Super Robot Quest

Turn Seven, Year Three Rolls
At the moment, I'm debating whether or not to switch these rolls bits to Apocrypha rather than Informational.

Also, the rolls post was delayed by virtue of the fact my cat chewed through my mouse wire. (This was, however, a fantastic excuse to upgrade)

Reaction Force Monitoring
Assigned: Adriana
Rolling 3d6 (Threshold Unknown): 2, 2, 2.

On the face of it, you don't learn anything new. You mostly are aware of various skirmishes taking place between the Westphalians and the EUGDF in the European District...
Adriana rolls 1d6: 6!
But the youngest sister find something particularly interesting about Westphalian movements. Opportunity available to pursue at beginning of next turn!

Pilot Training
Assigned: Diana
Duration: Two Turns

Training Program: Perseus (Tellison, Zhang).
Rolling 2d6 (Threshold of 3-6): 3, 4.

Training Program: Valkyrie (Satsuma)
Rolling 2d6 (Threshold of 3-6): 6, 4.

Training Program: Perseus (Trio)
Rolling 2d6 (Threshold of 2-6): 2, 6.

Training is underway, and results are good so far...increases or new abilities (if applicable) will be annotated at the end of next turn.

Liaison Duties
Assigned: Sasaki
Rolling 3d6 (Threshold of 5-6): 5, 3, 1.
The meeting goes well, and Mander drops some hints on what he might cash his favor in with (to be revealed in turn post).

Triple Combination
Assigned: Jiro, Wilde & Henry
Duration: One Turn Remaining
Rolling 3d6: 4, 4, 2.
Crit (thanks to Jiro's threshold)! Jiro has had a breakthrough, and Wilde and Henry already see how to make it happen...

Design New Equipment
Assigned: Ignatov
Duration: Two Turns
Rolling 2d6 (Threshold Unknown, testing feasibility): 4, 5.
Gun drones controlled by the power of the mind, and by extension the MMI? Boris Ignatov sees potential in this...

Also, good show to whoever fixed the punctuation. :p

K-Fang Development
Duration: Two Turns
Rollling 3d6 (Threshold of 4-6): 6, 2, 3.
"Sam here! We've accidentally drilled through the test dummies, through the wall, and almost through the food delivery truck. So results are good all around so far!"

K-Scale Refinement
Assigned: Ivanna
Duration: Two Turns
Rolling 2d6 (Threshold of 4-6): 6, 1.
"Designing an entire Super Robot core from K-Scale is...a little too close to the original Kaiju, I think. But if needed, I think it can be done. I just need to run a few more tests..."

Kausen Weaponry
Assigned: Zulu
Duration: Two Turns
Rolling 2d6 (Threshold of 5-6): 2+2, 4 Ivanna's re-roll takes place. 4, 6.
It seems as if you've picked everything about Bandit's rifle clean so far...Zulu, however, is convinced his former 'superior' had some extra tricks hiding inside. Thanks to Ivanna's insights, he's coming to a realization of just how modified the rifle was, and is now his primary focus for investigation.

Super Carrier Sergey Gorshkov
Assigned: Katarina
Duration: Two Turns
Rolling 3d6 (Threshold of 5-6): 4, 2, 4.
Nothing spectacular came of it...yet. Katarina is nevertheless going over the hull's new construction with a finetoothed comb for anything else that she might be able to sneak into the final design - or anything you might abe able to make use of.

A Helping Hand
Assigned: Max
Duration: Three Turns
Rolling 3d6 (I will rule that she is applying her expertise in Xeno Technology here, Threshold of 6): 5, 5, 6.
It turns out that Max not only came from an interesting circle of academics, she still keeps in touch with at least one of them! It's just a matter of getting in touch...
Highway Robbery - Rounds 1-3 Rolls
[X] Plan Stacked Deck
-[X] Setting the Bait
--[X] Callaghan and Beowolf is to engage the drones to draw out Bandit
---[X] Callaghan's re-rolls should be used on failed defensive rolls (IE dodging or k-scale mesh)
--[X] Use of Timberwolf Formation is authorized, Callaghan can decide when to deploy it.
--[X] Prioritize taking down Bandit's drones, although use the Timberwolf's Heavy Weapons on either Bandit or Scrapheap as applicable.
--[X] Make sure to taunt and goad Bandit to ensure he is focused on Beowolf and thus at as much of a disadvantage as possible when the support arrives.
-[X] Springing the Trap
--[X] Once Bandit is utterly focused on Beowolf and the support is in position, spring the trap and bring in all support at once.
--[X] Callaghan should switch to the Foxhound formation and start using his re-rolls on attacks to ensure as much damage is dealt as possible.
--[X] At this point, Bandit is the number one priority for Callaghan, the First Experimental Support Wing, the Pegasus, and Ocular
--[X] Cavalier should focus on Scrapheap to keep Scrapheap from preventing Bandit's capture or death
--[X] The Ninth Armored Reconnaissance 'Hoplites' are to take down any remaining drones or to attack Scrapheap if there are no more drones.

DFRI Rolls: 6, 4.

Free Brothers Rolls: 2, 3.

DFRI wins Initiative roll.

Enemies have been identified: 2x Drone Mobs.

Beowulf initiates Ramming Speed at first Drone Mob.
Rolls: 3, 2.
The ram fails to connect, the Mob scatters out of the way. 1/2 Actions Remaining.

Beowulf initiates Strike at the same Drone Mob.
Rolls: 3, 1.
The Strikes fail to inflict significant damage.
Notable allows for additional rolls: 3, 4.
Still nothing. 0/2 Actions Remaining.

First Drone Mob counters with one of their own attacks! Heavy Mining Blasters are drawn and begin firing!
Rolls: 1, 1.
Critical Failure - systems are overloaded and cannot fire until Round Four!
Presence of another Drone Mob allows Free Action at Disadvantage (1d6). In true mook fashion, they swarm Beowulf!
Rolls: 4.
The First Drone Mob utterly fails to accomplish much of note. This is just sort of embarrassing.

Second Drone Mob tries to do better. They launch themselves into Striking!
Rolls: 6, 2.
Finally someone succeeds at a roll this turn! Strike succeeds.
Beowulf rolls for Agile!
Rolls: 1, 4.
Beowulf dodges. However, presence of the other Drone Mob allows it to launch another Strike at Disadvantage!
Rolls: 6.
Ocular forces a re-roll with Scramble Communications.
Rolls: 3.
Misses. This has been a strange comedy of errors where nothing went right for anyone. Better believe this will influence how I write this one out.
Round One concludes.

Bandit arrives! Cowardly Tactics forces a re-roll to Initiative!
DFRI: 3, 6.
Free Brothers: 5, 6.
Free Brothers win new Initiative!

Bandit: Say hello to my new friend! Immediately begins blasting with Bandit Blaster Mk. II!
Rolls: 2, 2, 5.
Callaghan rolls for Agile!
Rolls: 3, 4.
Succeeds. Callaghan barely gets out of the way, but there's a glassed crater where he was once standing.
Bandit initiates Ramming Speed!
Rolls: 3, 5.
Success! Does Callaghan dodge?
Rolls: 1, 2.
No. Callaghan burns his re-roll from Enhanced Reflexes.
Rolls: 3, 1.
Fails. Rolling for K-Scale Mesh mitigation.
Rolls: 6, 2.
Damage reduced! Beowulf sustains 3 HP damage, 15/18 remaining! Spiked tires really sting...
Free Brother Smuggler takes effect! Rolling...
Rolls: 6!
The Blaster is...getting a little fiddly...

Drone Mob 1 attempts to swarm Beowulf!
Rolls: 6, 6.
Critical Success!
Ocular tries to mitigate this!
Rolls: 2, 2.
Ocular: :whistle: Attack sort of fumbles.
Presence of other Drone Mob allows for another attempt at Disadvantage!
Rolls: 6.
Succeeds anyway, but not nearly so catastrophically. Callaghan rolls for Agile.
Rolls: 2, 5.
Succeeds, but Beowulf is now experiencing Diminishing Returns.

Drone Mob 2 readies their Improvised Mining Blasters!
Rolls: 5, 1.
Success! Beowulf attempts to dodge with Diminishing Returns.
Rolls: 1, 4.
Fails! K-Scale Mesh has already been expended this turn, Beowulf sustains 4 HP of damage, 11/18 remaining!
Drone Mob 1 triggers Attack, Attack, Attack! thanks to successful attack from Drone Mob 2! Rolling to Strike at Disadvantage.
Rolls: 4.
Fails, but Callaghan is feeling the pressure build.

Callaghan decides he's done his part in playing as the decoy! "Pegasus, send everyone if you haven't already!"
Pegasus launches a single charge Energy Blaster to Callaghan as it also dispatches the Sheperd for Steel Combination. (I realize from the last time I wrote this we didn't include the Energy Blaster by default, so you get this as one Action before I burn the other on combining)
Targeting Drone Mob 1!
Rolling: 5, 4, 1!
Success! Inflicts 4 HP, sends more than a few Drones flying off into component parts and scrap. 1/2 Actions Remaining.
Steel Formation! Beowulf combines into Timberwolf, ready for battle! 0/2 Actions remaining. 25/32 HP remaining!
Round Two concludes.

The Timberwolf now has Bandit's complete, unparsed attention. Callaghan is debating if this is a good thing or not.
Bandit Strikes again!
Rolls: 4, 4. Free Brother Smuggler roll result from previous turn forces a re-roll for good or ill.
Rolls again: 1, 6.
Success! Timberwolf rolls for K-Scale Mesh!
Rolls: 6, 4.
EDIT: Roll for Super Tough!
Rolls: 1.
Timberwolf still sustains 2 HP! 23/32 HP remaining!
Bandit's successful roll triggers Heat Knife! Beowulf takes another 1 HP damage. (Zirvitium Plating is stronk)
EDIT: Roll for Super Tough!
Rolls: 3.
22/32 HP remaining!

Drone Mob 1 is now feeling even more poorly about their chances, but they go for it anyway!
Rolls: 4, 6.
Ocular once again forces the issue. Forces re-roll!
Rolls: 2, 6.
Unfortunately it doesn't take this time.
EDIT: Super Tough?
Rolls: 5.
Timberwolf ignores 2 HP damage. 22/32 HP still remaining!
Attack, Attack, Attack! Triggers in Drone Mob 2!
Rolls at Disadvantage: 2.
Doesn't work. But Drone Mob 1 gets their Free Action at Disadvantage from Drone Mob 2's presence.
Rolls at Disadvantage: 1.
Nope. It's like being swarmed by flies - occasionally harmful, mostly annoying.

Drone Mob 2 takes their shot!
Rolls: 4, 1.
Nope. They take their free Action from Drone Mob 1's presence at Disadvantage on the off chance it might work!
Rolls: 1.
That's a super-nope.

Callaghan is now more than a little annoyed that the trap worked a little too well. The Drone Mob 1 needs to go!
ENERGY BLASTER! Demolisher Array fires!
Rolls: 5, 1, 4.
Success! 4 HP inflicted!
Timberwolf follows up with Strikes!
Rolls: 1, 6.
SMASH. The Timberwolf stomps the first Drone Mob! Target is destroyed, Notable does not trigger as a result.

Interrupt! Cavalier slams into the next Drone Mob!
"Sorry I'm late! The others were too fragging slow!"
Cavalier Strikes!
Rolls: 4, 6.
Success! Inflicts 2 HP!
Chance for Pit Fighter to trigger.
Rolls: 5.
Not this time. Cavalier triggers Notable Character, Strikes again!
Rolls: 6, 5.
Success! Cavalier inflicts 2 HP additional!
Pit Fighter chance.
Rolls: 2.
Sadly not this time.

Round Three concludes.

Free Brothers reinforcements arrive! Scrapheap, 2x Drone Mobs!
DFRI reinforcements arrive! Cavalier, V-33s of the First Experimental Wing, Ninth Armored Reconaissance Hoplites, Pegasus!

Phew! This took me a long time to type and roll out - mostly from being out of practice, mostly because I kept getting interrupted this week from doing this all in one go like I normally do. I probably missed out on a few things, but I'll include the full stats and wrapup in the narrative post. Hope you enjoyed!

EDIT: I forgot that the TImberwolf benefits from Super Tough. I may edit this in the future, but you were able to ignore 2 HP of damage.
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Highway Robbery - Rounds 4-6 Rolls
I am adding this text in the front of the spoilers because the board decided that hiding my text inside of spoilers did not count as having enough to contribute. Let's try it this way!

[X] Plan Almost as Planned with more Swording
-[X] Beowulf is to focus on Bandit
--[X] Beowulf starts using the Arc Blade
---[X] If the Timberwolf formation is reduced to 12 HP or less, switch to Foxhound formation
-[X] Cavalier is to keep Scrapheap from helping Bandit.
-[X] 9th Armored are to engage the drone mobs, starting with mob 2.
-[X] V-33s should target the drone mobs, starting with mob 2.
-[X] The Pegasus should target Bandit
-[X] Ocular should use Predictive Algorithm on Bandit, otherwise act at his discretion.

DFRI Rolls: 1, 6.

Free Brothers Rolls: 6, 5.

Free Brothers win the Initiative.

Bandit: Free Brother Smuggler has worn off. Bandit initiates with Cluster Bombs!
Rolls: 1, 6.
Success! 1/2 bombs goes off. Timberwolf rolls for K-Scale Mesh reduction.
Rolls: 2, 6.
Timberwolf reduces damage sustained to 1 HP. 21/32 HP remaining.
Bandit attempts to Strike again!
Rolls: 1, 4.
This time, nothing gets through the battered armor.

Bandit rolls for Free Brother Smuggler.
Rolls: 6.
...uh...oops? Faulty merchandise explodes in his hands! Bandit takes 3 HP of damage.

Scrapheap: Don't just stand there, get them! Scrapheap commits his Action to order Drone Mob 2 into Striking Cavalier!
Rolls: 6, 2.
Drone Mob 2 succeeds! Cavalier rolls to Shrug It Off (rolls at Disadvantage).
Rolls: 6.
He doesn't care too much - Damage Reduction means they only inflict 1 HP - but now the Drones' fellows jump in! 14/15 HP Remaining.
Drone Mob 3 Rolls: 1. Drone Mob 4 Rolls: 4.
Nope. He still doesn't care - fighting Drones is old hat for him!
Scrapheap: You are all less than useless!

Drone Mob 2: Get 'em! The Mob tries their luck with the Phalanxes.
Rolls: 6, 1.
The Phalanxes have a chance to ignore, rolling at Disadvantage.
Rolls: 6.
The shield wall holds! Heavy Weapons Refresh not pushed back.

Drone Mob 3: Readies the Improvised Mining Blasters at the Beowulf.
Rolls: 3, 4, 6. Ocular intervenes!
Rolls: 2, 4, 3. The blast connects, but it only grazes the Timberwolf. Not nearly enough to penetrate the Zirvitium plating.

Drone Mob 4: Mining Blasters! They direct their aim at Cavalier.
Rolls: 4, 1, 1.
Nope! They're not really hitting much of note.

Timberwolf: Arc Blade! Timberwolf Strikes at Bandit with the Arc Blade.
Rolls: 6, 6.
Crit! Bandit's Dispersion Field triggers!
Rolls: 2, 2.
Fails! Bandit sustains 8 HP! Follow-on from Notable hits.
Rolls: 2, 3.
Failed, but you did get a Critical... 1/2 Actions Remaining.
Timberwolf applies Strike once more!
Rolls: 2, 4. Rolls again from Notable: 1, 2.
No dice, but Bandit will be remembering that hit for awhile.
Timberwolf activates Electromagnetic Field as his Free Action!

Cavalier: Showtime! Cavalier launches Strikes at Scrapheap, Pit Fighter still in effect.
Rolls: 1, 6.
Success! Inflicts 2 HP. Rolling for Pit Fighter.
Rolls: 2, 6.
Scrapheap's next offensive roll must re-roll the highest value! Cavalier's Notable bonus triggers.
Rolls: 6, 5.
Another 2 HP of damage, Scrapheap has sustained 4 HP so far! Pit Fighter?
Rolls: 3, 3.
Not this time.

V-33s: It's been awhile, hasn't it? Initiating attack run on Drone Mob 2.
Rolls: 6, 3, 5.
That's a good hit! Inflicts an additional 2 HP, making another sweep with the Experimental modes.
Rolls: 2, 2.
That's a negative. Hoplites up!

Hoplites: Lock shields, and smash into them! The Phalanxes ready the Heavy Weapons.
Rolls: 5, 1, 3.
Hit! Drone Mob 2 sustains 2 additional HP.

Pegasus: Diana is directing fire support directly on Bandit.
Rolls: 2, 2, 5.
Hits! Bandit's Dispersion Field triggers again, rolling.
Rolls: 5, 1.
It triggers, and the fire support's damage is reduced to 2 HP! Bandit has sustained 10 HP (in one round!).

Bandit: Free Brother Smuggler rolling for Dispersion Field...
Rolls: 6.
Dispersion Field short circuits! Now requires higher threshold until the end of his next turn.

Ocular: Rolls for Predictive Algorithm on Bandit...
Rolls: 3.
Nothing conclusive yet.

Round Four Concludes.

Bandit attempts to ram again!
Rolls: 1, 3.
Richard: You're not nearly as good at this as we are, even if it hurts.
Backlash Field Triggers! Bandit sustains 1 HP damage!
Bandit readies the Mk. II!
Rolls: 4, 6, 4.
Hits! Rolling for Extra Tough (at Disadvantage)...?
Rolls: 4.
No. Rolling for Electromagnetic Field...
Rolls: 2.
Damage Reduced by 2 HP! Rolling for K-Scale Mesh...
Rolls: 3, 5.
Damage sustained reduced to 1 HP! Timberwolf is now at 20/32 HP Remaining!
Backlash Field triggers! Bandit sustains 1 HP damage!

(In hindsight, you all are very fortunate you chose to make the Timberwolf as ded 'ard as you possibly could. I also choose to envision that the Arc Blade cut through the energy projectile, leaving the only damage as backwash from the remnants.)

Free Brothers Smuggler Rolls...
Rolls: 1.
Supercharged! Blaster Mk. II now does an additional +1 HP of damage in future rolls!

Scrapheap: Initiates Battlefield Triage on Bandit! (Which basically means throwing him an Energy Shard, but hey)
Rolls: 3, 5.
Bandit heals 3 HP!

Drone Mob 2 attacks the Hoplites!
Rolls: 3, 4.

Drone Mob 3 goes after Cavalier again!
Rolls: 5, 3.
Success! Cavalier rolls to Shrug It Off.
Rolls: 2, 5.
Success! Cavalier only takes 1 HP.
Attack, Attack, Attack! Triggers for other Drone Mobs.
Drone Mob 2: 2. Drone Mob 4: 5.
Neither succeeds.

Drone Mob 4: Attacks Cavalier!
Rolls: 6, 4. Ocular intervenes! Rolls: 2, 4.
None of it sticks!

Timberwolf: Unveiling the Demolisher Array at Bandit!
Rolls: 2, 2, 5.
Success! Bandit attempts to trigger Dispersion Field!
Rolls: 1, 1.
Crit fail! Bandit sustains 4 and 2 HP worth of damage! 13 HP total sustained this combat!
Timberwolf launches with the Arc Blade.
Rolls: 6, 3.
Bandit attempts to trigger Dispersion Field.
Rolls: 2, 6.
Succeeds! Sustains 2 HP additional damage.
Notable Applies.
Rolls: 3, 6.
Success, Bandit attempts to trigger Dispersion again.
Rolls: 1, 2.
Fails! Bandit sustains 4 HP! 19 HP sustained total!

Cavalier: Concussion Blaster ready! Targeting Scrapheap.
Rolls: 6, 2, 3.
Scrapheap is hit dead center with weaponized sound! Sustains 6 HP, 12 HP total this combat!

V-33s: still on cooldown.

Phalanxes: Shield Wall triggers from multiple enemy groups, can initiate Heavy Weapons again at Drone Mob 2!
Rolls: 5, 5, 4.
Success! Drone Mob 2 is destroyed!

Pegasus is still on cooldown.

Ocular: Rolling for Predictive Algorithm...
Rolls: 6.
Bandit will flee if not stopped by the end of next turn!

Round Five Concludes.

Bandit: Scrag this, we're getting out of here!
Bandit readies the Mk. II, takes aimed shot at the Arc Blade!
Rolls: 3, 6, 1.
Success! Rolling for Extra Tough.
Rolls: 2.
Fails. K-Scale Mesh?
Rolls: 4, 4.
Failed. Timberwolf sustains 4 HP! 16/32 HP Remaining!
Bandit readies final Action to GTFO.

Scrapheap: Readies final Action to GTFO.

Drone Mob 3: decides to run.

Drone Mob 4: decides to run.

The Timberwolf has had enough. Inferno Mode!
Timberwolf initiates Blazing Fist as a Free Action to finish off Bandit!
Rolls: 6, 6, 6. number of the beast has spoken! (I was honestly not expecting that one) Does Dispersion do anything?
Rolls: 2, 3.
Not nearly enough.
Bandit defeated! (And goes down in a blaze of glory)

Cavalier makes a play to ram Scrapheap.
Rolls: 5, 4.
Succeeds! Inflicts 2 additional HP on Scrapheap.

Hoplites: Attacking with Heavy Weapons on Drone Mob 5!
Rolls: 3, 5, 4.
Success! Drone Mob 5 takes parting shots of 2 HP.

Round Six Concludes.

Free Brothers make one last hidden roll...

Remaining Free Brothers escape.

Primary objective has been achieved.

DFRI Victory.

One. I am never doing these rolls in one sitting ever again. Holy hell that took awhile.

Second of all: Also holy hell, I was not expecting that final roll from the Timberwolf. Timberwolf is stronk.

Narrative post is likely to come tomorrow or in the next few days.
Turn Eight, Year Three Rolls
Your rolls were all over the place in this one. Some were alright, some were fairly low, and one will prove to have interesting results down the road.

[X] Plan Prepare the Forge
-[X] Defense Force
--[X] Something In The Waters
---[X] Adriana
--[X] Liaison Duties: Dr. Yukimura/Yukimura Institute
---[X] Haruko Sasaki
-[X] Engineering
--[X] Put together a team to conduct item fabrication without needing advisor oversight
---[X] Lana
--[X] Enemy Wreckage Analysis - Bandit's Blaster
---[X] Wilde and Henry
--[X] Enemy Wreckage Analysis - Heat Knife
---[X] Jiro Yukimura
-[X] Special Actions
--[X] [ONGOING]Super Carrier Sergey Gorshkov
---[X] Katarina

Something In The Waters
Assigned: Adriana
Duration: One Turn
Rolling 2d6 (Threshold Unknown): 3, 4.
Adriana's chance to find additional data at Disadvantage: 5.
Adriana: Huh. Okay, was not expecting that.

Liaison Duties: Yukimura Institute
Assigned: Haruko Sasaki
Duration: One Turn
Rolling 3d6 (Threshold of 5-6): 4, 2, 5.
The discussion involving Jiro is a little on the awkward side. But it does had off any misunderstandings before they can grow insurmountable.

Pilot Training
Assigned: Diana
Duration: One Turn
Rolling for each pilot.
- Tellison/Zhang - Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 4-6: 3, 5.
- Jessica - Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 4-6: 2, 2.
- The Trio - Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 3-6: 2, 3.
Diana is not able to make quite as much progress with Jessica, but she assures you that pairing her up with another Super Robot for her first outing can make up the difference. That, and the C-Crystal is rather finicky. New skills and stat blocks revealed in narrative post.

Assemble a Secondary Engineering Team
Assigned: Lana
Duration: One Turn
Rolling 2d6, Threshold Unknown: 5, 6.
Solid success! Lana's managed to track down suitable candidates for a build team.

Enemy Wreckage Analysis: Bandit Blaster Mk. II
Assigned: Wilde and Henry
Duration: One Turn
Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 5-6: 5, 6.
Henry: There's nothing revolutionary here. They just took Morgan Industries' slogan and put it into practice.
Wilde: When in doubt, use Morgan!
Henry: It's not a bad outlook on weapons design, but...unstable.
Wilde: Big boom! The best kind.
Good results! Wilde and Henry will have more to share.

Enemy Wreckage Analysis: Heat Knife
Assigned: Jiro
Duration: One Turn
Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 5-6: 1, 2.
Lana's Re-Roll applies!
Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 5-6: 1, 1.
Not so much a failure as there's nothing to learn from it. It's a very mundane, if well made, knife that conducts heat in a competent manner.

Assigned: Boris Ignatov
Duration: One Turn
Rolling 2d6, Threshold Unknown: 1, 6.
Boris is not able to make truly independent remote turrets, but he has found an unorthodox solution. Its efficacy is another matter entirely.

K-Fang Development
Duration: One Turn
Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 4-6: 2, 5.
"Sam here! The K-Fang is now in business, and the Engineering boys'll have all sorts of new ideas to play around with!"

K-Scale Refinement

Assigned: Ivanna
Duration: One Turn
Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 4-6: 6, 4.
"In managing to coax additional performance out of the K-Scales that we already make use of, we have made some additional insights in using K-Scale as an actual building block. We will have a report submitted shortly."

Kausen Weaponry

Assigned: Zulu
Duration: One Turn

Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 5-6: 1, 3.
Rerolling from Ivanna checking the maths: 5, 5.
"Modularity: intriguing. Weapon laden with extraneous features, yet some quite valuable. More testing required. For Science."

Super Carrier Sergey Gorshkov
Assigned: Katarina
Duration: One Turn
Rolling 3d6 (Threshold of 5-6): 6, 5, 1.
"I...might have snuck in Energy Blaster batteries. And additional point defense batteries beneath the hull along with sensor orbs. What? They're going to need them!"
Completion to be outlined in interlude.

A Helping Hand - Ground Pound
Assigned: Max
Duration: One Turn
Rolling 2d6 (Threshold of 6): 6, 6. (EDIT: I would add the other 2d6 I forgot to throw in here, but you scored a critical, that's enough for anyone!)
Devin: Max. What did you do, and why do I have a mad science convention in what is admittedly an appropriate venue for them?
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Turn Nine, Year Three Rolls
[X] Plan N3
Defense Force Options
-[X] Blue September
-- [X] Adriana
-[X] Reaction Force: Active Monitoring - (Which Advisor?)
--[X] Diana
-[X] Liaison: Captain Dana Candle/NDF
-- [X] Haruko Sasaki

Engineering Options
-[X] Triple Combination - Prototyping
-- [X] Wilde and Henry
-- [X] Katarina
-[X] Steed Standardization - Over There
-- [X] Jiro Yukimura
-[X] Construct Super Robot Support Unit(s)
-- [X] CRX-G2-02 "Sledder"
-- [X] Lana
-[X] Equipment Fabrication
-- [X] Heat Knife
-- [X] The Build Team
-[X] Enemy Wreckage Analysis: Drone Wreckage
-- [X] Boris Ignatov

-[X] Explore K-Class Psychic Augmentation
-- [X] Making Temporary effects last longer
-[X] Kausen Equipment
-- [X] Zulu
-- [X] hand Held Blaster Cannons
-- [X] Ivanna
-[X] Gifts of the Regent (Empathic Booster)
-- [X] Max Brand
-- [X] Multipurpose Drone Control
-[X] Faedium
--[X] If taken, must assign Mary

Alrighty. Sorry for the delay, let's have us some rolls.

Blue September

Assigned: Adriana
Duration: 2 Turns
Rolling 2d6, Threshold Unknown: 2, 5.
Rolling at Disadvantage (1d6) for Adriana's snooping: 6.
Adriana: Um. Hi! Funny running into you here, Valiant lady!
Adriana's found some unlikely leads, and an even unlikelier run-in. One turn remaining.
That said, you might want to talk to her about reenacting the Kool-Aid Man routine into protected networks.
One Turn Remaining.

Liaison - CPT Dana Candle
Assigned: Haruko
Duration: 1 Turn
Rolling at Advantage (2d6, +1d6 from Haruko), Threshold of 5: 5, 6, 5.
Greater success! Though this is less from Haruko's diplomacy and more 'right place right time.'

Active Monitoring
Assigned: Diana
Duration: 2 Turns
Rolling at Advantage (3d6), Threshold Unknown: 3, 2, 6.
Diana's found some upticks in kaiju spottings. But it isn't aggressive...yet.
One Turn Remaining.

Triple Combination - Prototyping
Assigned: Wilde and Henry, Katarina
Duration: 4 Turns
Rolling at extreme Advantage (2d6, +1d6 from Wilde and Henry, +1d6 from Katarina), Threshold of 6: 4, 2, 2, 6.
Who would have thought that different power sources don't always play nice? But the engineering side of it's gotten their foot into the metaphorical door. Now we just need a crowbar to pry it open.
The QM isn't sure where this analogy was going, but no powersuits or PhDs were involved.
Three Turns Remaining.

Steed Standardization - Over There
Assigned: Jiro
Duration: 2 Turns
Rolling at extreme Advantage (3d6, +1d6 from Jiro), Threshold of 5: 5, 5, 1, 4.
Critical success due to Jiro's bonus! The initial testing starts very well.
One Turn Remaining.

Construct Super Robot Support - 'Sledder'
Assigned: Lana
Duration: Two Turns+
Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 6: 4, 1.
Lana's stubborn - rerolling! 6, 5.
Success! Lana is being careful about paying attention to Wilde, Henry, Katarina and even the Clown Jiro while they work, which is paying dividends right now.
Two Turns Remaining.

Item Fabrication - Heat Knife
Assigned: The Build Team
Duration: 1 Turn
No Rolls here - One Heat Knife has been constructed!
Heat Knife
- Duration to Fabricate: One Turn
- Duration: Six Combat Rounds
- Grants +1d6 to Strike
- On Critical success, dice explode

Enemy Wreckage Analysis - Drones
Assigned: Boris
Duration: 1 Turn
Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 4-6 (due to Boris's bonus): 6, 4.
Greater Success! Ignatov makes some fascinating insights into the disposable yet semi-sentient armies of the Free Brothers.

Examine K-Class Psychic Augmentation
Duration: 2 Turns
Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 5 (due to Sam's bonus): 1, 1.
Ivanna reroll! 3, 6.
Sam: I want to put it on record that this is why we comply with OSHA. And why you should have a sentient Super Artificial Intelligence checking your work.
Ivanna: You're welcome, Doctor Carlson~!
Sam: In other news, had some interesting side effects come from the Psychic Theater testing. More to follow!

Handheld Blasters - Kausen Equipment
Assigned: Zulu, Ivanna (Doesn't add any additional bonuses)
Duration: 2 Turns
Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 5: 4, 3 5 due to Zulu's bonus.
Zulu is quite familiar with the handheld blasters. Adapting them to work with human resources and technology is already proving to be a little trickier, even if Zulu is confident he can manage it.
One Turn Remaining.

Empathic Booster - Gift of the Regent
Assigned: Max
Duration: Three Turns
Rolling at Advantage (2d6+1d6 due to Max's bonus): 2, 6, 6.
Critical Success!
Max: I've done it! And I'll be even happier when I figure out what it actually was!
Ivanna: That...wasn't even what you were trying to do earlier...
Zulu: Advisement. Nod and feign gestures of vague agreement.
Two Turns Remaining.

Assigned: Mary (required)
Duration: Three Turns
Rolling 2d6, Threshold Unknown: 5, 2.
Crystal fabrication is beginning. Not much else to say, it's a little early for results yet.
Two Turns Remaining.
Turn Ten, Year Three Rolls
[X] Plan not much to do.
- [X] Pilot Training: Charlie, Frankie, Iris
-- [X] Haruko Sasaki
- [X] Base AI Development
-- [X] Boris
-- [X] Generalist AI
- [X] Energy Blaster
-- [X] Build Team
-[X] Triple Combination - Prototyping
--[X] Roll the Dice with Faedium Crystal - Chance of Success (Roll 2d6, Threshold Unknown)
--[X] Katrina
-[X] Kausen Equipment: Anti-Gravity
--[X] Try to free more space on the Pegasus to carry more units
--[X] Ivanna

In order to appease the automated board system, have some body text (as it's not counting the spoilered stuff). Decent turn all around, with a few very good rolls included. Enjoy.

Pilot Training: Argonauts
Assigned: Haruko Sasaki
- Re-Roll One Failed Training Roll
Duration: Two Turns
Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 3-6): 5, 3
The Argonauts have the makings of a solid team. Haruko is learning, however, that they still have issues to work out. One Turn Remaining.

Blue September
Assigned: Adriana
- Make One Additional Roll at Disadvantage for additional results
Duration: One Turn
Rolling 2d6, Threshold Unknown: 4, 3
Adriana's Snooping: 6
We have an answer on whether this is a Westphalian or Kaiju operation. It's both. New Deployment Action Unlocked.

Active Monitoring
Assigned: Diana
- Reduce Threshold by 1
Duration: One Turn
Rolling at Advantage (3d6), Threshold Unknown: 4, 1, 5
The Kaiju is beginning to make aggressive moves, but it remains frustratingly beyond reach. It's narrowed its area, but either you wait for it to make landfall or you go directly towards it. New Deployment Action Unlocked.

Triple Combination - Prototyping w/Faedium proto-sample
Assigned: Wilde and Henry, Katarina
- Wilde and Henry: Gain +1d6 to Triple Combination
- Katarina: Gain +1d6
Duration: Three Turns
Rolling at extreme Advantage (2d6, +1d6 from Wilde and Henry, +1d6 from Katarina), Threshold Unknown: 6, 5, 2
Did they run into problems? Absolutely. Did it get results? Very much so. Two Turns Remaining - One Turn reduced for Faedium.

Steed Standardization - Over There
Assigned: Jiro
- Gain +1d6 to Practical Applications
- Critical Success is 4-6
Duration: One Turn
Rolling at extreme Advantage (3d6, +1d6 from Jiro), Threshold of 5: 1, 4, 4, 5.
Critical success! Jiro has not only successfully integrated the Steeds as the standardized Super Robot cockpit unit, he's made progress into a theoretical follow up unit. MEF support unit stood up and ready to deploy. New Practical Applications Action Unlocked!

Construct Super Robot Support - 'Sledder'
Assigned: Lana
- Re-roll ANY failed Engineering Rolls. Applies once this turn.
Duration: Two Turns
Rolling 2d6, Threshold of 6: 1, 2
Lana triggers the re-roll: 3, 6
The Sledder is proving to be a much trickier design than anticipated. But designing a new chassis with all of the lessons learned over the last few years is proving to be incredibly valuable. One Turn Remaining

Base AI Development
General Assistance
Assigned: Boris
- Reduce Threshold by 1
Duration: Four Turns+
Chance of Success (Roll 2d6, Threshold of 6 5): 5, 6
Greater success! Boris has struck a brainwave - literally. Additional options to be voted on in narrative post.

Explore K-Class Psychic Augmentation
- Reduce Threshold by 1
Duration: One Turn
Chance for Success (roll 2d6, Threshold of 6 5): 5, 6
Critical Success! (QM Note: Seriously!? Two 5, 6 rolls in a row!?)

Gifts of the Regent (Empathic Booster)
Assigned: Max
- Add +1d6
Duration: Two Turns
Chance for Success (roll at Advantage, 2d6 + 1d6, Threshold of 5-6): 6, 2, 4
Max is not completely overtaken by the Booster anymore. Which is good. She seems to have some idea of incorporating the Empathic Booster into the newly standardized Steeds. One Turn Remaining.

Kausen Equipment - Anti-Gravity (Pegasus)
Assigned: Ivanna
- Re-roll ANY failed Science roll. Applies once per turn.
Duration: Two Turns
Chance for Success (roll 2d6, Threshold of 5-6): 2, 2
Re-roll: 3, 1
Ivanna's having some trouble trying to lighten the load of the Pegasus. There's still time to try again, but initial outlook is that it's going to be hard to make the dropship any lighter than it is. One Turn Remaining.

Handheld Blasters - Kausen Equipment
Assigned: Zulu
- Add +2 to the lowest roll
Duration: One Turn
Chance for Success (roll 2d6, Threshold of 5-6): 3, 3 +2
Zulu's done it. He's found a way to take the standard armaments of the Support mecha and increase their firepower. All that's left now is to apply it. New Practical Applications Action Unlocked!

Assigned: Mary
- Critical successes explode
Duration: Two One Turn
Chance for Success (roll 2d6, Threshold Unknown): 5, 4
The crash test on the Triple Combination concept jumpstarted the Faedium project by quite a fair bit, and Mary is now confident that she has enough to present some new options for you. New Faedium Actions Unlocked!
Turn Eleven, Year Three Rolls
Plan Send Perseus Now Thunderbolt Later
-Reaction Force: Active Monitoring
-Deployment: Kyoto - Yukimura Institute
--Core Unit - Perseus
--Support Unit - Seeker squad/'Chimera'
-Liaison: Dr. Yukimura/Yukimura Institute
-Refit Super Robot
---Anti-Gravity Treatment
---K-Suit (Pilot)
---K-Scale Mesh Mk. II
---Upgrade the Heavy Weapons Pack to Energy Blasters
-My Kingdom for a Steed
-- QM NOTE: Assuming you want to gear this towards the Thunderbolt
-Triple Combination - Prototyping
--Faedium is proven to work, albeit it's still a bit unstable. But Wilde is convinced we can proceed to scale tests now. The Beowulf is the core of the Combination - so let's install a fully fabricated Faedium Crystal inside a Jackal and see how this works. (Chance to complete now; roll 2d6, Threshold Unknown)
-ESP Augmentation Theory
-Blaster Miniaturization - Super Robot Edition
--[X] How does the C-Crystal react when installed in our 'normal' super robots
-Faedium Research
--Integration with Kausen shard tech to improve our energy blasters

Note: This plan does not factor in the fact that Ivanna was still focused on the Pegasus expansion. For intents of this plan, that will be dropped, and you will be given a chance later to 'resume' it. This is a one-off for this, I don't see myself making this a normal feature.

Also, some actions were not listed in here because they did not need dice rolls. Those will be described fully whenever I get around to the narrative posts.

Pilot Training: Argonauts
Assigned: Haruko Sasaki
- Re-Roll One Failed Training Roll
Duration: One Turn
Rolling (2d6, Threshold of 3-6): 5, 3
Good success. Argonauts move up to 'Inexperienced.' Benefits to be revealed in narrative post.

Active Monitoring
Assigned: Adriana
- Gain chance (at Disadvantage for 1d6) to uncover additional details, regardless of success or failure.
Duration: Two Turns
Rolling at Advantage (3d6, Threshold Unknown): 5, 6, 4
Rolling for Adriana's snooping (1d6): 6
QM: Dammit Adriana!
Great success! There's some strange readings in and around the campus's geographical region. Nowhere near you, and it was momentary, but...
One Turn Remaining.

Liaison: Yukimura Institute
Assigned: Diana
- Reduce Threshold by 1
Duration: One Turn
Rolling (2d6, Threshold of 5-6): 5, 2
It turns out that Diana being an AI is the least most interesting thing Dr. Yukimura and the Institute are going through with the incoming kaiju's approach. The warning is appreciated, and there's just enough time to make coordination to make ready for landfall.
Options to be revealed on Deployment.

Triple Combination - Prototyping w/Faedium proto-sample
Assigned: Wilde and Henry
- Wilde and Henry: Gain +1d6 to Triple Combination
Duration: One/Two Turns
Rolling at Advantage (2d6+1d6, Threshold Unknown): 3, 6, 6
It works! Sort of! You now have a way of bypassing the catastrophic overload issue!
Now all you have to do is get the designs down properly and get it done.
New Refit Super Robot Action unlocked!

Construct Super Robot Support: Sledder
Assigned: Lana
- Re-roll one failed Engineering roll - only applies once per turn
Duration: One Turn
Rolling (2d6, Threshold of 6): 1, 1
Re-roll triggers: 4, 5
Lana doesn't make quite as much progress as she'd like, but she's learned more than a few lessons of what not to do in future designs. The Sledder design is finished, it is functional, and that's about it.

AI Development
Assigned: Boris
- Threshold lowered by 1
Duration: Three Turns
Rolling (2d6, Threshold of 6 5-6): 5, 1
Boris is making progress into introducing the latest AI sibling to more and more of the people working in the base. Apparently the AI is horrified by at least some of the inefficiencies.
Two Turns Remaining.

ESP Augmentation Theory
- Reduce Threshold by 1
Duration: Three Turns
Rolling at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold Unknown): 5
Sam is looking back to inspiration from the Dragon on how best to tackle this. Permanent changes are far too psychically intensive with our current understanding and technology - but what about temporary ones?
Two Turns Remaining.

Blaster Miniaturization
Assigned: Ivanna
- Free Re-Roll on a failed Science roll (applies once)
Duration: Two Turns
Rolling (2d6, Threshold of 5-6): 4, 1
Ivanna triggers a re-roll...
Rolling: 5, 3
There's some promising avenues here! Ivanna took her time to check the math as she usually does, and she is confident enough to try out scale tests next month.
One Turn Remaining.

C-Crystals - Testing (Super Robot)
Assigned: Zulu
- Add +2 to the lowest roll
Duration: Two Turns
Rolling at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 4-6): 2+2
Zulu is downright baffled by the C-Crystal. The C-Crystals, for their part, also don't seem to quite know what to make of Zulu - or, by extension, any of the Super AI personalities. That alone is worth knowing and pursuing, considering your base's unique demographics. Zulu is intrigued and wants to look more into it.
One Turn Remaining.

Empathic Booster
Assigned: Max
- Add +1d6
Duration: One Turn
Rolling at Advantage (2d6+1d6, Threshold of 5-6): 5, 3, 4
Max announces she's figured out enough of the Empathic Booster that she's pushing to integrate some testbed ideas into one of the MMI units. Everyone is slightly afraid.
New ESP Option Unlocked!

Faedium (Energy Blaster Augment)
Assigned: Mary
- Critical successes explode
Duration: Two Turns
Rolling (2d6, Threshold of 5-6): 4, 4
After some initial success, Mary's team is somewhat struggling with balancing Faedium with not just Kausen weaponry, but Energy Shards on their own. Not frustrated yet, more intrigued than anything, but there's no concrete results at the moment.
One Turn Remaining.