Strictly speaking, Im confused why some of the Mountain Halls advocates seem to think that Ling Qi wont have an opportunity to network with the Wang delegation at the summit in order to coordinate a unified southern approach to the negotiations?
Its an obvious in and the benefits there will serve as a likely modifier for the opportunity we're presented there, whereas the Diao are going to very obviously avoid poking the entire mess. And the thing about a Hero of the Hour?
Hours pass.
Having an in with the Diao is the result of an incredibly positive result from the outcome of disarming Renshu's plan last arc. As a result of pursuing that initial sabotage plot thread.
By contrast, the other option is kind of just...there.
The Wang just don't have any obvious ins, and we'd be actively pursuing or inventing those reasons for interacting with them. Which honestly...Ling Qi could do at any time? There's no urgency there.
Its an obvious in and the benefits there will serve as a likely modifier for the opportunity we're presented there, whereas the Diao are going to very obviously avoid poking the entire mess. And the thing about a Hero of the Hour?
Hours pass.
Having an in with the Diao is the result of an incredibly positive result from the outcome of disarming Renshu's plan last arc. As a result of pursuing that initial sabotage plot thread.
By contrast, the other option is kind of just...there.
The Wang just don't have any obvious ins, and we'd be actively pursuing or inventing those reasons for interacting with them. Which honestly...Ling Qi could do at any time? There's no urgency there.
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