"And it's nothing revolutionary." Lana and Jiro both share a similar look of dejection and frustration. "Bandit normally has all sorts of weird stuff, so we figured the knife had to be too. Nope."

"Just really well made, but nothing we couldn't do on our own," Jiro grumbles. "Of all the rotten luck."
please tell me someone took the chance to tell bandit he's a second rate hack that drops common loot
We need to have three Super Robots online by the end of the year to meet the goal set by our boss and only three turns remaining, we kind of need to rush.
But that's not the actual Goal that was set?

My task for you this year:

Refine what you have. I would normally be critiquing you about not quite getting to the second Super Robot team, but given what's happened this year, I am content to call it 'close enough.' I will not hold you to it for now, but see if you can get a third Super Robot in the testing phases by the end of the year.

But bottom line: I want to see two refined Super Robot teams, and I want to see them taking the fight to the bastards that keep trying to upend us. I will make sure you have the authority to recruit more formations from the wider EUDF pool, just make sure we're not sitting on our hands this year.
So Two Fully Functioning Super Robots, which we could potentially have Now with the Beowulf and the Regency Upgraded Valk. 2 More in the Testing phase, Perseus which only needs a Combine unit and Ichiro.
I wonder if that fleet is still there. If there is a submarine in that fleet we might want to think about building an underwater Super Robot that can dive all the way down to the bottom of the Mariana's trench if it wanted too. and that thing has a depth of 5 miles at its deepest points.
Also the Not!Mythbusters are getting there build team can't wait for that!
I can already hear the enemy factions screaming in terror now.
The underwater blips being described as "semi regular supply" makes me of the mind that these are trade convoys headed to hand stuff off to Sheol metaorganisms.
Hence why I think we should start planning on building a Mech that can work underwater to track down and deal with these convoys. and also Sheols Kaiju too if they can feasibly do it.
We technically have 3 more already? Perseus just needs to finish the combiner research, but already has several SR Upgrades, Ichiro is a Super already, and The Valkyrie/Thunderbolt should be coming online this turn.
Ichiro is unfinished and when we sent him off with Anna it was with the expectation that he would not be involved in combat. Hence why he has so many upgrades now.
When we have some "free" time. Some effort into making friends with in the military might not be the worst plan ever.
We already are and have in several instances. And we have more options to do it again. Which is something I heavily encourage since the Military needs to work together.
We need to have three Super Robots online by the end of the year to meet the goal set by our boss and only three turns remaining, we kind of need to rush.
no we don't, Peters wants one Super Robot a year not 3 by the end of this year. the plan we have come up with is to launch a Super Robot once a year until we have 5 which is the baseline for how many Super Robots we can have in a team.
But that's not the actual Goal that was set?
The actually goal set by Peters is one Super Robot and supporting platoon a year. until we have a full team. Once that is done we will probably start working on a second team of 5 or just start building massive groups of improved supporting units.
Wait 5 bots? Are we going too super sord this stuff and have them combine into one mega robot??
no, The Idea is that we have a couple of single platoon units moving around and dealing with hotspots while the rest stay home to deal with emergencies and other situations like the one Ichiro ran into.
"...there may be a few things," Yukimura said thoughtfully. "While I could not ask for one of those dropships, you all seem to have a way with flight and mobility."
Oh I have a couple of ideas on what to give him and the other Super Robot team if they are interested. IE the CR-11 Seeker and a Dropship of their own.
"It's just even more gun!" Wilde at least looks positively pleased. "Horrible setup, prone to malfunctions, and probably going to blow up in your face if you keep trying it, but if all he wanted was an even bigger boom, then he got what he asked for!"
if we can refine it enough, we can turn it into a true weapon to use and one that won't explode on us.
Feasible, but you have some ways to go before you can make this a reality. New Action unlocked.
well we knew going in that this project was going to be a difficult one to do.
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Before we continue with the Blaster research, we should hit the combined array we looted off the Beast.

That stuff about modularity and "plugging more power for even bigger gun" has given me ideas about how both Westphalia and Bandit were taking different approaches to the same generally awesome concept.

And by figuring out both those paths, we might be better able to figure out the stability issue.

Also @Basarin are you still taking suggestions for new units?
Fair enough! I'll leave an option available for it next turn for you all to brainstorm together on.

Two+ years and an upgrade to the production model already? Kinda quick but hey, this is anime logic.

Also, as an aside - for line unit production models, I always depict them in my head as having GM-like heads. (As much as I love using the bad guy aesthetics for the good guys as you've seen in the Kausen factions, mono eyes for the EUDF is just a little silly)
ObsidianNoir: Natural VS Artificial
Natural VS Artificial

Lea silently munched on some berries, a blank look on her face as she slowly ate her food. Gaius and Trillo shared a look, as much as they could look at each other, before the former let out a questioning grumble. At first the human tried to hide it but then realized that their connection went both ways so she just sighed in resignation.

"Gaius, buddy, I love you and Trillo, so don't take this the wrong way." A small whine escaped her as she gestured at the pile of food they made and found for her. "But I seriously need some good ol' meat. And fish ain't cutting it."

Healthy food and one with nature or not, an adult woman with no friends or love life needed some good ol red meat and those delicious proteins! Especially if she wanted to keep up her body's health while working out. Turned out that their sync up improved not only with them, well, syncing up but also when she kept her fitness and sense for movement refined. Of course that motivation was difficult to keep up. She wasn't dirty per se, rivers and waterfalls doing their job, but she felt like a savage at this point with nothing to do. Her hair was frazzled, her mind strained due to the lack of modern goods. While she still was determined to protect and hide her friends with all her might, it was... difficult. She giggled when the two fluff balls rubbed against her for comfort, causing her to pat them back.

"It's fine. I'm just being melancholic." She shrugged nonchalantly. "Besides, this period of peace has been ni-"

Of course she didn't even get to finish taunting Murphy. Gaius was the first to react, growling deeper than ever as he suddenly began to grow. It was then that Lea felt the tremors in the ground and gulped, praying to whatever gods out there that this was not actually happening. Unfortunately she was right as she looked up the mountain range only to spot something she wished she didn't spot.

"Oh come oooooon!"

She picked up Trillo and ran like hell as a roar sounded in response to Gaius entering his Kaiju Form. It wasn't something she'd ever seen live. But she recognized one of Mercury V's enemies when she saw one. Sure, it was bleeding all over, causing the trees around it to evaporate to its acid, but that...golden armadillo thing, with spikes all over it, was clearly one of the genocidal types. Which caused her to only get more irritate as she found a "safe" spot just as she fell over when Gaius and the monster rushed each other, clashing and causing the ground to shake like an earthquake as they began to grapple while roaring to establish dominance.

What were the odds a frigging injured evil kaiju would stumble over them like this?! Questions about her bad luck later. Cracking her neck she gestured for Trillo before exhaling slowly.


The small black fluff ball engulfed her head once more.


The beast, nicknamed "Morningstar" by some in the future, growled in annoyance. It was the first time it actually had to look up at something to stare at their face. It was frustrated that it had to retreat. It was frustrated that it had to face another like itself, unknown, annoying, in the way. And most annoying was that their blows were more equal than it liked.

There was no skill behind their attacks. Just haymakers, exchanged over and over again. It was as if its pride of raw might was being challenged by the black creature. But if it could grin, it would, as it didn't feel any pain, as the strikes couldn't pierce through its thick hide. On the other hand, the black beast was forced back, by both the Morningstar's superior power and spiked knuckles. But then, all of a sudden, things changed. The beast stumbled backwards. Sensing an opening, the armadillo like beast opened its maw and leapt forward. But instead of biting into flesh, it felt pain for the first time in this encounter as its head was forcefully moved to the side.

Gaius landed with its right "hand" on the ground. Then as if to defy gravity, swung its leg up and kicked the enemy kaiju away. Lea grit her teeth before "jumping" back up to her feet. That kick had a lot more oomph than Gaius' punches, but it wasn't enough.

"Damn, why is that guy so tough?!" She raised Gaius' fists and rolled his shoulders with a growl. "Screw you, Sheol, you never gonna match up to the fluff!"

The armadillo spat out ot the side before revealing its teeth and rushed forward with a scream that shook the earth itself. It was then that the fight began with even more ferocity than before. It was here that Lea realized that she really hated fighting other Kaiju.

The terrorists? The aliens? They at least fought "human", ironic as it was for the latter. But the monster she was fighting? Well, there was a reason why people should never fight a bear. Or a crocodile. Or a spiky death ball. She flinched when the spikes or the teeth hit Gaius, mentally apologizing for her shortcomings. Not only that, she felt Gaius' "hands" and "feet" hurt from hitting even the non spiked areas. Uppercuts. Low kicks. Stomp to the front. Despite her newfound flexibility with Gaius, literally none of those attacks felt they did something. The worst was, she knew that the monster in front of her was injured. Which meant it could hit harder, could hit faster. She tried to weave underneath a swipe of a claw, only to get tackled down. She tried to summon up vines to drag that thing off Gaius, but they couldn't even budge the thing. She grit her teeth as the thing had the audacity to bite down on his "shoulder". With a furious scream, she kicked it upwards. This was getting nowhere. She needed a trump card. Beech Bomb couldn't do the trick, it took too much time and unlike the alien, that Kaiju could easily interrupt them. Then it clicked to her. She laughed at herself. That was insane. But chip damage wouldn't do it.

"Okay, guys, I got an idea."


"Don't sass me and just follow my lead!"


"Power through the pain, big guy!"

First, she needed an opening to set it up. She leaned forward, before sprinting at the monster with Gaius' arms open. Its eyes widened as it got shoved across the ground, but it soon stood still, pressing against Gaius. But just as it opened its maw again, Lea exhaled and twisted Gaius' body. The monster let out the equivalent of a yelp and was thrown away, disorienting it.

Now or never. Lea reared back the right leg of Gaius, his arms hooked as if he was about to enter a quick draw duel in the wild west. Lea took a deep breath. It was just a theory of hers. But it made the most sense, the sources of Gaius' strength. Not that weird energy he possessed. But the hair strands.

Each of them was the equivalent of a muscle fiber. So she had to focus. Use all of them at once, in sync. Easier said than thought. But with a grin, she licked her lips. For some reason... she had full confidence she could pull this off. Drool dropped down the side of her mouth, her focus sharpening.

Unbeknownst to her, that state of mind affected more than the subtle vibrations of the hair, acting like muscles flexing. Gaius began to glow in a greenish light, the power it possessed resonating with Lea's focus. At the same time, the monster rose to its feet and snarled before going on all fours. It was the stance for the fastest and most powerful tackle. With its muscles bulging, the Morningstar exploded forward and time seemed to slow down. Trillo chirped in panic, but Lea paid it no mind, even as the monster was close, too close for any normal kick.

But so what?

Raw "Muscle" Force. Psychic Energy. And last but not least... Human Skill.

She snapped Gaius' leg forward just as its claws, its teeth, were about to tear into her friend.

O.S.O.K.:( One Shot One Kill) TERRA NOVA

Despite his usual sluggish nature, the leg blurred before it made contact. What followed with such sudden speed could only be described as a violent explosion. The trees were uprooted. Dust became a tidal wave. And the kaiju? It exploded, its acidic blood splattering all over the place. The sheer force behind it, Gaius faintly recalled ancient memories. Nothing it ever did could come close to this level of violence. Of course such force wasn't without backlash. Gaius immediately began to "shed", different from its usual shrinking, as the black fur it had seemed to lose all power due to all the strain. Lea herself fell back, eyes and nose bleeding while Trillo flattened down as if melting himself. Yet the girl couldn't help but be in awe at her surroundings.

By all means, they should be surrounded by a crater. But instead... it was the most beautiful forest she ever laid eyes upon. As if unleashing an explosion of growth, whatever was blown away or melted off, immediately got replaced. If there was a Garden of Eden... Lea imagined this would be it.

It was a nice sight for her blurry consciousness. Then she hard it. The faint sounds of helicopters. She tried to move, turn around, but not even a finger twitched in response to her panic.

"Gaius...get...get away... "

Yet all she could feel was surprise before only silence reigned. She closed her eyes, regret filling her heart. Why couldn't she just run away? Now they were gonna get caught. She felt her body sink into the depths of despa-

Her eyes shot wide. Hold up, she was actually sinking! Before she could let out a scream, the earth suddenly engulfed her and made her disappear, thus leaving only the black fur of Gaius and her own blood behind as the only evidence that they ever existed.


What woke her up was a painful bonk to the head. She yelped falling off the bed before clutching her head.

"The hell?!"

"Mind your language, girl."

She looked up before blinking. What she was could only be described as a hobo. Messy white beard. An eyepatch and rags with a hood. Holding a wooden staff, the old man bonked her again.

"Honestly girl, do you know how long it was to find you?! To think it took such a suicidal move to finally detect you!"

None of those words made any sense. Lea threw her hands up in the air, noticing how hot and humid it was for something like Europe. Then she remembered how she got sucked into the earth and her irritation only grew.

"What the hell is going on?!"

The old man scoffed before opening the door. What she saw made her gape. Not how people were kneeling in front of Gaius and Trillo, their hands clasped together in worship. No, what made her gape was the crimson environment they found themselves in, with the sky filled with grey ash clouds. Before she could even ask, the old man had a glint of amusement in his eyes before dramatically bowing.

"Welcome to the first layer of Hell."
Hmm, have we considered the Construction of a Second Beowulf? I think we had a Early Beowulf Class chassis made as Ichiro's initial vessel. We could upgrade that to the new Beowulf Standard and have a spare allowing for Callagan to be able to deploy more rapidly while the other is under repairs. Plus as a Proven design it would allow for us to meet the goal of having multiple teams while still experimenting with other/newer designs.
So. As far as making more Super Robots goes...
I feel like in theory we could just build a second Beowulf and call it a day. Sure.
But when I think about the name of our institute, and what this quest is about? It's letter of the law versus the Spirit.
Look at the Jackal. It WAS used in something approaching a Super-Robot fame/hero factor, because it was our first working Robot style. In fact, The Jackal went on to become a 'mook' Robot for the rest of the EUDF.
Beowulf, is the Hero Super-Robot, to the Jackal.
The Perseus, as I understand it, is a Super-Robot we're very close to creating/fielding, and is the Super-Robot to the Phalanx.
Last, but not least, is Ichiro, I think our only Centurion-Class, and is his own creation without a 'Mook' variant running around.
So, as I see it, given the action against the Beast, I'd say Ichiro Banner is our 'Second' Super Robot. Maybe he's not QUITE as awesome as the Beowulf, but what he IS, I think, is a technological leap forward, albeit one that might cause some legal headaches down the line if we're not careful what with the AI bug but then again maybe humanity doesn't remember the 'I can't let you do that, Dave' line as much as we do now.
Perseus is probably going to end up our third slot, and Jessica's magic will feed into her own varient Super Robot.
The Fifth slot...As of right now it's a race between me and Obsidian Noir to see who can cook up a functional Super Robot concept that works via Omakes. I'm feeling like Noir has this one though.
and is his own creation without a 'Mook' variant running around
That's not actually true. The Centurion chassis is the replacement for the Stalwart MBT, and it is has just recently started rolling out to EUDF forces.

Edit: Mook units we've produced and that are starting to be distributed. As of January 2019.

Earth Union Defense Force Technical Primer
Inventory Updates as of 03282072

As directed by the General Officer (Commanding) of the Research and Development Branch (BG Peters), the following items as of the time of publishing are officially available on all applicable units' Tables of Organization and Equipment. The following items supersede previous chassis that are now classified as obsolete (spare parts and maintenance equipment still apply and may be retained per decision of the Commanding Officer).

CR-01 Jackal
- Supersedes the Coyote Patrol Truck
- General purpose, all terrain truck chassis
- Can reconfigure into humanoid Mecha to traverse rough and urban terrain
- Compatible with crew-served infantry-scale weapons and Coyote armaments

CR-02 Phalanx
- Supersedes the Buckler IFV
- Heavily armored troop transport platform
- Can reconfigure into humanoid Mecha for close combat firefights in rough and urban terrain
- Not yet in mass distribution to EUDF Depots

CR-05 Centurion
- Supersedes the Stalwart MBT
- Main battle tank platform and weapon delivery system
- Can reconfigure into humanoid Mecha for long range bombardment and direct fire capabilities

V-33 TMU
- Compatible with the Sparrowhawk and Gargoyle maintenance programs
- Dual purpose gunship - can interchange between aerial superiority and ground support gunship platforms on demand
- Modularity - can be reconfigured for separate mission profiles (of note is the 'Longship' close air support role)

This list is not conclusive. Additional projects as approved by the General Officer of Research and Development are expected to enter distribution at an undetermined time schedule. Refer all requisition and maintenance issues to your respective chains of command.


But again the major reason to produce a 2nd Beowulf is to Reduce downtime. 3 Months to get back into the fight after losing half the HP of the Timberwolf combination is a TERRIBLE turn around time when Westphalia is starting to adapt to the new CR machines, Sheol is starting to send out 2 Kaiju, and as I've noted before our Carrier is going to push the Free Brothers to extremes.

Another thing is we're not a standard SR Lab like the Yukimura institute. We're a Military Lab, our remit forces us to cover the entire Globe, if operation Ground Pound can take a bit of the Load of in about year great, but in the Meantime we need more proven units to cover the growing fires. Having a stockpile of Replacement parts is just good sense, and if that means making extra Core's or Support Units then so be it.

It would also be nice to try and load out the Chassis with different upgrades too. Maybe name the Potential variant something like Sigurd. Though even with that we've still got a Pilot Bottle Neck, and without relying on Dice to generate pilots our only option is more Yusha like Ichiro.
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AH. My mistake then-I was looking at our Support formations to see which Super Robots had a 'lesser' varient that was unnamed and didn't have the same level of shiny toys as a proper Super-Robot.
I mean, if we want to cover over the robots downtimes just field different pilots? That's what the mechanic seems to incentivize.

Perseus only needs a combination to be a truly viable unit, even if it would still have a lot of potential still untapped (Need at least one more pilot for the metaconcert bonus to proc and couple more support units to make use of Tellison's Inspiring Leadership). Ichiro is basically complete as a core unit (IIRC) but everything beyond that needs work. Jessica's Valkyrie is actually pretty shorn of upgrades (she doesn't even have the K-Suit) but we are still waiting to see what the Sentai magic will give us before actually committing to a build.

You could argue about waiting for triple combination so as to try and include it in the new super robots units right from the start, but I think that having at least one more actual full combat ready unit is more important.
I meanthink about, we already have The OG Red Beowulf, we could make a Blue Beowulf, and a Yellow Beowulf And then a Black and Pink Beowulves, maybe even and a Green. Design all the new Beowulf units to combine with OG. Side step the Gen 1 issue by going full Sentai, while still keeping them functional as independent units.
Pilot training post will come tomorrow. Had a thing at work that required a longer stay.

I'm still able to answer questions from time to time in the meantime.
It would be less a matter of parts and more ensuring that diagnostics come back green and the repaired parts are stress tested to Engineering's satisfaction.

Where the DFRI differs from the production models - you have Kaiju flesh interspersed with the machinery, and you're dealing with MMIs and a psychic connection with the pilots. At least the flesh and bone ones. The Super AI pilots would be treating this more like medical recovery (see Nailhead's comments about the Beowulf), which is something that shouldn't be lightly rushed in any case.
ObsidianNoir: Revelations In The Dark
Revelations In The Dark

Lea picked her ears before continuing to stare at the old hobo in utter disbelief.

"I'm sorry, did you just say hell?"

In response, the man raised an eyebrow before letting out a scoff, tapping the ground with his bonk staff.

"What else do you call the realm thousands of meters beneath the surface, in which the blight of the Earth exists?" She opened her mouth to respond, but he didn't even let her as he shrugged with a small frown. "Well, existed. Thanks to the Demonsbane many many years ago, this layer is free from demons. Mostly."

She slowly turned her head, looking at Gaius, who wore Trillo like a tiny hat. Then she looked at the praying hobos. Then back to the old man as she pointed at Gaius with her eye twitching only a little bit.

"...Please don't tell me my fluffy bud is actually called Demonsbane."

Her muscles tensed up when she felt the atmosphere grow heavier. Immediately Gaius and Trillo jumped to her side, their fur growing as they both growled. Lea gulped at the sheer hostility she faced. The old man slammed his staff down and sent the others a death glare that surpassed theirs in total. Grumbling the crowd began to leave. With a sigh, the old man shook his head and narrowed his eyes at her.

"If it weren't for your deep bond with him, I would smite you for the disrespect. But yes." He raised his palm. "And before you ask, demons are real."

Leaning back on Gaius, she crossed her arms. Well, if this were any other world she lived in, she'd call him insane. But aliens, man made kaiju and insane terrorists existed, so demon? Not that far off. Still, she was a bit skeptical nevertheless as she frowned.

"Why haven't I seen any up there?"

In response, the old man sighed, seemingly aging by several decades.

"Because we Shamans do a good job I'd like to say, but unfortunately, it's because those cursed existences are very very patient." He shook his head before pointing up. "It doesn't help with all the conflict up there that they are becoming stronger every day with the taint of conflict and war."

"You sound... resigned," Lea noted, feeling the melancholic aura from the man. He frowned before snapping his finger. She flinched as any information she got suddenly got cut off. Okay, so weird magic old man. Great. As if nothing happened, he continued on.

"If it weren't for the progress of technology and what not, I would bet all my belongings on the Demonsbane to take care of them." He sighed, shaking his head. "Unfortunately, we all accepted our fate to dying for a just cause since he grew too weak. Our abilities in commanding psychic energy and the nature around us aren't enough." He gave her a weird look."At least that was what we believed."

Processing the words, Lea glanced down at Gaius, who sent her a mental confirmation. Would've been nice to know before but she guessed he didn't like to talk about his past. Still though, she pressed her lips together.

"So wait, progress is bad and makes Gaius weaker?"

"Is that what you call him?" Shaking his head, he decided to ignore the name and instead wiggled his hand with a conflicted expression."It isn't bad per se. Advancement of civilization is only natural and there are many things that make life easier compared to the ancient times." Sitting down on a rock, his shoulders slumped. "But the increasing disconnect between humanity and nature is... not good for demon warfare. Back in the old days, the Demonsbane could cause calamities with ease. Volcanoes, storms, lightning, frost all of it was in his grasp." He looked sadly at the kaiju. "Now he can barely move the roots of trees or empower them."

Lea blinked before whistling, patting Gaius who let out a small grumble. Geez, he was holding out on her. If they could have pulled that off in their last battles, a lot of things would've been easier.

"You said you accepted your fate to dying. What changed?"

He pointed at her.

"You. More specifically, you a couple hours ago." She tilted her head in confusion, causing the man to roll his eyes in irritation. "That last attack you did was more powerful than anything the Demonsbane ever did, physically and spiritually. None of the records spoke of such strength." He clapped his hands together. "So the others and I decided to put our chips down on you."

"...Question, what was your plan before I did my special move?" Lea asked, raising her hand. In response, the old man smiled at her wryly.

"You already know the answer."

Lea nodded while biting her lip. Great. She would've been killed by underground hobos if she didn't pull off that sick move. Wonderful. Trillo jumped up her head and she gave him a lil' scratching as she pointed at herself.

"So. I guess you want me to take on literal demons?"

"The taint of the planet, yes. Born from the conflict and war on the surface." He gave her a pointed look. "Whatever you saw up there, the demons are worse. So we shall put all our efforts in preparing you and the Demonsbane for the upcoming war."

Somehow she doubted it. Maybe she was biased, but how could the Earth still exist if the demons were worse than what was up there? Not to mention, if humanity lost on the surface, the people down here would be next for sure. This apathy was... worrying.

"You really don't care about the terrorists? Or aliens? Or Kaiju up there?"

"Not at all," he immediately dismissed her with a wave of his hand. "They are being dealt with. And they do not carry the weight, the pressure that demons possess. They are not just physical threats but spiritually as well. Thus they are of no concern."

Lea disagreed. Hard. But she held her tongue for now. To be honest, she wasn't sure if she could trust these people. They essentially just kidnapped her and wanted her to become their vanguard. It screamed "tool" to her. However.

Acceptance. Trust.

Gaius and Trillo gave their word for them. So she decided to accept with a nod.

"Alright, fine. What's your name?"


"Theo then." She grinned when the man's arm twitched, holding his staff, but realized he'd hit Trillo if he tried to bonk her again. So he bit his lip while Lea leaned back with a smug expression. "So what can you teach me?"

"The arts of psychic energy. Refine your connection with the Demonsbane and nature. Train your martial skill, which is our ace in the hole."

"You can train ESP?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Theo scoffed in response, waving his hand dismissively.

"Of course you can. I'm not surprised you never learnt how. It requires a spiritual touch. Technology and science could never hope to even comprehend such mystic skills."

Meanwhile in a certain hidden base, several researchers couldn't help but narrow their eyes in irritation, as if someone mocked their process they accomplished.

Anyway, Lea hummed. They all sounded like useful skills. If Gaius got his old strength back, combined with their link, they could literally multitask between psychic and nature stuff and her combat skills. Speaking of, she hummed thoughtfully.

"I'm not sure how ancient stuff holds up these days."

"What are you talking about? I'm going to teach you MMA first to see where you stand."

Lea did a double take. Yet Theo's expression didn't change whatsoever. She tilted her head when he refused to elaborate.


He huffed as if offended, standing up from his rock. He began to rummage in his pockets.

"Only because I'm a shaman living in hell doesn't mean I don't have cable down here." He then pulled out a freaking phone and a piece of paper. "Speaking of, this is for you and the wifi password."

With a blank expression she accepted the device of the modern age from the hobo living underground. It was too much. She threw her arms up in the air, unable to parse what just happened.

"We have wifi down here?! How?!"

"Psychic arts."

Lea felt that was bullshit but she couldn't exactly call him out on it since she lacked the knowledge. Still, before they would get started to turn her into a vanguard against hell, there was one last thing she needed to make clear to this old man.

"If something happens up there and nobody else is around, I'm going. Secrecy be damned."

He bristled up and snarled, slamming his staff down.

"Didn't you listen?! Girl, the two worlds shouldn't cross! You focus-"

She in response slammed her own foot down, loud enough to actually echo in the area. She stared him straight in the eyes with a defiant expression, supported by Gaius and Trillo standing by her side, jumping up and down in approval.

"What point is there to defeat the demons for the world if the world is hurting up there and I could be helping to stop it?" She pointed up while shaking her head. "You don't respect the threats we face up there, but I do. And too bad, in the end, Gaius, Trillo and I are the ones who decide where and when we fight."

Theo exhaled slowly. Then, he scoffed.

"...Pah. But only when we are nearby!" He pointed his staff at her with narrowed eyes. "Now let's get started, Connector."

Lea laughed and cracked her neck before taking on her fighting stance.

"Bring it, old timer!"


Don#t mind me, just making up an entirely new area/story arc in order for Lea and the Chonky Fluff Bois to not stick out too much on the Overworld. Occasionally prolly gonna go up via the Hell to Surface express to punch Terrorist/Xenos/Kaiju face but other than that, its gonna be an thankless job of preparing to go Doomguy.
I had a thought about Devlin's joke about building a City sized mech next. Well given how rare city mech's are in Transformers, well they just might be as rare in verse like they are in Transformers. Wouldn't it be hilarious if one was found on earth and coincidentally called the Mekean word for Atlantis? Or some other such name for a legendary lost island or continent. Just think of the ramifications if there is one on Earth...

wait, hold on.... what if that is what Tyrannous is after. what if his end goal is a long forgotten inactive City mech that he knows about that the rest of the dominion doesn't. what if that is his endgame. not resources or whatever it is he may be after but the City Mech itself. We know that Tyrannous has an underwater base somewhere. What if he was looking for Earth all along and by sheer coincidence found what he was looking for originally.

Huh we may need to keep this in mind for later, because we have all seen what can happen when a City mech get's going when in combat.