Just had an idea that I think is really good, although not important enough to do this turn:
We should create a support unit whose job is to carve off and freeze samples from Kaiju that have just been killed, before the acid self destruct can kick in. I doubt the team would be able to get more than 1 sample per Kaiju, but if we work with the Yukimara institute and have the support team follow Mercury V around, that would hopefully give us a fairly steady supply of new Kaiju samples.
Well, I think that's long enough without any additional posts to close the vote.

On this note, I'm going to sleep off the rest of the turkey food coma. Hope everyone who observes it had a peaceful Thanksgiving.
Scheduled vote count started by Basarin on Nov 22, 2020 at 5:06 PM, finished with 63 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan Development and Deployment
    -[X] Defense Force
    --[X] Highway Robbery! - Free Brothers
    ---[X] Deploy Richard Callaghan/Beowulf, with the CR-02 Phalanx Squadron, Ocular, and the Pegasus carrying the V-33 TMU squadron.
    --[X] Reaction Force Active Monitoring
    ---[X] Advisor: Adriana
    --[X] Liaison: Mander/MSS
    ---[X] Advisor: Haruko Sasaki
    --[X] Pilot Training: Tellison, Zhang/Perseus
    ---[X] Advisor: Diana
    --[X] Pilot Training: Jessica Satsuma/Valkyrie
    --[X] Pilot Training: Charlie, Frankie, Iris
    -[X] Engineering
    --[X] Refit Super Robot
    ---[X] Advisor: Lana
    ---[X] Super Robot: Ichiro
    ---[X] Refit Ichiro's cannon to be a Kausen Energy Blaster, give him Anti Gravity Treatment, install K-Scale and K-Circuits
    --[X] Triple Combination
    ---[X] Advisor: Jiro Yukimura, Wilde and Henry
    --[X] Design New Equipment
    ---[X] Advisor: Boris Ignatov
    ---[X] Develop defensive remote-controlled drones for the Perseus (IE Gundam Bits/Funnels)
    -[X] Science!
    --[X] K-Fang Development
    ---[X] Advisor: Sam Carlson
    --[X] Kausen Weaponry
    ---[X] Advisor: Zulu
    ---[X] Work on developing versions of energy blasters that our support units can use.
    --[X] K-Scale Refinement
    ---[X] Advisor: Ivanna
    ---[X] Figure out if our Kaiju samples could be used to make an organic super robot, and if not, what would be needed.
    -[X] Special Actions
    --[X] Super Carrier Sergey Gorshkov
    ---[X] Advisor: Katrina
    --[X] A Helping Hand - Ground Pound
    ---[X] Advisor: Max Brand
    [X] Plan Fins and Funnels
    -[X] Reaction Force: Active Monitoring (gain info at 3d6, if I'm reading the options correctly)
    --[X] Advisor: Adriana - gain chance at Disadvantage (1d6) to uncover additional details.
    -[X] Highway Robbery! - Free Brothers
    --[X] Deploy Richard Callaghan/Beowulf, with the CR-02 Phalanx Squadron, Ocular, and the Pegasus
    -[X] Pilot Training: All free pilots. Prioritise Charlie, Frankie, Iris (Two turns. Threshold of 3-6 on 2d6).
    --[X] Advisor: Haruko Sasaki (may re-roll a failed roll)
    -[X] Liaison: Dr. Yukimura/Yukimura Institute (Threshold of 5-6 4-6 on 2d6)
    --[X] Advisor: Diana (reduce the Threshold by 1)
    -[X] Refit Super Robot (1+ turns)
    --[X] Advisor: Lana (Roll 2d6 (Threshold of 5-6). On success, reduce the Duration by One Turn. May offer a re-roll to any failed Engineering roll once per turn).
    --[X] Super Robot: Ichiro
    --[X] Refit Ichiro's cannon to be a Kausen Energy Blaster, give him Anti Gravity Treatment, install K-Scale and K-Circuits
    -[X] Triple Combination (One turn, 2d6 3d6, threshold of ?-6)
    --[X] Advisor: Jiro Yukimura (gain 1d6 per roll, Critical Success is now 4-6 depending on Success Threshold)
    --[X] Finish the existing project
    -[X] Design New Equipment (or Weapon) (2+ turns, 2d6, threshold varies)
    --[X] Autonomous attack/support drones (aka Bit/Funnel Control System)
    --[X] Advisor: Boris Ignatov (Threshold for success on AI Actions is reduced by One)
    -[X] Enemy Wreckage Analysis (1 turn, 2d6, threshold of 5-6)
    --[X] Advisor: Wilde and Henry
    -[X] Kaiju Biotechnology (Duration or threshold unknown, 2d6)
    --[X] Advisor: SAM CARLSON (reduce the Threshold for Success by 1)
    --[X] What if we try building a core unit from the K-Class materials?
    -[X] K-Fang Development (Two turns remaining, 2d6+1d6 (Carryover from previous turns), threshold of 4-6)
    --[X] Advisor: Ivanna (May re-roll any failed Science roll once per turn)
    -[X] Kausen Weaponry (Two turns, 2d6, threshold of 5-6)
    --[X] Zulu (add +2 to the value of the lowest rolled d6)
    --[X] Energy weapons for support units (or non-Heavy energy weapons in general)
    -[X] Super Carrier Sergey Gorshkov (Two turns remaining, 2d6 3d6, threshold of 5-6)
    --[X] Advisor: Katarina (Adds 1d6)
    -[X] A Helping Hand - Ground Pound (Three turns, 2d6 4d6, Threshold of 6)
    --[X] Max Brand (add 2d6)
Turn Seven, Year Three Rolls
At the moment, I'm debating whether or not to switch these rolls bits to Apocrypha rather than Informational.

Also, the rolls post was delayed by virtue of the fact my cat chewed through my mouse wire. (This was, however, a fantastic excuse to upgrade)

Reaction Force Monitoring
Assigned: Adriana
Rolling 3d6 (Threshold Unknown): 2, 2, 2.

On the face of it, you don't learn anything new. You mostly are aware of various skirmishes taking place between the Westphalians and the EUGDF in the European District...
Adriana rolls 1d6: 6!
But the youngest sister find something particularly interesting about Westphalian movements. Opportunity available to pursue at beginning of next turn!

Pilot Training
Assigned: Diana
Duration: Two Turns

Training Program: Perseus (Tellison, Zhang).
Rolling 2d6 (Threshold of 3-6): 3, 4.

Training Program: Valkyrie (Satsuma)
Rolling 2d6 (Threshold of 3-6): 6, 4.

Training Program: Perseus (Trio)
Rolling 2d6 (Threshold of 2-6): 2, 6.

Training is underway, and results are good so far...increases or new abilities (if applicable) will be annotated at the end of next turn.

Liaison Duties
Assigned: Sasaki
Rolling 3d6 (Threshold of 5-6): 5, 3, 1.
The meeting goes well, and Mander drops some hints on what he might cash his favor in with (to be revealed in turn post).

Triple Combination
Assigned: Jiro, Wilde & Henry
Duration: One Turn Remaining
Rolling 3d6: 4, 4, 2.
Crit (thanks to Jiro's threshold)! Jiro has had a breakthrough, and Wilde and Henry already see how to make it happen...

Design New Equipment
Assigned: Ignatov
Duration: Two Turns
Rolling 2d6 (Threshold Unknown, testing feasibility): 4, 5.
Gun drones controlled by the power of the mind, and by extension the MMI? Boris Ignatov sees potential in this...

Also, good show to whoever fixed the punctuation. :p

K-Fang Development
Duration: Two Turns
Rollling 3d6 (Threshold of 4-6): 6, 2, 3.
"Sam here! We've accidentally drilled through the test dummies, through the wall, and almost through the food delivery truck. So results are good all around so far!"

K-Scale Refinement
Assigned: Ivanna
Duration: Two Turns
Rolling 2d6 (Threshold of 4-6): 6, 1.
"Designing an entire Super Robot core from K-Scale is...a little too close to the original Kaiju, I think. But if needed, I think it can be done. I just need to run a few more tests..."

Kausen Weaponry
Assigned: Zulu
Duration: Two Turns
Rolling 2d6 (Threshold of 5-6): 2+2, 4 Ivanna's re-roll takes place. 4, 6.
It seems as if you've picked everything about Bandit's rifle clean so far...Zulu, however, is convinced his former 'superior' had some extra tricks hiding inside. Thanks to Ivanna's insights, he's coming to a realization of just how modified the rifle was, and is now his primary focus for investigation.

Super Carrier Sergey Gorshkov
Assigned: Katarina
Duration: Two Turns
Rolling 3d6 (Threshold of 5-6): 4, 2, 4.
Nothing spectacular came of it...yet. Katarina is nevertheless going over the hull's new construction with a finetoothed comb for anything else that she might be able to sneak into the final design - or anything you might abe able to make use of.

A Helping Hand
Assigned: Max
Duration: Three Turns
Rolling 3d6 (I will rule that she is applying her expertise in Xeno Technology here, Threshold of 6): 5, 5, 6.
It turns out that Max not only came from an interesting circle of academics, she still keeps in touch with at least one of them! It's just a matter of getting in touch...
Is your new mouse wireless? And as for the rolls, i do not see what the problem is or why you would need to put it into apocrypha. The parts of the rolls i am most interested in is the Triple Combination and the K-fang. Triple Combination because that might be the path we need to take to get the 5 combining robots one ala Voltron Defender of the Universe. And the K-Fang one just to see what they did that burned through a wall and almost totaled a food truck.
Pity nothing special for the Carrier. On the other hand, it's going to be extremely thoroughly checked everywhere so no more than the normal problems with prototype equipment should happen.
I just finished a reread of the thread, still great by the way, and I think we're missing some results from the last turn.
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I've just completed my own retread of this quest.

A useful suggestion for a future CRX configurable chassis: A heavy industrial hauler, suitable for mining, construction, and heavy engineering concerns. Keep it semi-modular with the option to use a dump truck hopper, a set of foldable work arms, and some other heavy equipment.

We can then use it as the foundation for a toughness-oriented core robot with all the handy industrial and engineering tools, like, say, a tunneling drill :D
Triple Combination
Assigned: Jiro, Wilde & Henry
Duration: One Turn Remaining
Rolling 3d6: 4, 4, 2.
Crit (thanks to Jiro's threshold)! Jiro has had a breakthrough, and Wilde and Henry already see how to make it happen...
Shouldn't this be 4d6, since both advisors assigned provide +1d6 to practical applications?

Also, question: Can we refit the Timberwolf Formation, the Perseus, and the Gunship to have energy blasters as their default heavy weapons?

We can then use it as the foundation for a toughness-oriented core robot with all the handy industrial and engineering tools, like, say, a tunneling drill
I would say the Perseus already fills the role of being a toughness oriented Super Robot, since it has the combat shield, arc blade, and k-scale

In my opinion, we should aim for the following roles:
- Beowulf: Agile Generalist (Timberwolf for durability, Foxhound for firepower)
- Banner (Ichiro): Tough Brawler (Needs durability focused combine unit, to offset downside of Rage)
- Perseus: Defensive commander (Combine units should focus on firepower or agility)
- Gunship: Full offense (Combine units should focus on toughness or agility) (for core unit upgrades I'm thinking Anti-Gravity treatment, K-scale, and 2x K-Circuits for 3 damage per strike)
What about equippable armour? Or "Draw Aggro"/"Smokescreen" support unit, like what Intel Team did in his latest battle?
That could help as well, but I was speaking in terms of what type of combine unit we should try to get for him, since he currently doesn't have any combine units. I don't think we should worry about getting a combine unit for Ichiro until we have the support team for Perseus finished
That could help as well, but I was speaking in terms of what type of combine unit we should try to get for him, since he currently doesn't have any combine units. I don't think we should worry about getting a combine unit for Ichiro until we have the support team for Perseus finished
I was trying to ask, does Ichiro even need a combine unit? He's a strong and independent robot, after all.
Y'know rereading the Brest - Wrap up segment, And the Favor we now owe the other guys. I would not mind if we shared our Variable Configuration tech with them now that the Westphalians are starting to get it themselves in significant numbers. Mind you they probably got it from the Kausen but details.

Anyway, We might also want to think about giving them an AI of their own to help them with their fights. Which will be especially useful in liaising with them during our ops once we get the second platoon up and running. And we are going to have to due to all of the problems all 3 groups are facing, The Kaiju, Kausen, and the Westphalians. All of whom are probably now talking to each other.

So having roving platoons of Super Robot teams running around world wide to deal with the various threats will be a welcome thing by everyone except our enemies. And by that i mean we have 2 or 3 groups out running ops while 2 units stay at home to keep watch for other threats.
Y'know rereading the Brest - Wrap up segment, And the Favor we now owe the other guys. I would not mind if we shared our Variable Configuration tech with them now that the Westphalians are starting to get it themselves in significant numbers. Mind you they probably got it from the Kausen but details.

Anyway, We might also want to think about giving them an AI of their own to help them with their fights. Which will be especially useful in liaising with them during our ops once we get the second platoon up and running. And we are going to have to due to all of the problems all 3 groups are facing, The Kaiju, Kausen, and the Westphalians. All of whom are probably now talking to each other.
Remember that AIs are highly classified by our government. We may not be allowed to give AIs to "private contractors".

However, I think we should give the Yukimara institute a support unit whose job is to take samples from freshly killed Kaiju. We can sweeten the deal by sharing our K-tech with the institute, and our superior has said that the Yukimara institute is the only group she would consider letting us share K-tech with. Just imagine what Sam could do with a steady supply of new samples.

Edit: For Mander solutions: I think giving them weapons would help them. They have a fairly conventional sword and flak gun for their robot, I bet a Kausen Energy blaster and an Arc blade would make their robot more deadly.
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Remember that AIs are highly classified by our government. We may not be allowed to give AIs to "private contractors".

However, I think we should give the Yukimara institute a support unit whose job is to take samples from freshly killed Kaiju. We can sweeten the deal by sharing our K-tech with the institute, and our superior has said that the Yukimara institute is the only group she would consider letting us share K-tech with. Just imagine what Sam could do with a steady supply of new samples.

Edit: For Mander solutions: I think giving them weapons would help them. They have a fairly conventional sword and flak gun for their robot, I bet a Kausen Energy blaster and an Arc blade would make their robot more deadly.
mander is sworn to secrecy but some of them including the pilot of Valiant know that Ichiro is an AI in a Super Robot Body.
I think that we should be careful with the subject of K-mats around the Yukimura Institute, given that we are messing with the same branch of science that they have dedicated themselves to fighting
I think that we should be careful with the subject of K-mats around the Yukimura Institute, given that we are messing with the same branch of science that they have dedicated themselves to fighting
We would have to sound them out, yes, but I haven't seen any indication that Yukimara Is against biotech, he's just against what Shoel is doing with kaiju tech.
Telling them how to induce kaiju into self-destructing could help them take the things out faster though.
We don't have a way of doing that. What we have is a way to purge the acid from kaiju samples, but doing so causes an explosion, although it apparently doesn't destroy the sample. Doing it to a full kaiju could probably blow up a entire city block or more.