say."

For the first time Stesk spoke. "As Betazed grows closer to the Federation, you will become more aware of divisions that outsiders typically do not see. The Federation's strength comes from our diversity, but logically diversity also means diversity of opinion, of seeing the same facts and coming to different conclusions. Within the Federation Council there is and likely always will be a political struggle between what I will refer to as Peace versus Preparedness. Our Federation values are to believe in the value of diplomacy and negotiation and seeking always to avoid violence. Yet I must acknowledge that there are dangers in this universe that sometimes makes self-defense a most regrettable necessity. The question then becomes one of peace versus preparedness. The more we prepare ourselves for violence, the more we will be tempted to use violence."

Stesk sipped his tea and focused himself. The next words he spoke were backed by carefully chosen telepathic images and even emotions- A Vulcan choosing to communicate with emotions, Dalera couldn't be anything other than astounded. "I am devoted to Peace. Logically given your history and culture, Betazoids will also help move the Federation as a whole towards Peace and help guide us away from aggression."

Ambassador Dalera's instincts told him to push harder. "There's more, though, a reason you are specially... desperate... no, that word is too far. That you view our Federation membership as being a high priority. It's-"

"The Amarki," interrupted Stesk. "They possess a strongly martial culture and in recent years they have been rapidly advancing towards Federation membership. Understand, I have no quarrel with the Amarki. They show every sign of being a civilized people and a welcome addition to the Federation. However, their membership would necessarily tilt the Council towards Preparedness. A tilt that could be balanced if Betazed could be admitted in approximately the same time frame or sooner."

"A partial truth," said Ambassador Dalera aggressively. He was used to dealing with lies in his work, wouldn't ordinarily have allowed the edge of anger to seep into his voice, but concealment in telepathic communication upset him. He paused and recollected himself.

"But I sense the rest is personal, not political. You are avoiding thinking of it. You need not speak of it if you do not wish to."

Stesk closed his eyes and paused for a half minute, using his telepathic discipline to conceal whatever he was considering, thinking about a matter without thinking about it. It was an impressive display. Finally he came to a decision. Stesk reached and took Nikael Dalera's hand. "My mind to your mind," he murmured. It was not a full-on Vulcan mind meld, but it completely opened the usual channels of telepathic communication. It was like talking to another Betazoid.

-To say Vulcans eliminate our emotions is inadequate. We seek passion's mastery. We seek it not out of a desire for the efficiency of logic, but to control violent impulses, amplified by our telepathy, that led to war for all our recorded history before Surak showed how logic could lead to peace. And in every generation, there are those who question that decision. Who reject logic and believe that they, finally, will be the ones to find another path.-

Images of a much younger Stesk, openly showing emotions, associating with other young Vulcans. Joy, sorrow, anger... more anger... violence... terrible regret.

-In each generation those seekers fail and invariably repent, often after irreparable damage is done. There are always those for whom no warning, however strong, is enough.-

Images of Stesk retreating to a monastic lifestyle, studying telepathic control, and emerging disciplined and with a renewed commitment to peace and understanding the illogic of violence.

Stesk removed his hand and spoke the rest aloud. "Somehow Betazed avoided the trap of violence that Vulcan fell into. You build a society where open telepathic expression of emotion leads not to violence and war but to peace and contentment. Logically, it is my belief that my people may learn from yours and perhaps the rebels of some future generation may...."

He trailed off, but Nikael Dalera understood him perfectly and smiled for them both.
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Captain's Log - 2305.Q3
Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21951.3 - Captain Nash ka'Sharren

While continuing our path of exploration through Proxima Canidae, we encountered an Amarkian cruiser in high orbit around the Class J sixth planet. Keeping them company was a Cardassian starship. We immediately hailed our Amarkian counterpart to advise them that if they were being pressured, the Enterprise had their back. To our surprise ... they had been corresponding "amicably" with the Cardassians. Shortly after our arrival, the Cardassian ship broke orbit and went to warp, exiting the system.


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 21951.7 - Captain Victoria Eaton

My new First Officer has brought me something unusual. Sensors are picking up a persistent perturbation of our subspace wake while moving between systems. Perhaps we have picked up a misalignment in our warp drive. We have moved into orbit around a nearby barren planet to run diagnostic checks on the coil alignment.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 21952.3 - Captain T'Lorel

Starfleet Command has ordered us to collect the Ambassadors for the Sydraxian Hierarchy from a Caitian outpost, where another ship has delivered them. With the current state of disruption on this border area, it was deemed ill-advised to have ships of lesser capacity making the journey. Ambassador sh'Tharshaan has been beamed aboard with his team, and we are soon to proceed to the Sydraxian homeworld.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21952.5


It appears that the Cardassians are seeking out Amarkian vessels and making diplomatic overtures! It's a mix of hitting up for information about the Federation, but also attempting to sow doubts about their role as affiliates. Ah, affiliates or 'client states' as I believe the Cardassians were describing it. This may explain why they left the system so soon after our arrival. It wouldn't do to be seen courting a rival's client state, after all.

Lieutenant Leaniss gauged the reactions of the crew of the Odala to these Cardassian overtures, and she is concerned. She wants us to take the Enterprise to Leas Akaam, the key Amarkian outpost to this frontier, where her people are staging from, in order to get a better idea of how successful this diplomacy has been.


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 21952.7

After reexamining the sensor logs, we knew in advance that the war drive diagnostics would come back clean. The subspace wake is just fine when it leaves us. The disruption is coming from another ship which has been shadowing us!

While they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I cannot say that I am amused by the idea of a second shadow. I suspect it is time to lay ourselves a little trap, and see what it turns up.


Captain's Log, USS Docana, Stardate 21952.8 - Captain Syzi ch'Zelil

Our current mission to re-map a number of systems in the Andorian sector has throw up a curiosity. In the asteroid belts of Veshanti V, we have encountered a life-form composed in large part of a tritanium endoskeleton and shell! By using a leaching process once they have located a new source of the ore, they are able to adapt the metal to their purposes. After determining that it would not be harmful to the creatures, we have harvested an amount of tritanium from their shells.

[Gain +15 br]


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 21953.0

An unexpected subspace shockwave has damaged our warp core. While warp core safety protocols automatically enacted, and proved satisfactory to prevent a breach, the core has sustained damage. The fusion reactors of the impulse drive system are still operational, and are sustaining the ship on minimal power levels. Our repairs are complicated, however, by the arrival in-system of a Cardassian destroyer. Based on the reports of our sister ship, the Enterprise, it is logical to assume that if presented with an Excelsior-class vessel without main power, the Cardassians would look to exploit the situation. To this end, we are hiding within the turbulent EM fields of a local gas giant, and working to restore power before the Cardassian vessel's survey reaches us.


Captain's Log, USS Kearsage, Stardate 21953.3

A report of plague on a Caldonian colony world has been responded to with all possible speed. Thankfully, however, our worst fears went unrealised. This is not the Biophage. I have beamed down to the surface of the colony capital, where the plague is yet to reach, and met with the leadership. The Caldonians are going about their response in a very methodical fashion. I wouldn't say cold-blooded, but you do get the feeling that they are regarding the contagion in much the same way as a student regards an exam question. Not so much a physical matter as an interesting theoretical exercise. We have done our best to emphasise the urgency to them.

For now, we are administering first-responder aid, while a Caldonian Science Cruiser and a Starfleet Hospital Ship are on their way to reinforce.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 21953.4

Excess secondary reactions caused by the subspace shockwave disrupting the warp core have damaged the dilithium crystal armature within the core housing, which has in turn caused a layer of particulate accumulation on the magnetic constrictor segments. Any such interference with the constrictors could lead to a misalignment.

Anti-matter should not be injected via misaligned magnetic constrictors. In the colourful parlance of the Chief Engineer, "You would be rapidly expanding neutrinos before you realised there was misalignment."

Suffice to say, opening the pressure vessel of the matter/anti-matter reaction assembly is ... not frequently done outside of a full shipyard's facilities. The gamma ray bombardment emerging is straining the ability of our containment fields, and we are having to roster engineers carefully to prevent the overloading of their hazardous duty suits' ability to withstand radiation.


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 21953.5

Whatever it was I expected my trap to garner, I must say, it certainly wasn't a Gaeni Tech-Cruiser. The IGS Tar-Anat popped out of warp along our subspace wake, just in time to be caught by our slingshot trick around the Indigo 83 star. Supervisor Giara was quite red-faced when we hailed them. He attempted to bluster his way out, but when confronted with our sensor log traces, the confession followed swiftly. The Tar-Anat is, while a ship of the Illuminated Technocracy of Gaen as a whole, is operated by researchers of the Harbind Attu Institute of Astrosciences, who are in fierce competition with another Gaen Tech-Cruiser operating in the area. Giara thought he would garner an advantage by following the Courageous, figuring that our long-range sensors would make us better able to sort the chaff from the wheat.

After some negotiating, and possibly something to do with an offhanded stories of ships being lost when accidentally warping into garbage fields left by ships ahead of them, we have worked out a system to share scanning data while working different systems.

[+25 relation with the Gaeni, +5 pp, +5 rp]


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 21953.6

The Cardassian vessel has one more planet to scan before we are reached.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21953.7

After arriving at Leas Akaam we were startled to find a Cardassian vessel present here as well. Leaniss has already beamed across to the outpost, and I will be following shortly. I am told that a lively debate is already beginning to form regarding the extent of Amarkian integration into the Federation. Those we speak to say otherwise, but I suspect the Cardassian are planting the suggestions!


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 21953.8

It appeared that we would be discovered while still without mains power. However, Chief Petty Officer Sebek placed the needs of the many above the needs of the one, and finished the repairs to the dilithium crystal articulation frame within the reaction housing, despite receiving a lethal dose of radiation in the process. We are already at warp, leaving the system and the Cardassian ship behind, returning to Federation space for maintenance.

[Gain +5pp]


Personal Log, Captain Nash ka'Sharren, Stardate 21954.4

By the star of Andor, she's gotten into a duel. I didn't know Amarkia still had duels!


Captain's Log, USS Kearsage, Stardate 21954.8

We have broken orbit from the Caldonian colony, leaving them in the capable hands of Research Captain Holroy of the Ondolia and the hospital ship Succour. The plague is already being brought under control, thankfully, and the Kearsage can return to our normal patrol duties. I am proud to say our quick response time played a key role in keeping this outbreak to manageable levels.

[+25 relations with Caldonia, +10pp]


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21955.5

By participating in a few of Amarkia's ... peculiar customs, Lieutenant Leaniss and myself have managed to counter some of the rising anti-Federation sentiment in this outpost, hopefully stopping it's growth to other parts of the Amarki confederation. Thankfully, we have all escaped unharmed from these customary rituals.

The Cardassian envoys have mostly attempted to avoid the Enterprise's crew, or indeed, anything directly associated with the Federation, taking a purely Amarkian approach. As we began to push the counter-swell against them, the envoys definitely began to appear frustrated, but the woman leading their delegation always seemed to keep it in check. Personally, I was impressed; after the incident where one tried to place an anti-matter charge in my path, I was expecting a more hot-headed display. Instead I find out that the Cardassians could take the ear off a rock if given the chance.


Personal Log, Captain Nash ka'Sharren, Stardate 21955.6

It's funny, even after all this time, I never realised Leaniss was so dangerous with ceremonial weapons in hand. And to think I wanted to stand in as her Champion! Learning this has helped salve my pride after she basically told me to take a hike when I tried to stand in for her.

Still, it was quite the amazing experience being her second. Seemingly the entire outpost had their eyes on this duel. In fact, it was the talk of the entire system while we were preparing for it. I don't know what consequences there might be from this, but I do know that seeing someone like Leaniss put her neck on the line for the honour of Starfleet has made a bit impact on her fellow Amarkians.

[+25 Relations with Amarki, +10 pp]

Computer, End Log
Omake - RSV Xemet - Tasoli
@OneirosTheWriter an omake

RSV Xemet towards the ending of Biophage crisis. Natural Zone.

"We are at the assigned cordanites sir" Ensign Merik called out of his station. He was his second comm officer. His first comm officer was in the med bay after the last fight and had not get back yet.

"Open a channel and send this message, This is Captain Galan of RSV Xemet we are here to join you in your patrol in the are as per our orders, we are transmitting our intended flight plan, be ready to move out, Galan out" Ensign Merik responded a confirmation of the message being send.

"I wonder which of their ships they will send? One of their vaunted Explorers maybe?" Lt. Commander S'anra his tactical officer whispered loudly enough to be heard.

His intelligance officer Commander Tavf was the on respond before anyone else, "Can't be we know where they are and all of them are busy. It will be one of the lesser ships. Still a good chance to get more intel about their regular fleet"

"Federation ship on screen sir, they are hailing us" regular light of the bridge dimming slightly as per protocol when main screen lighted up and showed the his federation counter part one of the light crusers of Federation. Captain Galan was ordered to cordinate with federation ship that was in the area. Truthfully he was curious. Since the war they had been in isolation and had been taught to hate Federation and Humans. This was the first time he would be meeting a human.

Screen showed up a brightly lit bridge and a Human Captain in his chair. He did not look as alien as he tough he would. "I am Captain Solaire of USS Astora. It is good to meet you my friend" That is until he opened his mouth.

"Friend! I am not a friend of yours, we are merely here to do our duty and patrol our intended path." Captain Galan could not have his reputation dirtied by being called a human friend. " So I suggest you take heed what you call me least I do something rash" He could see a few of his bridge officers nodding at that.

" Come now my friend, The way I see it, Our fates appear to be intertwined. In the lands of biohorrors, Could that be a mere chance? So, what do you say? Why not help one another on this lonely journey?" Galan was starting to get really confused, this Captain Solaire was aware they were here on orders right? he was pretty sure Starfleet issued same orders he got. So what was this guy babling about?

Never the less he pressed on. This guy was crazy but that didn't matter he just wanted to finish this patrol and go home and forget about this whole thing. " We will help you in this patrol but that is only because of orders so do not try anything do you understand?" Please understand he prayed and don't make this more weird.

Response was quick and he could see human give a very bright smile to that. "Of course, my officer is sending you a way to communicate with us, Use this to summon one another as needed, cross the gaps between the worlds, and let us engage in jolly co- operation." His Ensign was mouthing the words jolly co- operation and he felt the coming headache.

"Sure" he answered. Not knowing what else to say "We shall stay in contact, follow us. Galan out" As soon us screen darkened and light returned to normal his tactical officer snorted.

"They are joking right?" she said as she got up "They are trying to trick us into making a weird report"

Commander Tavf seem to agree "Nobody is that theatrical." he shook his head.

"Imagine if it was not a trick," Ensign Merik shot back. "and every Federation Captain is like that."

Every body in the bridge paused for a moment to think about that. Then as one they shuddered. "God hope not" ,"Imagine working with him every day", "He is kinda fun", "No way" was the general reaction on the bridge. Lt. Commander S'anar looked up " Who was that"

Captain Galan decided to put an end to that quick lest they get too distracted. "Enough. On station everybody we are still on duty, save it for your own time." He turned to his pilot "Helm set the patrol course and watch Federation ship to make sure they keep to their own. Engage when ready."

Commander Tavf turned to him. "So now that you met a human what do you think?" He said referring to his insistence of not judging them until he met one.

"Let's just get this over with" He said in a resigned tone. Why did crazy one found him he didn't know but he prayed for forgiveness for whatever wrong he committed to get this.
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Omake - History of the Yukikaze - sebsmith
So after catching up, I find my opinion can be summed up as:
Hopefully, the following will reduce the chances of this happening again in the future:

History of the name Yukikaze:
an introduction for new crew-members​

You might have noticed that Yukikaze doesn't immediately translate, indicating it's named for a previous ship. This is correct, but if you want a translation our preference is "lucky wind." The name comes from a minor earth language, where it literally mean 'snowy wind' and is a synonym for snowstorm or blizzard. I hope the following document shows why lucky is an appropriate description for Yukikaze.

The first Yukikaze of note was a Kagerou-class Destroyer from the earth's mid 20th century. She was built on the eve of their second 'world war' [note that definitions of what a world war is are imprecise]. She took part in many of the deadliest actions of the war – including the fierce first battle of Guadalcanal and the suicidal Operation Ten-Go – and survived them all. This time she first developed her reputation as a lucky ship, since she was the only destroyer of her class to survive the war despite spending the war on the front lines. After the war, she was transferred to the 'Republic of China' or ROC, and received the new name Tan Yang. Tan Yang stayed in service for another decade, and survived as long as the ROC's diplomatic recognition.

The next Yukikaze was JDS Yukikaze (DD-102/ASU-7003), a Harukaze-class destroyer named for the above ship. She had a nearly 30 year long service, which was impressive given earth's technological progress in those days, but saw little action of note during that time of peace.

The reputation of the above ships led to her a commonly appearing in science fiction works during that time period. The most famous of these is as one of the escorts in the famous mid 20th century television show Space Battleship Yamato. She even got her own show. This is also the time period responsible for the pants-less beaver girl you might see with the other ship models, but we aren't going to explain that, so don't bother asking. Captain Rivers is not responsible for that, it was one of things we inherited with the name from the previous Yukikaze. Speaking of which, next is probably the most famous Yukikaze of all.

The Ganges-class SS Yukikaze, whose construction finished shortly after the start of the Earth-Romulan War, is the ship our ship is named for. She carried on the traditions of the name during the war by coming out unharmed from battles which wrecked far larger ships, including the Battle of Cheron. SS Yukikaze shortly thereafter became the first USS Yukikaze with the formation of the Federation. In 2170 she lucked out as one of the few Ganges-class vessels to be modernized, and so she was able to continue serving in various frontline and near frontline capacities until 2200. At that point Yukikaze was returned to Earth, where she was used for local defense and customs duties, a role she excelled at. She continued in these duties until 2235, at which point she was downgraded to a training vessel. It was only in 2267, at the outbreak of the Federation-Klingon War, that Yukikaze was finally decommissioned.

Our ship, the USS Yukikaze was launched in 2301 second of her class. She was successful in her duties during the recent conflict. Notably, She has three confirmed kills during the Battle of Kadesh Orbit – including a mothership – and came out untouched. However, you should know all of this, and if you don't I strongly suggest you review our mission logs soon.

Note that while the above includes links, these are not the links which would be in the actual document. Also I used the fanon that shows like Space Battleship Yamato and Battlestar Galatica were significantly more popular in the Star Trek universe because they didn't have to compete with Star Trek.
2305.Q3 - Ex Astris, Scientia - Results

Continued Diplomatic Push

Betazoids 331/500 + 4 = 335/500
Amarki 390/500 +22 = 412/500

- Deactivate: 40 Eridani A Ship Design
- San Francisco Fleet Yards Design Bureau - Ship Design (Explorer)
- Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science - Minerals
- Starfleet Medical Command - Medical
- Utopia Planitia Design Group - Ship Design (Light Cruiser)
- Starfleet Tactical Command - Doctrine (Lone Ranger)
- Daystrom Institute - Computing
- Spock - Xenoanalysis
- Vulcan Science Academy - Sensors
- Starfleet Science Academy - Communications
- Starfleet Tactical Command - Foreign Analysis (Romulan Research)
- Andorian Academy - Shields
- Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems - Warp Technology

San Francisco Fleet Yards Design Bureau - Ship Design (Explorer)

+1 to all Techs from Combat Experience this turn

14 / 20 Nacelle Design Improvements (-2% to Nacelle Penalty on Explorers)
9 / 20 Design Efficiency I (-2% to SR Costs)
9 / 20 Combat Design I (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
9 / 20 Science Design I (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
9 / 20 Hull Design I (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
14 / 20 Shield Design I (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
9 / 20 Presence Design I (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
9 / 20 Defence Design I (-1% to Explorer stat weights)

[No new techs]

40 Eridani A Shipyards -

--- Inactive

Utopia Planitia Design Group - Ship Design (Light Cruiser)

12 / 15 Nacelle Design Improvements (-2% to Nacelle Penalty on Cruisers)
15 / 15 Design Efficiency I (-2% to SR Costs)
2 / 30 Design Efficiency II (-2% to SR Costs)
12 / 15 Combat Design I (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
12 / 15 Science Design I (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
15 / 15 Hull Design I (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
2 / 15 Hull Design II (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
12 / 15 Shield Design I (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
12 / 15 Presence Design I (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
12 / 15 Defence Design I (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
12 / 30 Module Design I (-2% to Scale 1 Module Frame Weight)
12 / 150 Cruiser Size I (Scale 7 Cruisers now allowed)

[-2% to overall SR costs, -1% to Stat Weights)

Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science - Minerals

13 / 20 Bulk Resource Extraction II (+5br on Resource Extraction missions)
8 / 20 Bulk Resource Identification II (+ 1 to Rolls on Resource Extraction missions)
8 / 20 Bulk Refining Techniques I (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)
8 / 20 Special Resource Extraction II (+5sr on Resource Extraction missions)
13 / 20 Special Resource Identification II (+ 1 to Rolls on Resource Extraction missions)
8 / 20 Special Refining Techniques I (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)

[No new techs]

Lt-Commander Kuznetsova's STAG - Doctrine (Lone Ranger)

+2 from USS Enterprise experience v Cardassians

35 / 50 Lone Ranger Doctrine

Starfleet Tactical Command - Foreign Analysis (Romulan Research)

22 / 30 Tactical Analysis I (+1% Fed Combat Power vs Romulans)
27 / 30 Doctrinal Analysis I (-1% Rom Combat Power)
27 / 30 Attack Pattern Analysis I (+2% chance of dodging a hit)
29 / 30 Intelligence Analysis I (Improved counter intel)

[No new techs]

Daystrom Institute - Computing

20 / 20 Data Analysis Center I (-1 RP required to activate Tech Team)
15 / 30 Data Analysis Center II (-1 RP required to activate Tech Team (8))
20 / 20 Targeting Computer I (2% weapon weight reduction)
14 / 30 Targeting Computer II (2% weapon weight reduction)
20 / 20 Ship Computer Core I (2% Science weight/power savings)
14 / 30 Ship Computer Core II (1% Science weight/power savings)
20 / 20 Ship Operating System I (1% warp core power improvement)
19 / 30 Ship Operating System II (1% warp core power improvement)
12 / 30 Portable Analysis Centers (+2 rp annually from research colonies)

[No new techs]

Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems - Warp Technology

20 / 20 Dilithium Efficiency I (Warp Core Weight:SR ratio)
9 / 40 Dilithium Efficency II
20 / 20 Warp Core Construction I (Warp Core Weight Savings)
12 / 40 Warp Core Construction II (Warp Core Weight Savings)
20 / 20 Warp Core Scaling I (Warp Core Min Multiplier reduced)
4 / 60 Warp Core Scaling II (Warp Core Min Multiplier reduced)
20 / 20 Escort Warp Coil Design I (Nacelle Weight Penalty)
20 / 20 Warp Core Safety Design I (Reduced chance of Warp Core Breach and reduce crew loss in the event of ship destroyed)
4 / 40 Warp Core Safety Design II (Reduced chance of Warp Core Breach and reduce crew loss in the event of ship destroyed)
8 / 20 Warp Core Power Generation I (+2% to Warp Core output)

[Warp Core Min Multiplier reduced, Escort Nacelle Weight Penalty reduced, Warp Core safety increased]

Starfleet Science Academy - Communications

20 / 20 Long Range Subspace Comms I (Lead to roll bonus for Distress Call and Diplomacy missions)
14 / 40 Long Range Subspace Comms II (Gain +1 to all Distress Call and Diplomacy missions)
20 / 20 Fleet Comms I (Give a 1% bonus to Federation Combat values in multi-ship battles)
14 / 40 Fleet Comms II (Give a 1% bonus to Federation Combat values in multi-ship battles)
20 / 20 Research Net I (Gain +5 RP/year)
4 / 40 Research Net II (Gain +5 RP/year)
20 / 20 Subspace Communications Intercepts I (Improve Intelligence Gathering)
4 / 40 Subspace Communications Intercepts II (Allow deployment of Improved Listening Posts)
0 / 20 Subspace Communications Encryption I (Improve Information Security)

[Gain +5 RP/year, Improved Intelligence Gathering]

Vulcan Science Academy - Sensors

+1 from Event Experience

20 / 20 SR Anti-Cloaking I - (Improved chance of intercepting cloaked vessels)
21 / 40 SR Anti-Cloaking II - (Improved chance of intercepting cloaked vessels) [+10 from recent experience]
20 / 20 Targeting Sensors I - (2% weight savings for combat)
16 / 40 Targeting Sensors II (2% weight savings for combat)
20 / 20 Enhanced Sensors I - (2% weight savings for Science)
21 / 40 Enhanced Sensors II - (2% weight savings for Science)
20 / 20 Long Range Sensors I - (progress to a +1 to Rolls in Mapping Missions)
16 / 20 Long Range Sensors II - (gain +1 to Rolls in Mapping Missions)

[No new techs]

Andorian Academy - Shields

+1 from Event Experience this turn

20 / 20 Core Shields I (reduce Shield power requirements by 2%)
0 / 40 Core Shields II (reduce Shield power requirements by 2%)
15 / 20 Navigational Deflector Efficiency I (reduce Defence power requirements by 2%)
20 / 20 Navigational Deflector Construction I (reduce Defence weight requirements by 2%)
0 / 40 Navigational Deflector Construction II (reduce Defence weight requirements by 2%)
15 / 20 Emitter Designs I (-2% to Deflector Weight)
9 / 20 Emitter Simplification (improve Weight:SR ratio of Deflectors)
15 / 20 Shield Geometry I (+1 to Damage Evasion Attempts)
20 / 20 Shield Regeneration I (No effect yet)
0 / 20 Shield Regeneration II (No effect yet)

[Reduce shield power requirements by 2%, reduce Defence weight requirements by 2%]

Starfleet Medical Command - Medical

20 / 20 Sickbay I (Improve Crew Survival Rolls)
1 / 40 Sickbay II (Improve Crew Survival Rolls)
0 / 20 Sickbay Trauma Ward I (Improve battlefield Crew Survival Rolls)
16 / 20 Away Team Medical Equipment I (Improve Rolls for various Distress Call missions)
20 / 20 Infectious Diseases Lab I (Improve Plague handling rolls)
1 / 40 Infectious Diseases Lab II (Improve Plague handling rolls)
20 / 20 Radiation Treatment I (Improve Crew Survival Rolls in Warp Core Breaches or some Science Mission mishaps)
1 / 40 Radiation Treatment II (Improve Crew Survival Rolls in Warp Core Breaches or some Science Mission mishaps)
6 / 60 Medical Sensors I (+1 to Science Rolls regarding new non-sapient creatures)

[Improve rolls for Plague situations, Improve Crew Survival Rolls, Improve Rad related survival rolls]

Spock - Xenoanalysis

20 / 20 Xeno Architecture I (2% Weight/Power Savings for Presence)
17 / 40 Xeno Architecture II (2% weight/power savings for Presence)
20 / 20 Recruiting Campaign I (Increase Academy intake from Federation Affiliates to 0.05 each)
12 / 40 Recruiting Campaign II (Increase Academy intake from Federation Affiliates to 0.1 each)
20 / 20 Diplomatic Analysis I (Improve the Annual Diplomacy Rolls)
17 / 40 Diplomatic Analysis II (Improve the Annual Diplomacy Rolls)
20 / 20 Universal Translator II (Improve First Contact Scenarios)
17 / 30 Universal Translator III (+1 to Presence tests in for non-Explorer Corps ships)
20 / 20 First Contact Protocols I (+1 to attempts by non-Explorer Corps ships at First Contact encounters)
17 / 40 First Contact Protocals II (+1 to attempts by non-Explorer Corps ships at First Contact encounters)

[No new techs]

Research Team Advancement

Skill increase for:
San Francisco Fleet Yards Design Bureau
Starfleet Science Academy
Daystrom Institute
Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division
Utopia Planitia Design Group