Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Thing is, we just haven't been allowed good opportunities to engage with the Diao cleanly. Turn 13 there was general crowding and fatigue, so the substance of the Diao action was kicked down the road to the Long Arm of the Law questline. Which was locked behind the turn 14 auction action, where our talk with Diao Hualing was super brief and got dominated by Su Ling's vulnerable siblings. Turn 15 saw the Long Arm of the Law project begin, but while it was cool with the Yan Renshu reveal and fighting and all, it didn't contain any politic insight into the Diao of note.

What's been happening is we've been trying to compensate for the crippled Garden of Sinners questline we've been stuck with by dipping into Central Valley focus with the Hou Zhuang's Gift, but that hasn't worked well because those actions just haven't had very high information resolution. We've only really had like 2 5-minute conversations with Diao Hualing onscreen.

This isn't even the result of the Diao not liking us much, it's just been cruddy circumstances and formatting dragging us down.

Garden of Sinners is genuinely important to do, so we should make sure we can do it. There isn't going to be a better opportunity than this. Meanwhile, we have a number of shared objectives and ins with the Wang. The opportunity cost just isn't there, comparatively.
[X] Mountain Halls-Focus your efforts on building reputation and cachet in the Foundations and Wang lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)

Raising that as a relevant concern is a farce, given that Linqin is unlikely to even be the head of the Diao Clan by that point unless she ascends to White in the first place
What do you think Linqin is going to do instead? She said shes not going for White because she'd get stangled by her unchecked empathy, and if she dies Shenhua will go full REVOLUTION and probably try to overthrow the Peaks or something, which is why Renxiang's job is to off her mom first.
It would be pretty funny if she just retired to putter around Xianmen. . .
For super high realms like prism/white just retiring might come with some way related issues. At that point they can't just stop doing what they are built to do.
If you cant be bothered to copy the vote properly, than don't vote at all.
It's cute you think this is some kind of profound counter to my own statement but I can guarantee that literally everyone that has or will agree with this sentiment is a hypocrite for doing so because the entire structure of plan voting necessitates only caring about the plan name.

Further, there is an utterly massive difference between gatekeeping thread tools and gatekeeping the actual vote, the former removes useless posts attempting to guilt others into voting a certain way, the latter reduces thread participation.
For super high realms like prism/white just retiring might come with some way related issues. At that point they can't just stop doing what they are built to do.

CRX "just" has to show Shenhua that she is a better ruler and frame it as a "nonviolent revolution" as to not trigger doomsday.
Sounds easy enough ...
Thing is, we just haven't been allowed good opportunities to engage with the Diao cleanly. Turn 13 there was general crowding and fatigue, so the substance of the Diao action was kicked down the road to the Long Arm of the Law questline. Which was locked behind the turn 14 auction action, where our talk with Diao Hualing was super brief and got dominated by Su Ling's vulnerable siblings. Turn 15 saw the Long Arm of the Law project begin, but while it was cool with the Yan Renshu reveal and fighting and all, it didn't contain any politic insight into the Diao of note.

What's been happening is we've been trying to compensate for the crippled Garden of Sinners questline we've been stuck with by dipping into Central Valley focus with the Hou Zhuang's Gift, but that hasn't worked well because those actions just haven't had very high information resolution. We've only really had like 2 5-minute conversations with Diao Hualing onscreen.

This isn't even the result of the Diao not liking us much, it's just been cruddy circumstances and formatting dragging us down.

Garden of Sinners is genuinely important to do, so we should make sure we can do it. There isn't going to be a better opportunity than this. Meanwhile, we have a number of shared objectives and ins with the Wang. The opportunity cost just isn't there, comparatively.

What I'm objecting is that idea that improving our relationship with the Diao must be our absolute priority. To the point we must constantly take every opportunity to dedicate further actions to them until we "get it rigth", in detriment of our actual allies.

Yes, Central Valley is ES's logistic hub and the Diao are the de facto ruler clan. That doesn't mean that placating their ire should trumple all other concerns, specially when their ire is already pretty tamed.

To me, it seems that the fear of Diao's retaliation is preventing the threat from pursuing other, actual beneficial avenues.
Because, what are we expecting to get out of all this investment, besides "getting the Diao not to hate us"?

Also, a lot of people are saying that we'll have other chances to further our relationship with the Wang later since they will likely participate in the summit itself, unlike the Diao.
What I'm saying is that precisely because the Wang will be more involved than the Diao with the summit we should improve our rep with them now, not "later".
It's cute you think this is some kind of profound counter to my own statement but I can guarantee that literally everyone that has or will agree with this sentiment is a hypocrite for doing so because the entire structure of plan voting necessitates only caring about the plan name.

Further, there is an utterly massive difference between gatekeeping thread tools and gatekeeping the actual vote, the former removes useless posts attempting to guilt others into voting a certain way, the latter reduces thread participation.
It's ironic to think that having your own logic used against you is "cute"

Also, the effort to combine votes is greater that the effort to copy the entire vote. Ps. this isn't a plan vote either.
[X] Garden of Sinners-Focus your efforts on the Central Valley and Diao lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
[X] Garden of Sinners-Focus your efforts on the Central Valley and Diao lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
General consensus is that the Diao were a fox-blooded clan, and the Hui did some Bad Shit to them in the same era they raised them to counts. Su Ling's mother, Madame Grey, appears to be a remnant of the spirit pact breaches the Hui engineered, probably in an effort to get the Diao completely under their thumb and reliant.
"Nostrils flare."
A chance to lay the foundations for a campaign to de-Imperial the Diao and get them to Into Weilu again? Oh I'm on that like white on rice.
[X] Garden of Sinners-Focus your efforts on the Central Valley and Diao lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
[X] Garden of Sinners-Focus your efforts on the Central Valley and Diao lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
Okay so a couple of things first before I start talking about the vote

t's cute you think this is some kind of profound counter to my own statement but I can guarantee that literally everyone that has or will agree with this sentiment is a hypocrite for doing so because the entire structure of plan voting necessitates only caring about the plan name.

Further, there is an utterly massive difference between gatekeeping thread tools and gatekeeping the actual vote, the former removes useless posts attempting to guilt others into voting a certain way, the latter reduces thread participation.

Firstly, I'm with @Killer_Whale here. You generally have to vote properly. Using plan votes as an example is completely wrong in this regard. Plan votes are WRITE-IN OPTIONs, with a set structure. You only vote the name in case the planmaker changes something. You don't want everyone to go and change their votes just because of that. This vote and other in-story votes are NOT write-ins. They're made by the Yrs for us to choose. He decides the structure. It's not a valid comparison at all.

I don't really get the thing about gatekeeping either. We're trying to make sure people vote properly so that it'll be easier for everyone. It's really frustrating having to take improper/incomplete votes into consideration when tallying votes. Just because something is there, doesn't mean you have to make things difficult.

Secondly. regarding this.

What are you hoping it's not related to?

Basically, Old Road/New Road.

And she couldn't help but think of her idle words at Hanyi's first concert, about the old road through the haunted remains of the dead Li families stronghold, contested by Wang and Diao. It had seemed insurmountable, but, she was growing a little cachet with at least one faction of the Diao.
Another project for after the summit.

Ling Qi mulled it over in her head for a moment, a brief internal consultation with Sixiang, whose focus was on guiding her manner in the conversation. They agreed that Wang Lian's mood was good. "I have some curiosity about the Black Lotus pass, what is the trouble there?"

"Besides it being a nest of the unquiet dead you mean?" Wang Lian harrumphed. "Thrice looted, first by Ogodei, then by the desperate of the resisting warriors Yuan had gathered, and then by the vultures in the war's aftermath. It is no wonder that the dead there are enraged."

"Sect Head Yuan would do such a thing?" Ling Qi said, startled.

Wang Lian grimaced. "I do not mean him ill, and his wife was Li beside. If any had a claim it is her and by extension him. But war does not leave the time for proper mourning and purification rites and the dead do not understand extenuating circumstances."

"I see," Ling Qi said, mulling that over. "I had come to understand that the problem was not just the expense of the exorcism needed."

"It was considered Hui land after Ogodei," Wang Lian said. "After that ceased to mean a thing there were some... squabbles. The Diao and the Wang alike both claim some legacy of the Li through marriages. Ours is the better, the Matriarch's second cousin had a Li Grandfather. The Diao need to go back some four generations to find theirs. It is not worth a great conflict, but one cannot simply abandon a point of pride either."
Hmm. Apostate as it may make me, I've changed my mind. In the long term, yes, we need to focus on the Wang more - but this is a one-time opportunity and a couple months time won't make that much a difference in cultivating the Wang (pun intended). Besides, I agree, we're still waiting on Diao Clan faction information, and I just need to know.

[X] Garden of Sinners-Focus your efforts on the Central Valley and Diao lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
Now, I apologize for the double post, but referencing three different things in the same reply didn't sit well with me.

Okay, so, regarding the vote! Managed to find the previous action descriptions for the two projects.

Wang Clan Solutions: You have many reasons to pursue strong connections with the Wang Clan. Their knowledge of the Wall and its environs, their proximity to your project and eventual lands, and even their dependable reputation. You have already made a connection here and now it is time to leverage that. Begins the Mountain Halls Quest line. Advances the Old Road/New Road Quest. Chance of Raising Wang Clan reputation.

Diao Clan conciliation: You have earned some minor ire with the counts of the central Emerald Seas, they took the implied connection to foreigners and the older people of the Emerald Seas as an insult. See if it is possible to sooth some feelings and shore up your reputations. Begins Garden of Sinners Questline. Reveals faction information on the Diao. Stabilizes reputation at current level

Now, these are from TURN 13, so they might change, but looking at the descriptions for both, Wang Clan Solutions is about leveraging the Wang clan support for our project, while Garden of Sinners is about soothing perceived offenses with the project.

Secondly, I'll like to bring attention to the second part of the current votes.

Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)

This vote is about which clan we want to focus on in regards to the SUMMIT, specifically, which clan and region we want more opportunities to gain support with for the summit. We're trying to gather support for not just US, but also CRX since the summit is ultimately her project. That's why it's only limited to the turns leading up to the summit and our departure from the sect. So while voting is for which clan to focus on, it's also in relation to the Summit.

In that regard, I think the Wang and Foundations are better. Let's look at our narrative for each of them.
  • First of all, our current narrative with them is NOT focused on the summit. It's focused on our Weilu nature, the Diao cutting off their spirit blood, and their generational trauma. That's why we talked to Hualing about it. That's why she decided to help us with Long Arm of the Law, etc. This is NOT related to the summit, at all. This is related to their generational trauma, and I find the thought that we'll be able to affect something that's been going on for years when we're still a baby baron, amusing. As Abeo said, we've been exploring this line, but it's not related to the summit at all, and I don't want to vote for something that'll further another thing when we're starting to focus on the summit this turn.
For this same reason, I also find the idea of voting for ships frustrating. Su Ling and the fox kiddies are NOT related to the summit, at all. They're related, yet again, to the generational trauma of the Diao, which is not related to the summit and will take a long while to unpack.

  • Next up, we have Central Valley. Our current narrative with them is related to building up a general network with them, and the recent attack. That's why I voted for it because I agree that this can create some xenophobia against our project.

On the other hand, the Central Valley had been upturned, there was a chaos and alarm there. Dozens of letters asked for advice on spotting and combatting ith-ia spies and impurity. There was a great deal of panicked alarm there, but also a deep well of anger. The central valley was safe. Not since the Duchess had risen had they faced Cloud tribe raids. This was not how things were supposed to be.

A grudge, in its infancy, coming screaming into the world. It made her wonder about the ones the Duchess had subjugated, and in her replies, she was careful to emphasize the name of those responsible, as a tribe and government. She shared what she knew freely, described the methods and ways she had experienced.

But, after thinking about it more, I think that's a bit of a reach since it's related to the Ith-ai, not the White Sky and the summit. This thread can and will be continued with Long Arm of the Law III.
  • Now, for the Wang. Lots of people have brought up our contact with them and how they don't have any interesting narratvies. I disagree.

"So, I am Wang Lian, third daughter of the Clan Head of Wang, you are Baroness Ling, who has provided my little brother with a great deal of assistance. You are also the retainer to the heiress of Cai, who has taken on a project many say is beyond her. What is it you want from the Wang Clan, Baroness? Our building expertise, our support in word, the backing of our warriors?"

"Any or all of those things would be most welcome," Ling Qi replied carefully. "But I do not want to overstep myself."

Firstly, we have a higher contact with the Wang, the daughter of the current Clan head. I don't exactly remember Hualing's position in the secct. but if we're going to focus on something related to the summit, I'd rather we focus on someone who has MORE pull and supports us and the summit, rather than someone who has less political pull and wants us to help deal with the Diao generational trauma, which IS NOT related to the summit.

"Before we depart to find our first Names, and set the foundations of our Way, we are brought before the Matriarch," Wang Lian said, her eyes drifting shut. "There we are shown her vision. I can't describe it too you, not fully, but it is the vision of a far greater future, of teeming cities carved into the mountains, stretching over the rivers, filling the forests, not in the rigid imperial style, or the outdated ways of the past, something that is both of them, made better in the fusion. People are the engines of prosperity and growth. Where they gather they sharpen one another, and greater heights are reached. So much of that has been wasted in the Emerald Seas, pointlessly grabbing at lands when we had scarcely made use of what we had."

She spoke with absolute confidence, and for a moment, Ling Qi felt a shadow in her mind the silhouette of a mountain gleaming with the lights of a city from top to bottom, spilling out into the gentle hills and valleys at its foot, following the natural lines of the land.

"Dreams by any other name," Sixiang chuckled.

"We build Miss Ling, and there is already so much of the Emerald Seas to be built yet," Wang Lian finished.

"That is why you take in Cloud Nomads I suppose," Ling Qi said. "Someone must fill those cities, and few wish to come so far south."

"Nomads are human," Wang Lian grunted. "We may be called fools for that, but it is true. A man is a man, he may be valorous or cowardly, cruel or kind. The young and the willing can be taught the proper ways of living and cultivation, we can take their strengths for ourselves. It is as simple as that. You're White Sky seems to understand that. A hopeful thing."

Secondly, the Diao do not support us. We're at rep -1 with them. The Wang support us. They're willing to help with the summit. They're willing to help is with our fief, which we're only building now because we're going to be working with the White Sky long-term. They don't see the White Sky as barbarians. They see them as people who we can work with, which is helpful in regards to the summit and their support.

Secondly, some people have brought us Renxiang and her opinion on which clan we should focus on. She told us to focus on the Wang and Meng. Plus, the Wang are new and small, only about 200 years old. We have a higher chance of influencing them than we do with the Diao. The Diao is imperial-aligned. Half of the Wang are Weilu-aligned, and I think it'll be significantly easier changing Weilu Moderates to Weilu reformers than it'll be to change Imperials to Weilu reformists. Plus, again, no generational trauma to go through to make things extra difficult.
  • Now, onto Foundations. Foundations is the region closest to us, and the one we have the most rep with. We have an upcoming project related to them anyway. The Foundations also show the most approval for our project.
She found that her support was strong among the Foundations region, the southernmost part of the Emerald Seas, consisting of the foothills of the Wall and much of the Wang lands. There was much praise, but she could see a great deal of opportunism. New against old, the young clans seeking her associating to raise their own status.

And there was no wrong in that, she supposed, if they stood with her on the right matters, if they could be brought to support Renxiang. There was, as Shu Yue would say, a grudge there. There was an undercurrent of being hard put upon, a resentment for the more northerly regions. They saw themselves as injured by the endless raiding, and blame for that spread north.

Yes, some part of it is opportunism, but they support us, and they support CRX, something that's good for the summit. Foundations is also kinda new, full of new baronies and others trying to make up for the damages done by Ogodei, the Thousand Wing Incursion, and continuous raids. The project is a boon to them, something to bring back prosperity and peace. We've also mainly sent letters to them for HZG iirc. So focusing on them is the perfect continuation for HZG.

And lastly, they're our neighbours. Yes, they can help with the fief. But apart from that, they're the closest ones to the Wall and the summit. Having their support will mean that the southern part of the ES and the Wall will be focused and unified in our response to the White Sky, which is good because, you know, this vote is related to the Summit!

So, based on all this, I'm going for

[X] Mountain Halls-Focus your efforts on building reputation and cachet in the Foundations and Wang lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)

Because, looking at it in relation to the summit, it looks like the best choice. Yes, we just Central Valley helped with the Ith-ai attack, but that's another plotline related to the war (so after the summit) and the unpacking the Diao's generational trauma and their past, which is not related to the summit. So I'm voting for Mountain Halls to help with the summit, rather than hoping that Garden of Sinners will suddenly help us get more info unrelated to the summit. Plus, we have un upcoming action related to Foundations already. I'll rather we tied that into the narrative with Mountain Halls and finish that before focusing another region.

Plus, focusing on your allies and your strengths is good civ. The Diao might not like us, and that's okay for now. We can't plese everyone. I don't want to focus on them and bringing them to neutrality, when we're going somewhere we need strong allies to support not just us, but CRX too.

As for Central Valley, we have good support from them. I think it's best to focus on them during the war arc, when the Ith-ai attack will be more relevant. Right now, their attention won't be focused on us or the summit, but rather the attack.
[X] Mountain Halls-Focus your efforts on building reputation and cachet in the Foundations and Wang lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
[X] Mountain Halls-Focus your efforts on building reputation and cachet in the Foundations and Wang lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
You know, I feel that people are taking for granted that there will be easy chances to get Wang rep after this initial honeymoon period ends because they're our neighbours. And I don't think there will be, not really. Mostly because yrs basically said so in this last update. And remember, the Wang are only at +1 rep right now, they aren't even allies yet, they just think LQ is kinda neat.

Sure, there'll be more chances to interact with the Wang, because they will be our neighbours, but interactions alone don't give rep points. The in story reason will probably be something along the lines of the Wang aren't blind or stupid, they'll see LQ taking repeated action to cozy up to the Diao and think, "oh, another noble that cares more about the central valley than the foundations", and write her off as useful ally material. Someone likely to hare off into central valley politics like so many before her.

Basically, start as we mean to continue, because yrs takes our votes seriously, and he won't give us both options. If we want to build a strong base of support in the foundations and with the Meng and Wang, that will have to come at the expense of the Diao right now. And if we want to build rep with the Diao, it will have to come at the expense of something else, and it's looking like that will be the Wang to an extent. And since the Diao are already kind of hostile to the ice Ladies and neo-Weilu stuff, and the Wang already for those, I'd rather have the Wang.
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[X] Garden of Sinners-Focus your efforts on the Central Valley and Diao lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
[X] Garden of Sinners-Focus your efforts on the Central Valley and Diao lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
[X] Garden of Sinners-Focus your efforts on the Central Valley and Diao lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)