This was a great upgrade. I loved how Shu Yue taught Lin Qi how her own understandings tainted her answers. Learning to strip one's preconceptions is vital to truly understand other's motivations.
About the vote, I had already decided to do the Meng Quest first, and now that option is locked and we have to choose betwen Wang and Diao; so it caught me on the wrong foot.
Both options are interesting and have great benefits, so there is not really a "wrong" choice.
As I see it, the Wang has the most immediate, short term advantages. While the Diao are a more long term political move, though I have seen people argue just the opposite.
The Wang option's benefits are clear: material help for the fief and stronger support for the summit.
The Diao option is the most interesting narratively, with the fox bloodline and such. Then again, the Wang don't have anything like that because we never let them expand or deepen. They are always in the backburner.
That is my main problem with the Diao option. Because they are important and they mildly dislike our retoric we have turned them into our main target while largely ignoring our actual allies.
No, seriously. For several turns now, we are
always saying that we should take this or that chance to placate the Diao. There is a bit paranoid, not entirely unjustified but certainly exaggerated, belief that if we aren't constantly catering the Diao, they will completely crush us and our projects. I blame the Prime Minester's personal dislike of Renxiang.
When will it be enough? The point of making advances with the Diao was to stop their dislike from turning worse and avoid interference and public disparagement of the summit. I would say that objective has been mostly accomplished.
The diplomatic effort isn't always going to be smooth sailing. At some point, a problem, conflict or disagreement of some kind will happen. Then many voices, Weilu Reactonaries and Imperial Conservatives, will arise; claiming that this endeavor was a mistake and that it should be shot down.
At that point, having Count Clans
truly supporting us instead of being simply approving will be far more useful than having the Diao being mostly neutral with some leaning to mild support.
A lot of our detractor's arguments are simply that we'll fail and the summit with the White Sky won't provide benefits. The way to prove them wrong is succeeding.
Material and Political prosperity aren't separate things, they are interconnected. Fostering connections and support is important, but they have to be backed by solid, material wealth generation or else they will be hollow. In the same way, material developement needs political alliances so it can flourish and not being throttled.
We already have acceptable connections with the Diao, since they aren't going to sabotage us but are still far away from supporting us. So this the moment of truly increase our material wealth and stability and turn our prospective allies into frim allies.
In contrast the Wang are already favorable towards us and our ends, and are also just sort of there and not doing anything so we'd be adding another line if we went after them.
This is a line of thought that I'm seeing a lot: "The Wang are already in our favor so we don't need to actively invest in our relationship with them".
Yet their rep is still at a measly +1. Hardly what you would call unshakable support.
Yet we don't know much about them, besides they are Weilu+Imperial architects and they (forcefully) integrate Cloud Nomads.
Yet we don't really have a dedicated Wang contact as we have the Meng and Diao ladies. We have Chao's sister, but we have barely done any rapport with her as a proper Wang representative, only the encounter at the tournament.
Unfulfilled potential is wasted potential. A lot of people are taking the Wang for granted, thinking that we can always develop our relationship with them "later".
This is exactly the kind of mindset the Wang and the southern nobles are always complaining about. They feel neglected because people are always prioritizing the "more important" Central Valley. How will they feel if even Ling Qi, their hope for recognition, starts to focusing so much in the Diao and the Central Valley? Specially when the Wang, and the Meng, are the ones that are most actually and actively helping the fief develpoment and supporting the summit?
The beginnings of rot that Ling Qi has noticed could easily become a vindicative mindset, where they sneer at the Central Valley's plight and think "now these northerns will finally know how we feel". That coud easily strain cooperation in the war efforts. Tackiling it now could be really beneficial on the long term.