I don't think Tyrannous will LET them. I think he's recognized how quickly humanity is progressing and building. He specifically notes how important our Infrastructure is for his Next Step. I think he plans for Conquest and then to use Earth as a Arms Factory for when he returns home. Or possibly just carve our his own little Empire.
Most likely scenario but we got to deal with what we have
Ahh yes. That. I had plans for that one, then life happened and I forgot about it. I'll address it in the following posts once I have a chance to sit down and write.
Turn Eight, Year Three Results
There are a few options missing here. That's because they are all going to get their own posts later.

They are:

Pilot Training Results
K-Fang Results
K-Scale Refinement Results
Super Carrier Results
A Helping Hand Results

1900, 6 August A.D. 2072
Command Center

"Aaaaand that is a hit!"

Abruptly, Adriana's avatar emerged onto Sasaki's desk. "Boss lady!" she announced, knuckles on her hips in triumph. A gaudy trenchcoat and fedora was in place of her normal uniformed appearance. "I've figured out where-!"

She blinked, and gazed around an empty office. "...where...the...oh, come on!"

"Um, Adri?" Katarina's head poked out of the other side of the console, as if sticking her head in through a door. "You know Captain Sasaki is off to the Yukimura Institute this month, right?"

"I...remember that now. Dangit."
The avatar facepalmed, her body language stuck in that awkward phase between triumph and realizing she faceplanted on stage. The 'detective' outfit reverted immediately back to her default appearance. "Nevermind then, I'll go bug the big boss."

1902, 6 August A.D. 2072
Command Center

"Submarine traffic?"

"Yup." For some reason, Adriana is much more low key than she usually is. Is she trying to hide embarrassment? Regardless, before you can think more about it, she continues on. "Last month we all found some strange signal traffic in really weird places. Seagoing vessels that just sort of 'poof' in and out in areas they really shouldn't. And they're all really mundane 'scientific missions' and 'survey' vessels-"

"-and the Naval Defense fleets are probably busy chasing down Westphalian corsairs or running away from Kaiju," you finish.

"Yup yup. Buuut check this out." You frown as Adriana's avatar disappears, and reveals an oceanographic map. Various pings along the North Atlantic, the middle of the Pacific, and more than a few pings along the North American west coast are displayed to you. "On the face of it, looks totally normal, I get it. But most transponders need to eventually make a destination, right? And these guys have been on loops for years. Thought that looked kinda fishy, so..."

She's right - the same transponder reappears in very odd places, and very much beyond the original 'mission zones' of what any sort of scientific surveys would have mandated. In fact...

These look surprisingly like semi-regular supply routes.

You don't have any background in retail, but you do know that industries for all sorts of products even today are starved for raw and refined materials. Raw materials are picked up, delivered to become refined materials, which in turn become full products. You can rule out the Free Brothers - they're very blatant about what they take, and until more of them jump on the Configuration bandwagon, it's surprisingly hard to hide a giant robot (who knew?).

This could be a Westphalian operation. But their projects are all metal and electronics and weaponry, same as yours. And unless they have workshops...underwater...



"Good work. I think this is going to be something much bigger in the coming months."

Adriana made a breakthrough in spying a hidden resupply operation. Possible links to Westphalian or Kaiju operations! New Action unlocked next turn.

1142, 7 August, A.D. 2072
Office of Dr. Yukimura Rin

Meanwhile, half a world away as that particular revelation was slowly being realized, Haruko was having her own discussions with another person of importance.

A somewhat awkward one.

"He went there?" As exhausted as Dr. Yukimura was, it was all but overtaken by the sheer bemusement the man must have been feeling. "Of all the places I imagined he might have wandered off to, I did not expect he would make his way to that part of the world."

"We have made sure of his safety, Dr. Yukimura," Haruko responded respectfully. For a day or two, it had been a slight readjustment period to speaking Japanese again, but now she carried on as comfortably as she would be at home. Which, well, she was. She planned on visiting family while she was still here, even if it was only for a day or two. "He was quite passionate about wishing to be more proactive about fighting the Kaiju." She offered a slight smile. "You will be pleased to hear that some of our recent breakthroughs are due to his efforts."

"As they should," Rin muttered under his breath. But Haruko can see it - multiple signs of relief, annoyance, and just a touch of pride. "Jiro was always more impatient and hotheaded, I must admit. But I do greatly appreciate your candidness on this - I know he can take care of himself, but an old man worries." He sighed. "There is a...method to the madness, so to say. As much as I would wish to simply march Mercury V into whatever depths George has stuffed himself in, who's to say he doesn't simply have fifteen more Kaiju ready for battle?"

He glanced over to the side windows - Haruko could see an engineering bay, similar to that of the Institute's, as Mercury V stood strapped to a maintenance harness. Several older men wearing engineering jumpsuits were seemingly in a roughhousing situation, a comically bright bump on one of their heads from possibly the heavy wrench that was on the floor. It seemed that every organization that ran a Super Robot had their odd personalities.

And given that Yukimura didn't seem overly alarmed, Haruko firmly decided to let his own versions of Wilde and Henry continue on with their business so long as she didn't get exploded.

"I don't disagree with Jiro's ideas," he shook his head. "But it's a matter of capability. Mercury V is capable, but fighting one Kaiju alone is a Herculean task." He gave a slight smile in return. "Something that I see your organization has also experienced. And done quite well for themselves."

"You are too kind," Haruko replied, bowing her head slightly. "If there is anything the Institute can do to assist your efforts, you only need reach out."

"...there may be a few things," Yukimura said thoughtfully. "While I could not ask for one of those dropships, you all seem to have a way with flight and mobility."

Haruko bit down any mention of the Sergey Gorshkov. She still was having difficulties parsing just what Katarina had done with it recently. "I...believe there is something we could assist with, my commander willing."

Relations are now leaning towards Close! New Liaison Action unlocked!

0800, 11 August, A.D. 2072
Engineering Bay

"Another team?"

"Yeah." Lana looks more than a little frazzled. Her avatar looks like it had been subjected to a few explosions or burns, even though it was physically impossible. "I dunno if you've noticed, but the Engineering department's kinda...stretched."

"That's fair. But it would have to be people who can actually keep up with Wilde and Henry," you caution. Thermos of coffee in hand, you'd come down to the Engineers to get a status update on the various...things they were working on. The things, that did the stuff with the doohickeys-

You sip from the coffee, and the words slide back in. Projects, analysis, and discoveries. Much better.

"I...think I've found them," Lana hums. "Three of them. They won't be doing any big projects like me, the clown, or the Duo or Dr. Ignatov are doing." You refrain from commenting on the nicknames (or lack thereof), or how you can immediately identify who is whom. "Call them a 'Build Team.' There's a bunch of one-off equipment that the Super Robots need, sort of like what Ichiro was using the other month. We can do it, but there's more important stuff that's gotta happen, and we just don't have time."

"Run them by me next month," you tell her. "Then we'll give them a trial run, see how they do."

"Can do, boss."

Build Team assembled! Details revealed next turn.

"Stupid thing-oh, hey, you're here."

You look up, and you see the second person you were looking for. Jiro Yukimura looks somewhat disgruntled. "You don't look too happy," you comment. "What happened?"

"That was the other thing I wanted to talk to you about, boss," Lana adds a little sheepishly. "I tried to help, but, well..."

"We took a look at the Heat Knife," Jiro presses on, without any preamble. "Did decent damage, good penetration and cutting. But that's all."


"And it's nothing revolutionary." Lana and Jiro both share a similar look of dejection and frustration. "Bandit normally has all sorts of weird stuff, so we figured the knife had to be too. Nope."

"Just really well made, but nothing we couldn't do on our own," Jiro grumbles. "Of all the rotten luck."

"Betting the Duo's getting all sorts of other insights from their project," Lana grumbles in a very similar fashion. You blink, and try to suppress a laugh. They're both even hunched over and arms crossed like the other!

You opt instead to drink from the coffee again.

"Well, they can't all be winners," you try to soothe their egos. "Just one less thing we have to work with, that's all."

Exactly what you see. Just a really well made knife, but it's nothing you couldn't have spent effort on by yourself.

0820, 11 August, A.D. 2072
Engineering Bay

Lana was both right and wrong.

"It's just even more gun!" Wilde at least looks positively pleased. "Horrible setup, prone to malfunctions, and probably going to blow up in your face if you keep trying it, but if all he wanted was an even bigger boom, then he got what he asked for!"

"They took the charging mechanisms of an Energy Blaster," Henry explains more calmly. "Then added about three more into the same firing mechanism. It's basically the understanding of 'if not enough, add more.' It does achieve what it's aiming for..."

"But it's like trying to fight your way through rush hour traffic with even more cars. Yeah, sure you can bull your way through it, but there's going to be one hell of a pileup sooner or later."

You blink. "...it's really all there was to it?" you ask incredulously.

"Not exactly." Henry takes over again. "I get the feeling this was an impulse modification on his part and wanting to do as much damage to the Timberwolf as he reasonably could in a short time. The weapon itself is really clumsy, but there's some downright elegant things we could do to make changes to it."

"Kinda like different hoses on a pressure washer," Wilde chimes in. "Only we're dealing with Kausen weapons-grade energy."

"Anything we can use?" You ask.

Both engineers nod emphatically.

"Then I want proposals on my desk next month. Let's see what else we can do with it."

The Duo have managed to gain some insights into the bulky blaster, and have some new ideas on how to modify our own current stock! New Actions unlocked next turn.

0842, 11 August, A.D. 2072
Engineering Bay

Your last visit is...odd.

"Dr. Ignatov." You blink at the display in front of you. "Why am I seeing camera drones without the engines?"

"Because we are trying a proof of concept, Major," the older man replies. Nodding to the assistant, he waves at the small display in front of you as the assistant puts on an MMI. The camera drones are all oddly shaped, looking more like giant sized ballpoint pens than anything else. "The simple truth of the matter is there are physical limitations to these 'funnels.' Unless you are where gravity is of no hindrance, you will require three things in total. An engine, a propulsion system, and the weapons system."

You can see the various discarded plans with that in mind on another screen. "You bashed your head against this one," you comment.

"I did. But I had a realization." He gestures to the camera drones. "If there simply is too much weight, then we must reduce the weight. And that means getting rid of one of the components. Or...at least sizing it down significantly."

Abruptly, the drone jerks upwards into the air, the fans firing at odd speed intervals, and jerking about here and there in strange angles. "The MMI can transmit psychic signals from the human brain," he says. "Can it then also automate the functions of a miniaturized generator?"

The answer comes shortly afterwards as the drone collapses onto the ground of the testing box, and the assistant takes off the MMI while rubbing his head.

"Our answer is a qualified yes. This has possibilities, and we can make it work. But this is sadly not something we can deem combat worthy at this time."

"Sam warned against trying to automate horse power a long time ago," you comment. "It's that much of a pain still?"

"Because you are willing the brain to effectively power a treadmill or hamster wheel, yes," Ignatov agrees. "And just like attempting it physically, it is currently an exhausting enterprise. So the answer must be to either size up the system - which is unfeasible for remote control firing mechanisms like this - or to miniaturize further and to allow the MMI to automate much of the work."

You have to admit that this was one of the more bizarre presentations you've run into.

Feasible, but you have some ways to go before you can make this a reality. New Action unlocked.

0921, 11 August, A.D. 2072
Examination Room, Xenotechnology



"Requesting analysis?"


The blank faced Drone tilts his head at you, before he kneels down and gingerly presents a tablet to you, very daintily held between his fingertips.

Bemused, you accept it - and you blink at the report. "Modularity is what you focused on?" you ask.

"Confirmed." Zulu tapped his fingers together. "Bandit's personal blaster - very modular. Can add and take away in matter of...hours." Zulu clearly has to think about interchanging human and Kausen terms, but he manages. "Most features - extraneous, irrelevant, not required. Brighter lights, additional exhaust vents, irrelevant to weapon use. However, modular nature of weapon much more intriguing. Attachment of power packs, or additional equipment onto existing equipment - possible. Further study required."

"What else?"

"Power core - minute charge of impure Energy Shard. Volatile energy source. Shards are consistent, stable. Inefficient processing leads to more...explosive results. Can be tapped by weapons system."

"Anything we can use?" This conversation is very curt and to the point.

"Yes. Proposals will be presented soon. For Science."


You sigh. Damnit, now Sam's got him doing it too.

Zulu's found some interesting insights in Bandit's original weapon system that could be of use to the Engineers. New Actions unlocked!
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Well this was an interesting turn! And go Adriana for finding a lead on how the Westphalians are smuggling stuff round that alone is definitely worth kicking up the chain to peters and intel so they can start looking into it as well! Also I'd like to talk to GDF before we go back to Yukimura since I don't think we've talked to them at all yet and I'd like to cover base with all the internal factions.

Also the Not!Mythbusters are getting there build team can't wait for that!

And it seems Zulu has been converted to the joys of Science!


... huh they can breach the fourth wall now.
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"I...think I've found them," Lana hums. "Three of them. They won't be doing any big projects like me, the clown, or the Duo or Dr. Ignatov are doing." You refrain from commenting on the nicknames (or lack thereof), or how you can immediately identify who is whom. "Call them a 'Build Team.'
:grin:If they're who I think they are, you just made my day. Tell me, does the Duo have a favourite crash test dummy that they prefer to use?
Interesting all around. Interludes are going to be Fun.

The underwater blips being described as "semi regular supply" makes me of the mind that these are trade convoys headed to hand stuff off to Sheol metaorganisms.

Impure Energy Shard: single use weapon charge? Explosive? Finisher option for the Pegasus or Timberwolf? More testing needed.

Are the heat knives worth providing to the Intel Steed pilots?
Wait if Sheol is using those Subs to supply him with his needed material then the Westphalians are working with him and well we all figured that the three hostile factions are talking to each other in game but now we have a lead IC which is a big win for us!
Wait if Sheol is using those Subs to supply him with his needed material then the Westphalians are working with him and well we all figured that the three hostile factions are talking to each other in game but now we have a lead IC which is a big win for us!
Not all of them are on this course, I see on a second glance. But simply having a lead is more than we had before (which was "Sheol has a mobile underwater base"). And depriving him of supplies slows down his schedule. And taking any of them out reduces Westphalian logistical capacity and therefore, number of raids.
Hm, if we can interdict those sub routes or better yet find where they are building them we can do some real damage to enemy logistics.
Not all of them are on this course, I see on a second glance. But simply having a lead is more than we had before (which was "Sheol has a mobile underwater base"). And depriving him of supplies slows down his schedule. And taking any of them out reduces Westphalian logistical capacity and therefore, number of raids.
Yeah not all of them but it still puts the idea into peoples mind that if Sheol and the Westphalians are working together perhaps there also working with the hostile Kansen.

And as you said the biggest thing this does for us is it gives the opportunity to limit Sheols ability to create monsters and hampers the Westphalians ability to move supplies and people round which is a good first step to defeating them.
Sheol and Westies were shown to work together I think during the San Diego throwdown. Maybe OOCly, but the timing was precise enough to suggest planning.
Oh I assumed as much as well when I read that update(it just lined up to well you know) but again as you said that's OOC guessing no hard proof in game and well this here is big because it's a lead to getting that proof.

I think Anna is going to be busy and gone for a while as Intel taps all their spare agents to look into this once there informed.
So, do we have any ideas for a second super robot? We could use a backup for when Beowolf is down. Also, I think the general wanted one? It was a while ago.
Yeah not all of them but it still puts the idea into peoples mind that if Sheol and the Westphalians are working together perhaps there also working with the hostile Kansen.

And as you said the biggest thing this does for us is it gives the opportunity to limit Sheols ability to create monsters and hampers the Westphalians ability to move supplies and people round which is a good first step to defeating them.

we have confirmation that the westphalians are working with the free brothers already, yeah? anna and ichiro found that the brute used kausen tech
we have confirmation that the westphalians are working with the free brothers already, yeah? anna and ichiro found that the brute used kausen tech
oh we do must of forgotten that point but still this at least points that the westphalians are working with the other two factions doesnt mean that sheol or the Not!decepticons are working together though I'm sure people in game will connect the dots they just lack proof.
is this a Mythbuster's reference to their Build Team?

Possibly. Worry not, they're professionals.

We think.

Well this was an interesting turn! And go Adriana for finding a lead on how the Westphalians are smuggling stuff round that alone is definitely worth kicking up the chain to peters and intel so they can start looking into it as well! Also I'd like to talk to GDF before we go back to Yukimura since I don't think we've talked to them at all yet and I'd like to cover base with all the internal factions.

Also the Not!Mythbusters are getting there build team can't wait for that!

And it seems Zulu has been converted to the joys of Science!


... huh they can breach the fourth wall now.

*grumbles as he carries the author's toolkit* I just fixed that hole in the wall!

Spinoff/Dream episode where Buster Dummy is the pilot of the machine after all the other pilots get food poisoning when?

That'd have to be one heck of a food poisoning. And it still wouldn't be the strangest thing they've seen!

I'll get the interlude posts started tomorrow. In the meantime, continue to theorize away!
We technically have 3 more already? Perseus just needs to finish the combiner research, but already has several SR Upgrades, Ichiro is a Super already, and The Valkyrie/Thunderbolt should be coming online this turn.
We do technically have four super robot core units online, but that's not the same as having four Super Robots. I'm not really willing to call something a Super Robot until it has all its base upgrade slots filled, it's finisher installed, and it's Combine Units online, and by that metric only the Beowuf qualifies. The Perseus passes two of the three and we can and should start on getting it's Combine Units online this turn.
Banner needs a finisher installed and his Combine Units developed from scratch, leaving him third fastest to upgrade.
The Valkyrie, meanwhile, is basically vanilla, but hopped up on Super Sentai magic, with unknown additional capabilities.
Given that we have several new techs cooking and the fact it's going to be the slowest to complete, it's probably bottom of the queue for an upgrade unless we get it stove up. We need to have three Super Robots online by the end of the year to meet the goal set by our boss and only three turns remaining, we kind of need to rush.