Turn One: Setting Up Shop
- Location
1328, 10 January A.D. 2070
Ruins of Morrison University
"Well, this is...a thing."
Peters had been rather apologetic in the note she sent you before you departed Unity Station, but you were expecting at least a proper (if decommissioned) military base. Not...this.
Morrison University looked like it used to be a nice place too. It wasn't too far from a proper township, giving the Soldiers and technicians a place to go blow off steam on weekends (and giving the local sheriffs a headache undoubtedly), and some of the buildings were surprisingly intact. Appropriately you'd grabbed the former dean's office as your own, and it had a nice window view that overlooked the rest of the campus.
Pity that the rest of the place looked like a kaiju had stomped through it. Because that's exactly what had happened.
For a campus that had its origins dating to the beginning of the twenty-first century (so a discarded and faded brochure proclaimed), the costs for rebuilding were apparently so ruinous that the campus was ultimately abandoned. By the time Peters had cleared the funds to appropriate the campus grounds through a contracting officer, the local company holding the land parted with it for a song. Apparently it thought it'd never see any money from the place.
As it was, the campus grounds are covered in tents, temporary latrines, mobile kitchens, and the usual chaos of masses of people crammed together for a purpose. There is also a temporary landing pad where the Gagarin is parked. You can already see some Soldiers streaming in and out of it, hauling out additional supplies brought in from Unity Station. Good. You'll need all of it.
With some TLC, and some resources that Peters was funneling your way, you could easily make this place your own. Heck, if you did everything right, this facility could long outlast you and become an entrenched institution in the wider Defense Force.
Heady a thought as that was, you had work to do. Thoughts of bigger dreams could come later.
As if on cue, you hear two knocks from the heavy wooden door. "Enter," you call out.
Captain Sasaki enters, and is immediately followed by the rest of your 'staff.' "We are ready to discuss plans of action, Sir," she says as she claims the seat to your right at the nice oak table in the dean's office. "As you can see, there is...much to do."
"It is disgraceful to see such a place fall so low," Dr. Ignatov grumbles as he takes a seat next to Sasaki. "There are plenty of good facilities on campus, but most of them are in a state of disrepair." He nods to Sam. "With a significant exception."
"I took a look at the labs, and they're mostly good to go," Sam agrees. "Only so much we can do with basic labs right now, but we can at least get started with the Science."
"Basic services are shot," Wilde says bluntly. "Sir, there's not going to be much from the Engineers until we get the basics up and running."
"Water, electricity...anything, really," Henry chimes in. "We're going to be busy for a few months."
"And in the meantime, housing and security need to be addressed," Sasaki says. "There is much to do, but only so much from Unity Station." She consults a map of the surrounding area. "We will have to look after ourselves as well. We are the only Defense Force presence in the local area."
You sigh, then nod. "Alright, folks," you say. "Every big project has to start small. Let's get to work."
Having taken stock of your resources, BG Peters has delivered 8 RP worth of material and resources to work off of. Rather significant in any other case, but you have a lot of work to do in order to get this project off the ground.
Defense Force
You've tasked Captain Sasaki to take charge of securing the university grounds. With her usual air of confidence, she has taken to the task with aplomb, and has all but browbeaten the combat engineers into breaking out the earth-moving equipment. With the growls and beeps of bulldozers and excavators echoing outside of the main hall, she has provided several courses of action to you. She understands that resources will continue to be tight, but she insists that any of these options would go a long way to establishing a good security net early.
Naturally, the test pilots have nothing to do right now. Nothing concrete has been established by either the Engineers or the Science teams for obvious reasons. But Sam still has one thing you may wish to consider.
Dr. Ignatov is appalled at how an institute of higher learning was brought so low. LT Wilde and SFC Henry are appalled at the amount of work there is to do. All three agree they are likely to be eating the lion's share of resources this month.
Sam is pleased to report that the lab facilities are in decent shape. He admits that there also isn't too much his team can do without proper services. But with the mobile power generator the Engineers brought, he can certainly get started with cleaning up the labs and start unpacking and prioritizing what scientific principles to work on.
The scientists have already cleared up the basic labs and are now just working on unpacking the gear they brought. However, the labs available can only afford to focus on either the ESP or the kaiju sample, not both at once. Sam also takes you aside to remind you that at this point, 'we're throwing Science at the wall and seeing what sticks'; don't expect spectacular results just yet. (CHOOSE ONE)
Ruins of Morrison University
"Well, this is...a thing."
Peters had been rather apologetic in the note she sent you before you departed Unity Station, but you were expecting at least a proper (if decommissioned) military base. Not...this.
Morrison University looked like it used to be a nice place too. It wasn't too far from a proper township, giving the Soldiers and technicians a place to go blow off steam on weekends (and giving the local sheriffs a headache undoubtedly), and some of the buildings were surprisingly intact. Appropriately you'd grabbed the former dean's office as your own, and it had a nice window view that overlooked the rest of the campus.
Pity that the rest of the place looked like a kaiju had stomped through it. Because that's exactly what had happened.
For a campus that had its origins dating to the beginning of the twenty-first century (so a discarded and faded brochure proclaimed), the costs for rebuilding were apparently so ruinous that the campus was ultimately abandoned. By the time Peters had cleared the funds to appropriate the campus grounds through a contracting officer, the local company holding the land parted with it for a song. Apparently it thought it'd never see any money from the place.
As it was, the campus grounds are covered in tents, temporary latrines, mobile kitchens, and the usual chaos of masses of people crammed together for a purpose. There is also a temporary landing pad where the Gagarin is parked. You can already see some Soldiers streaming in and out of it, hauling out additional supplies brought in from Unity Station. Good. You'll need all of it.
With some TLC, and some resources that Peters was funneling your way, you could easily make this place your own. Heck, if you did everything right, this facility could long outlast you and become an entrenched institution in the wider Defense Force.
Heady a thought as that was, you had work to do. Thoughts of bigger dreams could come later.
As if on cue, you hear two knocks from the heavy wooden door. "Enter," you call out.
Captain Sasaki enters, and is immediately followed by the rest of your 'staff.' "We are ready to discuss plans of action, Sir," she says as she claims the seat to your right at the nice oak table in the dean's office. "As you can see, there is...much to do."
"It is disgraceful to see such a place fall so low," Dr. Ignatov grumbles as he takes a seat next to Sasaki. "There are plenty of good facilities on campus, but most of them are in a state of disrepair." He nods to Sam. "With a significant exception."
"I took a look at the labs, and they're mostly good to go," Sam agrees. "Only so much we can do with basic labs right now, but we can at least get started with the Science."
...you're not sure who you're more worried for at this stage. Sam, or the hapless scientists who work for him.
...you're not sure who you're more worried for at this stage. Sam, or the hapless scientists who work for him.
"Basic services are shot," Wilde says bluntly. "Sir, there's not going to be much from the Engineers until we get the basics up and running."
"Water, electricity...anything, really," Henry chimes in. "We're going to be busy for a few months."
"And in the meantime, housing and security need to be addressed," Sasaki says. "There is much to do, but only so much from Unity Station." She consults a map of the surrounding area. "We will have to look after ourselves as well. We are the only Defense Force presence in the local area."
You sigh, then nod. "Alright, folks," you say. "Every big project has to start small. Let's get to work."
Having taken stock of your resources, BG Peters has delivered 8 RP worth of material and resources to work off of. Rather significant in any other case, but you have a lot of work to do in order to get this project off the ground.
Defense Force
You've tasked Captain Sasaki to take charge of securing the university grounds. With her usual air of confidence, she has taken to the task with aplomb, and has all but browbeaten the combat engineers into breaking out the earth-moving equipment. With the growls and beeps of bulldozers and excavators echoing outside of the main hall, she has provided several courses of action to you. She understands that resources will continue to be tight, but she insists that any of these options would go a long way to establishing a good security net early.
Naturally, the test pilots have nothing to do right now. Nothing concrete has been established by either the Engineers or the Science teams for obvious reasons. But Sam still has one thing you may wish to consider.
[] Housing – One of the first rules of any military camp – Soldiers need a place to rest their heads. And you are responsible for both Soldiers and civilian auxiliaries, so it's best you get lodging and basic services now. You can afford to wait for a month if you think there are other priorities, but tents and cots are going to last only for so long. Besides, she reminds you, actual buildings are going to be easier to defend than a tent city. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Increased Facility Security, Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs)
[] Security Net – Patrols – Sasaki brought up a good point earlier. Aside from the Research Institute, you are the only Defense Force presence in this area. If you are to make good on the claim that you are here to stay, it's best you start developing patrols early. You should be fine if you do not pursue this for a month, but best not to delay too long on it. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration; 1 Turn; Increased Facility Security, Unlocks Additional Options)
[] Candidate Screening – ESP – Sasaki brings up something Sam suggested, and it is relatively low-investment. Though the Science department has only a very basic understanding of psyker theory, they still have some means of detecting those with ESP potential. Sam is offering to screen the test pilot pool now, in anticipation for future testing, and Sasaki sees no reason to deny him. It's just a matter of time and resources, with the understanding that you should not expect spectacular results the first go-around. (Cost: 1 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6); Chance to detect early Pilot Candidate)
[] Security Net – Patrols – Sasaki brought up a good point earlier. Aside from the Research Institute, you are the only Defense Force presence in this area. If you are to make good on the claim that you are here to stay, it's best you start developing patrols early. You should be fine if you do not pursue this for a month, but best not to delay too long on it. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration; 1 Turn; Increased Facility Security, Unlocks Additional Options)
[] Candidate Screening – ESP – Sasaki brings up something Sam suggested, and it is relatively low-investment. Though the Science department has only a very basic understanding of psyker theory, they still have some means of detecting those with ESP potential. Sam is offering to screen the test pilot pool now, in anticipation for future testing, and Sasaki sees no reason to deny him. It's just a matter of time and resources, with the understanding that you should not expect spectacular results the first go-around. (Cost: 1 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6); Chance to detect early Pilot Candidate)
Dr. Ignatov is appalled at how an institute of higher learning was brought so low. LT Wilde and SFC Henry are appalled at the amount of work there is to do. All three agree they are likely to be eating the lion's share of resources this month.
[] Well there's your problem! – LT Wilde is blunt in his reports. It is not simply a case of fixing the workshops. There is no power, no running water, no internet. He seems more offended at the last part than anything else. This is going to be a longer project than everyone else has; while the mobile power generator will do for now, he simply cannot recommend putting this off. This option will restore the workshops, but he and SFC Henry are getting straight to work on restoring basic services. Dr. Ignatov confirms that there is very little the Engineers can do without basic services. (Mandatory Action: 3 RP; Duration: 2 Turns; Test Roll (2d6); Chance to finish in 1 Turn, Failure will result in 2 Turn Completion; Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs; Unlocks Additional Options)
[] Excavation Now – With all that said, Dr. Ignatov believes there could be additional infrastructure hidden away in the rubble no one's picked up on yet. With LT Wilde heading the repairs, SFC Henry has volunteered to begin further excavation. He just needs a few trucks and free reign on the spare parts pool. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll (2d6); Chance to discover something; Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs)
[] Excavation Now – With all that said, Dr. Ignatov believes there could be additional infrastructure hidden away in the rubble no one's picked up on yet. With LT Wilde heading the repairs, SFC Henry has volunteered to begin further excavation. He just needs a few trucks and free reign on the spare parts pool. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll (2d6); Chance to discover something; Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs)
Sam is pleased to report that the lab facilities are in decent shape. He admits that there also isn't too much his team can do without proper services. But with the mobile power generator the Engineers brought, he can certainly get started with cleaning up the labs and start unpacking and prioritizing what scientific principles to work on.
The scientists have already cleared up the basic labs and are now just working on unpacking the gear they brought. However, the labs available can only afford to focus on either the ESP or the kaiju sample, not both at once. Sam also takes you aside to remind you that at this point, 'we're throwing Science at the wall and seeing what sticks'; don't expect spectacular results just yet. (CHOOSE ONE)
[] Make My Monster Gr-oh, wait – The refrigeration unit is still up and running, and SFC Henry has set aside time and men to manhandle the kaiju sample container into the lab. Preliminary Science can now begin on seeing just what exactly George Sheol did to make giant monsters. (Cost: 1 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6); Chance to discover additional properties; Progress to Kaiju Biology)
[] Let's Think About This – The refrigeration unit will keep. You are intrigued by the possibility of psychically-augmented pilots for a future Super Robot. By starting now, you will unlock a deeper understanding than you already possess on the benign mutations Sam showed you already. (Cost: 1 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6); Chance to discover additional properties; Progress to ESP Theory)
[] Let's Think About This – The refrigeration unit will keep. You are intrigued by the possibility of psychically-augmented pilots for a future Super Robot. By starting now, you will unlock a deeper understanding than you already possess on the benign mutations Sam showed you already. (Cost: 1 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6); Chance to discover additional properties; Progress to ESP Theory)
So begins Turn One proper. If you want a primer on the Mechanics, that section on the front page has been updated. Now, you will need to manage resources, time and effort to build a Super Robot. But as John says, you have to set up your foundation first. This is now your base; time to make it viable.
Organize your votes into plans for ease of vote tallying. We are now at that stage where you have many more options to vote on than just the single choices from the Prologue. And from here on out, you have more to think about.
I will check back tomorrow afternoon to see where we're at. If you all are still debating voting, I will push the decision till Monday or so.
Have at it!
Oh, and for those who voted for the Mechanical Engineers? Be happy this is becoming a thing.
Organize your votes into plans for ease of vote tallying. We are now at that stage where you have many more options to vote on than just the single choices from the Prologue. And from here on out, you have more to think about.
I will check back tomorrow afternoon to see where we're at. If you all are still debating voting, I will push the decision till Monday or so.
Have at it!
Oh, and for those who voted for the Mechanical Engineers? Be happy this is becoming a thing.