I considered having Katrina on the supercarrier, but I just don't consider it to be useful enough. Putting someone on it only increases the chance that we may get a bonus to modifying the Pegasus later, but if we later modify our dropship we will probably stack multiple advisors on the modifications anyway.

I can shift things around if enough people want it, though
Eh while I would like that putting an Advisor on the Carrier but you bring a good point, and I'm only one person at the moment perhaps if other people ask for it change it then?
The main points of my plan are: development of Bits/Funnels; and some work on a (semi-)organic core unit. The flexible parts of this plan are: reassign Diana as a liason to Yukimura instead of Mander; find some other project for Zulu and/or Carlson.

[X] Plan Fins and Funnels
-[X] Reaction Force: Active Monitoring (gain info at 3d6, if I'm reading the options correctly)
--[X] Advisor: Adriana - gain chance at Disadvantage (1d6) to uncover additional details.
-[X] Highway Robbery! - Free Brothers
--[X] Deploy Richard Callaghan/Beowulf, with the CR-02 Phalanx Squadron, Ocular, and the Pegasus
-[X] Pilot Training: All free pilots. Prioritise Charlie, Frankie, Iris (Two turns. Threshold of 3-6 on 2d6).
--[X] Advisor: Haruko Sasaki (may re-roll a failed roll)
-[X] Liaison: Dr. Yukimura/Yukimura Institute (Threshold of 5-6 4-6 on 2d6)
--[X] Advisor: Diana (reduce the Threshold by 1)
-[X] Refit Super Robot (1+ turns)
--[X] Advisor: Lana (Roll 2d6 (Threshold of 5-6). On success, reduce the Duration by One Turn. May offer a re-roll to any failed Engineering roll once per turn).
--[X] Super Robot: Ichiro
--[X] Refit Ichiro's cannon to be a Kausen Energy Blaster, give him Anti Gravity Treatment, install K-Scale and K-Circuits
-[X] Triple Combination (One turn, 2d6 3d6, threshold of ?-6)
--[X] Advisor: Jiro Yukimura (gain 1d6 per roll, Critical Success is now 4-6 depending on Success Threshold)
--[X] Finish the existing project
-[X] Design New Equipment (or Weapon) (2+ turns, 2d6, threshold varies)
--[X] Autonomous attack/support drones (aka Bit/Funnel Control System)
--[X] Advisor: Boris Ignatov (Threshold for success on AI Actions is reduced by One)
-[X] Enemy Wreckage Analysis (1 turn, 2d6, threshold of 5-6)
--[X] Advisor: Wilde and Henry
-[X] Kaiju Biotechnology (Duration or threshold unknown, 2d6)
--[X] Advisor: SAM CARLSON (reduce the Threshold for Success by 1)
--[X] What if we try building a core unit from the K-Class materials?
-[X] K-Fang Development (Two turns remaining, 2d6+1d6 (Carryover from previous turns), threshold of 4-6)
--[X] Advisor: Ivanna (May re-roll any failed Science roll once per turn)
-[X] Kausen Weaponry (Two turns, 2d6, threshold of 5-6)
--[X] Zulu (add +2 to the value of the lowest rolled d6)
--[X] Energy weapons for support units (or non-Heavy energy weapons in general)
-[X] Super Carrier Sergey Gorshkov (Two turns remaining, 2d6 3d6, threshold of 5-6)
--[X] Advisor: Katarina (Adds 1d6)
-[X] A Helping Hand - Ground Pound (Three turns, 2d6 4d6, Threshold of 6)
--[X] Max Brand (add 2d6)
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My problem with the Fins and Funnels plan is:
1. we would be designing another super robot core when we already have 4 super robot cores built (beowulf, Perseus, Ichiro, Pilum) Basically designing an semi-organic super robot core doesn't seem useful. Also, Our super robots kinda of are already semi-organic, seeing as how they tend to incorporate K-scale and K-circuits.
2. Triple combination only has a 40% chance to succeed
My problem with the Fins and Funnels plan is:
1. we would be designing another super robot core when we already have 4 super robot cores built (beowulf, Perseus, Ichiro, Pilum) Basically designing an semi-organic super robot core doesn't seem useful. Also, Our super robots kinda of are already semi-organic, seeing as how they tend to incorporate K-scale and K-circuits.
2. Triple combination only has a 40% chance to succeed

There are several reasons why we need to get another Super Robot Core started.
1. We are under orders to get a second platoon finished and begin work on a third platoon by our superiors.
2. Beowulf is already the Super Robot of the First Platoon.
3. Ichiro is not a Super Robot, He is an AI in a Super Robot Body and thus an Earth born Kausen. Super Robots are driven by Human Pilots not AI.
4. the Pilum is still under construction and lacks a pilot so it will probably be a while before we even start thinking about assigning it to a platoon.
5. The Perseus will be the Core of the Second Platoon once we finish forming a platoon around it, which is why we need another Pegasus Class Dropship.
6. I kind of want a Brawler Super robot based on the Tank Chassis. But that is just me.
Edit: I forgot about it but I still want the option of building a Super Robot core out of a Centurion Chassis which is something I still want even after Galbinus claimed one for his body.

And another thing, We really do need to requisition more Engines so that we can build another Pegasus Class Dropship for the second platoon when the time comes. And it is close now that the Perseus is finishing up and getting ready for deployment.

@Basarin can we have an option to either requisition the engines needed for the Dropship or search for one and hope we get lucky like we did with the first one?

I ask because we are getting ready to start forming the second Platoon like Peters wanted us to and then get started on the third Platoon which will have either be a new Super Robot Core or the Pilum if that ever gets anywhere.

As for Triple Combination, the sooner we get it the better. That's why I am voting for it.
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As for Triple Combination, the sooner we get it the better. That's why I am voting for it
My plan puts both Jiro and Wilde and Henry on Triple combination?
1. We are under orders to get a second platoon finished and begin work on a third platoon by our superiors.
2. Beowulf is already the Super Robot of the First Platoon.
3. Ichiro is not a Super Robot, He is an AI in a Super Robot Body and thus an Earth born Kausen. Super Robots are driven by Human Pilots not AI.
4. the Pilum is still under construction and lacks a pilot so it will probably be a while before we even start thinking about assigning it to a platoon
1. Our orders are to get two refined Super Robot Teams.
2. Agreed
3. Ichiro can be the core of a third super robot team. It doesn't matter that the pilot happens to be an AI
4. I'm pretty sure Satsuma is slated to get the Pilum, as part of our negotiations with the regency.
5. Having another dropship would be nice
6. That's what Ichiro is
My problem with the Fins and Funnels plan is:
1. we would be designing another super robot core when we already have 4 super robot cores built (beowulf, Perseus, Ichiro, Pilum) Basically designing an semi-organic super robot core doesn't seem useful. Also, Our super robots kinda of are already semi-organic, seeing as how they tend to incorporate K-scale and K-circuits.
2. Triple combination only has a 40% chance to succeed
To point 1, I have two replies. Firstly, (some) people mentioned they like playing with multiple robots, and so many core units are not a problem... Yet. That's why I'd rather push for an organic unit some time before there are suddenly 10 core units. Besides, all great teams come in five.

Secondly, I'm going to muss up my hair, spread my fingers, and say: Evangelions. Being partly organic is not the point. The point is having bleeding, gnawing, magic ESP-wielding "What has science done?" giants, and driving teenagers... Er, being driven by teenagers.

To point 2, I was under an impression that the project will be completed in one turn anyway, and the roll is there only for additional bonuses.
To point 1, I have two replies. Firstly, (some) people mentioned they like playing with multiple robots, and so many core units are not a problem... Yet. That's why I'd rather push for an organic unit some time before there are suddenly 10 core units. Besides, all great teams come in five.

Secondly, I'm going to muss up my hair, spread my fingers, and say: Evangelions. Being partly organic is not the point. The point is having bleeding, gnawing, magic ESP-wielding "What has science done?" giants, and driving teenagers... Er, being driven by teenagers.

To point 2, I was under an impression that the project will be completed in one turn anyway, and the roll is there only for additional bonuses.
I'll expand upon this once I get off work in an hour, but I think you are using the wrong department if you want to develop an organic super robot, that would fall under science department I think.
@Basarin can we have an option to either requisition the engines needed for the Dropship or search for one and hope we get lucky like we did with the first one?

Another thing I forgot. I'll include it next turn, as you were able to secure a set.

In all seriousness, more than a few classic super robot teams all came in fives (as did super Sentai but slightly different genre. SLIGHTLY)

Edit: now I can't get the Voltes V theme out of my head. @Not in Person , this is your fault.
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Another thing I forgot. I'll include it next turn, as you were able to secure a set.
Woe is me that I can't like this more than once. And now that we have a new set of engines. next turn we are going to build a second Dropship. Having it along for the trip with Ichiro might have made his mission a bit easier.
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@Basarin Since the interlude "call to courage" and the reaction force post haven't been posted, could you just summarize what the rewards were from them?
To point 1, I have two replies. Firstly, (some) people mentioned they like playing with multiple robots, and so many core units are not a problem... Yet. That's why I'd rather push for an organic unit some time before there are suddenly 10 core units. Besides, all great teams come in five.

Secondly, I'm going to muss up my hair, spread my fingers, and say: Evangelions. Being partly organic is not the point. The point is having bleeding, gnawing, magic ESP-wielding "What has science done?" giants, and driving teenagers... Er, being driven by teenagers.
So, if we want to develop an organic super robot, I believe we need to do it through Science actions at first, not through having the engineers design partially organic super robots. Basically, Scientists develop the theories, and Engineers turn the theories into reality. As such, if we want an organic super robot, we need the Science department to figure out how to make an organic super robot, after which the engineers would use that knowledge to actually make the organic super robot. However, in order to make a decent organic super robot, I think we should get more samples of Kaiju, specifically of Kaiju bones (Structure) and nerves/brains, since we already have Kaiju armor and weapons.

Also, making some changes to my plan:
1. Replacing wreckage analysis with developing funnels/bits, because people seem more interested in that. Specifically, researching defensive drones, because I don't think we could mount powerful enough weapons on Funnels yet. We can research offensive Funnels after we develop smaller energy blasters.
2. After re-reading the last turn results, I realized the basic C-crystal research got finished, so instead I am switching to researching organic super robots, given that there is interest in that.

Link to Plan Development and Deployment
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[X] Plan Development and Deployment

Little disappointed that the plan does not have us building another Core unit but we can always do it next turn. And I also think we definitely should talk to Jiro's relative soon to let him know where his nephew is.
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@Basarin Since the interlude "call to courage" and the reaction force post haven't been posted, could you just summarize what the rewards were from them?

They're coming as part of this turn, so I will hold off on that for now. This turn is mostly for the system to get its footing and catch up on anything I have missed that you're all owed as far as events and rewards are concerned.

(That and make it easier for me to keep up with updates when the previous versions sort of got out of hand for me)
Edit: now I can't get the Voltes V theme out of my head. @Not in Person , this is your fault.
Don't lose your way! When your day begins, take some caffeine, in whichever form you prefer. But when you get to burning, don't burn your bread. Then you will rise up, young man, and become a legend.

So, if we want to develop an organic super robot, I believe we need to do it through Science actions at first, not through having the engineers design partially organic super robots. Basically, Scientists develop the theories, and Engineers turn the theories into reality. As such, if we want an organic super robot, we need the Science department to figure out how to make an organic super robot, after which the engineers would use that knowledge to actually make the organic super robot. However, in order to make a decent organic super robot, I think we should get more samples of Kaiju, specifically of Kaiju bones (Structure) and nerves/brains, since we already have Kaiju armor and weapons.
Good point. The Engineering action was supposed to represent "What do we need to make it?" kind of process, with the idea that it would unlock missions and/or other scientific projects that would lead to organic robots more directly. Now I see it should have been a Science action.

Also, making some changes to my plan:
1. Replacing wreckage analysis with developing funnels/bits, because people seem more interested in that. Specifically, researching defensive drones, because I don't think we could mount powerful enough weapons on Funnels yet. We can research offensive Funnels after we develop smaller energy blasters.
2. After re-reading the last turn results, I realized the basic C-crystal research got finished, so instead I am switching to researching organic super robots, given that there is interest in that.

Link to Plan Development and Deployment
Oh, snap! Now your plan serves my purpose better than my plan!

EDIT: And so, I've changed it. Biotech Unit removed from Engineering, it's now purely a Science project. Assigned Carlson to it. Jiro moved to Triple Combination. Wilde and Henry moved to Wreckage Analysis (because it might result in an energy weapon, too). Diana now Liason to Yukimura instead of Mander (because I prefer that).
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time for a Tally vote
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Nov 25, 2020 at 1:16 PM, finished with 60 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan Development and Deployment
    -[X] Defense Force
    --[X] Highway Robbery! - Free Brothers
    ---[X] Deploy Richard Callaghan/Beowulf, with the CR-02 Phalanx Squadron, Ocular, and the Pegasus carrying the V-33 TMU squadron.
    --[X] Reaction Force Active Monitoring
    ---[X] Advisor: Adriana
    --[X] Liaison: Mander/MSS
    ---[X] Advisor: Haruko Sasaki
    --[X] Pilot Training: Tellison, Zhang/Perseus
    ---[X] Advisor: Diana
    --[X] Pilot Training: Jessica Satsuma/Valkyrie
    --[X] Pilot Training: Charlie, Frankie, Iris
    -[X] Engineering
    --[X] Refit Super Robot
    ---[X] Advisor: Lana
    ---[X] Super Robot: Ichiro
    ---[X] Refit Ichiro's cannon to be a Kausen Energy Blaster, give him Anti Gravity Treatment, install K-Scale and K-Circuits
    --[X] Triple Combination
    ---[X] Advisor: Jiro Yukimura, Wilde and Henry
    --[X] Design New Equipment
    ---[X] Advisor: Boris Ignatov
    ---[X] Develop defensive remote-controlled drones for the Perseus (IE Gundam Bits/Funnels)
    -[X] Science!
    --[X] K-Fang Development
    ---[X] Advisor: Sam Carlson
    --[X] Kausen Weaponry
    ---[X] Advisor: Zulu
    ---[X] Work on developing versions of energy blasters that our support units can use.
    --[X] K-Scale Refinement
    ---[X] Advisor: Ivanna
    ---[X] Figure out if our Kaiju samples could be used to make an organic super robot, and if not, what would be needed.
    -[X] Special Actions
    --[X] Super Carrier Sergey Gorshkov
    ---[X] Advisor: Katrina
    --[X] A Helping Hand - Ground Pound
    ---[X] Advisor: Max Brand
    [X] Plan Fins and Funnels
    -[X] Reaction Force: Active Monitoring (gain info at 3d6, if I'm reading the options correctly)
    --[X] Advisor: Adriana - gain chance at Disadvantage (1d6) to uncover additional details.
    -[X] Highway Robbery! - Free Brothers
    --[X] Deploy Richard Callaghan/Beowulf, with the CR-02 Phalanx Squadron, Ocular, and the Pegasus
    -[X] Pilot Training: All free pilots. Prioritise Charlie, Frankie, Iris (Two turns. Threshold of 3-6 on 2d6).
    --[X] Advisor: Haruko Sasaki (may re-roll a failed roll)
    -[X] Liaison: Dr. Yukimura/Yukimura Institute (Threshold of 5-6 4-6 on 2d6)
    --[X] Advisor: Diana (reduce the Threshold by 1)
    -[X] Refit Super Robot (1+ turns)
    --[X] Advisor: Lana (Roll 2d6 (Threshold of 5-6). On success, reduce the Duration by One Turn. May offer a re-roll to any failed Engineering roll once per turn).
    --[X] Super Robot: Ichiro
    --[X] Refit Ichiro's cannon to be a Kausen Energy Blaster, give him Anti Gravity Treatment, install K-Scale and K-Circuits
    -[X] Triple Combination (One turn, 2d6 3d6, threshold of ?-6)
    --[X] Advisor: Jiro Yukimura (gain 1d6 per roll, Critical Success is now 4-6 depending on Success Threshold)
    --[X] Finish the existing project
    -[X] Design New Equipment (or Weapon) (2+ turns, 2d6, threshold varies)
    --[X] Autonomous attack/support drones (aka Bit/Funnel Control System)
    --[X] Advisor: Boris Ignatov (Threshold for success on AI Actions is reduced by One)
    -[X] Enemy Wreckage Analysis (1 turn, 2d6, threshold of 5-6)
    --[X] Advisor: Wilde and Henry
    -[X] Kaiju Biotechnology (Duration or threshold unknown, 2d6)
    --[X] Advisor: SAM CARLSON (reduce the Threshold for Success by 1)
    --[X] What if we try building a core unit from the K-Class materials?
    -[X] K-Fang Development (Two turns remaining, 2d6+1d6 (Carryover from previous turns), threshold of 4-6)
    --[X] Advisor: Ivanna (May re-roll any failed Science roll once per turn)
    -[X] Kausen Weaponry (Two turns, 2d6, threshold of 5-6)
    --[X] Zulu (add +2 to the value of the lowest rolled d6)
    --[X] Energy weapons for support units (or non-Heavy energy weapons in general)
    -[X] Super Carrier Sergey Gorshkov (Two turns remaining, 2d6 3d6, threshold of 5-6)
    --[X] Advisor: Katarina (Adds 1d6)
    -[X] A Helping Hand - Ground Pound (Three turns, 2d6 4d6, Threshold of 6)
    --[X] Max Brand (add 2d6)