Super Robot Quest

Turn One: Setting Up Shop
1328, 10 January A.D. 2070
Ruins of Morrison University

"Well, this is...a thing."

Peters had been rather apologetic in the note she sent you before you departed Unity Station, but you were expecting at least a proper (if decommissioned) military base. Not...this.

Morrison University looked like it used to be a nice place too. It wasn't too far from a proper township, giving the Soldiers and technicians a place to go blow off steam on weekends (and giving the local sheriffs a headache undoubtedly), and some of the buildings were surprisingly intact. Appropriately you'd grabbed the former dean's office as your own, and it had a nice window view that overlooked the rest of the campus.

Pity that the rest of the place looked like a kaiju had stomped through it. Because that's exactly what had happened.

For a campus that had its origins dating to the beginning of the twenty-first century (so a discarded and faded brochure proclaimed), the costs for rebuilding were apparently so ruinous that the campus was ultimately abandoned. By the time Peters had cleared the funds to appropriate the campus grounds through a contracting officer, the local company holding the land parted with it for a song. Apparently it thought it'd never see any money from the place.

As it was, the campus grounds are covered in tents, temporary latrines, mobile kitchens, and the usual chaos of masses of people crammed together for a purpose. There is also a temporary landing pad where the Gagarin is parked. You can already see some Soldiers streaming in and out of it, hauling out additional supplies brought in from Unity Station. Good. You'll need all of it.

With some TLC, and some resources that Peters was funneling your way, you could easily make this place your own. Heck, if you did everything right, this facility could long outlast you and become an entrenched institution in the wider Defense Force.

Heady a thought as that was, you had work to do. Thoughts of bigger dreams could come later.

As if on cue, you hear two knocks from the heavy wooden door. "Enter," you call out.

Captain Sasaki enters, and is immediately followed by the rest of your 'staff.' "We are ready to discuss plans of action, Sir," she says as she claims the seat to your right at the nice oak table in the dean's office. "As you can see, there is...much to do."

"It is disgraceful to see such a place fall so low," Dr. Ignatov grumbles as he takes a seat next to Sasaki. "There are plenty of good facilities on campus, but most of them are in a state of disrepair." He nods to Sam. "With a significant exception."

"I took a look at the labs, and they're mostly good to go," Sam agrees. "Only so much we can do with basic labs right now, but we can at least get started with the Science."

"SCIENCE!"'re not sure who you're more worried for at this stage. Sam, or the hapless scientists who work for him.

"Basic services are shot," Wilde says bluntly. "Sir, there's not going to be much from the Engineers until we get the basics up and running."

"Water, electricity...anything, really," Henry chimes in. "We're going to be busy for a few months."

"And in the meantime, housing and security need to be addressed," Sasaki says. "There is much to do, but only so much from Unity Station." She consults a map of the surrounding area. "We will have to look after ourselves as well. We are the only Defense Force presence in the local area."

You sigh, then nod. "Alright, folks," you say. "Every big project has to start small. Let's get to work."

Having taken stock of your resources, BG Peters has delivered 8 RP worth of material and resources to work off of. Rather significant in any other case, but you have a lot of work to do in order to get this project off the ground.

Defense Force

You've tasked Captain Sasaki to take charge of securing the university grounds. With her usual air of confidence, she has taken to the task with aplomb, and has all but browbeaten the combat engineers into breaking out the earth-moving equipment. With the growls and beeps of bulldozers and excavators echoing outside of the main hall, she has provided several courses of action to you. She understands that resources will continue to be tight, but she insists that any of these options would go a long way to establishing a good security net early.

Naturally, the test pilots have nothing to do right now. Nothing concrete has been established by either the Engineers or the Science teams for obvious reasons. But Sam still has one thing you may wish to consider.

[] Housing – One of the first rules of any military camp – Soldiers need a place to rest their heads. And you are responsible for both Soldiers and civilian auxiliaries, so it's best you get lodging and basic services now. You can afford to wait for a month if you think there are other priorities, but tents and cots are going to last only for so long. Besides, she reminds you, actual buildings are going to be easier to defend than a tent city. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Increased Facility Security, Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs)

[] Security Net – Patrols – Sasaki brought up a good point earlier. Aside from the Research Institute, you are the only Defense Force presence in this area. If you are to make good on the claim that you are here to stay, it's best you start developing patrols early. You should be fine if you do not pursue this for a month, but best not to delay too long on it. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration; 1 Turn; Increased Facility Security, Unlocks Additional Options)

[] Candidate Screening – ESP – Sasaki brings up something Sam suggested, and it is relatively low-investment. Though the Science department has only a very basic understanding of psyker theory, they still have some means of detecting those with ESP potential. Sam is offering to screen the test pilot pool now, in anticipation for future testing, and Sasaki sees no reason to deny him. It's just a matter of time and resources, with the understanding that you should not expect spectacular results the first go-around. (Cost: 1 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6); Chance to detect early Pilot Candidate)


Dr. Ignatov is appalled at how an institute of higher learning was brought so low. LT Wilde and SFC Henry are appalled at the amount of work there is to do. All three agree they are likely to be eating the lion's share of resources this month.

[] Well there's your problem! – LT Wilde is blunt in his reports. It is not simply a case of fixing the workshops. There is no power, no running water, no internet. He seems more offended at the last part than anything else. This is going to be a longer project than everyone else has; while the mobile power generator will do for now, he simply cannot recommend putting this off. This option will restore the workshops, but he and SFC Henry are getting straight to work on restoring basic services. Dr. Ignatov confirms that there is very little the Engineers can do without basic services. (Mandatory Action: 3 RP; Duration: 2 Turns; Test Roll (2d6); Chance to finish in 1 Turn, Failure will result in 2 Turn Completion; Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs; Unlocks Additional Options)

[] Excavation Now – With all that said, Dr. Ignatov believes there could be additional infrastructure hidden away in the rubble no one's picked up on yet. With LT Wilde heading the repairs, SFC Henry has volunteered to begin further excavation. He just needs a few trucks and free reign on the spare parts pool. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll (2d6); Chance to discover something; Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs)


Sam is pleased to report that the lab facilities are in decent shape. He admits that there also isn't too much his team can do without proper services. But with the mobile power generator the Engineers brought, he can certainly get started with cleaning up the labs and start unpacking and prioritizing what scientific principles to work on.

The scientists have already cleared up the basic labs and are now just working on unpacking the gear they brought. However, the labs available can only afford to focus on either the ESP or the kaiju sample, not both at once. Sam also takes you aside to remind you that at this point, 'we're throwing Science at the wall and seeing what sticks'; don't expect spectacular results just yet. (CHOOSE ONE)

[] Make My Monster Gr-oh, wait – The refrigeration unit is still up and running, and SFC Henry has set aside time and men to manhandle the kaiju sample container into the lab. Preliminary Science can now begin on seeing just what exactly George Sheol did to make giant monsters. (Cost: 1 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6); Chance to discover additional properties; Progress to Kaiju Biology)

[] Let's Think About This – The refrigeration unit will keep. You are intrigued by the possibility of psychically-augmented pilots for a future Super Robot. By starting now, you will unlock a deeper understanding than you already possess on the benign mutations Sam showed you already. (Cost: 1 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6); Chance to discover additional properties; Progress to ESP Theory)

So begins Turn One proper. If you want a primer on the Mechanics, that section on the front page has been updated. Now, you will need to manage resources, time and effort to build a Super Robot. But as John says, you have to set up your foundation first. This is now your base; time to make it viable.

Organize your votes into plans for ease of vote tallying. We are now at that stage where you have many more options to vote on than just the single choices from the Prologue. And from here on out, you have more to think about.

I will check back tomorrow afternoon to see where we're at. If you all are still debating voting, I will push the decision till Monday or so.

Have at it!

Oh, and for those who voted for the Mechanical Engineers? Be happy this is becoming a thing. :p

Turn One Results
"Alright, folks," you say. "Every big project has to start small. Let's get to work."

Housing – One of the first rules of any military camp – Soldiers need a place to rest their heads. And you are responsible for both Soldiers and civilian auxiliaries, so it's best you get lodging and basic services now. You can afford to wait for a month if you think there are other priorities, but tents and cots are going to last only for so long. Besides, she reminds you, actual buildings are going to be easier to defend than a tent city. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Increased Facility Security, Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs)

1235, 25 January A.D. 2070
Renovation Site of Morrison University

You walk along what used to be a rather sizable student dormitory complex. Rows of three-floor buildings, all with rooms that originally were fit to house two students as roommates quite easily. After the combat engineers had done their work, they could still fit two personnel each with all their kit comfortably.

If this was the end of the matter, you would have called this a good month's worth of effort. But that was not the end of it.

"We were also able to restore some of the walls," Captain Sasaki says as she walks to your left. Tapping a few commands on her tablet, she expands an aerial view of the campus grounds. You take the tablet and look down at it; though the grounds are still trashed, all the stone walls that had giant gaps in them were now reinforced to infantry camp standards.

"You even brought back the security gates," you note as you hand it back.

She shrugs. "The previous administration already had campus security posts. We still did not get everything; I chose to prioritize the main hall, the laboratories, and what will be the Engineering Bay. A few of their squadron cars were even still left over. They will not be fit for operation until basic services are restored."

At that moment, you hear a large crash echo from the other side of campus. A small plume of dust is seen spiraling into the air, along with the usual curses of sergeants yelling at someone who probably did something foolish.

"Which...will likely take another month," Sasaki says quietly.

You sigh, but shake your head. "One thing at a time, Sasaki," you say. "Everyone's got a solid roof over their heads. That's a hell of a lot more than we could say when we got here. Good work."

All personnel now housed in former dormitories. Critical areas now are walled off from basic investigation. Progress made in Campus Grounds Repairs.

Security Net – Patrols – Sasaki brought up a good point earlier. Aside from the Research Institute, you are the only Defense Force presence in this area. If you are to make good on the claim that you are here to stay, it's best you start developing patrols early. You should be fine if you do not pursue this for a month, but best not to delay too long on it. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration; 1 Turn; Increased Facility Security, Unlocks Additional Options)

Until the Engineers can actually establish facilities such as a motor pool, your Soldiers are currently forced to make do with what used to be the staff parking lot at the Main Hall. Thankfully, due to Sasaki's efforts the whole area is walled off so your vehicles are mostly secured. Before long, as you make the trek from your dormitory to your office every morning, the yells of Soldiers performing field maintenance on their vehicles and the smell of diesel greets you.

It isn't ideal, you admit. Hell, Sasaki herself isn't exactly happy with the arrangement either; the parking lot isn't exactly a great place to store lots of tools, fuel tanks, or military-grade vehicles. But all the same, you watch in approval as the Soldiers mount up on their trucks and begin making sweeps along the perimeters.

They aren't venturing too far right now. This month is just as much a familiarization run as it is for legitimate security. And as you sit at your desk, you hear the radios echo reports that there was nothing significant to report. Aside from disturbing flocks of birds, the only memorable instance was a bear that peered out at them from the woods. Thankfully, both parties decided to just keep out of each other's way.

If nothing else, until the Engineers are done, you are as secure as you can be.

Basic security sweeps established. All efforts to investigate Defense Force Research Institute grounds uninvited must pass Test roll. New Options Unlocked.

Well there's your problem! – LT Wilde is blunt in his reports. It is not simply a case of fixing the workshops. There is no power, no running water, no internet. He seems more offended at the last part than anything else. This is going to be a longer project than everyone else has; while the mobile power generator will do for now, he simply cannot recommend putting this off. This option will restore the workshops, but he and SFC Henry are getting straight to work on restoring basic services. Dr. Ignatov confirms that there is very little the Engineers can do without basic services. (Mandatory Action: 3 RP; Duration: 2 Turns; Test Roll (2d6); Chance to finish in 1 Turn, Failure will result in 2 Turn Completion; Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs; Unlocks Additional Options)

Roll Result from 2d6: 2, 1
Required 5 or 6
Failure; Action locked for Turn Two

0912, 26 January A.D. 2070
Campus Grounds Works Office, Morrison University

"So, check this out, Sir."

Lieutenant Wilde stands with you in what was the work call center for the university before a kaiju had strolled through it. The office floor was relatively intact. The inner workings? Entirely different story.

"So, the good news: this office is in a good spot. We've got the power substation built in right next to it, and by next month for sure, we can expand this baby into a proper independent power station." Tapping onto a tablet that had been bolted to the wall, he then expands the map of what look to be a pipe layout across the entire campus. "My guys are still digging through the rubble next door, but we can reconnect the water supply from here to the town. It feeds into the District supply, so it shouldn't be too bad."

"Good," you hazard to say. This all sounded all well and good. But... "So what's the hold up?"

"Kaiju footprints," Sergeant Henry says glumly. He establishes an overlay of the pipe system of where the kaiju had literally crushed it. Abruptly, a lot of angry red blurs and pipe alignments horribly out of place was what appeared. The power grid overlay was similarly destroyed. "Those strange marks the Soldiers were seeing? Lot of that was electrical burn marks. We're still clearing out all the leftover stale water in some areas. The medics weren't happy to see those."

"But it will be finished next month?" you press.

"Bet your pay cycle, Sir," Wilde agrees. "Honestly, the worst of it is gone. Just the pipes and the power substation are what we need to fix. We've already gotten a start on the power connections to all the classrooms and the dorms. It's not going to take much after this."

You nod. You're not happy, but you understand just how much work had actually been completed this turn. "Alright," you say. "You'll get what you need next month. But by the next monthly meeting, I want to see options for what we can expand into."

"Too easy, Sir," Henry confirms. "We'd definitely have enough breathing room to fit something in next month."

Action locked. Estimated time of completion: end of Turn Two. Option Unlocked.

Let's Think About This – The refrigeration unit will keep. You are intrigued by the possibility of psychically-augmented pilots for a future Super Robot. By starting now, you will unlock a deeper understanding than you already possess on the benign mutations Sam showed you already. (Cost: 1 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6); Chance to discover additional properties; Progress to ESP Theory)

Roll Result from 1d6: 3
Required 5 or 6
Failure; No new breakthroughs

1744, 31 January A.D. 2070
Carlson Labs, Morrison University

"What is all this?" you ask. What was once a freshman science laboratory classroom is now full to the brim of wires, flickering machines, and discarded tablets. All the while the same group of interns and scientists are running wild, while somehow not destroying something expensive.

"Progress!" Sam barks back as he leads you into the lab. "At least, what we can do right now with what we've got."

Half a month of living in a cot and tent, and a full month of living on processed water and rations has done nothing to curb the energy or enthusiasm of the man. In fact, he seems much more invigorated than you remember him being at Unity Station.

Then you remember that he's in his element. This is something new, something unexplored. And he's taking the first recorded steps.

"So, true fact: we started poking into what exactly makes the human brain use crazy psychic powers," Sam says without preamble. "First assumption we have to make is that it needs the brain mutation that only one percent of the lazy bastards out there decided to grow." Slapping the screen on a tablet, the holographic projector brings up the same brain scan that he showed you before. "Next assumption is that those crazy psychic powers are limited to machines. Because before we had government money to blow on this, that was our only observable result."

"What did you find, Sam?" you ask. "Anything we can use yet?" You can see him bristle a bit, and you hold up your hands in a placating manner. "I know! I know! I'm not expecting a breakthrough yet. I'm obligated to ask, you know that."

"Fair enough." Punching another command, a multitude of brain scans to contrast with it are produced to the side. "Turns out: we have no freaking clue yet. But we did find something interesting." The brain scans of other individuals then are magnified, highlighting certain parts of the brain that are similar to his first example.

"...these are brain scans from people on campus," you realize.

"Yep! I asked for volunteers, and a few brave souls stepped up to the plate for science!" You pause...only to hear no battlecry this time. Sam continues on while you're still confused, "True fact: so far, very few people have the exact same mutation. But a good 70% of the sample group we have? They share some of them. Not all. But they all have certain properties that we've witnessed to have strange powers attached like a string."

"Okay..." You shake off your bemusement. This guy was determined to drive you insane, you feel. " what does that mean?"

"Current hypothesis: the majority of people on God's Green Earth have some psychic potential. I'm guessing if you got a small group of them together if they don't have the full mutation, we could probably cobble something together with the Engineers to reproduce the effect." He shrugs, and the scans disappear. "But until we can really dig into it, I'm just whistling in the dark."

"And you'll need power before you can really make sure," you wince.

"Pretty much."

"So one last question: if we know that those people with the mutation are more likely to have psychic potential...where are they? I thought you would have tested them."

"Tried to. Was turned down by the stuffed shirts on my Platform." Sam looks annoyed at the memory. "No appreciation for higher learning, those idiots. I was only given the scans, no personal identification attached. So the mutation could've either been from an Olympian, a Soldier, or a Old Home citizen pushing 120. Right now, I just have no idea yet."

"Alright." You nod. It's not much, but Sam did warn you it's early days yet. SFC Henry's words echo back to you about hedging on the completion of services next month. "Well, do what you can, Sam. Depending on what Wilde and Henry get done next month, I might have something for you."

No breakthroughs, but Insights gained; Progress to ESP Theory; Progress to Identifying ESP Candidate Potential
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Turn Two: Settling In
1255, 3 February A.D. 2070
Morrison University Main Hall

Well, it's been one month since you took on Brigadier Peters' idea. One month to adjust to the vastly different personalities that made up the unlikely leadership of the Defense Force Research Institute. One month since you realized just how little faith outside of Peters people in the establishment had in your idea that they'd just give you a destroyed university campus.

Thankfully, your people were now properly housed. The eyesore that was the scattered tents were a thing of the past; only a few here and there remained as Soldiers were set out by their sergeants to clean up the last of the equipment. Only the mobile latrines and the truck-mounted generators remained; even the field kitchens had moved into the cafeteria. The place looked just
slightly more livable now. If you ignored the buildings that had literally been stepped on.

But, as you gaze out of your window into the campus grounds, one thing is for certain. Building a Super Robot is certainly a long way off. Physically, you know you are seeing a few functioning buildings, along with earthmoving equipment shoving rubble out of the way so engineers could crawl in and fix what needed it. In your mind's eye, however…a motor pool, a hangar and runway, additional research facilities joined what was already there. There was much more left to do.

As your staff files in, you sit down at the table and wait for them to join you. "How are we doing, everyone?" you ask. It's a formality; you already have a rough idea of everyone's progress. But you've been surprised before. You nod to the Engineers. "Lieutenant?"

"On track, Sir," he says, with some measure of relief tinged into his voice. "Power'll be back online in a week. Going to take another week on top of that for water."

"The good news is, we will have just enough time to get started on a new facility," Henry offers. "Pending your orders."

"But as usual," Dr. Ignatov boomed, "There is much to do, but not so much time or resources to do it, yes?" Activating the holographic projector on your table, a few schematics are presented to you. "All facilities that will aid this Super Robot's development. Which to focus on is up to what you believe will take precedence."

"We've had a good start," Sam says with good cheer. "But anything else you can give us now will save us time later. In the meantime, I've got a few options on the table when it comes to digging deeper into ESP Theory. Your call, chief."

"There is not much else we can do at the moment," Sasaki admits. "We are as well established as can be. But if the engineers can spare some effort, there are areas we can still improve on." She grimaces as she says, "But they admittedly can wait."

"Lay out your options, people," you declare. "We've still got work to do."


Defense Force Actions – Captain Sasaki was honestly not expecting as much investment into security as she received last month. She does have options to pursue, both to improve security as well as to help the Science team.

Otherwise, she has little to report aside from that the assigned units have been happily acclimating to the campus and the local towns.

[] Candidate Screening – ESP – Sam's offer to screen the test pilot pool still stands. In fact, he'd like a wider sample than just the pilot pool; considering new insights, he'd like to screen from as broad a pool as possible. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Will lower One Science Test Requirement to 4-6)

[] Security Net – Local Area Investigation – Your domain in the university is now well protected against anyone who might stick their nose in. The only question now: who would those people be? You currently have no idea if there's even anyone out there. Sasaki recommends, for peace of mind if nothing else, to send out your patrols to get a better feel for the area. This is relatively low priority at the moment. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 2 Turns; Gain information on local area)

[] Information Gathering – Threats – The Research Institute is in a good spot right now. Rather than focus on internal security, which is as good as it will get for the moment, Sasaki wants to send out agents to observe the threats available. While you are far from being combat effective, Sasaki points out it's better to at least be in the know. (Cost: 1 RP; Duration: 2 Turns; Gain information on Significant Threats)

[] Information Gathering – "The Distinguished Competition" – Additionally, Sasaki notes it would be prudent to send observers to gather some information on the existing Super Robot teams. If nothing else, they can see what works (at least from a distance) for the other teams, and what doesn't. As with observing the Threats, better to stay in the know. (Cost: 1 RP; Duration: 2 Turns; Gain information on Super Robot teams)

Engineering – The Engineers are absolutely determined. Basic services will be restored this month. And to make up for lost time, they are going to make sure something of use to the Super Robot Project is going to be built. They only await your word.

[] Well there's your problem! – LT Wilde reports that services will be restored this month. He closed out on this report with, "Finally bringing civilization to higher learning!" Ignatov and Carlson were not amused. Regardless, this will also restore a very basic workshop for the Engineers to pursue independent projects. (Mandatory Action: 1 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs; Unlocks Additional Options)

[] Excavation Now –Dr. Ignatov is still intrigued by the idea of additional infrastructure tucked away in the rubble. SFC Henry still confirms he can detail some engineers to clear it away if he receives the resources to do so. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll (2d6); Chance to discover something; Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs)

New Construction Options! – Making good on his word, LT Wilde reports that the Engineers have collectively come up with the plans for a new facility. Emphasis will be on restoring destroyed or broken-down facilities to fulfill their original purposes. The only question remains: which one do you want first?

[] ESP Testing Facility – SFC Henry admits that he has no idea on what Sam is actually asking him to build. All he knows is that with it online, tackling all future ESP Theory tests is going to be much more simple and straightforward. Somehow. You'd have to ask Sam on the details if you're brave enough. (Cost: 2 RP (existing basic lab); Duration: 1 Turn (inspired); Facility Constructed by end of Turn, Unlocks ESP Theory Actions)

[] Biology Lab – Sam is focused on developing the basics on ESP Theory, but that doesn't mean the kaiju sample should remain neglected. Investing in the restoration of the biology labs on campus will finally allow you to put the sample in a safer area and begin unlocking its secrets. (Cost: 3 RP; Duration: 1 Turn (inspired); Facility Constructed by end of Turn, Unlocks Kaiju Biology Actions)

[] Motor Pool – This is admittedly a personal project for LT Wilde and SFC Henry. While this would also help the security forces by giving them a dedicated Motor Pool for maintenance and whatnot, this would
also let them pursue their variable configurations project. You are probably going to lose a few vehicles doing this, but at least they were up front about it. (Cost: 3 RP; Duration: 1 Turn (inspired); Constructed by end of Turn, Unlocks Variable Configuration Actions, Contributes to Security Net)

[] Server Banks – This is a request from Dr. Ignatov. If he is to begin constructing a Super Computer system for your Super Robots, or even scaled down versions for wider EUDF use, he's going to need to start somewhere. (Cost: 3 RP; Duration: 1 Turn (inspired); Constructed by end of Turn, Unlocks Super Computer Actions)

Science – Though Sam has not made any breakthroughs yet, he feels he's in a good position to push forward. He admits he's had a head start compared to everyone else, but any help you can give him will get the team that much closer to putting theory into practice. As you directed him to focus on ESP Theory last month, that is still where his focus remains, at least until new facilities are made available.

[] How Do I Shot Web? – Sam's current theory is that those with psychic potential – whenever he can detect them reliably, anyway – do not just "get to jump around like a Jedi. And ignore Jack; he just moved on to Revelations, and it's his fault for poking at the power port with a pen." He theorizes that psychic powers need some sort of outside focus, and machines and computers just happened to be a valid focus – once. He wants resources to test how valid this is. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 2 Turns; Requires constant investment of 2 RP per turn; Progress to ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions)

[] Hello? Is It Me You're Looking For? – On the other hand, Sam was quite upfront last month when he said it was difficult enough finding out who actually
has psychic potential. He knows that variations of the benign mutation all have the potential, but outside of calling for volunteers to be scanned, he doesn't have much data. With enough volunteers, Sam thinks he can overcome this issue. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll (1d6); Chance to discover additional properties; Chance to Discover Pilot Candidate(s); Progress to ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions)
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Turn Two Results
Turns out, today was a bit quieter than I expected.

Have an early update. Enjoy.

Your domain in the university is now well protected against anyone who might stick their nose in. The only question now: who would those people be? You currently have no idea if there's even anyone out there. Sasaki recommends, for peace of mind if nothing else, to send out your patrols to get a better feel for the area. This is relatively low priority at the moment. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 2 Turns; Gain information on local area)

6 February, A.D. 2070
Morrison University, Commandant's Office

You double check the assignment orders that Captain Sasaki sent you one last time. If anything in a life of Logistics has taught you, it was to be absolutely sure about your wording. More than once you've had your day ruined by improper words or ill-defined parameters on orders you didn't catch in time.

Issuing orders is the easiest thing in the world. Correcting errors before they're published is even more so. Amending orders once they were out in the wild? You were frankly better off fighting a kaiju with a rusty spoon.

But as you glance over it, you nod in satisfaction. Captain Sasaki was very meticulous about this project. The orders were very specifically an adjustment of the patrols that were already out there, and to extend to the edges of the local townships. Officially, they were just there to 'wave the flag' so to speak and get the local population used to having a military base spring up in their area in the last month.

Unofficially…you read between the lines, and you see the ambiguous wording that in any other order you would have stabbed to death with red ink. Many of the patrol officers were given additional tasks to engage with the town leaderships and get a feel for anything out of place. They were highly unlikely to open up to your forces now, but given time and familiarity, trust would follow.

For all you know, there might actually be Westphalians out here.

One step at a time, though. With a flourish, you sign over your title block and then stamp over it, double verifying your authority on the orders.

With luck, you and Sasaki are just being paranoid.

Patrols now widening patterns to visit local towns. Due to complete by end of Turn 4.

LT Wilde reports that services will be restored this month. He closed out on this report with, "Finally bringing civilization to higher learning!" Ignatov and Carlson were not amused. Regardless, this will also restore a very basic workshop for the Engineers to pursue independent projects.

(Mandatory Action: 1 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs; Unlocks Additional Options)

10 February, A.D. 2070
Morrison University Power Station

You are practically rendered deafened and blind the moment you enter the power substation. You feel, more than hear the roaring buzz of the power station's inner workings. You blink away the spots developing in your peripheral vision as the fluorescent lights inside the substation spring to life, and unlike the usual flickering on the mobile generator, they stay cheerfully bright.

"Let…there…be light!" a distorted voice says from the side. Looking over, you see Lieutenant Wilde with some strange microphone attached to a power conduit – holding it all the while with red rubber gloves, you notice – that distorts his voice. All the while having a child-like look of glee on his face as he cackles through the distorter, arcs of electricity flaring behind him as the machines produce live-giving power to the facility. "AHHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

To his side, to your utter lack of surprise, is SFC Henry. With a hand and his beret covering his face in embarrassment.

You honestly can't blame his reaction.

"Good job, both of you," you manage to say with a straight face. "I take it you'll be able to get started next month on proper projects?"

"To a point," Henry sighs as he puts on the beret again. "Me, the crazy man over there, and Dr. Ignatov can get started on small-scale versions of our projects for you next month. We have power now, so it won't be a problem. It just won't be as effective."

"Dedicated facilities, I know," you nod. "Just…when the lieutenant stops having delusions of grandeur and godhood, let him know I need options from you for next month."


"That may be awhile, Sir."

Fair enough.

All basic services restored to Campus Grounds! Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs! New Engineering Actions Unlocked! And Lieutenant Wilde's delusions of grandeur and godhood will dissipate by beginning of Turn 3!

Dr. Ignatov is still intrigued by the idea of additional infrastructure tucked away in the rubble. SFC Henry still confirms he can detail some engineers to clear it away if he receives the resources to do so. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll (2d6); Chance to discover something; Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs)

Test Roll: 2d6
Results: 1, 3
Required: 5-6
Failure; No Immediate Benefit, But…

0713, 15 February, A.D. 2070
Engineering Hall…Basement?


Now, more than ever, you are thankful for the life-giving ambrosia known as coffee. Now that proper running water was flowing through the campus, proper coffee supplied from the nearby towns – Gasparton, you think – could be brewed on campus easily.

It helps to keep you sane. Especially when strange discoveries are brought to your attention this early in the morning. Such as a giant sinkhole in the far corner of the Engineering Bay. With a concrete staircase.

Dr. Ignatov nods. He, too, is nursing a hot drink in a disposable cup. Tea in his case. "It was brought to my attention this morning," he says through bleary eyes. "Well. Earlier this morning." Sipping at his drink, he gestures for you to follow him, his spare hand grabbing hold of a hardhat. Likewise, you don one yourself; no need to take yourself out of action by falling bits of rock and concrete.

"The engineers decided to get an early start today, and were clearing out the rest of the workshop for our use," Ignatov says. His voice takes on an echoing tone as you both descend down the steps. Hastily assembled floodlights hang along what looks to be a drab concrete hallway like decorations. "The plans claimed there were additional water pipelines along here as well, so Sergeant Henry desired to connect them to the main network. About an hour ago, one of the power drills made contact with something. Right when the Soldier reported it, the entire corner of the workshop…well." He gestures to the gaping hole above both of your heads. "As you can see."

"Was he injured?" you ask.

"Compound fracture to the leg and a minor concussion; he will recover," Ignatov says with a shrug. "Especially now that medical has proper water and power to draw from." He raises his voice to a higher volume. "And especially now that everyone knows to wear proper safety equipment, yes?"

The Soldiers accompanying you, all wearing proper gear, stoically only look slightly sheepish.

"So what's down here?" you ask. The hallway abruptly ends in a pile of collapsed debris. "You don't just make underground bunkers for no reason." You pause. "…no, Sam doesn't count."

"I was about to say," Ignatov says in a dry tone.

"Was this anywhere on the university plans?"

"Interestingly: no." Withdrawing a palm-sized tablet, Ignatov shows you a three-dimensional blueprint overlay of the campus grounds, along with your approximate location. By all accounts, you should be standing uncomfortably in the middle of a sewage pipeline. "And these are plans that retain their approval timestamp from pre-Unification, along with periodic updates that were approved by the District government." He looks directly at you with an intrigued expression. "My friend, aside from the original owner of this complex…we may be the only souls who know this exists."

You nod. Hiding rooms or facilities from officially approved blueprints was a shady business. That was common enough pre-Unification as far as you can tell, but to stay so off known blueprints for so long? "You can't tell if anything inside was damaged?" you ask.

"No. Without purposely digging through, there is no way to know," he replies. "I imagine, however, you would like to investigate at some point."

That's putting it lightly.

No immediate benefit, but you discovered something…unusual. Action Unlocked.

SFC Henry admits that he has no idea on what Sam is actually asking him to build. All he knows is that with it online, tackling all future ESP Theory tests is going to be much more simple and straightforward. Somehow. You'd have to ask Sam on the details if you're brave enough. (Cost: 2 RP (existing basic lab); Duration: 1 Turn (inspired); Facility Constructed by end of Turn, Unlocks ESP Theory Actions)

Casual Science – Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6)
Rolled: 4
Required: 5, 6
Near-Failure, no new breakthrough, minor progress in ESP Theory

25 February, A.D. 2070
Carlson Laboratories, ESP Branch, "Grand Opening"

"I love it!"

SFC Henry just gives you a resigned look as Sam and his team just gush over the upgraded lab. The place is still an utter mess by any definition of the word; the same haphazard layout of wires and tools strewn all about the lab remains.

But the laboratory complex is now just humming with power. Additional computer stations are placed at intervals beside holographic whiteboard interfaces. Flat screen monitors adorn the walls, all displaying data that really makes no sense to you.

Above all, though, are the medical stations that share none of the claustrophobic nature of the rest of the lab. Medical cots sit next to pharmaceutical cabinets, which are in a shockingly neat order. Adjacent to those is a larger room, which looks to be part interview review, part gymnasium in miniature.

"And…this is?" you ask Henry as you approach what looks like a reclining seat with strange apparatuses and restraining belts.

"I…have no clue, Sir," Henry admits. "He asked for things I could get easily enough…I've just never seen them put together like this."

"Discovery is what it is, gentlemen!" In a rush of wind and dust, Sam appears instantly between the two of you, arms wrapped around both your shoulders. "Thanks to the Engineers here, we now have a proper lab facility! Kaiju sample's gonna take the backburner for a little bit, but now we can make some real progress on ESP Theory! Hell, we just made a little bit today!"

"That fast?" you ask quizzically. Peripherally, you notice Henry as he shrugs off Sam's arm and quickly distances himself.

"Nothing concrete, but we sure as hell found something!" Zooming over to the chair, he points out to what looks like an old-fashioned virtual reality helmet. "So! True fact: we've found out that the human brain can sometimes broadcast signals." He taps the helmet with a gleeful expression. "No idea what it means yet. But it's definitely a pulse of something that some of our systems picked up. That means we can start calibrating the machines until we pick up on those signals!"

"That's…" You blink. You actually understood all that. "That's excellent news. Can you get started next month?"

"Without a doubt," Sam agrees. "I know we've been busy just getting set up – hell, that's what me and the lab rats will be doing until March – but we'll nail down what makes ESP tick."

Well. Even without dedicated resources to research, that's excellent news.

ESP Testing Facilities constructed! All ESP Action rolls now roll at regular Tests (2d6)! ESP Actions Unlocked!


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Turn Three: Crunch Time
0900, 5 March A.D. 2070
Morri-Defense Force Research Institute, Commandant's Office

"Alright, people." Everyone part of leadership is gathered around you at the table. You lean forward, both hands clasped against each other as you lean your head against them. "We've had a bumpy two months getting started. Let me just start this month's meeting by saying we've done a great job so far. We took a cratered and condemned university, and it's now up and running as our own headquarters. We're ready to do business."

The hustle and bustle echoing outside emphasizes your point. Gone are all the signs that this place even resembled a campground site. More and more of the debris had been cleared. Soldiers mounted on trucks were filing out in column towards Gasparton and the other towns, their officers carrying out their orders to conduct their patrols. Scientists and Engineers were swapping notes with each other in the courtyard over cups of coffee, going over future plans for the project.

"But as it stands? We were already behind when we got started. Not our fault; no one exactly saw Mercury V or Valiant coming at all. But we need to start producing results. Something tangible that we can show that resources aren't just being thrown down the drain when they come our way." You give Sasaki a meaningful glance, something that to her credit she doesn't cringe at. "Though we've also got ourselves as secure as we're going to be unless we find something that says otherwise."

Shifting your glance to the Engineers, you say, "We've got our facilities up and running, and I understand we're ready to begin making some proofs of concept." When they nod, you shift gazes back to Sam. "And now we've got a greater understanding of the theory behind psychic abilities and are ready for mass tests."

"'s long as I get the manpower," he agrees.

"Not to knock you off your train of thought, Sir," Lieutenant Wilde chimes in. "But what's making you go on the warpath like this?"

"Brigadier General Peters wants a progress report," you say bluntly. "And she's coming here in person."

The office echoes with the groans of realizing inevitable doom is approaching.

Thankfully, she'd already given you the heads-up that this isn't a graded visit or anything of the sort (Which was good; you still have nightmares of 'administrative readiness reviews' from your days as a lieutenant). But they didn't know that, and perhaps this would serve to galvanize them to really start going nuts with their efforts. Speaking of which...

You slap a hand onto the table to cut that off. "Under any other circumstance, the fact that this campus is now mission capable from where we started would result in a Medal of Merit. But we're being held to higher expectations than other circumstances." You take a moment to make eye contact with each adviser. "I know resources haven't gotten to everyone up to now. And as soon as we've got the resources and the time, you'll get what you need, I promise you. But now's the time to start trying to put theory to practice, and really see what works and what doesn't.

"You all came bringing options. Lay them on the table and let's get to work."


Defense Force Actions
Captain Sasaki is busy this month still managing the junior officers and their tasks, but unless the reports claim that this was the home of some strange conspiracy, nothing short of a dedicated push from a Separatist cell is going to break through your defenses. Even if they abruptly appeared, she'd be willing to put money on them losing (not that she said that in such a manner).

Still, right now there's enough spare manpower to go around that she could probably spare help for the other teams. As the Defense Force really benefited from the first two months' resources, it's only fair they give back a little bit.

NOTE: Security Net – Local Area Investigation – ACTION LOCKED UNTIL END OF TURN 4

[] Candidate Screening – ESP – Now that the ESP facility is fully running, Sam is practically chomping at the bit to really start discovering those on campus with the potential. Captain Sasaki already has a few names on a short list to contribute, and not just from the pilot cadres; he's no longer picky about that requirement. With Sam's better understanding of ESP Theory, these pilots will be able to help with all possible tests!
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Will add 1d6 to ESP Actions
Unlocks Action

[] A Helping Hand – Motor Pool – The duo of Wilde and Henry have been suggesting you start building a proper Motor Pool for some time. Captain Sasaki is comfortable enough with the state of the walls right now that she can lend more of the engineers tasked with fortification duty to help build the Motor Pool faster; it would greatly help her own patrols too. She would also be willing to lend some pilots to help 'stress test' their designs.
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Reduces Duration of 'Engineer Action: Motor Pool' by 1 Turn, increases Bonus Research dice to 2d6
Unlocks Action

[] A Helping Hand – Server Bank – Dr. Ignatov has renewed his request for dedicated computer equipment to begin experimentation. Captain Sasaki believes she can divert her communications personnel to start helping Dr. Ignatov's project if the Commandant commits to it. Not only does it get finished faster, she has a few ideas of how to incorporate it into helping campus security too.
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Reduces Duration of 'Engineer Action: Server Bank' by 1 Turn, increases Bonus Research dice to 2d6
Unlocks Action

[] Information Gathering – Threats – The Research Institute is in a good spot right now. Rather than focus on internal security, which is as good as it will get for the moment, Sasaki wants to send out agents to observe the threats available. While you are far from being combat effective, Sasaki points out it's better to at least be in the know.
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 2 Turns
Gain information on Significant Threats

[] Information Gathering – "The Distinguished Competition" – Additionally, Sasaki notes it would be prudent to send observers to gather some information on the existing Super Robot teams. If nothing else, they can see what works (at least from a distance) for the other teams, and what doesn't. As with observing the Threats, better to stay in the know.
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 2 Turns
Gain information on Super Robot teams

Engineering Actions
A lot happened in the past month. Basic services are up and running, but the newly opened Engineering Bay now has a giant sinkhole that leads to some underground complex. You've got that to investigate, along with new facilities to build and projects to pursue. The Engineers are ready to tackle them, they just need to know what their priorities need to be.

That said, since the Engineers are being ordered to 'go nuts' with their passion projects, it's highly likely that Brigadier Peters is going to see…something.

Certain Engineer Actions benefit from 'Inspired' this turn only! Read each Action to see effect.

[] Raiders of the Lost Bunker – It is more than a little concerning that there's an underground complex of some kind beneath your feet, and that it's never been noticed for at least forty years. Though it is not his field, Dr. Ignatov is volunteering to take a team and investigate; his curiosity is now burning like a candle fuse.
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Standard Test Roll (2d6, Inspired: Threshold reduced to 3-6)
Unlocks Action

[] Engineering – Motor Pool – This is admittedly a personal project for LT Wilde and SFC Henry. While this would also help the security forces by giving them a dedicated Motor Pool for maintenance and whatnot, this would also let them pursue their variable configurations project. You are probably going to lose a few vehicles doing this, but at least they were up front about it.
Cost: 2 RP (Inspired, Price Reduced from 3 RP)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Bonus Research via Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Inspired: Threshold at 4-6)
Unlocks Variable Configuration Actions, Contributes to Security Net

[] Engineering – Server Banks – This is a request from Dr. Ignatov. If he is to begin constructing a Super Computer system for your Super Robots, or even scaled down versions for wider EUDF use, he's going to need to start somewhere.
Cost: 2 RP (Inspired, Price Reduced from 3 RP)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Bonus Research via Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Inspired: Threshold at 4-6)
Unlocks Super Computer Actions, Contributes Bonus to Actions

[] Science – Biology Lab – Sam is focused on developing the basics on ESP Theory, but that doesn't mean the kaiju sample should remain neglected. Investing in the restoration of the biology labs on campus will finally allow you to put the sample in a safer area and begin unlocking its secrets. That said, this is a section of science that is yet unexplored, leaving Sam a little wary of plunging in headfirst. He claims he wants at least 'diving protective gear' before he does.
Cost: 3 RP
Duration: 3 Turns
No Bonus (Unfamiliar Territory)
Unlocks Kaiju Biology Actions

[] Variable Configuration Concept – The basic workshop still allows for 'small scale' tests even if they're waiting on the bigger facilities to build. There are a bunch of campus security cars lying around that Sasaki has no use for. No one is going to mind if a few are offered up to Wilde and Henry as sacrificial offerings for the sake of experimentation. The first step: can they give a car foldable legs on demand?
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough: Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Inspired: Threshold at 4-6)
Progress in Variable Configuration Tests; Unlocks Actions

[] Super Computer Concept – Auxiliary Systems – The basic workshop allows Dr. Ignatov to start on creating a Super Computer for the base. It will not be revolutionary in design, but he needs to start from somewhere. He can always build on it or build another one to work in tandem with it later.
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough: Roll at Disadvantage (1d6 Inspired: Threshold at 4-6)
Progress in Super Computer Tests; Unlocks Actions

Science Actions
Sam is now confident that he can start making some breakthroughs in ESP Theory. He has the facilities, he has the staff, and he and his team are well rested; now all he needs is time, resources, and maybe a helping hand from the Defense Force part of the team.

Tasks 'Broadcasting Live' and 'Where in the World?' Science Actions gain mutually exclusive "Well Rested" Bonus; Lowers threshold of One applicable Science Action success to 3-6. Must be used this turn! Any additional Science Actions taken beyond applied bonus must meet regular 5-6 threshold.
[] Broadcasting Live – Sam's current theory is that those with psychic potential – whenever he can detect them reliably, anyway – do not just "get to jump around like a Jedi. I have no idea where Jack even is; did you all forget to tether him to a string?" His new theory, with his latest understanding of ESP, is that even the most average human brain sometimes emits a signal of some kind that some machines react to. He believes this is the angle in which his team is finally going to capitalize on answering a fundamental question: how psychic powers can help us specifically.
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 3 Turns
ESP Theory
Chance for Breakthrough: Test Roll (2d6)
May Apply Well Rested, Threshold Reduced to 3-6 (Bonus mutually exclusive with Where in the World?)
Progress to ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions

[] Where in the World? – Sam has a much better idea of what and who he is looking for in candidates. Subjecting as many people to his screening tests as possible is going to give an even greater understanding of who can tap into their psychic potential. At least once he figures out how to build the machines to let them do that. Small steps!
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
ESP Theory
Chance for Breakthrough: Test Roll (2d6)
May Apply Well Rested, Threshold Reduced to 3-6 (Bonus mutually exclusive with Broadcasting Live)
Chance to Discover Pilot Candidate(s)
Progress to ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions

[] Should we…start on that thing? – The Kaiju sample has been sitting there for months, looking all menacing and quite thoroughly frozen at the staff the whole time. Resources have higher priority elsewhere, but we can at least start compiling notes on it.
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 RP
Biotech Theory
Chance for Breakthrough: Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Unfamiliar Territory)
Progress to Biotech Theory, Unlocks Actions

So I will end this update on this note: this may seem a bit generous. It probably is; after reviewing what I had originally planned, this was threatening to go a lot slower than I'd intended. And that's really not so fun for you or me. I want to get to the nifty parts as much as you do!

That said, there are a lot of areas to boost your chances for a major breakthrough in a field somewhere. If the rolls begin to turn against you again later on, so be it. But at least by then you'll have a better foundation on which to try again.

I've heard as a possible alternate dice throwing system from you guys. If anyone else has an alternate system they'd like me to use instead of SV's, sound off! Any suggestions you have in general, I'm also willing to hear.

As always, I'll leave tallying until I see votes peter off. Have at it.
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Turn Three Results
Candidate Screening – ESP – Now that the ESP facility is fully running, Sam is practically chomping at the bit to really start discovering those on campus with the potential. Captain Sasaki already has a few names on a short list to contribute, and not just from the pilot cadres; he's no longer picky about that requirement. With Sam's better understanding of ESP Theory, these pilots will be able to help with all possible tests!
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Will add 1d6 to ESP Actions
Unlocks Action
7 March, A.D. 2070
Defense Force Barracks, Captain Sasaki's Office


"Are the assignments not to your liking?" Sasaki asks besides you, a questioning tone riding behind her query.

"It's not that," you say carefully. It's a strange balancing act you have to play with Sasaki. She's technically your subordinate, but you know damn well that she's feeding reports of your organization to the more conservative elements of the EUDF. You wouldn't be surprised if her old bosses in the JSDF weren't also keyed in on them too, but you have no way to confirm this.

You're pretty sure you've thrown her off her game by investing so heavily in her initial projects. But your little speech a few days ago was not just theater. As much as you have to prove to Peters that you're doing something productive, it's also a message to Sasaki's bosses as well. Given enough failure, you're fairly certain they would try to muscle in on your territory.

Good lord, you hate office politics.

"But did Sam really ask for...all of this?" you ask. Looking at the names displayed by the holo-projector, you gesture towards the scrolling list of names. "I get the pilots. The military police, sure. But the adjutants? The clerks? The cooks?"

Sasaki just gives you a pointed stare. She then points to the name of the requester.

'Sam Carlson.'

You sigh. "Point taken." Shrugging, you add with a bit of levity, "Who knows? Maybe he'll find someone in that batch."

"I somehow doubt that, Sir," Sasaki replies in a neutral tone.

"Okay, fine, don't go jumping for joy or anything…"

Result: Sasaki provides a vast variety of personnel for Sam's tests...including the unlikely ones. Adds +1d6 to ESP Rolls this Turn

A Helping Hand – Motor Pool – The duo of Wilde and Henry have been suggesting you start building a proper Motor Pool for some time. Captain Sasaki is comfortable enough with the state of the walls right now that she can lend more of the engineers tasked with fortification duty to help build the Motor Pool faster; it would greatly help her own patrols too. She would also be willing to lend some pilots to help 'stress test' their designs.
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Reduces Duration of 'Engineer Action: Motor Pool' by 1 Turn, increases Bonus Research dice to 2d6
Unlocks Action
"I have also tasked the combat engineers to assist Lieutenant Wilde," she says. "Though I admit I am a little concerned."

"About what?" you ask. Shifting the rosters on the projector to the side, you bring up the proposed schematics for the motor pool. "He seems enthusiastic enough about it." Really, the only thing that were decidedly non-regulation were the 40-ton crane controls that he'd grafted into the corners.

In fact, the more you look at the schematics, the more you really come to appreciate the sheer simplicity in the layout. SFC Henry had suggested taking over one of the older bookstore warehouses, which had enough space to drive in, and more than enough space to neatly store ground fleet vehicles of most types and their kit. After that, the two Engineers had simply gone to town outfitting their dream workshop. Space was admittedly a little cramped going in and out, but you were supposed to be going slowly in and out of a motor pool anyway.

"It is the enthusiasm I am somewhat worried about," she says in a guarded tone. "How many trucks are we going to lose when they start running out of squad cars from campus security?"

"Somehow I'm not worried," you say with full confidence. It was interesting that while Sasaki was confident in most things, the strange and the experimental were areas she was decidedly uncomfortable with. You don't have that problem, it seems. "Who knows? They'll have to invent a whole new stock number sequence for whatever comes out of that workshop."

Result: Reduces Duration of Motor Pool by 1 Turn, increases Bonus Research dice to 2d6. Actually 3d6 total due to absent-minded QM. Fear your extra bonus.

Your domain in the university is now well protected against anyone who might stick their nose in. The only question now: who would those people be? You currently have no idea if there's even anyone out there. Sasaki recommends, for peace of mind if nothing else, to send out your patrols to get a better feel for the area. This is relatively low priority at the moment.
Security Net - Local Area Investigation

After two months of having off-duty Defense Force Soldiers streaming into the towns, the locals have had plenty of time to acclimate to the idea that a more permanent EUDF presence was in town. As a result, engaging with the local leaders wasn't the biggest stretch for your officers.

Until you even came by, Gasparton and the surrounding areas were really quiet. As rural folk are want to do, the leaders were more than happy enough to chat the ears off of your officers, particularly with local history. Thankfully sparing you and Sasaki every little bit of local gossip and drama, the most exciting thing that's really happened to them was the original Day of Starfall all the way back in 2038. One of the falling shuttles that the terrorists had hijacked way back in the day had crashed some way north of them - an area that was several map grid squares away from you - and caused quite a fright.

That, and the kaiju that stepped through town awhile years ago. That sure was something.

Otherwise, your officers haven't really picked up on any overt threat. Aside from the outlying kaiju from before your arrival, there certainly haven't been any Kausen sightings. And at this point, you are not ruling out some Westphalian cell hiding around here.

Your officers should have a complete report by the end of next month.


Engineering – Motor Pool – This is admittedly a personal project for LT Wilde and SFC Henry. While this would also help the security forces by giving them a dedicated Motor Pool for maintenance and whatnot, this would also let them pursue their variable configurations project. You are probably going to lose a few vehicles doing this, but at least they were up front about it.
Cost: 2 RP (Inspired, Price Reduced from 3 RP)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Bonus Research via Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Inspired: Threshold at 4-6) (Actually 3d6 total due to absent-minded QM. Fear your extra bonus.)
Unlocks Variable Configuration Actions, Contributes to Security Net

Variable Configuration Concept – The basic workshop still allows for 'small scale' tests even if they're waiting on the bigger facilities to build. There are a bunch of campus security cars lying around that Sasaki has no use for. No one is going to mind if a few are offered up to Wilde and Henry as sacrificial offerings for the sake of experimentation. The first step: can they give a car foldable legs on demand?
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough: Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Inspired: Threshold at 4-6)
Progress in Variable Configuration Tests; Unlocks Actions

23 March, A.D. 2070
Defense Force Research Institute Motor Pool

"The digging expedition is actually going quite well, Major," Dr. Ignatov assures you. You and he are walking past the cleaned up Engineering Bay. Though a few computer banks have been set up here and there, it's clear that Ignatov's focus is on whatever is downstairs.

You don't blame him. You want to know too.

"But that isn't why you brought me here today, is it?" you ask. You nod at the security patrol setting out from the motor pool; thanks to it going online, they were able to range further out than before. And they weren't hogging up the parking lot anymore, which was a plus.

"Well…" Ignatov looks a bit...bemused? Perplexed? Confused? All of the above. "I thought it best that you come see for yourself. I believe your inventors have done something...drastic."

"Good," you say. He now looks at you bemused. "I need to see something different. And I sure wouldn't mind-"

You don't get to say what you wouldn't mind, as the words lie stillborn in your throat.

The motor pool was for the most part immaculate, but one corner of it was absolutely trashed. Scrap parts, tires and steel frames liberally adorned the floor without a care for cleanliness. Most, you note idly, but not all of the wreckage belonged to the old campus security cars.

And you can still hear and smell the sounds of someone wrapping up a welding session.

"Sir!" You look in one of the bays tucked to the side to see a smiling Lieutenant Wilde waving at you, welding mask lifted above his head. "We got it!"

"Great," you manage to say. You and Ignatov share a look before turning your attention back to him. "Got what, exactly?"

Rather than just tell you, Wilde turns around and shouts to someone, "Start it up!"

For a moment, there is nothing but silence. You feel, more than hear, the roar of a powerful engine as the small bay is brightly lit up by a pair of headlights. "Sir! Doc! I present to you…" With a flourish and a bow, he then steps to the side as an automobile rolls out into the motor pool grounds. "CRX-01A!"

You...can't even yell at him for just making a fancier car. It's a monstrous looking thing, cannibalizing all of the previous campus security cars and at least a handful of the official EUDF trucks. You recognize the smooth angles of the civilian model, but they then horribly clash with the rough and jagged edges of a proper military model. All the while, the engine continues to roar even while idling, like a jungle cat debating whether or not to try their chances with you for lunch.

How many engines did they weld together? And how the hell is it working!?

"Henry!" Wilde shouts from the side. "Hit the switch!" From inside, you can barely make out the form of SFC Henry. And for once, he has just as goofy a smile as his lieutenant does as he pushes a button inside. With a start, the car shudders, then slowly begins to rise off the ground.

You and Ignatov scramble to back away as the rear half of the car slowly begins to elevate to a vertical standing position. All the while, the driver's compartment continues to remain horizontal to the ground, even as big chunks of the sides slowly separate, then slide forward and come to a resting position along the now 'legs' of the machine.

The transition is not smooth. It shudders, jerks, and shakes every step of the way, as if the machine was fighting the transformation.

But by God, it actually worked.

"What do you think, Sir?"
Henry's voice calls out from a loudspeaker inside the 'car.' The arms shakily give a wave; there are even manipulator claws in the rough formation of a hand! "Think this is different enough for the General?"

You share another, more incredulous glance with Ignatov. "...yes," you manage to say. "I think you're on the right track."

"Great!" Henry says. "I'm going to go on a lap around campus with this thing now." Before you can even think about ordering him to stop, the CRX begins taking slow, laborious steps towards the motor pool door, all the while still shaking with each step.

You barely even see Lieutenant Wilde chasing after him with a camera, the biggest grin now plastered onto his face.

Result: Unlocks Variable Configuration Actions
Breakthrough in Variable Configuration!
Progress in Security Net
There are now videos of SFC Henry driving a running car. No one was injured.

Raiders of the Lost Bunker – It is more than a little concerning that there's an underground complex of some kind beneath your feet, and that it's never been noticed for at least forty years. Though it is not his field, Dr. Ignatov is volunteering to take a team and investigate; his curiosity is now burning like a candle fuse.
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Standard Test Roll (2d6, Inspired: Threshold reduced to 3-6)
Unlocks Action

26 March, A.D. 2070
Underground Complex???

What. The. Hell.

Results: To be Concluded in Interlude

Broadcasting Live – Sam's current theory is that those with psychic potential – whenever he can detect them reliably, anyway – do not just "get to jump around like a Jedi. I have no idea where Jack even is; did you all forget to tether him to a string?" His new theory, with his latest understanding of ESP, is that even the most average human brain sometimes emits a signal of some kind that some machines react to. He believes this is the angle in which his team is finally going to capitalize on answering a fundamental question: how psychic powers can help us specifically.
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 3 Turns
ESP Theory
Chance for Breakthrough: Test Roll (2d6)
May Apply Well Rested, Threshold Reduced to 3-6 (Bonus mutually exclusive with Where in the World?)
Progress to ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions

14 March, A.D. 2070
Carlson Laboratories, ESP Branch

"Welcome, test subjects, to Carlson Laboratories!"

All the candidates provided by Captain Sasaki look dumbly back up at Sam as he holds the microphone, a giant grin plastered on his face.

"Soldiers. Beat cops. Cooks. You're all here, because you might have crazy powers, and we want in on it! Now! You've all gotten to know each other on the walk on over, so allow me to introduce myself!" Walking closer to the edge of the dais he commandeered, he announces, "I'm Sam Carlson! I run the Science here."

"SCIENCE!" the surrounding scientists roar.

"An assistant researcher will be with you in a moment. You'll all be provided machines to start conducting tests with. But before you do, a word from your sponsor." With that, he hands the microphone to you.

As one, every candidate in the room stands to attention. Even the non military auxiliaries stiffen their spines a little bit. "At ease," you announce.

"As Sam mentioned, there's the possibility that anyone in this room has abilities that we don't understand yet," you say. Making brief eye contact with as much of the room as possible, you continue. "We really do not understand how this works, how it affects you, or anyone around you. But know this. This may not make sense to you all now, but by helping us, you are helping this project in ways you can't possibly know."

In the back corner of the room, you spy Sasaki observing the proceedings, one tablet clung to her chest as she seems to be studying you. Deciding to roll with this, you say, "I know lots of you have your doubts about the project. Making a weapon that can rival Mercury V? Something that will finally hurt the kaiju, the kausen, the separatist? Seems too good to be true!" You smile. "Sometimes, I think that way too. And I know for sure there's a lot of people out in the EUDF who think we're all crazy for even trying this.

"But you all volunteered for this job. Maybe not for this post, but you all volunteered to help Sam with his research. Research that could, just maybe, hold a secret we need to help keep the dream of the Union alive long enough so our children will remember what we did for them. And if these tests pan out? We just might call on you to perform another great service to the Union and all she stands for. So from the bottom of my heart…"

You lower the microphone. You don't need it for the next words.

"...thank you." You hand the mic back to Sam. "All yours. Take it away, and let's get some results."

"Thank you, John," he says with a grin. "Alright. Let's do some SCIENCE!"


Initial Success
Breakthrough in ESP Theory
Promising Start!
Initial Results to follow in Interlude
Will conclude in two turns
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Science Report: Carlson Laboratories, ESP Study #1 (Broadcasting Live)
1200, 27 March, A.D. 2070
Commandant's Office

After the...whatever that was you saw with Ignatov, you really need to sit down. But the sad truth was, the work never stopped just because the world dropped a bombshell of a discovery your way. Even in your frazzled state, you sigh as you see your email inbox continue to steadily climb. Thankfully most of it was mundane, but a few required extra attention.

They always did.

Thankfully clearing most of the work only takes an hour or so. But before you can try to sneak off to get something resembling a lunch break, a new message pops up. This one from...Sam?

Huh. Normally he just calls you.

Tapping on the message, an audio message plays. "Sam here! I know you're probably still pickin' the ol' jaw off from what happened yesterday, so I figured a quick progress report could wait. I hate repeating myself though, so I cooked this up for you and anyone else with the authorization. Heh. Show this to General Peters and call it a day for me. Anyway, let me know if you have questions." Below the message is an embedded holographic video.

You look up and make sure the door is locked and the windows shut before clicking play. You really hope you don't regret this.

You are already regretting this when you hear an infuriatingly cheery jingle play while a flashy logo proclaiming, "Carlson Laboratories, Defense Force Research Institute!" zips across the display.

You're more than a little annoyed Sam went ahead with the whole logo design thing without asking you. Not that you mind the results, it's the principle of the thing.

"Sam Carlson here," you hear the man's voice say. "In case you don't know...well, why the hell are you watching this then? Go on. Turn the damned thing off before we call security on you." There's a lengthy pause. "I'm watching you."

You sigh as you put in your authorization code. He's at least thorough.

"Sam Carlson here!" he continues, as if nothing happened. "As you're cleared to know, we've been doing some scientific inquiring into an ill-explored field of science." The screen then shows a series of equations and diagrams at a speed frankly too fast to follow properly. "Extra Sensory Perception. Otherwise commonly known as ESP, psychic energy, totally-not-a-Jedi. I began examining this during my tenure at Unity Station. One percent of the human population's got a brain mutation looking like this."

The all-too-familiar vision of the 'ideal' mutation for psychic energy is displayed. "And only one percent as far as I can tell with the limited sample size I had. Otherwise the rest of us lazy bastards just have the factory fresh one. That was my initial theory. But thanks to dedicated resources and facilities from the Research Institute, I've had another chance to examine this in detail."

A panning view of all the test candidates from the other day are shown at various stations in Sam's labs. Some are simply giving blood samples at the medical stations. Others are at more conventional training simulations, such as flight simulations or driving simulations. Others are playing a variety of sports.

A few are playing cards. "Carlson Laboratories does not condone gambling unless it's for science and/or we get a cut."

All of them are wearing the old-fashioned VR Helmet lookalikes, all of which are brightly lit and are connected to recording devices with bundles of wires. All the while, researchers are hovering near them, taking notes, or simply observing the recordings that come from the machines. You can still see some interns rushing around with coffee.

"Our new hunch is this: every member of the human race has some psychic potential. Problem? We're so early in that development that we couldn't light a candle with our minds if our lives depended on it." A stick figure holding a candle runs across the screen in panic from what looks like a kaiju. "Especially if they did."

"But we made a discovery: there are parts of our brains with psychic potential grey matter in them that emit broadcasting waves. By itself that doesn't do a damned thing, no machine in the world is going to pick up on those."
He pauses. "Unless they're our machines."

The screen then highlights a pilot who is manipulating a basic servo arm, not too dissimilar from what you'd find in a high school laboratory. Without actually manipulating any of the controls. The servo arm itself, however, has a lot of additional antennas and machines that clearly weren't factory-standard.

"Currently in the works, but we've made this discovery: you can calibrate a man or woman's brainwaves, and then tune in a machine to work for them! Now, keep in mind - heh, mind - the example you're seeing? That took this guy about a week's worth of practice to get it right. He's about the average; people can take anywhere from two days to nine to even get the basics. So far. And don't be thinking this is anything advanced - this is just the basics." As if to highlight his point, the arm spasms, and then starts flailing around before it smacks a researcher in the face. The pilot, looking like he has something of a headache, at least manages to look sheepish.

"Oh, it'll be fine; Paul needed a good smack in the face anyway.

"So this is our current area of focus, as per the direction of Major John Devin, Commandant of this little paradise of Science."


"You tell 'em, boys. With the strange doohickeys the Engineers are also cooking up, gets me thinking - heh - can we create a man-machine interface using psychic waves as a basis with a Super Robot while also not turning the pilot into a vegetable? Hell, why not do it for cars? Tanks? Planes? ...okay, maybe not planes. Or why not? Hmm. Dunno. But exciting stuff, no one's done this before. So we're gonna find out.

"Sam Carlson, we're done here."

Broadcasting Live will conclude at the end of Turn 5
Action Discovered - Man-Machine Interface. Will Unlock at end of Turn 5.
For Duration of Broadcasting Live, Chance to Discover Pilot Candidate
Sam Carlson, we're done here!
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Engineering Report: Mystery Time Capsule
1048, 26 March, A.D. 2070
Underground Complex, Engineering Bay

You aren't really sure what you were expecting.

A weapons cache from some pre-Unification experiment. Patient Zero of some zombie apocalypse. A lab full of clones. Something. You just aren't sure what.

What you and Ignatov discover both is overwhelming and somewhat disappointing at the same time. At least initially.

"This is…a lair?" Ignatov looks just as confused as you are.

Ignatov had called you in only twenty minutes ago when they'd accidentally breached not only through the last of the rubble, but through what looked like it was supposed to be a secure door. And had absolutely nothing disturbed it, it might have stayed that way.

Having a university get run over by a kaiju apparently loosens up enough infrastructure to shake anything loose, apparently.

Ignatov's guess doesn't seem too far off the mark. There was only the main hall that you were standing in, and a few adjacent rooms. Yet for something so hidden, this seemed…overtly plain. "…why do I feel so let down?" you wonder. Glancing around, you can't help but feel something is missing. "It's this close," you say, with pinched fingers to emphasize your point, "to being a supervillain lair out of an old comic book, but there's no insignia, no identification…just what is this?"

"Stranger things have happened for less, Major," Ignatov says as he strides forward towards one of the far rooms. He is moving remarkably quickly, actually; he evidently saw something. "Either this facility hardly saw any people come in, or it was part of a wider scheme."

"Such as?" you ask as he forces open the door.

"…such as a wider information network," he says quietly.

As you join him, you understand why he had become so quiet. The room is nothing but a computer server station. There are rows of nothing but computer servers, all lined up along several aisles. Yet more than the sheer amount of hardware that was hiding beneath your feet, one fact strikes you clearly:

"This is pre-Unification tech."

"Cerveau-brand mainframe servers," Ignatov says breathlessly. Running towards the nearest one, he immediately begins to open the panels. "My father made use of these when I was but a boy! They were discontinued back in '35." He looks inside the server he'd opened. "And…in surprisingly decent shape, were it not for…" He pauses, then takes an even closer look. "…were it not for denial charges that were set inside."

"What?" Walking next to him, you kneel down as he angles the inner guts of the server towards you. Sure enough, what look to be incendiary charges mounted to the sides had gone off some time ago, fusing the circuits and wiring inside to a metallic mess. "…you…don't set something up like that unless you're afraid of someone finding what's in here," you say slowly.

"My thoughts as well," Ignatov says in the same manner. "Denial charges, hiding this facility from legal documentation…this all appears to be rather ominous."

"Hmm," you grunt noncommittally. While there was a deeper mystery to untangle here, you are still the Commandant of the facility, and you still have to think pragmatically. You have to think of how to tackle both problems in the most efficient manner possible.

It's surprisingly simple in this case.

"Doctor." He looks up towards you as you get to your feet. "Grab as many people as you need. I want to know what was being held in these servers if you can find out." Looking towards the other rooms, you note in satisfaction that the Soldiers were already combing through the other rooms. "More importantly, I want to know if any of the servers survived." You wipe the sweat off your brow; the temperature in here is becoming somewhat stifling. You look up at what used to be air ventilation. "Especially if the air conditioning stopped flowing in after awhile." As you turn to walk away, you add, "After this, we'll see if you can't make use of what was left behind, with a few upgrades."

1600, 26 March, A.D. 2070
Commandant's Office

Ignatov looks like an utter mess when he arrives. His technician's uniform is covered in old dust and sweat, his hair is horribly disheveled, and his eyes look to be bloodshot. Yet that does not stop him from having a rather unsettling smile, all the while holding a briefcase.
Is everyone in the project like this?

"You found something?" you ask.

"I did," he confirms. Setting the briefcase down on your desk without preamble, he opens it and turns it around so the contents are facing you.
"Did this one survive?" The server case inside looks very similar to the others that you saw downstairs.

But it clearly had something going for it if Ignatov brought it to your attention. "The denial charge malfunctioned and is inert," he says. "That is the good news. Additional good news, is that the server's components are all intact. This is not even particularly market brand; the innards all appear to be of custom make. I can say for certain that I can safely reactivate the Cerveau once I move it to a proper environment."

"Alright..." You were maybe one step closer to finding out…who built the room downstairs. But… "…the bad news?"

"It will not be any time soon, I am afraid," he admits. "You do not simply plug 2039 technology into modern market brands. It will end in tears for everyone involved."

Sensible, at least. "How soon can you get started?" you ask.

"As soon as I can make some custom orders. If we are to extract the data inside, I will need the right equipment." His eyes flash as he glares down at the case. "I will not rush through this, Major. If we wish to know what was inside, and turn it to our purposes of creating a Super Robot…we will need to extract as much of the data as possible without corrupting it."

"…you seem pretty confident that it will be able to help," you say with a raised eyebrow. Aside from where Ignatov and his staff had handled it, the Cerveau was still liberally caked in dust. "For all we know, it's financial data for a pre-Unification black marketeer."

Ignatov closes the case gently, then seals it shut before taking it back. "Major Devin," he chuckles with some humor, "the Creator is not nearly so kind as that."

Result: Remnant of Underground Computer Server site unearthed!
Intact pre-Unification Mystery Server gained! Contains ???
Engineering Actions Unlocked!
Mystery Server Actions Discovered!
Major Devin and Dr. Ignatov are horribly confused.
VIP Visit: "We Busted It Again."
0858, 30 March, A.D. 2070
Outskirts of Defense Force Research Institute, Makeshift Landing Pad

We could do with a proper landing pad, you muse as you see the Yuri Gagarin make a lazy approach towards the 'landing pad.' Really, it was just a fancier way of saying, "big patch of dirt that won't have a giant vertical landing craft crush something expensive." The designated area for the pilot to really land in was, in fact, marked entirely by reflective tape and safety wires, along with a signal mirror.

Then you mentally snort at yourself. Right, we can get to that. After we invest more heavily in Variable Configuration, finding out what the hell Ignatov dug up, more secrets behind ESP, finding out if there really is anyone out there in our area, and oh yes, the kaiju sample. You sigh, which is thankfully drowned out by the engines of the Gagarin. There really was so much to get done, and not nearly as much time as you'd like.

As such, you practically sent Sasaki into a fit when you immediately struck down any and all attempts by her to set up some big ceremony for Peters. There were plenty of things you were willing to work with her on, but this was a big "NO" moment for you. The only concession you made was a small escort of guards, and nothing else.

Sasaki, incidentally, is studiously ignoring you as she watches the craft land. Whether it's due to lingering annoyance, or nerves regarding some possible inspection, you couldn't say.

You reflect, as Peters descends from the ramp with an aide, that you aren't worried. Your people produced some amazing results last month, and you'll let them speak for themselves.

"Ma'am." "Major." No pleasantries, just a simple exchange of salutes in the midst of somewhat high winds.

She gazes around the university with a raised eyebrow. "I distinctly recall the grounds were in a deplorable state," she says.

"Our Engineers," you say. In the corner of your eye, you see Sasaki's attention be abruptly grabbed by a message on her tablet. Dismissing it, you say, "It took about two months, Ma'am, but they made it work."

"Then perhaps I'd like to congratulate them at some point," she says. "But in due time."

"Right you are." As you turn to lead her to the grounds, Sasaki subtly – but with unusual haste – hands you the tablet. It is a short message from Lieutenant Wilde.



And again?

0915, 30 March, A.D. 2070
Motor Pool, Engineering Bay

"…okay, that's not supposed to do that," Wilde said with a concerned expression.

The CRX-01A was going to be a demonstration piece for the Brigadier. Was being the operative word here. It'd done fine in the driving test, configured to walker mode no problem, and could even grab and manipulate tow cables.

The problem today, it seemed, was configuring back into a car.

For one thing, the legs weren't supposed to bend that way.

"Think I found the problem," Henry called out from the innards of the CRX. With heavy work gloves, he held up a component that was heavily scratched and gouged. "Ripping out the patrol trucks' actuators to power the standing action didn't do them any favors," he said. Somehow, despite being waist deep inside several cars' engines, his clothing was still immaculately clean. "Singular point of failure. Once this went down, the rest of it lost too much power to go through."

Wilde walked over to examine it more closely. "Yeah, that looks pretty bad," he said with a wince. "Man, we just fixed this!"

"And that was after we had to replace the engines when you fell on it in walker mode," Henry agreed.

Wilde sighed. "We busted it again," he groaned. He scratched the side of his head as he thought the problem over. "Okay, okay…we can fix this. We have enough excess power from the engines." Tapping Henry on the shoulder, Wilde rushed towards the spare parts pile. "We're gonna need more of these."

"It's not going to hold," Henry protested as he hurdled over the engines.

Wilde just looked up as he held up two more actuators in his hands. He actually giggled slightly as an idea started to form. "Yeah…but what if we made it tougher?" Grabbing his welding mask, he added, "This only has to be a quick fix. What's the worst that could happen?"

"Now you're just asking for something to go wrong, Sir."

0945, 30 March, A.D. 2070
Carlson Laboratories

You shiver as a sense of dread crosses your path. "Something the matter, Major?" Peters asked.

"No, Ma'am," you say. "Just a lot on the mind, is all."

"Poor choice of words, Sir," Sasaki mutters. She abruptly steps backwards as a servo arm juts out in front of her. It is brought back into control roughly, engines whining the whole way, as the test candidate wrestles with the controls through her helmet interface. "Especially knowing where we are," she adds.

"Still, this is rather intriguing," Peters murmurs. Turning to Sam, she asks, "Do you think you could transplant this technology for conventional weapons or vehicles?"

"Too soon to tell, honestly," Sam says bluntly. "The Captain nearly getting beaned in the head earlier should tell you enough. We've figured out the whole 'how to make things move with our brains' part. Sort of." Gesturing to the rest of the test candidates all operating different manner of machines, he adds, "Now we're figuring out how to do it reliably. I should have something in a few months."

As Peters is engaging in conversation with Sam, you quickly whisper to Sasaki, "Are the Engineers good?"

"They…have not responded back," she whispers back, looking a little concerned. "And-"

"Major!" Both of you look up as Peters stares directly at you. "I've seen enough here. I would like to see this 'variable configuration' concept your Engineers have devised?"

You and Sasaki glance at each other. This is either going to be amazing or horrible.

0958, 30 March, A.D. 2070
Motor Pool outskirts

"This is a horrible idea, LT," Henry said flatly over the radio.

"You're saying this now?" Wilde asked incredulously.

"Well, yeah," Henry admitted. "Granted, I'm going along with it. If just to see what happens."

"Aw, don't be like that," Wilde said back. "Heheh, I really wanna see what this many actuators do."

"After you reinforced them all with steel plate, then welded them all together?" Henry sighed. "You did fill out your insurance claims, right, Sir?"

"Oh, ye of little faith!" Wilde laughed. "Now, this here wild beast is going to roar right up to these here – "

"Just start the car, wiseguy," Henry said as he spotted certain figures approaching. "They're on their way."

The only answer he heard was an utterly primal-sounding roar echoing from the motorpool.

"What in God's name was that?" Peters demanded as she approached.

"Ma'am," Henry greeted the general with a salute. He could only shrug as Major Devin and Captain Sasaki gave him inquiring looks. "We had some technical difficulties with the Variable Configuration, but Lieutenant Wilde had an idea for a fix. He's-"

Henry was immediately cut off by the sounds of screeching wheels along the driveway behind him. Uh oh, he thought.

A moment later, he could see the CRX approach rapidly. Too rapidly. Whatever the lieutenant did to the engines, it clearly was overshooting their original intent. He could make out Wilde's expression through the windshield as he approached.

It was a difference of opinion, but a giggling laugh was probably not the right response here.

Fully expecting Wilde to tumble into a burning wreckage, Henry blinked in surprise as the car abruptly configured mid-skid, the front of the car rising and leaning heavily against the back sets of wheels. Very rapidly, but in jagged spurts, the 'torso' and 'arms' rapidly unfolded, all the while skidding to a halt as the legs finally stood tall. Wilde had judged it to a nicety, as he managed to estimate the right distance; the CRX halted but six feet away from the officers.

"Lieutenant Wilde and Sergeant Henry, reporting in the CRX-01A!" Wilde announced triumphantly, the CRX proudly spreading its arms in triumphant pose. As much as a stubby car-mech hybrid could, anyway.

Henry blinked. But it only disoriented him for a moment. "This is our project, Ma'am," he said, going straight to business. "Variable Configuration. This is one step towards making a Super Robot. This is just a proof of concept; we put this together with available parts, and while they sort of work, they aren't ideal."

As if on cue, one of the arms abruptly snapped and fell off with a large CLANG sound.

"Now, this proves the concept works," Henry kept explaining, doing his best to maintain a straight face. "But it is going to require some custom fabrication from us to really make it work. But we think we can upscale this to larger vehicles, and of different functions." He resolutely ignored the sound of the other arm clattering to the ground. "Pending further questions, Ma'am."

"No further questions," Peters said. "But you may wish to help your lieutenant get down."

"Oh, he'll be fine, Ma'am," Henry dismissed.

Turning to Major Devin, Peters said, "Major. I would very much like to see further progress made on this."

"…little help?"

Turn 4 post is likely to come tomorrow sometime.
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Turn Four: Breathing Room
0900, 5 April, A.D. 2070
Motor Pool, Engineering Bay

"So." You are standing in front of the scrap heap that used to be the CRX-01A. At the moment, it was heavily dismantled. The arms were still propped up along the wall, it was in a "sitting" position as nearby cranes lifted the engine blocks out of the chest, and its innards were just strewn along workbenches as Wilde and Henry's assistants worked to fix them. "You seem to have impressed Brigadier Peters with this."

For this month's meeting you decided to hold it in the Motor Pool, in front of the CRX. More than anything else, as hodgepodge and broken down as it is, you are certain that the CRX had convinced Peters that you were onto something with getting to a Super Robot. You would probably have it marked down for the record that Combine that with Sam's ideas for a man-machine're curious to see where this is going.

It was a point you wanted to reinforce. You're here to make a Super Robot, and the CRX was the first, tangible step that you had.

"We also weren't lying about needing to fabricate things, Sir," Henry says with a shrug. "We proved it can work, but not with factory standard parts you find for regular vehicles. We'd have to take the frame of a vehicle, and then custom-build it from the insides so it doesn't have these problems."

"Okay." You nod as you examine the disassembled CRX. "I assume you have options for where to take this?"

"We do, Sir," Wilde says from the crane operator's cab. "Like the sergeant said, this was just a test, y'know? Now we've got a much better idea of what to do."

"Good. Send them to me and Captain Sasaki," you say with a nod. You turn to Ignatov. "Doctor?"

He wordlessly gives you a printout. Glancing over it quickly, you see it's a list of requirements he needs to begin safely decrypting the server hub you discovered awhile back. There really aren't any words necessary; you simply nod back and tuck the printout away.


"Still working on it," the boisterous scientist assures you. "Should have some more results by the end of the month, but I'm thinking at least end of May before I call the ball game here. Got some more ideas we can try if you think we've got the resources for it." He shrugs. "I'm happy with how we're doing with ESP, but we've got that giant chunk of kaiju tuna just sitting in the lab. We might want to start looking into it, but I'm not promising that I can make a home grown kaiju or anything."


"I am expecting a full report of the local area by the end of the month," she says calmly. "In addition, now that our infrastructure is well established, I have a few ideas in mind." She glances at the Engineers. "Though we are still distant from creating our Super Robot, we should begin considering infrastructure to deploy it. It is more than likely we will retain operational command of it when it becomes combat-worthy."

You nod in satisfaction. Good, solid forward thinking. Even if, by her admission, you were still probably half a year off. At least.

"We've been doing great, everyone," you say. "Brigadier General Peters was pretty happy with what she saw, so she was able to send us a nice early Easter gift. We have a few more resources to play around with thanks to her. I'm not expecting this to happen a lot, so let's make the most of it."

Due to exemplary service, Brigadier General Peters has seen fit to reward you with additional RP this turn only. MUST BE SPENT THIS TURN.


Defense Force Actions

The Research Institute is secure. A strong Defense Force presence has been established, and active patrols ensure the peace of the campus and the surrounding areas. Yet there is still so much more that could be done.

So it's a good thing Captain Sasaki has more than a few ideas to future-proof the Super Robot project.


[] Candidate Observation – ESP – Captain Sasaki seems pleased enough that the candidates she sent last month are helping. But a problem many scientists have is that they tend to study the principles of their field in a vacuum. This is an ideal time to attach Defense Force observers along with the research staff to see how you can incorporate ESP control into a tangible benefit.
Cost: 1 RP (1 RP investment locked next turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Lowers Success Threshold of ESP rolls to 4d6

[] Landing Pad - Sasaki sees this as more of a long term idea than something for immediate consideration, but presents it to you regardless. The creation of dedicated landing facilities for vertical landing vehicles is something to consider, especially considering that the Gagarin makes a lot of trips between here and Unity Station. Creating a dedicated landing pad would perhaps enable more resources to come in.
Cost: 4 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 3 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Unlocks Aviation Actions

[] "We Are Professionals" - The Engineers' Variable Configuration, against all logic, works. You have given them approval to upscale their next attempt, but you aren't too sure you want the Engineers to be driving them (see: demonstration of the CRX). If this is going to be a part of the Super Robot project, someone other than the creator is going to need to know how to use it. Having test pilots to vet it would help.
Cost: 1 RP (1 RP investment locked next turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Lowers Success Threshold of Variable Configuration rolls to 4d6

[] A Helping Hand - Restoration - Sasaki sees the necessity of restoring the bunker complex beneath the Engineering Bay. As such, much like with the Motor Pool, she is willing to detach her combat engineers to help with the effort. In turn, she has an idea that will both help Ignatov's efforts, as well as begin a longer term project.
Cost: 1 RP (1 RP investment locked next turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Reduces 'Restoration' Duration by 1 Turn

[] Security Net - Reinforce the Walls - This is very much a longer term project. All the critical infrastructure is secured, but intruders could still sneak in wherever Wilde and Henry did not get to a few months ago. Sasaki wants to be thorough. A good reinforced set of walls with enough room to expand within, combined with wide ranging patrols as afforded by the motor pool, would cause a severe headache for infiltrators trying to get in.
Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 3 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Unlocks Actions

[] Information Gathering – Threats – The Research Institute is in a good spot right now. Rather than focus on internal security, which is as good as it will get for the moment, Sasaki wants to send out agents to observe the threats available. While you are far from being combat effective, Sasaki points out it's better to at least be in the know.
Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 2 Turns
Gain information on Significant Threats

[] Information Gathering – "The Distinguished Competition" – Additionally, Sasaki notes it would be prudent to send observers to gather some information on the existing Super Robot teams. If nothing else, they can see what works (at least from a distance) for the other teams, and what doesn't. As with observing the Threats, better to stay in the know.
Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 2 Turns
Gain information on Super Robot teams

Engineering Actions

The Engineers are in a very good mood this month. The Duo have solid proof that their ideas work, and were able to demonstrate it to the visiting general. Dr. Ignatov discovered old pre-Unification data that was deliberately kept off of written records. For the Engineers, there is no where else to go. Except forward.

Gained Ecstatic this turn. Each Action may reroll one failed dice. This turn only.

[] Restoration - Server Bank - That this happens to coincide with an ongoing request from Dr. Ignatov is a happy accident. Before he can even begin to access the data in the server, he requires a rather extensive set of equipment. A combination of older technology that can interface with the data safely, along with more modern equipment to begin establishing a base-wide supercomputer network. Ignatov is a firm believe that you can knock out two vital tasks with a single set of means if you're creative enough.
Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough, Test Roll (2d6, Threshold of 5-6; Ecstatic, May Re-Roll one failed dice)
Progress to Supercomputers, Unlocks Supercomputer Actions

[] Variable Configuration - Refinement - It wasn't pretty, but it worked. Now knowing what they do, Wilde and Henry want to try a variable configuration test on something...bigger. However, how to go about the next test is something of a question. Wilde is of the opinion that they should immediately try large-scale tests. Henry, however, thinks that designing and creating a skeletal frame with configuration in mind first is the way to go.

They settled on combining their efforts and doing both at once.
Cost: 4 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough, Test Roll (2d6, Threshold of 5-6; Ecstatic, May Re-Roll one failed dice)
Progress to Variable Configuration, Unlocks Variable Configuration Actions, Progress to Super Robot Chassis

[] Variable Configuration - Which Button Makes This Thing Go? - Wilde's control scheme for the original CRX was...a steering wheel, pedal, brake and clutch. This is not exactly ideal for having other pilots learn how to pilot a giant robot. The cockpit also was rather awkwardly placed. Wilde agrees, and has a few ideas for establishing a template for the cockpit. Compared to the other projects, it's a relatively simple idea.
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP locked in investment next turn)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough, Test Roll (2d6, Threshold of 5-6; Ecstatic, May Re-Roll one failed dice)
Progress to Variable Configuration, Progress to Super Robot Chassis

[] Science – Biology Lab – Sam is focused on developing the basics on ESP Theory, but that doesn't mean the kaiju sample should remain neglected. Investing in the restoration of the biology labs on campus will finally allow you to put the sample in a safer area and begin unlocking its secrets. That said, this is a section of science that is yet unexplored, leaving Sam a little wary of plunging in headfirst. He claims he wants at least 'diving protective gear' before he does.
Cost: 3 RP (One-Time Investment)
Duration: 3 Turns
No Bonus (Unfamiliar Territory)
Chance for Breakthrough, Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6; Ecstatic; May Re-Roll one failed dice)
Unlocks Kaiju Biology Actions

Science Actions

Sam is making steady progress with his testing into ESP. More invested into the field is always good, but he has been also showing interest in studying the kaiju sample. The Variable Configuration results has also been piquing his interest.

Broadcasting Live - Locked Until End of Turn Five

[] ESP - Where in the World? - Now that the testing of all possible candidates is underway, Sam reckons to run an additional study alongside the broadcast tests. If he can find consistent data (the best kind of data!) in his current test subjects, finding future pilots is going to become much simpler. Training them is an entirely different issue, but that's what the first sets of tests are working on anyway. This would be a smaller project since everything is already in place at the moment.
Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough: Test Roll Each Turn (2d6, Threshold of 5-6, Successes may lower time)
Progress to ESP Theory

[] ESP - A Matter of Mentality - The demonstration of the CRX has Sam curious. The tests are nowhere near finished, but now he's curious if he can modify a car to respond to psychic signals. Wilde and Henry are more than happy to assist in this.
Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough, Test Roll Each Turn (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress to ESP Theory, Progress to Man-Machine Interface, Progress to Variable Configuration, Actions Unlocked

[] Biotech - Should we…start on that thing? – The Kaiju sample has been sitting there for months, looking all menacing and quite thoroughly frozen at the staff the whole time. Sam recommends it may be a good idea to start soon.
Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 RP
Biotech Theory
Chance for Breakthrough: Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Unfamiliar Territory)
Progress to Biotech Theory, Unlocks Actions

Well, promised an update before bed, and here we are.

That said, I probably messed up on the balancing on this turn a bit.

I'm sure I will find something to nitpick over tomorrow, you all are.

Enjoy! It's almost 1:30 in the morning. I'm going to sleep.
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