Deployment #4 - Settling Accounts
- Location
1422, 24 July A.D. 2072
Engineering Bay
"...I admit, I am impressed, lieutenant," Patch said reluctantly.
Richard looked up, still wincing slightly as he held an ice pack to the side of his head. In the rush of the fighting, he hadn't noticed for a moment that he'd banged his head against the cockpit and just kept on going. He just hadn't realized this was happening while he was fully engaged in using the MMI - a strange drawback if he'd ever seen one, but it was one he planned to bring up with Sam when he got the chance. "What about, Patch?" he asked.
The medic gestured towards the flatbed in the Engineering Bay that had Bandit strapped down with zirvitium restraints...not that it seemed overly required, given Bandit's condition. "I have seen it happen, but seldom so thoughly as this." The physical frame of the Free Brother seemed comically squashed, with only his head and parts of the core in his chest still relatively intact - something that contributed to the fact that he was still functioning at all. What Richard would have called a generator, but what Patch was treating as an ICU unit of sorts, all connected with various cables and links, feeding power and energy into what was otherwise a thoroughly crushed and burnt husk.
"That's 'cause he don't fight like no Kaus," a heavily drawled voice chimed in. Richard and Patch looked up, and saw Nailhead examining the Timberwolf as it was strapped to a secure maintenance rig. Parts of the body were suspended by cables, as Henry was concerned that given the damage some of the joints would just fail if left unsupported. "You the fella who dun wore this thing?" When Richard nodded, the bulky Legionnaire pointed to parts of the body. "This here? This is some reckless ways of fightin'. Most Kaus I know woulda called it quits by some of these here scrapes. You probably don't feel pain quite the same way when you're in this thing. A lotta these?" The exposed joints, the burnt off paint, the various pockmarks - it all added up to quite a lot of damage. "I know for a fact that after about the tenth gouge or so, I'd have been running off to Patch cryin' for my manufacturer."
"And rightly so," Patch huffed. He paused. "Preferrably without the crying, Nailhead, you're a fully adjusted mech for Metatrine's sake." Ignoring the sheepish grin on the maintenance worker's face, he continued, "Drones - with 'Zulu' being the exception - are not quite so self aware as to feel pain, even if they do process certain emotions like fear or anxiety. A Legionnaire or a Free Brother would have fallen back or withdrawn earlier." He glanced down at Bandit, and shook his head. "That Bandit of all mechs stayed to fight after you sliced off his shoulder mount like that must have meant he was severely displeased with you."
"Now, don't get us wrong, kid." From behind the platform, Tracker dusted off his hands, having finished his tasks with finetuning the care unit. Richard marveled at how even for a mechanical life form, Tracker's appearance and mannerisms gave off that 'crotchety old man who doesn't care' air about him. "We can cut off pain receptors and lose an arm or leg if we have to," he continued, his voice somewhat raspy. "But you're losing lots of lubricant fluid and energy until you get triaged, and you're going to feel it when you do get there. And just because you don't feel pain, doesn't mean the body ain't suffering."
Richard shrugged - then winced, regretting the motion. "Ow," he muttered. "Yeah, I get what you're all saying. And trust me - those cluster bombs? Those stung. But Nailhead's about right - the MMI kinda just...I don't know, handwave it away while you're busy? Not exactly eager to test it, so couldn't tell you how that works exactly, but-" He stretched out an arm, which was shaking slightly, as if he'd been punching with it repeatedly - and, truth be told, he was. "-it's all catching up to me for sure," he admitted.
"Just the body processing pain," Tracker shrugged. "Nice to know humans are the same way. But let me tell you some of the worst injuries I've seen..."
The story time alone was almost enough to make Richard ignore the after shocks of piloting. Though, granted, that was probably also just from seeing how queasy they could make Nailhead, with Patch enthusiastically corroborating or debunking the taller tales...
"Patch's confirmed it's Bandit," you tell Galbinus over the communicator. "He's very much not going anywhere for awhile."
"Something that brings quite a bit of relief," Galbinus replies. "Bandit on his own is not dangerous, but he is a selfish opportunist. Far too many of his kind in the Free Brothers, but he was one of the more independently minded."
"Still." You glance over at the wrecked form of the Timberwolf. Wilde and Henry had more or less manually opened the cockpit hatch for Callaghan to crawl out of, as both units were in serious need of repair. Henry grimly estimates it will be anywhere from two to four months before they deem it combat effective again. "Guess we got severely lucky the first time we ran into Bandit," you admit. "This was much closer to a fair fight than I was comfortable with, and the Super Robot took a pounding."
"My compliments to your team nonetheless," Galbinus offers. "Human science and engineering has come quite far to have achieved this result as well. Two years ago, you did not have anything of the like."
"People'll wonder why I haven't given them a transforming city mech in the next few months," you grumble. "That's just how it works. They like you for about five minutes, then already compare you to your last results and how you're letting them down."
"Unfortunately true." Galbinus, at least, wasn't trying to actively grumble about it. "We will have a holding cell ready for him in a month." You raise an eyebrow at him, and he sheepishly admits, "He will have been the first prisoner of this conflict, and Patch will require time to ensure his holding cell has proper life support."
"Ahh." You glance back down at the pancaked Free Brother. "I think we can hold him for a month, sure."
"My thanks, Major. We will stay in touch."
Engineering Bay
"...I admit, I am impressed, lieutenant," Patch said reluctantly.
Richard looked up, still wincing slightly as he held an ice pack to the side of his head. In the rush of the fighting, he hadn't noticed for a moment that he'd banged his head against the cockpit and just kept on going. He just hadn't realized this was happening while he was fully engaged in using the MMI - a strange drawback if he'd ever seen one, but it was one he planned to bring up with Sam when he got the chance. "What about, Patch?" he asked.
The medic gestured towards the flatbed in the Engineering Bay that had Bandit strapped down with zirvitium restraints...not that it seemed overly required, given Bandit's condition. "I have seen it happen, but seldom so thoughly as this." The physical frame of the Free Brother seemed comically squashed, with only his head and parts of the core in his chest still relatively intact - something that contributed to the fact that he was still functioning at all. What Richard would have called a generator, but what Patch was treating as an ICU unit of sorts, all connected with various cables and links, feeding power and energy into what was otherwise a thoroughly crushed and burnt husk.
"That's 'cause he don't fight like no Kaus," a heavily drawled voice chimed in. Richard and Patch looked up, and saw Nailhead examining the Timberwolf as it was strapped to a secure maintenance rig. Parts of the body were suspended by cables, as Henry was concerned that given the damage some of the joints would just fail if left unsupported. "You the fella who dun wore this thing?" When Richard nodded, the bulky Legionnaire pointed to parts of the body. "This here? This is some reckless ways of fightin'. Most Kaus I know woulda called it quits by some of these here scrapes. You probably don't feel pain quite the same way when you're in this thing. A lotta these?" The exposed joints, the burnt off paint, the various pockmarks - it all added up to quite a lot of damage. "I know for a fact that after about the tenth gouge or so, I'd have been running off to Patch cryin' for my manufacturer."
"And rightly so," Patch huffed. He paused. "Preferrably without the crying, Nailhead, you're a fully adjusted mech for Metatrine's sake." Ignoring the sheepish grin on the maintenance worker's face, he continued, "Drones - with 'Zulu' being the exception - are not quite so self aware as to feel pain, even if they do process certain emotions like fear or anxiety. A Legionnaire or a Free Brother would have fallen back or withdrawn earlier." He glanced down at Bandit, and shook his head. "That Bandit of all mechs stayed to fight after you sliced off his shoulder mount like that must have meant he was severely displeased with you."
"Now, don't get us wrong, kid." From behind the platform, Tracker dusted off his hands, having finished his tasks with finetuning the care unit. Richard marveled at how even for a mechanical life form, Tracker's appearance and mannerisms gave off that 'crotchety old man who doesn't care' air about him. "We can cut off pain receptors and lose an arm or leg if we have to," he continued, his voice somewhat raspy. "But you're losing lots of lubricant fluid and energy until you get triaged, and you're going to feel it when you do get there. And just because you don't feel pain, doesn't mean the body ain't suffering."
Richard shrugged - then winced, regretting the motion. "Ow," he muttered. "Yeah, I get what you're all saying. And trust me - those cluster bombs? Those stung. But Nailhead's about right - the MMI kinda just...I don't know, handwave it away while you're busy? Not exactly eager to test it, so couldn't tell you how that works exactly, but-" He stretched out an arm, which was shaking slightly, as if he'd been punching with it repeatedly - and, truth be told, he was. "-it's all catching up to me for sure," he admitted.
"Just the body processing pain," Tracker shrugged. "Nice to know humans are the same way. But let me tell you some of the worst injuries I've seen..."
The story time alone was almost enough to make Richard ignore the after shocks of piloting. Though, granted, that was probably also just from seeing how queasy they could make Nailhead, with Patch enthusiastically corroborating or debunking the taller tales...
"Patch's confirmed it's Bandit," you tell Galbinus over the communicator. "He's very much not going anywhere for awhile."
"Something that brings quite a bit of relief," Galbinus replies. "Bandit on his own is not dangerous, but he is a selfish opportunist. Far too many of his kind in the Free Brothers, but he was one of the more independently minded."
"Still." You glance over at the wrecked form of the Timberwolf. Wilde and Henry had more or less manually opened the cockpit hatch for Callaghan to crawl out of, as both units were in serious need of repair. Henry grimly estimates it will be anywhere from two to four months before they deem it combat effective again. "Guess we got severely lucky the first time we ran into Bandit," you admit. "This was much closer to a fair fight than I was comfortable with, and the Super Robot took a pounding."
"My compliments to your team nonetheless," Galbinus offers. "Human science and engineering has come quite far to have achieved this result as well. Two years ago, you did not have anything of the like."
"People'll wonder why I haven't given them a transforming city mech in the next few months," you grumble. "That's just how it works. They like you for about five minutes, then already compare you to your last results and how you're letting them down."
"Unfortunately true." Galbinus, at least, wasn't trying to actively grumble about it. "We will have a holding cell ready for him in a month." You raise an eyebrow at him, and he sheepishly admits, "He will have been the first prisoner of this conflict, and Patch will require time to ensure his holding cell has proper life support."
"Ahh." You glance back down at the pancaked Free Brother. "I think we can hold him for a month, sure."
"My thanks, Major. We will stay in touch."
- Bandit defeated!
- Bandit Blaster Mk. II wreckage acquired.
- Heat Knife wreckage acquired.
- Drone wreckage acquired!
- Improvised Mining blaster wreckage acquire.
- Beowulf and Timberwolf require Three Turns of repairs and maintenance!