We've said a lot that Isolation is our weapon. But that doesn't match up with our arts.
If anything, I'd argue that Endings is our best weapon right now in that we use the Final Frost's Serenade art as our main offence.
If we add Beast King's Savage Dirge, then we also have Power as a weapon, since of its four keywords, that's the only one we have a concept for (unless you count Communication for Music)
So of the blades we have, there is
Endings, the current main
Isolation, the original, but removed from any arts, only left in our domain
Power, a new one and was never directly mentioned to be a Blade like the two above were, but that's how it's being used
Our offence is already diverse.
in fact you could even argue that Want is there too, since it's part of FFS
And now we're adding Communication
Isolation is a Blade for us, folded into our very sense of being (Domain).
Power is more than a Blade, it's the ability to affect or resist Change/Motion. BKSD's constructs don't have Blades of Isolation in them, but they still can achieve or resist Change.
Want is a direction. Want aims Power to achieve Change/Motion in the direction of Want or to resist Change/Motion that would shift someone off course of their Want(s).
Communication is a delivery mechanism for information between self and outside-of-self. Communication would be something similar to a handle to the Blade that is Isolation. It could also look like a Lever if you're a Hui looking to socially engineer a generation.
I think Isolation as a Blade is an interesting metaphor because a Blade can do a great many things as the swordmasters know. It also can only really do one thing: cut.
My personal advocacy would see "Our Blades" be "Starvation, Isolation, and Ignorance/Delusion" where our creative/building/additive forces would be "Sacrifice, Community and Curiosity/Secrets".
Power and Want and Communication and Choice can all do more than just Cut so I don't think they're blades. I think they're just vital parts of reality.
On the other hand I'm not sure Starvation, Isolation or Ignorance/Delusion can do anything other than Cut. Sure a Cut can accomplish a great many things but at the same time it only will ever be a Cut, never a creation.
Sidebar: Remember when that Sword-Cultivator parried our Music with a sword? Well what if our Music could swordfight a Sword-Cultivator hmm??? Bet they didn't see our Musical Build having an understanding of Blades sharp enough to swordfight with coming!! Also, applying Unity of Blades to fighting the "Blades" of Starvation, Isolation and Ignorance/Delusion sounds like a good way to use Unity of Blades without relying on an explicit physical outgroup. The outgroup-threat is the conceptual Blades of Privation seeking to slay any and all. Much more stable that relying on actual physical enemies. They're definitely harder enemies to put down than any human culture group.
Double Sidebar: I also want to take a little moment to advocate once again for Song-Seeking as a general concept. A use of our three Patrons to pull old songs out of the rot of ages and the context they're chained to, in order to sing a new song in the now. In some respects this dive into dead Hui ideation is that kind of dumpster diving, although it doesn't seem to be musical
yet. Having Greed and Desire actualize into a sort of malicious Drinking Song would be kinda badass I'd love that. Even if it doesn't end up musical in any way though, it's the right shape of Dumpster Diving to give us experience in doing more dumpster diving later on, hopefully to find old songs and dances!