Right, the vote.
I'm kinda ambivalent on this one. They are both "south" and the ones that will have the most contact with the Cloud Nomads so we are very much interested in knowing how the lower nobility of both feel about the Summit.
But we already have a good rapport with the Foundations, and plenty of avenues to improve it further. Hanyi's tours, for instance.
On the other hand, the Junior Sister incident is an unique opportunity to make contact with the Thundering Hills. Even if they are at +3, I don't think we have any direct strong connection with them. Unlike the Foundations.
Actually, wasn't that experimental shared area between the Empire and the Cloud Nomads we negotiated during the Summit located in the Thundering Hills?
That's going to be established at the birth of the Jing River, and that's in the Hills, isn't it?
Now, getting to probe how the nobility feels about such a controversial measure is something I'm very keen on finding out.
So I'm going for option 2.
[ ] …The Patriarch of Jia had given her something of a boon and curse, with his little revelation. She had noticed quite a few eyes from the nobles of the thundering hills region on her back tonight. They were southern nobility as well, so their thoughts on her accomplishments would be useful too.