Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] The fountains, where the strains of stringed instruments rose, and pairs danced in courtly elegance.

The earlier misstep was defused well. The prince offered us an olive branch, and Ling Qi played it very diplomatically. The bit about sparring with boss lady was also fantastic :D

Now time for the next strike of the shipping wars!
I think that thing that is going to raise the most eyebrows about LQ's suitors is definintely going to be Xaun Shi. A ducal, even an isolated and low status one, does not marry into a baronial house. But Zhenqui makes it possible, because if there is anything that the Xuan have learned in their long time as ducals its that Xaun Wu relations are key. And Ling Zhenqui is the sort of thing you need to get into on the ground floor on.
I think that thing that is going to raise the most eyebrows about LQ's suitors is definintely going to be Xaun Shi. A ducal, even an isolated and low status one, does not marry into a baronial house. But Zhenqui makes it possible, because if there is anything that the Xuan have learned in their long time as ducals its that Xaun Wu relations are key. And Ling Zhenqui is the sort of thing you need to get into on the ground floor on.
Socially isolated, low(ish?) status, but still a favored nephew of the twin admirals.
Xuan Shi might not be in therunning for the next duke or anything, but he is not a nobody either.

And yes, even if Xuan Shi does not secure the marriage, i would expect some level of Xuan presence to become a stable around our home.
And yes, even if Xuan Shi does not secure the marriage, i would expect some level of Xuan presence to become a stable around our home.
I can totally see Xuan Shi becoming either part of the permanent diplomatic staff at Xin'An for the ES (especially if he ends up marrying Ling Qi), serving as a Savage Sea diplomat to the Polar Nation/the White Sky, or even join any body that requires neutral parties in Xin'An, since he's neither of the White Sky, of the ES or even of the Peaks.
[X] The fountains, where the strains of stringed instruments rose, and pairs danced in courtly elegance.
Now for my wild speculation: the brazier would have seen Zheng Fu checking out the local culture, while the fountains feature Jin Tae checking out the local culture.
Right, speculation time for the war.
The odds of Yrs aiming to have the Emerald Seas get crushed by flying mongols is approximately 0.000001%, so I don't think we'll see half a dozen Cloud Whites or some shit like that. But White three-souled Galidan and ten (if they manage to find and bond with all eleven remaining Great Stars) three-souled Prisms would already represent a balls-achingly powerful force. And we know per the Q&A that the tribes of the sacred peaks (where the Cloud Skies ascended) haven't joined in yet, and they're so strong they have Khans who managed to get to Prism without bonding Stars.
And that's not even mentioning the lower ranks. We know from the Threads of Destiny: Volume 4 (Destiny Cycle Book 7) prologue that Cloud warriors have begun to bond with the lesser star spirits spawned from the big ones, and that that is helping third realms break through to Cyan. Depending on how many star spirits are born and how much they can boost their bond partners we could be seeing a lot more Cloud Law wielders than you're otherwise expect.

Additionally, the Cloud are weaker than the Empire when it comes to crafting, but we don't know what goodies remain to be used in the Starson's Tomb. Ogodei got a handful of starstone arrows from the place, and that was enough to help him gank two Prism patriarchs. There's a chance we'll see a lot more of weapons on that level distributed, if the tomb is giving up all its secrets.

Tldr: All signs are pointing towards the upcoming war being much more of a fair fight than the Emerald Seas would prefer.

Edit: Oh yeah and it was mentioned that if you only have one soul it's impossible to even approach the fallen star that is their mother, and the current main base of operations for the Twelve Stars confederation. She is implied to have acted when the Purifying Sun died, too.
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Right, speculation time for the war.
The odds of Yrs aiming to have the Emerald Seas get crushed by flying mongols is approximately 0.000001%, so I don't think we'll see half a dozen Cloud Whites or some shit like that. But White three-souled Galidan and ten (if they manage to find and bond with all eleven remaining Great Stars) three-souled Prisms would already represent a balls-achingly powerful force. And we know per the Q&A that the tribes of the sacred peaks (where the Cloud Skies ascended) haven't joined in yet, and they're so strong they have Khans who managed to get to Prism without bonding Stars.
And that's not even mentioning the lower ranks. We know from the Threads of Destiny: Volume 4 (Destiny Cycle Book 7) prologue that Cloud warriors have begun to bond with the lesser star spirits spawned from the big ones, and that that is helping third realms break through to Cyan. Depending on how many star spirits are born and how much they can boost their bond partners we could be seeing a lot more Cloud Law wielders than you're otherwise expect.

Additionally, the Cloud are weaker than the Empire when it comes to crafting, but we don't know what goodies remain to be used in the Starson's Tomb. Ogodei got a handful of starstone arrows from the place, and that was enough to help him gank two Prism patriarchs. There's a chance we'll see a lot more of weapons on that level distributed, if the tomb is giving up all its secrets.

Tldr: All signs are pointing towards the upcoming war being much more of a fair fight than the Emerald Seas would prefer.

Edit: Oh yeah and it was mentioned that if you only have one soul it's impossible to even approach the fallen star that is their mother, and the current main base of operations for the Twelve Stars confederation. She is implied to have acted when the Purifying Sun died, too.
This doesn't take into account Shenhua's likely history with stars though. If she has eaten a star like has been theorized, I imagine she'll be well insulated from star nonsense, and may even become more powerful by killing star spirits...
This doesn't take into account Shenhua's likely history with stars though. If she has eaten a star like has been theorized, I imagine she'll be well insulated from star nonsense, and may even become more powerful by killing star spirits...

You know, one actual way the Cloud Tribes could be "safely" integrated with the Emerald Seas is if Renxiang were to bond with one of the major Stars, or at least a direct budding of it.
I seem to recall a post or a discord thread saying that was a potential roll-dependent outcome of the Caldera Battle? Renxiang could have bondend with the hatchling that came out of the starstone, albeit temporarily?

It wouldn't solve all problems instantly, but the great religious importance that being a star-bonded entails, Renxiang becoming one is sure to throw a lot of the Cloud into disarray. A great hook to entice many of them to join the ES or at least the Polar Nation.
You know, one actual way the Cloud Tribes could be "safely" integrated with the Emerald Seas is if Renxiang were to bond with one of the major Stars, or at least a direct budding of it.
I seem to recall a post or a discord thread saying that was a potential roll-dependent outcome of the Caldera Battle? Renxiang could have bondend with the hatchling that came out of the starstone, albeit temporarily?

It wouldn't solve all problems instantly, but the great religious importance that being a star-bonded entails, Renxiang becoming one is sure to throw a lot of the Cloud into disarray. A great hook to entice many of them to join the ES or at least the Polar Nation.
The only issue is that as far as she knows, Renxiang is unable to bind with a spirit.
The only issue is that as far as she knows, Renxiang is unable to bind with a spirit.

I'm fairly certain that Renxiang could've bonded with the Caldera's starchild in some manner, if the roll had been high enough, but it wouldn't have lasted.
At least I think I read something like that on discord.
I don't think I had already joined the thread back then, so it would need to be confirmed by Yrs or some who remembers the vote.
Year 46: Month 1 Arc 5-4
She followed his gaze to the fountains, where the strains of stringed instruments rose and pairs danced in courtly elegance.

She paused for a long moment, considering them. "You'll need to show me the steps, though I think I can easily glean the pattern."

"Of course, lady Ling, I do not mind at all," Meng Dan said, gripping her hand a little tighter for a moment. He took a step, and she allowed him to lead her on. "The Eventide Procession originated with some early festivals to the moon and the changes in her procession from season to season. The movements evoke her stately arc through the houses of the night sky, inspecting the stars there for intrusion."

Ling Qi hummed. Eyeing the circling pattern of the dance. There was no true formation work in it, but she could feel the slight stirring of the night air into harmonious patterns following the swirl of gowns and the movement of feet. "And why is it done in pairs?"

"Originally, one dancer would wear white, and the other black, and the exchange of places and lead in the dance would represent the phases… the version used for casual festivities has discarded this."

He was very casual, but she could also feel some of his nerves. It bolstered her a little, knowing she wasn't the only one. "I suppose limiting the color palette of all your guests would upset the courts," Ling Qi said lightly. They arrived by the edge of the fountain area, passing through the colorful stakes set along the edge of the field to separate it. In the back of her head, Ling Qi took in the beat of the music dissected and analyzed it.

Harmonious progression: one step, two steps, three. In a flowing pattern with the same beginning and end, each cycle proceeded cleanly into the next.

"Just so. I'm sure you've noticed the steps are a little looser than a pure ritual, too," Meng Dan said. "Let's wait for it to reset to the first movement."

"Twenty beats," Ling Qi said absently.

"Eighteen now. Keep it cool, Qi, you got this," Sixiang whispered.

"If you'll excuse my boldness then, Lady Ling," Meng Dan said. His grip on her hand firmed up, he reached out and took her other hand and, with a gentle pull, took her out among the other dancers.

Close. They were frightfully close, barely a few handsbreadths apart, facing each other now. She was thankful for her cultivation, which allowed her to quickly match a rhythm without the stumbles and uncertainty of mortal steps. Unlike the twisting steps that carried one across the barrier between the material and the liminal, it wasn't a complex dance.
"Clasp my leading hand; the other should rest on my shoulder," Meng Dan said quietly.

She did so, his arm slid under hers, resting on her side. Close. Close. Too close.

She let out a firm, calming breath as he led her through the first turn, the hem of her gown flaring out with the motion.

"Repeat the first two steps, then slide the leading foot out."

He didn't ask if she was okay, didn't pause or hesitate, even if she knew, knew she must have felt like an ice sculpture under his hands, and showed about as much grace.

"Qi, you're moving fine. You're uh, definitely a little chilly, but you're moving fine."

…She appreciated having Sixiang back. Mist spilled from beneath her gown, swirling around her feet as she danced. A slight frost crawled across Meng Dan's hand, which held hers. Ridiculous."Sorry about the chill."

"If that were all it took to keep me away, I'd have no business in the contest," Meng Dan murmured, meeting her eyes.

The temperature steadied, and so did she. "So, what period was this dance from?"

"Early post-consolidation, after the Sage assigned the dukedom to the submitted Weilu clans. It transferred from ritual dance to entertainment, though that is, partly, from consolidating priestly roles into fewer hands. It was likely a bit of… subversion, at first, from those who had lost their right to speak directly to the spirits," Meng Dan said casually.

Eight verses to the song naturally. Having pushed past her silliness, it was easier than ever to follow the steps in time with the other dancers. They spun, separated to the end of outstretched arms, and came back together.

"There's still a bit of reverence in it. It's diluted, but it still reflects the movement of the night sky," Ling Qi mused

"It does. The leading role swaps ahead as we reach the reflecting. Have you absorbed enough?" Meng Dan asked.

"I have, I think. I'll not step on your toes, at least."

The mild frost burn was probably worse than that if she was honest. Meng Dan chuckled; she gave an apologetic smile.

"You know, I don't believe I have ever seen you express your domain, Meng Dan," Ling Qi said thoughtfully. "Is it simply subtle, or is your control really so good?"
His heart was beating quickly, too.

"It may surprise you, but my domain is very… inwardly focused," Meng Dan said. "It is one reason I am not a strong practitioner of the dreaming way. My conception of the world is very… physical."

The next motion, coming together, barely a few centimeters apart as they swayed through this extended round of the dance… she supposed this was the transition phase of the dance, with one in white, with the other in black, they would be the equal halves of the half moon. "Really, that surprises me a little," Ling Qi said, keeping her voice steady. He was… very handsome, at such a distance.

"People express great ideals, which often form the speartip of changing times… but in the end, it always comes back to material things I find. Always comes back to the conditions of the world at the time the great leader, the ascending cultivator, was forming their Way. If the world is an illusion, a dream as some priests say… then I can only think that those terms have become broad to the point of meaninglessness."

"Sounds a little heretical," she chuckled.

"I shall trust you with the secret," he said, smiling wryly.

They glided through the steps, pulling apart, purling together, forming the steps of the cycle with her in the lead now. Picking up a little speed, cloth rustled under the strains of the music.

…It wasn't so bad, this closeness.

"It's not quite heart blood, but I suppose I'll take it," Ling Qi said. I think there is some truth to the notion, but it's… reciprocal. Thoughts shape the world; the world shapes thoughts."

"I suppose so. There are many reasons why I find your company a pleasure: your ideas, your voice, your Way, but it would be a lie to say that a large part is not simply your captivating beauty," he said, casual as anything.

Ling Qi felt her cheeks grow hot. "Stop that."

The worst thing was that right here and now, looking him directly in the eye, there was no way for her to convince herself that he was lying or even exaggerating. The senses that allowed her to parse even the intentions of a sovereign didn't allow it.

"Say it once more, with honesty, and I will desist," Meng Dan said.

She sighed irritably, dragging her eyes away. "Everyone is getting too bold. Baroness Ling's retribution will be legendary, you know."
"I shall prepare my scrolls to record it."

"You had better, or you won't be spared," She huffed, looking back up at him. The dance was coming to a close. They were very close. Her eyes flicked down toward his lips.

...No, there was pushing boundaries, and then there was just plain, bald impropriety.

His forehead came to rest against hers. She went still and stiff, eyes widening.

And then he stepped away, utterly unruffled, still holding her hand. "I appreciate the dance, Baroness Ling"

She nodded once, imperiously. "You are welcome, sir Meng."

"You sound like one of Suyin's malfunctioning voice boxes," Sixiang whispered.

Shut up, Sixiang.

The muse's laughter followed her off of the dancing field.

After a perfectly normal departure and a moment spent lingering by the drink tables to recenter herself with a deep cup of a dark, almost indigo wine that she was going to have to trace the source of, Ling Qi. Was feeling a bit better balanced. Meng Dan had politely taken his leave to mingle freely.

Vengeance. Against all who assailed her, mocked her, dogged at her heels, dared make a fool of this young miss.

"Maybe turn down the villainess a bit?" Sixiang said blithely.

They were on the list too.

"Uuh, please no, dark Mistress? This humble one pleads your mercy…?" Sixiang said, with unconvincing obsequeiousness.


"Big Collar? Tall heels? Imposing!"

…Okay, she was going to badly influence Qiyi if she kept the joke going any further.

"Awww." her dress sulked.

Ling Qi let out a low huff, swirled the remaining wine in her coup and swallowed it down, choosing not to fully burn off the slightly fuzzy sensation the drink left clinging to her thoughts. It was pleasant for the moment, and she could cycle it away in a few minutes if it seemed she needed to be sharper.

And she would need to be sharper. It was growing late, and she fully expected Shu Yue to arrive at at some point as the evening sank away into night. She had a lesson yet to attend.

Man, I really kinda wish you didn't. It's been a good time tonight, I think you could go without the spook."

Sixiang knew she couldn't do that.

"Yeah, yeah, what you thinking. I know your hair might catch fire if you hang around your boytoy anymore, so whatcha planning for the rest of the night?" Sixiang asked

She hummed in thought, receiving a refill of her cup from a palace servant with a silver pitcher before stepping away from the table. She should probably try to do at least a bit of her job until then. There were so many nobles from across the Emerald Seas here, it would be a good time to reinforce her contacts throughout the lesser nobility.

She had spotted at least a few of her 'pen-friends' on the guest list, so perhaps…

[ ] She would ingratiate herself with the group of foundations region nobles, they liked her best, and could give her a closer eye on how sentiment about the summit was spreading under the ones most effected.

[ ] …The Patriarch of Jia had given her something of a boon and curse, with his little revelation. She had noticed quite a few eyes from the nobles of the thundering hills region on her back tonight. They were southern nobility as well, so their thoughts on her accomplishments would be useful too.
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ok so internal squeeing done

hmm, I'm kind of inclined to focus on what's actually near us since we really need to develop that region more if we want to actually do shit?
[ ] She would ingratiate herself with the group of foundations region nobles, they liked her best, and could give her a closer eye on how sentiment about the summit was spreading under the ones most effected.

[ ] …The Patriarch of Jia had given her something of a boon and curse, with his little revelation. She had noticed quite a few eyes from the nobles of the thundering hills region on her back tonight. They were southern nobility as well, so their thoughts on her accomplishments would be useful too.
Ngl, this is kinda amusing considering:
Foundations: 4
Thundering Hills: 3

They are not really that far apart all things considered.