Wait a minute

Whats that one show with a Super Robot piloted by Salarymen? The one where the torque on the drill makes it hard to control so they replace it with a Pilebunker/Spike?
Wait a minute

Whats that one show with a Super Robot piloted by Salarymen? The one where the torque on the drill makes it hard to control so they replace it with a Pilebunker/Spike?

That particular sequence received a wonderful homage in SRW Z.

I'll try to have a post up, but ironically Monday is going to be more likely. I'm in the middle of packing for a move, and tomorrow's the last day I have before the movers come in.

Hope everyone's having a good weekend so far!
Good god. That was a terrible week of crunch time. I don't recommend it to anyone, but sleep deprivation was the least of our worries. It's done though!
I might not know all of it, but on this one part - I feel you, man. I feel you so much.

-Kat Claws - K-Shard retractable claw weaponry on anything with fingers in case of tentacle monsters or other grapplers. This is to be considered holdout weaponry unless we have a martial artist pilot that can actually use them better. For those we might want to consider K-Shard Katars, spiked helms, shard-whips or bladed bracers.
Truth be told, that sounds very, very interesting. Especially without the super-fancy weapons. I wonder if the mood of this quest will be compatible with Ranma-style shenanigans. Martial, rather than marital.

-K-Fangs - K-Shards would be difficult to use on a blade unless you use it like a Macuahuitl, because it doesn't like to form coats and its brittle if used to parry, it likes to form pointy bits. You can get around this with a different supermaterial sword spine(steel or Zirvitium with K-Scale reinforcement)
I remebered another type of a sword that is made from a low-hardness core with a high-hardness edge laminated on top. Or, on the side, if you're looking from... Nevermind. Anyway, the edge is even shaped in sections, sort of, to ensure that the sword snaps not anywhere, but between the sections. That type of sword is a katana, and the part of my heart that laughs at other people watching anime is secretly enjoying an imaginary scenario of upgrading from katanas to "better swords".
I might not know all of it, but on this one part - I feel you, man. I feel you so much.

Truth be told, that sounds very, very interesting. Especially without the super-fancy weapons. I wonder if the mood of this quest will be compatible with Ranma-style shenanigans. Martial, rather than marital.

I remebered another type of a sword that is made from a low-hardness core with a high-hardness edge laminated on top. Or, on the side, if you're looking from... Nevermind. Anyway, the edge is even shaped in sections, sort of, to ensure that the sword snaps not anywhere, but between the sections. That type of sword is a katana, and the part of my heart that laughs at other people watching anime is secretly enjoying an imaginary scenario of upgrading from katanas to "better swords".
...so what you're saying is, creating and using a giant robot katana is actually a practical decision rather than weeb nonsense like it usually would be.
What Could Have Been - Career Paths
I don't want to leave today without any post at all, but when you're packing up and moving your house again, and the hotel you booked is projecting an hour and a half (after all the moving kerfluffles are done) to have your room cleaned before you can drop your stuff and just lie down, it tuckers you out mentally.

Seriously, how does a reservation you made a week ago take this long to clean up? This is silly.

So instead, I'm going to cover a little bit of what could have happened with some of your previous choices. I think I'll make this a regular thing as we go forward, but at this point we have enough distance from chargen that I can pace this out some. :p

Speaking of chargen, I'm going to make this the first topic of this here thing.

In case anyone forgot, these were your first choices that weren't logistics.

"What do you need with a helo pilot?"
"I know about how quickly you and your aviators flew against the Kausen raids. I also know you've seen them. Care to elaborate on it?"

"I know guns, Ma'am. Not sure how I fit in here."
"You also know enough about the current state of them. Specifically, how much it takes us right now to bring down a single Kaiju."

What would a Major Devin from a different branch of the EUDF have looked like?

Combat Aviator - On the one hand, helicopter pilots in the military have a relatively cushy position when you contrast them to the average footslogger. They have more regular hours, they have nicer accommodations, and they generally have it much easier.

The flipside to all this? They're also the most likely to go down in fiery death, and combat aviation is one of the most taxing professions any Soldier could possibly take on. They have it easier, but only because they also face violent dangers no one else does and they're also in high demand.

MAJ Devin as a Combat Aviator would have been a relatively seasoned pilot by the time BG Peters interviewed him. He would have had several tours fighting against the Westphalians, and as a Captain he would have been leading his own squadron. But aside from a greater appreciation of flying fiery death, what would he have brought to the table?

For one thing, this MAJ Devin would have had a completely different set of experiences. Main!Devin has seen combat, but his primary job was keeping the EUDF units 100% on beans and bullets, and that definitely influenced how he approached running the DFRI. Pilot!Devin would have had a greater focus on starting something along the lines of the Rapid Response much earlier, along with getting some kind of combat platform that could fight at the same time. He also would have had plenty of connections to call on from his time as a pilot, and more than a few would have transferred over to help their old commander. This obviously isn't so well defined, since we never went that route, but Pilot!Devin's tenure would likely been driven more towards combat (unlike Main!Devin who wanted a strong infrastructure first) and he'd definitely have wanted to move towards flying mecha (again, bias).

I mentioned his experiences as well. Pilot!Devin would have had the chance during combat to have had exposure to any of the main threats. There was another chance to fight and secure one of the many Frankenstein machines that Pak produces, along with being part of a rear guard against a Kaiju landing. One option, however, would have seen Pilot!Devin become one of the first humans aside from Satsuma to fight a Free Brother. He'd have lost, but he'd have also survived to tell the tale - and he'd have knocked off a piece of Kausen tech to begin reverse engineering, effectively his version of Sample Zero.

Field Artillery - King of Battle! Artillery!Devin would have been fairly straightforward - he'd have had plenty of experience commanding a few guns, then an entire battery by the time of the interview. He'd also have seen combat by then, albeit at a distance, against both Kaiju and the Westphalians. What he would have brought to the table would have been organizational skills of moving, setting up, breaking down, and directing a ridiculous amount of firepower.

That would have had an impact on how he approached running the DFRI. With firepower on the mind, he would have probably focused much more heavily on the development of long ranged options mounted on platforms with mobility - work with what you know, right? But he also would have had a greater appreciation for the mechanics and the development that went behind these ideas - I'm speculating, but he very much would have had a greater focus on research and prototyping, though RP might have been a bit light on the ground.

His stand-out experiences would also have been somewhat similar. He'd have come across possible Kausen tech or the remnants of Westphalian technology. But he'd also have had the possibility to get stuck in on the business end of a Kaiju that wanted his battery dead. It would have been a harrowing experience, but Artillery!Devin would know first hand roughly how many direct artillery rounds were required before a Kaiju would even flinch. At least long enough so that Mercury V would have arrived to save him, and possibly igniting an earlier dialogue.

That's all I have for now. I'm just tired, and I typed more than I thought I would. Hope everyone enjoys this...and I hope I get my friggin' room sometime soon. Otherwise I'm going to start ordering pizzas in the lobby.
Interesting. So Pilot Devon sounds like his thing would have been army upgrades/rapid militarization things, which kind of sounds like he'd semi-counter the Westphalian mobility/sneakery with sneaky defenses of his own, and an in-road to Kausen tech, as well as flying mechs.
Arty Devon...Sounds like he'd have a knowledge of just how HARD you need to hit things to hurt them meaningfully, and thus perhaps enable modern ranged weaponry like machine guns or a better starting point for rocket launchers. (As far as I recall we're relying on GLORIOUS MELEE! for the most part.)
Also, I don't think either of them'd approve that much of our current roster. Arty would be displeased at all the melee, Pilot might be somewhat happier but not by much I think.
if our K material likes to form spikes, but not blades, why not a flanged mace?
:/ Might work but I doubt it-the durability issue suggest K-horn material doesn't WANT to be used in a smashy manner like that, at least not indiscriminately, and that's the issue with maces- it'd be hard to hit on the specific point on the big wrecking ball, as opposed to just needing to hit with the big wrecking ball.
:/ Might work but I doubt it-the durability issue suggest K-horn material doesn't WANT to be used in a smashy manner like that, at least not indiscriminately, and that's the issue with maces- it'd be hard to hit on the specific point on the big wrecking ball, as opposed to just needing to hit with the big wrecking ball.

I'm saying 'grow' the tips of the flanges, maybe make the base weapon's frame from our other super-metal? Keep in mind Flanged maces tend to have a regular pattern, and not requiring greater precision like a pick or thrusting weapon.
Classic answer: If it keeps breaking don't bother stopping it, prepare multiple loads. If using a flanged mace, morningstar, tetsubo or other spiky bludgeon, you just need to make the spikes ejectable and include a magazine of extra spikes.

...or use a cluster munition.
Like, a K-horn tipped penetrator containing a canister full of explosives and K-horn flechettes
Veil glared at her brother in irritation, as he watched a recording of a simulated battle.
"When, precisely are we going to do something about that man, brother?" Veil growled, pointing at a Buckler IFV with a crimson paintjob.
Vent shook his head, as the Buckler raced forward towards the Tank Mobile opposite it.
"Jealousy is unbecoming of your station sister, and all run the Race. That he's made that peculiar armor system work for him as well as he has is proof of his worth."
The Buckler weaves to avoid the incoming fire of the Tank Mobile, and as a second one moves out to fire from a flanking position, the crimson vehicle simply picks up speed to avoid it's shots.
"Hrmf. That might be but all he's truly done is steal outdated notes more misleading then not! How else would he alone be capable of utilizing that scrap!"
A third Tank Mobile rolled out from behind cover to fire at the Buckler, yet the red truck simple veered slightly to the right before overcorrecting to the left, dodging the attacks with ease.
"I will admit that is most...Convienent, for him, in a way that strikes me as quite suspicious, but it is but a portion of his capabilities."
The Tank Mobile hard reverses, to try and gain ground against the Buckler's reckless approach.
At that, an excited light began to dance in Veil's eyes, as the Buckler's armor plates shift forward into a frontal shield and lock together right before crashing into the Tank Mobile, smashing it apart in a great hammer blow.
"Ah yes, brother, that Gatebreaker Charge is his true calling, a blow that none can stand against! That, I am more than pleased with."
The Buckler swung around quickly to orient itself towards the second Tank Mobile, it's rounds uselessly slamming into the shield.
"It's tasteless, the way he goes about bragging for being trash. One should silence their defeats with the glories of victory!"
The Buckler smashes through the Tank Mobile, and charges towards the third, although this driver has better aim and strikes dead-center, tearing off the shield and exposing the front of the Buckler.
Instead of reminding everyone of some time he failed a roll of the dice, to hear him tell of it."
The Buckler's shield reconfigures, drawing in and closing together in an awkward-looking trianglular formation before slamming into the third Tank Mobile, destroying it even at a clear cost to the systems underneath the shield. A few moments passes, and the recording ends.
"Regardless, Hector is soon to be sent out, unless we convince him otherwise?"
"Let him go. There are those who question even the Cause itself, in the face of the DFRI's achievements. If he survives, then we should approach him."
"And if he falls? If he is not loyal to death and surrenders his secrets?"
"If he falls says it all, dear brother! If he could not stand against them, he was no warrior worthy of our attention."

Because the Westphalians could use a mini-boss, I think.
Welp, I've returned to this forum and seeing so many updates in my favorite quest is a delightful present. It has been really fun and I'll keep on watching for the next updates.

As for the Dragon's Horn... Honestly wanted to propose for Alteisen's Heat Horn but then again we haven't thought of how to safely use the materials.
Turn Five, Year Three Reaction Force/Events
Here's what we've got for now. I've got one further post to make sometime this weekend, but I'm flying out in a few days so I'm going to be fairly busy. Hope I didn't miss anything here!

Quite a few things have happened this month.

This is an understatement, really. What with the Dispersion Field, the Seeker, and oh yes, the fact that you're about to have several new AI starting to walk around and cause all manner of havoc across the base.

No, you don't have a good reason to assume they're going to cause havoc, but this is the DFRI. It's going to happen in some form or another.

But, first things first. Things in-house have happened rather quickly.


The Dispersion Projector

The Dispersion Projector is complete.

Dispersion Projector
Cost: 4 RP
Charges: 2*
Can provide one of the following:
- Provide immunity to damage for one turn. Will consume the entire turn.
- Lock down 1x enemy target, prevent all offensive action. Will consume the entire turn.

Zulu has turned out to be an unexpected boon to your research team, and you expect that Sam and Max are going to have even more terrifying ideas now that they have a (almost literal) brand new perspective to bounce thoughts off of. The proof is with just how well versed the Drone is with Kausen technology.

The engineers have confirmed that they can build the Projector with little difficulties, but it's not exactly cheap. What you get for the resources you pour into each model right now is an incredibly potent - if finicky - piece of equipment that can be used for protection and enemy control both. If you're willing to wait, however, Adam and Wilde assure you that they will work with Zulu to see if production can be streamlined to make it any cheaper or more reliable - they don't make any promises on what result they can produce just yet.

Pirate Radio

With additional conferring with Galbinus and Delphi (as she finishes her final stress tests before Ignatov and Patch bless off on her beginning her duties), you have also learned one of the primary reasons why the Dominion has not come looking for the Legio Galbinus (at least in this part of space) just yet. Namely, that with the warship claimed by the Free Brothers and their communications suite, along with the apparent defection of its onboard Oracle Matrix to the Free Brothers' cause, nothing on known Dominion signals will get through.

Endgame Objective – Defeat Free Brothers; establish first contact with Dominion of Mekaen
Sub Objective 1 – Eliminate Free Brothers' Jamming; Establish communications with Dominion
Sub Objectives 2+ – ???

Galbinus has conferred with you that ideally he would like to somehow nullify the Free Brothers' ability to jam all communications, and get a signal - a distress call, a report, something - through the barrier. However, he's also shared that this could very well be a double-edged sword. From what he and Herald have told you, the political stability of the Dominion is...lamentable at the best of times. The ruling body of the Dominion have held sway for a long time, but with constant political strife - there was no telling who would respond.

Something to bear in mind, anyway.

We're the Mechanical Men

The new trio of AIs are finally maturing out of the Lair's server banks. Igantov and Patch (fascinated by the potential births of 'native' Kaus) are monitoring the AIs as communications between themselves and the wider staff of Novgorod Computing Solutions are being exchanged with ever greater rapidity. The only question remains is this - what form are they going to take?

Either way, they're not going to be ready for duty immediately. Ignatov reminds you one day that they'll need some time (he couldn't predict how long exactly) to acclimate, interact with the wider DFRI staff, and so on. Patch concurs, noting that newly forged Kaus also have a bit of adjustment time given to them before they're assigned given tasks to perform.

Reaction Force

Highway Robbery

Bandit has laid low for the moment, but you expect he'll start begin launching raids across the North American District. Preparations to deal with him have fallen through the cracks* but Sasaki has assured you that she'll have some sort of plan ready by next month.

QM NOTE: Yeah, I just forgot about it. Whoops. >_>

Monumental Undertakings

Anna's expedition has already sent an advanced party, and Intelligence operatives are establishing an impromptu network on the ground. Monitoring historic sites isn't normally in their bailiwick, so it's a little understandable for existing intelligence infrastructure to be a bit sparse on the ground.

While tourists have not noted anything out of the ordinary, the locals have already cottoned on to the fact that something's amiss, and Anna's compatriots are readily collecting information already. All that's left is to assign her some backup if (when) things go wrong. No additional cost will be incurred to send them - you've already set aside resources for this, and Intelligence will take care of the rest.

You can send either Ichiro or Callaghan. Tellison is unavailable - Ignatov insists that if he's to work with the new AI personalities, he must remain on station to interact with them. Whoever you send will be unavailable for further deployment if required next month.

[] Send Ichiro Banner (SCR-05E Banner(Centurion Chassis))

[] Send 1LT Callaghan (SCR-01 Beowulf)

Nothing else has arisen as of yet.
[X] Personalities - Anime_Fan35
[X] Send Ichiro Banner (SCR-05E Banner(Centurion Chassis))

I am sending Ichiro as a test of his ability to work alone in the field without us holding his hand. I don't want to send Callaghan since we might need the super robot next month.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Feb 2, 2019 at 12:54 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Feb 2, 2019 at 12:55 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Feb 2, 2019 at 1:32 PM, finished with 9 posts and 8 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Feb 2, 2019 at 3:15 PM, finished with 9 posts and 8 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Feb 3, 2019 at 2:19 AM, finished with 14 posts and 13 votes.
[X] Send Ichiro Banner (SCR-05E Banner(Centurion Chassis))

I'm with @HeavyBane. Don't really like the other options, and if his weren't meant to be taken seriously, I won't vote for them.
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[X] Personalities - Anime_Fan35
[X] Send Ichiro Banner (SCR-05E Banner(Centurion Chassis))

HeavyBane writeup includes an 'alpha male' that likes to pick up AI chicks, the brooding loner stereotype that is noted to be obnoxious and the whole hapless generic nice guy protagonist.

Like, part of the fun of this quest is having a super robot themed show/quest without the requisite skeeviness that is somehow prevalent in the genre and I don't care to reinsert it.

Ichiro Banner is because I would like him to get some screen time and show off.