So, we've had the fief system for a while now and it's probably a good time to look at some of the issues we see emerging. Here I will discuss two: the mismatch of the CMP system to the actual cultivators we have, and agricultural productivity. For readibility, I will split this into two parts:
The problem, however, is real - the CMP system was designed in a vacuum from a starting point of no common cultivators. This does not match the reality in story, and so the system has become increasingly nonsensical. For it to function imo we first need to step back and look at what cultivator assets we actually have, and align the CMP systems with that. From what I can see (@yrsillar correct me if I'm wrong), they look something like this:
In terms of application to our actual mechanics, the story has already said that our clerks are running the admin and granary so that's 2 CMP, and the only reason we don't have anything on the shrines is because they haven't been given manpower slots yet. The bigger problem, however, is defense. Currently people have been desperate to acquire a CMP so we can put it on the walls and double our defense score. The problem is that this doesn't make any sense really. We already have a good number of trainer guards and the walls should already be manned. Getting a handful of new cultivators is not going to double our defensive capacity. A while back I suggested an easy "fix" might be to just change the walls to be two slots with each CMP giving 50 defense or something, but that still doesn't make sense unless we suddenly acquire a dozen cultivators or something.
The reality is that we are not a poorly supported fresh barony trying to build everything with our bare hands. We're a development project from a high noble clan and are using our powers of "connections" and "lots of money" to employ cultivators far beyond the capacity of what Shenglu could support at its current level of development. If the mechanics ignore this they'll just look silly. Ultimately, we want to grow our local cultivator population because we want our own minions and we need to show that we can build a functioning town that isn't reliant on mommy's handouts. Not because we (yet) need them for to defend our walls or anything like that. We will need to build our own armies eventually, but that's going to be a long term project.
My suggestion is this: our admin manpower needs to be adjusted to reflect what our clerks are actually doing, and the defense system really needs to be expanded beyond just "have walls and man them". It needs to reflect that just having cultivators - and especially dedicated guards - improves security as well as a system of building walls and towers and outposts and manning them to improve those defensive scores further. And we should probably just accept that we're not going to be significantly increasing our military via homegrown recruitment for a while, and it's certainly going to require more than just "1 CMP". And also acknowledge that we're using Renxiang resources to employ cultivators far beyond Shenglu's current cap. It's fine. We've got all those luxury cultivation materials we want to develop that'll need cultivators and building up our own forces is its own reward and something we want to do even if it's not immediately doubling our defense score or something.
Part 1: Cultivator Manpower
CMP is probably the most obvious problem we have right now. As seen in discussions this update, there's significant confusion around what it's supposed to represent, with people assuming that it must mean Greens or something because we clearly have a number of common cultivators and yet have no CMP. The point of CMP is to abstract out common economic activity. Greens do not need to and should not be abstracted at our level. We only have a few of them, and every third realm will be an important individual. They should have a name, and presence in story. Similarly, we would not expect a hamlet to support 5 greens. At the viscounty level we might expect to start to work with Green CMP, but not at the barony level.The problem, however, is real - the CMP system was designed in a vacuum from a starting point of no common cultivators. This does not match the reality in story, and so the system has become increasingly nonsensical. For it to function imo we first need to step back and look at what cultivator assets we actually have, and align the CMP systems with that. From what I can see (@yrsillar correct me if I'm wrong), they look something like this:
- Outside CMP system
- Important named characters like us (not part of the system, handled individually - should be the case for all greens)
- Ling Clan servants in training (still being trained, won't provide any CMP for a while and would likely be focused on development of our assets)
- Unspecified professional builders and contractors (outside experts being brought in for our very rapid infrastructure development projects, not part of CMP system)
- Zhengui's friends - my impression is that these are geomancers and scholars who are part of the outside infrastructure development team, working with Zhengui on the geomancy of the region. Thus not part of the CMP system
- CMP system
- Gold Autumn School bureaucrats - we have an unknown number of clerks, but are currently not being applied to admin mechanically even though they're clearly working both there and in the granary.
- Priests - two reds on Snowblossom. Also from the Gold Autumn school. I was unsure if they're part time or full time though the update says they're dedicated priests?
- Guards - some non-trivial number of Cai guards providing security. Sect deployments to the villages during a high risk period were 30 common cultivators + scouts. Similarly, when we've seen the troops Xia Lin they've been described as if there are a decent number of them (e.g. "scattered groups of soldiers"). My feeling is I'd be surprised if there were fewer than two dozen? Like this is a very high risk zone with the Cai heiress. They shouldn't be skimping out on guards. A dozen would be the absolute minimum imo, and that would be pretty low.
In terms of application to our actual mechanics, the story has already said that our clerks are running the admin and granary so that's 2 CMP, and the only reason we don't have anything on the shrines is because they haven't been given manpower slots yet. The bigger problem, however, is defense. Currently people have been desperate to acquire a CMP so we can put it on the walls and double our defense score. The problem is that this doesn't make any sense really. We already have a good number of trainer guards and the walls should already be manned. Getting a handful of new cultivators is not going to double our defensive capacity. A while back I suggested an easy "fix" might be to just change the walls to be two slots with each CMP giving 50 defense or something, but that still doesn't make sense unless we suddenly acquire a dozen cultivators or something.
The reality is that we are not a poorly supported fresh barony trying to build everything with our bare hands. We're a development project from a high noble clan and are using our powers of "connections" and "lots of money" to employ cultivators far beyond the capacity of what Shenglu could support at its current level of development. If the mechanics ignore this they'll just look silly. Ultimately, we want to grow our local cultivator population because we want our own minions and we need to show that we can build a functioning town that isn't reliant on mommy's handouts. Not because we (yet) need them for to defend our walls or anything like that. We will need to build our own armies eventually, but that's going to be a long term project.
My suggestion is this: our admin manpower needs to be adjusted to reflect what our clerks are actually doing, and the defense system really needs to be expanded beyond just "have walls and man them". It needs to reflect that just having cultivators - and especially dedicated guards - improves security as well as a system of building walls and towers and outposts and manning them to improve those defensive scores further. And we should probably just accept that we're not going to be significantly increasing our military via homegrown recruitment for a while, and it's certainly going to require more than just "1 CMP". And also acknowledge that we're using Renxiang resources to employ cultivators far beyond Shenglu's current cap. It's fine. We've got all those luxury cultivation materials we want to develop that'll need cultivators and building up our own forces is its own reward and something we want to do even if it's not immediately doubling our defense score or something.