Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Also, going by your specified standards, Ling Qi wouldn't be able to use her domain blade (which someone else made from her, from a 4th grade material), or her dress (which was also made by someone else, and grants her a 4th realm ability.) Heck, if we really want to go with this arbitrary specification, then she shouldn't even have Zhengui at all, since he was created by a 5th realm beast and the remnants of another probably also 5th realm beast as well.
That would be why I specified "single use".
….so if the poison was usable multiple times then it would be fine? Cause that what i'm getting from your reply.
Yes, if that poison would be usable multiple times, that would be just how Ling Qi fights and thus okay. Though of course the means of getting such an op attack on her level would probably be beyond acceptable to the Empire.
Yes, if that poison would be usable multiple times, that would be just how Ling Qi fights and thus okay. Though of course the means of getting such an op attack on her level would probably be beyond acceptable to the Empire.
This is a pretty wild take, honestly. Presumably fighting with disposable poison is a large part of how Ling Qi fights in this timeline, and you're saying she should be banned from using the best one she managed to get all year, made from ingredients she got herself and by a peer she cultivated a friendship with over the course of that same year?

No one actually cares about there being a fair or level playing field; look at the resources anyone from a big family has. If someone like Chu Song were from a family of any importance, she'd have already gotten to the inner sect by the time we got there, and if Kang whatever his name was, the peak spearman, was from a minor family he'd probably be in her shoes. Actual meritocracy doesn't matter, just the illusion of it.
Yes, if that poison would be usable multiple times, that would be just how Ling Qi fights and thus okay. Though of course the means of getting such an op attack on her level would probably be beyond acceptable to the Empire.
Again though, Ling Qi obtained the poison entirely in house
You're objecting to her acquiring a super toxin because it's not a demonstration of her own abilities and merit, when the reality is that it is a demonstration of her abilities
And Meizhen's as well

Having to interact with a fourth realm spirit like Zeqing and convince her to grant them some of her essence is no less earned than Zhengui's egg or Zeqing's tutelage in music was
And Meizhen making a toxin for Ling Qi is no different than Suyin making a pill

There are far more egregious violations by your metrics

Well Boy came at Ling Qi with a one use super Talisman specifically meant to shut her down
And unlike Alt Ling Qi, he got that Talisman entirely just from begging papa to help him out

CRX and Liling both used their family resources to bolster their allies and buy loyalty

Liling whipped out an entire fortress from nowhere to serve as a base of operations

CRX commissioned Cai armor for all of her allies on the Council, and gave temporary White Room access to them after the playground war was over (which she also benefited from herself of course)

Every noble family sends their scions care packages with stones and drugs, which even with the Sects limits, makes them less reliant on having to hunt for those resources themselves and grants them more time and wiggle room to cultivate or network

Richer families go as far to provide whole spirit beasts and Art suites, which could represent whole months of time and effort for a Disciple that'd have to procure such for themselves

Ah, not quite 4th Realm
4th or 5th stage of 3rd realm
Point still stands though
That's a one use Talisman capable of an effect greater than anyone at his level could ever hope to achieve, and he got entirely through his piggy bank
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And it was also capable of 4th Realm effects
Not Fourth realm. It was able to dispel Green 2 or Green 3 potency techs at best. Nothing even remotely close to Cyan.

I assume, that difference between this particular poison, and the stuff other rich people are normally using, that it actively used Shen effect here, while other stuff either just capable of conducting it, or, in case of Liming, isn't using it in the duels.
Not Fourth realm. It was able to dispel Green 2 or Green 3 potency techs at best. Nothing even remotely close to Cyan.

I assume, that difference between this particular poison, and the stuff other rich people are normally using, that it actively used Shen effect here, while other stuff either just capable of conducting it, or, in case of Liming, isn't using it in the duels.
Already spotted the error, yeah
Though it's Green 4 or 5 potency effects, not 2 or 3 at best

Point doesn't change
As a reminder, CRX provided us a charge of her super dispel in a technique card as well.
Its within the bounds of what is permitted, the rest is sore losers grumbling because every ducal brought similar cheat skills.

I think you'll find that the Bai are experts in toxic yuri cultivation.
Hence the reply that this was adequate. It comes from a true expert.
Is tomorrow!

You can find it here in E and Audiobook. This one will take you through from the end of Su Ling's fox adventure all the way to the goodbyes to the Argent Peak Sect before the summit. Give it a look, a rating or a review!

Amazon Store link

I actually started this story from the audiobooks off amazon. Natalie Naudus is a fantastic narrator and truly makes the story come alive.
Year 46: Month 1 Arc 5-2 New
The garden party had a freer atmosphere than the Throne above, or at least she felt it so away from the leviathan's of cultivation. Here, it was mostly third and fourthrealms, walking amidst the ethereal lights of living fairies drifting about on the wind, between rows of tables filled drinks and refreshment. The flowerbeds were riots of exotic shape and color, filled with plants Ling Qi had only seen when scouting the highest mountaintops of the wall, alien fronds and motile petals which twitched and turned, following potent sources of qi like curious animals.

It was in one of the many scattered pavilions in the inner palace garden that she was able to present herself to her liege and her new betrothed, alongside her fellow retainers.

"Baroness Ling Qi of the South Emerald Seas Ling clan respectfully greets the exalted Mu Wuye," Ling Qi bowed very low, hands clasped before her chest, the long hair hanging off her shoulder very nearly sweeping the ground.

"Mu Wuye greets the loyal retainer of his fiancee."

His. Not quite a lie. That was what her senses said.

"Really bothering you innit?" Sixiang wondered.

She supposed it was. If only because she was scrutinizing them so much more closely because of what they now were to Renxiang.

The others rattled off their own greetings in turn as she stepped back. This whole formal greeting would be lessoned in more familiar settings, but for their introductions, taking things to their maximum level was simply polite. As amember of the Imperial family, even without position or title, Mu Wuye's person demanded an elevated level of respect.

"It pleases me to see that you have such worthies around you, Cai Renxiang" Mu Wuye said, directing their attention to Cai Renxiang, who stood beside them up at the top of the pavilion steps. It was a rote statement, spoken with even formality.

Awkward. Her senses whispered, sticking to formulae for guidance on unfamiliar terrain.

Mu Wuye's eyes twitched toward her. She restrained her perception much more firmly.

"Each of them has shown the character and loyalty well. I am pleased to have them beside me," Mu Wuye."

In fairness, Cai Renxiang was about the same, an almost perceptible pause before the name was spoken in place of 'Sir Mu'.

"I am certain you have your own," her liege continued, after a brief hanging pause. "You were simply not given leave for their attendance. I shall hope to greet them as well."

"Yes, as I am but a humble attendant to my exalted grandmother here, I was not granted leave for such," Mu Wuye said. "Though, not so many as an heiress. My martial brother Kang Yuze follows me in all things. I shall introduce him when my move is complete."

"You will be coming south then?" Cai Renxiang asked slowly.

"...That is my Exalted Grandmother's intent."

Cai Renxiang nodded thoughtfully, turned her eyes toward them, and gestured for them to rise.

"Martial Brother… You are an attendant of one of the Great Sects then, Sir Mu?" Meng Dan asked politely as he straightened up.

"No, though I understand your error. Kang Yuze and I are both merely disciples in the arts of war under my Uncle Imperial Marshal Mu Yun," they replied. "An honor I am proud of."

"I was told you were a disciple of the sword arts. It is somewhat surprising that your training would be paused at this point in your cultivation," Cai Renxiang said.

The sixth stage of the green realm, one step before one would need to establish their 'Name' and finalize the form of their domain before their cyan breakthrough.

"The needs of the Mu clan must come before my own," Mu Wuye said, affecting a small shrug. "And my uncle believes I require a time of sharpening and refinement, out from under his eyes. I trust my instructors judgement. I judge he may have known my Exalted Grandmother's plans… there is conflict a plenty in the south."

There it was again, that quiet niggling, not quite lie.

It took Ling Qi a long moments pondering to interrogate it, to try and decipher what her senses were trying to tell her.

"Hoh? Sir Mu shall be involving himself so heroically? I would expect nothing less from the disciple of such a hero," Gan Guangli boomed.

"Indeed. Though I am hardly of a match for my great grandfather, even at that time, there shall be no scheming vermin blocking the imperial house from showing our valor against the enemies of our people," Mu Wuye said, shoulders straightening. "I well know that you are expected to walk the front line as well, Cai Renxiang. Admirable."

"My Mother will never allow her children to rest easy upon their laurels, no," Cai Renxiang agreed quietly.

Self-Deception. There was something, bound up in their presentation, the Mu Wuye was torn on. They neither fully believed nor disbelieved it. A liminal thing, both truth and lie, existing at the edge of both.

But it was an intensely personal thing, buried deep down. That was the other partial lie. She had a feeling their teacher understood they had something to work through before seeking a Name…

Well, that was their business, and… perhaps Renxiang's?

No their or his, if that was the preference, business. She wasn't poking her nose into that any further without invitation.

"You have a piercing gaze, Baroness."

She smiled. "And you have sharp eyes, Sir Mu. Please forgive me. I am often my lady's eyes and ears. It is my nature to be curious."

Mu Wuye examined her with narrowed eyes.

"It is only an excessive protectiveness," Cai Renxiang said, giving her a flat look. "A good trait… if sometimes troublesome."

"Hm, I suppose my junior brother is sometimes the same way. I shall not chide you further, if you restrain yourself, Baroness," Mu Wuye said.

Ling Qi bowed as low as she could, hands sweeping back to clasp in front of her chest. "My deepest apologies, Sir Mu. I shall show more temperance in the future."

Xia Lin dropped a hand on her shoulder bowed as well. "Yes, Sir Mu , please forgive this nosy woman."

Mu Wuye shook t-his head slowly, stiff expression cracking in amusement. "It is nothing. I reiterate my compliments, Cai Renxiang. You have chosen good followers."

"I like to believe so as well," her liege said. "But sometimes I wonder. You are all dismissed for now. Enjoy the merrymaking while it lasts, but do not indulge too much."

"Touring all of the temples, giving and receiving blessings from the smaller gods of the city," Meng Dan sighed. "I suppose we will need a bit of drinking capacity for that as well."

"I think you are the last person to need to worry about that," Ling Qi said wryly.

"Oh, some of the temple liquors hit quite hard you know," Meng Dan chuckled.
"Well if THAT isn't frightening coming from you," Ling Qi said.

"I shall trust all of my companions to be temperate," Gan Guangli said gravely. "That said, if I may ask, Sir Mu. When you say you are to come south, do you mean merely here to Xiangmen, or to our little outpost in the south?"

Ling Qi didn't quite know what they would do if so. Accommodating an imperial grandchild, even one willing to to deal with austere conditions…

"That is under debate. I believe the wilderness may be helpful in polishing away the imperfections in my cultivation, but there is some resistance," Mu Wuye sounded genuinely unhappy here. "I will likely house myself at the Argent Peak Sect for now, until those in my guard can surveil things."

"Well, you will be most welcome, I am sure!" Gan Guangli said brightly.

"I have heard good things of fiancee's dedication to drill and proper form, so I shall look forward to seeing those abilities in the field," Mu Wuye agreed.

"There is little immediate danger in Shenglu, most is contained easily by my house guard and the soldiers drawn in by land grants," Cai Renxiang replied. "But especially now, we do drill often. You will be impressed."

Mu Wuye raised an eyebrow. "I do not doubt you. Perhaps I shall test the saber style of the Cai myself as well?"

That was probably the most unaffected thing Mu Wuye had said all night, a hint of actual energy rising in the back of their voice.

"...I do not see why not." Cai renxiang had caught it too, and seemed bemused.

Ling Qi wondered as Mu Wuye seemed to catch themself, drawing back and resetting their expression to a more neutral one, should she…

[ ] Ask Mu Wuye about their own blade style, its insipirations and themes.

[ ] Ask Mu Wuye about their thoughts of the Cai Style, as they know it.

AN: Little bit of a shorty this time due to the way the split work, but I've not found anywhere to squeeze more words without it being clearly padding. Still should be about on track for updates and votes now.
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Ok, they seem cool. I think they'll fit in nicely.

[ ] Ask Mu Wuye about their own blade style, its insipirations and themes.

Talk to them about themselves! Icebreakers.
[X] Ask Mu Wuye about their own blade style, its insipirations and themes.

aww, what sweet awkward ducks. i like them so far, lets throw them a bone.
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Context about who Imperial Marshal Mu Yun is as per Yrs Q and A

however the overall leader of the armed forces above even Kang Guanzhi is Mu Yun, one of the Empress' few surviving siblings

He was the Crown prince for a time early in An's reign, but lost the position to one of his brothers, who later died, and was then in contention with Xiang for the spot. But they came to an arrangement and he swore himself to Xiang as a supporter. The details are unknown and much rumored!

He prefers the sword as a weapon, though he uses a larger hand a half variant, and is known to have bound an underworld dragon who he encountered and defeated beneath a throne palace in his youth. His Way is leadership and perception focused.


"Mu Wuye greets the loyal retainer of his fiancee."

His. Not quite a lie. That was what her senses said.

Hmm. On one hand, it feels odd to me that anyone raised in Mu Wuye's shoes would be unskilled at the fairy lie, of saying things that are technically true but easily misunderstood; on the other hand, it might also be possible that they're so used to being many levels below those they interact with that they don't generally try to hide it, and instead rely on the norms of politeness and the respect towards the imperial family. That said, it's also entirely possible that Mu Wuye is doing a perfect fairy lie and Ling Qi is no-selling it because there's a deceptive intent behind it.

[ ] Ask Mu Wuye about their own blade style, its insipirations and themes.

[ ] Ask Mu Wuye about their thoughts of the Cai Style, as they know it.

It feels like anything they say about the Cai style is going to be diplomatic first and honest second, since a sword cultivator is naturally going to consider that an important part of one's personal expression. Might as well go with their own style, since we know they're at least a little passionate about swords.
"That is under debate. I believe the wilderness may be helpful in polishing away the imperfections in my cultivation, but there is some resistance," Mu Wuye sounded genuinely unhappy here. "I will likely house myself at the Argent Peak Sect for now, until those in my guard can surveil things."
Yrsillar please you have the perfect opportunity to reintroduce Han Jian and co back to the story in the FUNNIEST way please have Wuye befriend them and unlike ling qi not then abandon them for others it'll be great!!! We don't know where they stand yet in terms of imperial biases towards spiritbloods but them interacting with han fang and sidao (the best ship ever, of course) can either reinforce their acceptance or break through their prejudice depending on how it goes!!!

Edit: Have CRX fiancee be the reason that ling qi has to acknowledge the existence of Loser Fiance for the first time in years!!!
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Ling Qi wondered as Mu Wuye seemed to catch themself, drawing back and resetting their expression to a more neutral one, should she…
Is it bad that I think it would be funny if Mu here is a sword brain? Like Cai, he has more interest in something other than romance to Ling Qi's low key frustration at cultivators' weird obsessions. If anything, the guy might display more affection for Xia Lin's halberd which would be a funny image.
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