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- Shakopee, MN
[X] Mountain Halls-Focus your efforts on building reputation and cachet in the Foundations and Wang lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
To focus on the bits I'm actually arguing -
Regarding Su Ling and the kits, there is a reason I referred to having both foxes for the future and a fox hero unit right now. Su Ling's existence ensures that the wheels can start turning now, and the kids ensure the fox blood project's long-term viability.
As for the grudges, of course LQ is working on curtailing xenophobic behavior, just like she's working on reassuring the Foundations folk that we care. Like, she's not sending letters to the Wang telling'em lmao get fucked, the concern is just that without concerted effort on our part they might interpret our feelings in that manner anyway.
Similarly, of course we're telling people that slaughtering all Ith'ia would be rude, but there's a difference between penning letters and investing actual effort talking to the people involved, y'know? If background letters alone were enough to push our agendas, we wouldn't be having this vote in the first place.
And the grudge of the Foundations, as noted, is not a new grudge, nor is it a grudge about to boil over. It can, simply put, cope for exactly 2 months. It would be better if it didn't, sure, but opportunity costs will strike no matter what we choose.
She found that her support was strong among the Foundations region, the southernmost part of the Emerald Seas, consisting of the foothills of the Wall and much of the Wang lands. There was much praise, but she could see a great deal of opportunism. New against old, the young clans seeking her associating to raise their own status.
And there was no wrong in that, she supposed, if they stood with her on the right matters, if they could be brought to support Renxiang. There was, as Shu Yue would say, a grudge there. There was an undercurrent of being hard put upon, a resentment for the more northerly regions. They saw themselves as injured by the endless raiding, and blame for that spread north.
It was something to be careful of, an ugly infection that needed tending, lest it turn into outright rot. South and west, if the Meng could be won. A distant dream, but something perhaps to work towards. She'd have to talk to Hanyi, about what it was like in person.
On the other hand, the Central Valley had been upturned, there was a chaos and alarm there. Dozens of letters asked for advice on spotting and combatting ith-ia spies and impurity. There was a great deal of panicked alarm there, but also a deep well of anger. The central valley was safe. Not since the Duchess had risen had they faced Cloud tribe raids. This was not how things were supposed to be.
A grudge, in its infancy, coming screaming into the world. It made her wonder about the ones the Duchess had subjugated, and in her replies, she was careful to emphasize the name of those responsible, as a tribe and government. She shared what she knew freely, described the methods and ways she had experienced.
I just keep coming back to the continuity issue.
So, we teamed up with Diao Hualing to do some skullduggery, and while we unfortunately didn't get a lot of time actually interacting with her, it was a neat look into some setting details around the ministries, and it ended(paused) on a neat upswell of action and triumph. It's the perfect ending(pause) to transition to some of that more direct politics action we were promised at the start of things. But apparently, with this vote, we have to commit in that direction or it won't happen.
And that reveals some problems. If we don't go Garden of Sinners here, then Diao Hualing falls off the face of the planet for 4+ months, till after the summit. There's no other angle for her character to be involved in, well, anything. Long Arm of the Law, fox kids, neither's getting touched till after the summit, and probably not for a while afterwards, either. So the question becomes, what was the point of all that buildup/introduction for Diao Hualing, if she's just going to disappear from the planet immediately after it. It doesn't make sense, in or out of character.
Meanwhile, @yrsillar has told us this vote is for things adjacent to summit prep. So Wang continuity is assured either way. There's no narrative failure introduced by not picking the Wang, here. It's fine, it just works.
Relatedly, I see a lot of excitement for the Wang's positive impact on our fief's development. And that's true and valuable! They're established to be helpful on that front in a number of ways. The thing though is that the bulk of fief engagement can't really start until after the summit on turn 20, when we have time to focus on it and we start spinning up generally fief-related plotlines. Getting started working on Wang sympathies a bit earlier is certain to help, but there's kind of a scheduling issue here. Turn 20 is also the earliest we can possibly reengage with Diao Hualing(also Meng stuff probably comes alive again), but the fief being available means there will be an incredible drive to pursue Wang actions at the same time. It's basically guaranteed.
What this means is picking Wang here is basically pre-emptively double-dipping, and it sends the Diao engagement we've been working on to the shadow realm right now while making the prospect of picking it up again doubly-tenuous.
I want to be clear there's absolutely nothing wrong with double-dipping the Wang. The Wang are cool. The problem is having the all Diao buildup that we've had completely fail to have any payoff and then fuck off from the universe for 4+ months and the core establishment of our political legacy with the summit. It'd basically erase the narrative investment that we've made so far, in a totally senseless way. Fundamentally, there was no point in Diao Hualing existing at all, if her involvement in the story is going to fizzle out like this.
It does not read well. Tbh, I'm not sure the premise of this vote is healthy for the narrative in general. We should be compounding and leveraging our political connections for unified benefit, not axing ones we've invested in from our life.
I just keep coming back to the continuity issue.
So, we teamed up with Diao Hualing to do some skullduggery, and while we unfortunately didn't get a lot of time actually interacting with her, it was a neat look into some setting details around the ministries, and it ended(paused) on a neat upswell of action and triumph. It's the perfect ending(pause) to transition to some of that more direct politics action we were promised at the start of things. But apparently, with this vote, we have to commit in that direction or it won't happen.
And that reveals some problems. If we don't go Garden of Sinners here, then Diao Hualing falls off the face of the planet for 4+ months, till after the summit. There's no other angle for her character to be involved in, well, anything. Long Arm of the Law, fox kids, neither's getting touched till after the summit, and probably not for a while afterwards, either. So the question becomes, what was the point of all that buildup/introduction for Diao Hualing, if she's just going to disappear from the planet immediately after it. It doesn't make sense, in or out of character.
Meanwhile, @yrsillar has told us this vote is for things adjacent to summit prep. So Wang continuity is assured either way. There's no narrative failure introduced by not picking the Wang, here. It's fine, it just works.
Relatedly, I see a lot of excitement for the Wang's positive impact on our fief's development. And that's true and valuable! They're established to be helpful on that front in a number of ways. The thing though is that the bulk of fief engagement can't really start until after the summit on turn 20, when we have time to focus on it and we start spinning up generally fief-related plotlines. Getting started working on Wang sympathies a bit earlier is certain to help, but there's kind of a scheduling issue here. Turn 20 is also the earliest we can possibly reengage with Diao Hualing(also Meng stuff probably comes alive again), but the fief being available means there will be an incredible drive to pursue Wang actions at the same time. It's basically guaranteed.
What this means is picking Wang here is basically pre-emptively double-dipping, and it sends the Diao engagement we've been working on to the shadow realm right now while making the prospect of picking it up again doubly-tenuous.
I want to be clear there's absolutely nothing wrong with double-dipping the Wang. The Wang are cool. The problem is having the all Diao buildup that we've had completely fail to have any payoff and then fuck off from the universe for 4+ months and the core establishment of our political legacy with the summit. It'd basically erase the narrative investment that we've made so far, in a totally senseless way. Fundamentally, there was no point in Diao Hualing existing at all, if her involvement in the story is going to fizzle out like this.
It does not read well. Tbh, I'm not sure the premise of this vote is healthy for the narrative in general. We should be compounding and leveraging our political connections for unified benefit, not axing ones we've invested in from our life.
The frustration of it all is so much of this is supposition from ignorance. I don't mean that in a hostile or belittling way, I mean literal ignorance. We still don't know the deal with the Diao, basically. Not in a way that usefully informs our decisions. Decisions we're definitely going to make. Decisions like, painfully and frustratingly, literally this vote we're having right now.I suppose the root of the problem here is that the Diao clan as a whole is something of a poor fit for LQ's goals. They strongly disagree with LQ's rationale for her core project right now, the Ice Lady summit. For the long term, they jettisoned their Weilu-era identity in favour of an Imperial one under the Hui and largely reject the Weilu revival LQ is trying to spearhead as a result. Their matriarch doesn't particularly like CRX, which isn't a huge deal, but is another straw on the metaphorical camel.
So yeah, we have some story hooks with them. But getting rewards from the Diao, like political support or material goods or expertise or whatever, is always going to take more actions, and cost more effort, than getting them from a clan that generally agrees with LQ means and goals. And since Cai Shenhua demands excellence, LQ needs to get the most from her time and effort. OK doesn't cut it. So I'd rather cut stop spending actions now than continue to develop the Diao plot lines and make it even harder to do so later.
It's like the whole thing with the Argent Arts way back when. Aside from Argent Mirror, which was great, LQ didn't have the element and skill bonuses to use them well. Argent Current required the unarmed skill, and LQ was quite bad at that, so IIRC we only kept it equipped because Pressure Crack was a great passive. We didn't use the active skills in real fights. And Argent Storm badly overlapped with Sable Crescent Step, so it barely got any use. But people just kept voting to put actions into them because of the Argent name, despite the fact that the arts themselves really didn't bring a lot of value to the table.
That's kind of where I feel the Diao are right now. We had to get their rep up so that they wouldn't actively interfer with LQ's plans, otherwise they're an action sink that doesn't provide as much value to LQ as other factions for the reasons I've given above. And LQ needs value for her actions here because yrs has said in the last update that the honeymoon period of easy rep is ending soonish. So I'd rather stop spending actions on them now that we've raised their rep to the point where they won't really try to mess with us. I'm not particularly fussed about putting Diao Hauling on the back burner to make that happen. If it happens, this vote is about building rep with the Diao clan and the Central Valley as a whole versus the Wang clan and the Foundations as a whole. We may still get a Diao Hualing coda if we pick the Wang choice, it just won't lead into the next plot line. And we can come back to her later, once we've got some actual allies. Which again, and I will not stop harping on this, we do not yet have.
Heck maybe in the interim we get Diao Hualing in touch with GG, he's more Imperial friendly and knows a thing or foxes.
The frustration of it all is so much of this is supposition from ignorance. I don't mean that in a hostile or belittling way, I mean literal ignorance. We still don't know the deal with the Diao, basically. Not in a way that usefully informs our decisions. Decisions we're definitely going to make. Decisions like, painfully and frustratingly, literally this vote we're having right now.
Like, the point I'm trying to get across is yes we've invested time and effort into the Diao questline. But, also no we haven't? Turn 13 was the first stab at it and it got cut for time basically, with some shoring up by Linqin that didn't go anywhere. Turn 14, Diao Hualing was a pitstop on the way to another action, not her own, and that conversation got completely hijacked by Su Ling's stuff which was its own action we invested in for personal reasons. Turn 15 Long Arm of the Law is something we were already going to do and also it just had literally nothing related to the Diao in it whatsoever. Hou Zhuang's Gift has been a complicated and messy affair in general, and I don't think it's fair to attribute any of the choices we've made in it to pursuing Diao relationship points in specific.
So in total there's one action that we genuinely and truthfully invested in the Diao, all the way back at the start in turn 13, and it even gave us half of the things it promised by pausing the relationship from falling further. The issue isn't that we invested too much in the Diao or the Diao are a poor return on investment. The issue is that Diao progress got locked behind an awkward strung-out questline where that progress always played second fiddle, no matter how we voted. Which sucks, and it's definitely the exact opposite of what @yrsillar was attempting to accomplish when he set things down that path. But it's also troublesome on top of that, because it's giving us, the playerbase, all sorts of wildly off-base impressions about what is and isn't possible, because it's genuinely tough to keep the timeline of events and their context(including meta-context) in mind.
But the broader, arguably more shallow, point that I was also getting at with Diao Hualing is just that, like, she's been established? For what story reason was her character introduced and established, reoccurring over months, if she's ultimately not going to have actually done anything and then freaking vanish in the hour of our combined triumph? It doesn't make a damn lick of sense. Like, frankly, it would be straight up narratively bizarre to leverage our victory in that city to political ends without Diao Hualing's involvement? Since she was acting as our sponsor to be involved at all?
In-story, we were working with an ambitious, but somewhat cold, scion of the Diao on a mostly personal project in order to engender bilateral understanding, and then we unexpectedly struck an unexpectedly, nearly unbelievably, huge surprise martial and political breakthrough out of nowhere! It's a massive blow on a red-hot iron that practically demands follow-through. It has every taste, smell, and look of a breakthrough opportunity, and isn't that exactly the aim we were chiseling away at when the unexpected windfall fell into our laps? Turning around and peddling the rep boost in an unrelated direction is weird and confusing and we should not do it. What the hell were we even trying to do, if not this.
Honestly if it was that inherently narratively bizarre, I don't think it would even be possible to do it. This reads less to me like "there are narrative problems if we don't follow up on this" and more like you, Abeologos personally, have built up a different image of her narrative role than the narrative role that is actually intended for her.But the broader, arguably more shallow, point that I was also getting at with Diao Hualing is just that, like, she's been established? For what story reason was her character introduced and established, reoccurring over months, if she's ultimately not going to have actually done anything and then freaking vanish in the hour of our combined triumph? It doesn't make a damn lick of sense. Like, frankly, it would be straight up narratively bizarre to leverage our victory in that city to political ends without Diao Hualing's involvement? Since she was acting as our sponsor to be involved at all?
In-story, we were working with an ambitious, but somewhat cold, scion of the Diao on a mostly personal project in order to engender bilateral understanding, and then we unexpectedly struck an unexpectedly, nearly unbelievably, huge surprise martial and political breakthrough out of nowhere! It's a massive blow on a red-hot iron that practically demands follow-through. It has every taste, smell, and look of a breakthrough opportunity, and isn't that exactly the aim we were chiseling away at when the unexpected windfall fell into our laps? Turning around and peddling the rep boost in an unrelated direction is weird and confusing and we should not do it. What the hell were we even trying to do, if not this.
Why would we drop Diao Hualing the instant that we establish a super kick-ass joint success with her, but before actually leveraging it to anything or even, like, celebrating it with her? It just doesn't make sense, painfully so. It's like making a nice meal and immediately sliding it into the trash can.As far as I can tell, the point was, in fact, to establish Diao Hualing. We know there's a small, not particularly powerful or important, faction in the Diao that's receptive to LQ's means and goals. Introducing her intersected nicely with the whole Yan Renshu mess in the central valley, so yrs took the opportunity.
Boom, new Diao character introduced and Yan Renshu revitallized. Now we can come back later and work with Diao Hualing's faction if we want. And hammering it into a "story" doesn't matter right now because this is a forum game as much as it is a story. yrs turns it into a story later, but he can hammer out the jankyness then. Considering how popular the story version is on Royal Road, I think he manages to do that well enough, so I'll leave him to it. He's the professional QM after all, not me.
Now yrs is giving us a general choice between raising our general rep with the Diao or Wang. Seeing as how the Diao as a whole don't much like LQ, I'd rather have the Wang.
I mean, the fact that combined-events with the explicit intent on yrsillar's part of condensing and saving time/actions (he literally said so at the time) has had the opposite effect is a bit of a clue to the kind of obvious point that yrs isn't omniscient and sometimes things don't work out the way they were intended to. Players spotchecking for potential conflicts, unintended or otherwise, is part and parcel with cooperative narrative games like quests or ttrpgs.Honestly if it was that inherently narratively bizarre, I don't think it would even be possible to do it. This reads less to me like "there are narrative problems if we don't follow up on this" and more like you, Abeologos personally, have built up a different image of her narrative role than the narrative role that is actually intended for her.