To recap really quickly to anyone who's still aware this exists:

- I've had a promotion at work this year. The promotion came with the schedule concocted from the bowels of hell itself. Long story short, I've barely had time to breathe, let alone thinking of logging onto SV.
- I'm still interested in seeing this through. But be aware that there will be additional radio silence on my part at least a month at a time here and there.
- Next update is probably going to be...uh...hmm. Sometime in the next week or so, barring anything nonsensical (which is all too probable).

Also, holy jeez seven months.
I've had a promotion at work this year. The promotion came with the schedule concocted from the bowels of hell itself. Long story short, I've barely had time to breathe, let alone thinking of logging onto SV.
- I'm still interested in seeing this through. But be aware that there will be additional radio silence on my part at least a month at a time here and there.
- Next update is probably going to be...uh...hmm. Sometime in the next week or so, barring anything nonsensical (which is all too probable).
Yay! Congrats and internet hugs!
Welcome back and congrats on your promotion, And now to reread this from the beginning.
The kind words are much appreciated, all. Glad to see that people are still keeping track of this one - we need more Super Robot nonsense in our lives. This week will have the dice rolls posted for the next combat round.

And as an aside, as fun as the options and the dice rolling are, I'm as invested in the characters and the various arcs as in the quest itself. I enjoy the nonsense we all came up with together, so I'd love to see their stories play out to their conclusions. Maybe in the future I'll try to come up with another quest similar to this, with more of a narrative flavor than dice rolling (Gotham White Knight comes to mind on this one). We'll see! That's quite a way aways yet anyhow.

Also, a bit shout out to @storysmith112358 for fleshing out the Tropes Page. He's added quite a bit to the main page, so do check it out if you haven't already!
Im mostly amazed we had almost all the pieces to make a bunch of Evangelions, and then instead formed A Brave Team.

Im pretty sure this is a metaphor for Mecha Somehow, but I'm not sure how to word it.
Welcome back.

I stopped voting for most of strategy sessions, but I still followed the quest out of a curiosity how the story develops and what the SCIENCE team is going to come up with next time.
Im mostly amazed we had almost all the pieces to make a bunch of Evangelions, and then instead formed A Brave Team.

Im pretty sure this is a metaphor for Mecha Somehow, but I'm not sure how to word it.
Well, we did lack the shadowy doomsday conspiracy backing us, as well as one of us having a dead wife and estranged son who is usable as a pilot/pawn.

It's probably for the best. Either way, it's a fun ride, and I really ought to re-read and get acquainted with it again.
Huh... I literally just finished re-reading the quest 2 days ago. I don't usually have such good timing so this is awesome for me!
Welcome back.

I stopped voting for most of strategy sessions, but I still followed the quest out of a curiosity how the story develops and what the SCIENCE team is going to come up with next time.

Thanks! And fair enough :) I can come up with all sorts of mad options on my own, but when the votes commit to certain options it's certainly entertaining to see. I know what choices are available, but I have no clue how it'll actually pan out until we get there. (I'm certainly pleased that the votes led us down the Brave expy path, but I wasn't expecting it at the time.)

Hmm, I wonder how the other super robot organizations think of ours?

I've hit on it in some posts, but the DFRI are generally positively received. The Legion are close allies thanks to the good working relationship between Galbinus and Devin, and Dr. Yukimura has no real complaints. MSS is somewhat neutral, but they have a good first impression.

Erika might be somewhat bemused about Ichiro though.
Thanks, Basarin. I've been wondering actually is the K-Engine idea kind of analogous installing Kaiju Hearts into our mechs? Similarrly the K-Circuits are kind of like the tendons/nervous systems of Kaiju and K-Scale being the skin of a Kaiju.
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Just binged the entire thing it's really great quest

Might try my hand for an original "good guy" kaiju in this setting as an omake. It's a big sand box after all.
I probably shouldn't ask this but.... Are we going to kill Bandit?
I kinda don't want to..... but..... No I kinda think he is funny sorry.
Edit: And I just realized that we haven't actually been fighting that much with the Free Brothers.... Just bandit and his gang....... We haven't seen Tyrannous get serious yet have we?
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I probably shouldn't ask this but.... Are we going to kill Bandit?
I kinda don't want to..... but..... No I kinda think he is funny sorry.
Edit: And I just realized that we haven't actually been fighting that much with the Free Brothers.... Just bandit and his gang....... We haven't seen Tyrannous get serious yet have we?
The plan is to remove either Bandit or the other as a threat preferably both. Whether or not we do is up in the air. Keep in mind that Galbinus and his men are Law Enforcement that were trying to arrest the Free Brothers before they were forced to come to Earth. So if we can capture either one of them than that's good too. Killing them is a last resort and only if we absolutely must. Pretty sure Galbinus would prefer to take them back to Makean for trial.
ObsidianNoir: Nature's Chonky Boy
Nature's Chonky Boy

Lea hissed as she rubbed her cheek. Grumbling, she pulled her hood down further at the weird looks she was receiving. She scoffed as she put her hands into her hoodie pockets. As if they didn't already see her post street scuffle. So what if she went to college, assholes didn't stop being assholes when they got past highschool age! Spitting to the side, she grumbled as she peaked through her black hair strands. A part of her felt bad for not keeping her promise to mom, to find some quality friends and what not, but being half asian was just too much prime bullying material for the damn people here in Germany. At least she won the fight, even if one versus three was a bit tough. Thankfully she wasn't a dumbass and picked a nice back alley to beat their asses in. Of course after calling an ambulance for them she quickly skedaddled out of there. Hungry. Pissed. Tired.

It was then that she came to a sudden stop as the hair on her neck stood straight. She felt it occasionally and most people would call it her imagination, but she trusted that phenomena, that instinct, by now. When it triggered, something was off. Maybe an incoming ambush. Maybe just a nifty find in the woods. So because of the tingling feeling in the back of her head, she went against common sense and walked right into a dark alley in a not so safe neighborhood. With her hands up in case the worst would occur, she heard it and immediately snapped her head into its direction. Leaning closer with her eyes narrowed, she saw something wiggle inbetween the trash. As her vision adjusted to the dark, her eyes widened when she saw what it was.

It was... not anything she expected. It was essentially a black round blob, maybe at best the size of her head. It had no face to identify it with, besides the eyebrow thingie that could double as eyes. It seemed to freeze when it stared at her. Then it immediately jumped away, leaping into the bags and tried to hide in it. Emphasis on trying. The fluffball shivered, trying to hide inbetween the trash., badly she might note. Lea could swear she could feel the thing's fear. Biting her lip, she looked around. Nobody in sight. By all means, this was not something normal. Not normal usually was the precursor of a city getting wrecked. And if she were a betting girl reaching twenty five, she would say that this was either an alien or a baby Kaiju. Common sense dicdated she should call the nearest authorities to deal with this thing.

However, Lea was not someone that called herself "common". With a sigh, she put her hands on her hips.

"...Ooookay. That might as well happen."

With that in mind, she rummaged in her back, causing the thing to shrink into itself. It then stopped shivering and turned around when Lea extended a water bottle towards it. It tilted its head... body... thing a bit before cautiously approaching. The delinquent tried to give a reassuring smile as she nodded at it.

"It's alright. Take a sip."

The entity didn't hesitate and stuffed the bottle into its fur. Lea looked with curiosity how the water emptied itself into its body, making her wonder how that thing worked. Then she almost jumped when she felt it.


The sheer gratitude slammed into her mind. With wide eyes she held her head. What the heck was that? And how was she so sure it came from that one? Shaking her head to gather her wits, she gently patted the little thing with a small frown.

"Hey there little fluff guy. What brings you here anyway?"

Immediately a wave of sadness brushed over her and she pressed her lips together. Poor thing was lost. She would question how she knew that for later. For now, she nodded at him.

"Well, how about I help you?"

She thanked whatever connection she developed with this fluffy boy because she managed to catch it leaping at her in time. Patting it, she frowned.

"I think I got a big enough bag for you at home."

It chirped, tilting its body with curiosity. Then it began to squirm as if realizing what she meant.


Usually when she took walks to the nearby forest, it was a hell of a lot more relaxing than this. Just her and mother nature. Cool gentle winds. The nice sound of air brushing against the tree leaves. The smell of city free stenches. It was basically her zen place to cool off. If it weren't for this forest, she probably would've committed way harder crimes than punching someone's teeth out.

Of course this wasn't her usual day. Grumbling, she finally had enough and took the bag off her back. Opening it, the little fluff goi practically leapt out and bounced up and down, throwing a tantrum. Lea put her hands on her hips with a deep frown.

"Stop squirming, dang it! You're ruining my spine in the long term!" With a sigh, she looked around. Alright, so this was the last place the little fluff guy was with... whatever was with him. Not seeing anything, she rolled her shoulders.

"Alright, let's see some spots I haven't been too lately. Cause I'm pretty sure I would've seen one of you in the past."

Creepy cave she left free for now it was then. With trepidation she entered the dripping cave, shuddering as some of the drops hit her neck. Turning her light on, she looked around. Huh. This place was larger than she expected. One could reasonably hide in it. The moment the thought entered her mind, she felt the joy yet caution in the air. Snapping her head to the ceiling, she saw it, as well as the little guy who leapt with joy. She raised an eyebrow as the entity dropped down from above, landing right in front of her.

"Huh. Slightly bigger fluff guy." She paused, tilting her head. "Or gal."

Said bigger fluff grumbled, a deeper tone than the chirping the little fluff had. It certainly was big. The size of a horse maybe? Other than that, it looked identical to the little guy. If one ignored the wooden looking antlers it had on its head. She crossed her arms as she sat down on a rock.

"Guy it is."

The big fluff wobbled a bit before nuzzling against the smaller fluff. Lea let out a coo. Ah, family brought together how nice. She felt fuzzy feelings enter her head and she waved them off.

"It's fine, really." With a hum, she tapped her chin as she leaned forward."You guys really need names."


Lea knew her life was going way too well for the last weeks, but was that really an invitation to sick goddamn Westphalians on her ass?! She sweated nervously, trying to keep her heart steady even as she feared to be made an example. Those pricks stuck in the old age patrolled around them, trying to gather them up in order to make use of them. She grit her teeth. Damn it. She could only hope that the two fluff boys were safe. The moment she thought about them, she felt the feeling of concern in her head. Immediately, she shook her head and tried to send back a message that everything was fine. That Gaius, the big fluff, should focus on Trillo. Of course, with whatever form of communication they had, psychic, ESP or whatever nonsense it was called, lying was really really hard. So of course the next thing she felt were three simple concepts that almost brought her to tears.

Help. Protect. Family.

She appreciated it. Really did. Spending time with them, those big inhuman beings that lived a casual and frugal life, making her forget about college, social shitstorms and what not. They didn't deserve to be dragged down into this mess, so she couldn't help but mutter under her breath.

"Nononono, stay away... !"

Her muttering did not do her any favors. Getting shoved forward by one of the terrorist, he sneered down at her with a pistol drawn.

"Well, well, well, looks like someone's taking exception to our presence here!" He pulled back the safety, causing Lea to stiffen up before the barrel was pointed down her head. "Better nib this in the bu-"

Before the trigger could be pulled however, vines out of all things shot out. It knocked the guns away from his hands and the hands of others in the vicinity. Immediately, the other hostages moved. Whether to run away or to tackle their assailants. In the chaos, Lea shot up immediately and headbutted the asshole before kicking his face as if it was a football. With heavy breathing she got the hell out of there, sprinting down the streets. With a growl she raised her hand and caught a certain black fluff ball which attempted to land in her arms. Holding him up to her face, tears ran down her face.

"Trillo! You dummy, what are you doing here?!"

Family. Protect.

She sniffed and hugged him tight as she ran. Damn it, how could she stay mad at that sort of chirping?! Unfortunately she couldn't keep up her gratitude as she rounded around the corner and promptly froze, her eyes wide.

"Oh fruitnuts."

A patrol. A damn patrol with their own big robot. She forgot what the model was and she didn't care. All she cared right now was to hug Trillo tight to her body as she slowly stepped back as the sneering terrorists looked down at her, weapons drawn.

"Well, well, well, looks like we found ourselves a little rebel and a pet monster!"

She closed her eyes, turning her head away. Yet her fear was embraced by a warmth of reassurance. Reassurance and rage. It was the only reason that she looked back, seeing it in time.

Before the mech or the soldiers could open fire, what could only be described as three claws sticking out of a black stump smashed into the mech from above. Everyone froze as they looked up. And up. And up, up the arm that was easily larger than the mech it destroyed, which was attached to a big black fluff monster with antlers, arms and legs, with a size that towered over most buildings. Lea could only blink with a wide open mouth.

...Dang, Gaius was a lot bigger than she had in memory!

"Focus fire!"

The bullets disappeared into his fur, practically doing nothing. With a grumble, Gaius raised his leg, awfully slow all things considered and stomped down. All over the city, trees and branches came to live and moved as if possessed by magic. The soldiers screamed, the civilians screamed, trying to deal with nature coming to life. In all that commotion, Lea ran towards Gaius and leapt onto its arm.

"Gogogogo, get us out of here!"

She hyperventilated as Gaius carefully held them to his body as it ran away with massive loud stomps. She laughed like a maniac, long as they disappeared form the city, long as Gaius decided to shrink down to his previous smaller size. As she clapped absentmindedly, she brushed her hair back with a hysterical laugh.

"Oh god, I befriended an actual Kaiju and his baby."

It took her a while to gather her bearings and reassure her saviors. With a deep breath she rubbed her hands together before mulling over the situation. Okay. One choice was going back and hope nothing further would happen. A pipe dream. Other choice, fess up to the government and hope they can help. She wasn't a terrorist but she didn't really have a lot of faith in the government since they didn't have Super Robots. Ask a super robot for help? Yeah, right, as if they would receive her in the first place. In the end, she had one choice to make.

Go on the run. Too bad she couldn't handle all the paperwork necessary to disappear, but desperate times called for desperate measures. She patted herself down with a deep frown.

"Okay. Okay, okay. First things first, get rid of anything they can use to track me."

Phone? Out. Identity papers? Out. Only hard cash. As she made up a pile of things she couldn't carry with her, she was thankful for the digging abilities of the two Kaiju, even though knowing about it earlier would've helped. As she watched her personal stuff get buried deeper than it was possible for the few seconds they had, she bit her lip. And here she worked so hard for those papers. Then she touched her hair with a deep frown.

"Might need some facial surgery or something like that... or a different hair color at least.

Something pressed against her leg and she looked down, seeing Trillo hold something on its body.


She stared at them before shrugging.

"...Eh, whatever works."

Nothing she could do about her face, but a different hair style and color should do wonders in terms of lying low. Restrict her movements with civilization and she should be good. She cut her hair with a knife she carried around, fortunately enough. It was a messy job but every bit helped. Without a mirror she couldn't confirm anything but it would do for now.

"Phew." She nodded at herself a few times before sliding down a tree and covering her face with a long suffering groan. "Mom's gonna kill meeeeee."

If being friends with a friggin' Kaiju didn't get her on the most wanted list of basically every major organization and villain out there, she'd eat a hat. She felt two soft furs press against her. She giggled as she patted her two friends back. Alright, no more self pitying. She made her choice. Whether it be super villains, terrorists or the government, she won't sell them out no matter what. And they had no idea how to deal with civilization if past interactions were anything to go by, so she had to go with them.

With that in mind, she buried Trillo into her bag, looking a bit sorry as she felt the indignation over their connection and then patted Gaius... head body with a nod. Gaius made a pleased grumble noise before bouncing in front of her. Lea only blinked for a moment before she shrugged with a small smile and jumped up onto the kaiju in its mini form. Hugging its form, she grinned a bit, excited at the idea of this new life, daunting as it was.

"Away we go I guess!"

That was the story how Lea Kugelbrei got herself and two apparently decent Kaiju into a roadtrip, on the run of any evil that would try to make use of her and her new friends. Suffice to say despite how soft and fluffy Gaius was, bouncing around did not do wonders to her behind.


So here's my friendly Kaiju. Basically some sort of "monster" born of nature to nurture it, but also a big big softie. Hence its... less than optimal battle strats. As in it has none.

Good thing he and his off spring bonded with a delinquent, ey.

MS Paint rendition of what I imagine Gaius/Trillo to kinda look like.

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