Science Report: Carlson Laboratories, K-Class Studies
"Sam Carlson here!" A familiar jingle plays as the laboratory logo flashes by the screen. "As most of you know, we here at Carlson Laboratories made our chops through reverse engineering Kaiju flesh."

The image of the original Sample Zero suspended in preservation liquid displays, followed by the many, many culture tanks of new sample carvings growing around it. "This is one of the bedrocks of what makes the Union's Super Robot Project even possible! K-Class is light-!"

An image of a massive, leathery sheet of K-Scale Mesh being draped over a cockpit unit shows, with only eight interns and a crane needed to lift the whole thing.

"-it's tough as nails-!"

The sight of the Timberwolf taking the Dragon's horned charge head on and barely being phased flashes by in a transparent replay.

"-and it's cheap as cola! Now, only problem with it - it's a material of very particular skills. You can't make weapons out of it, and it knows when you're trying to trick it." A stick figure holding the paper cut out image of armor plating is immediately bonked over the head by an animated scale-wielding hammer, forcing the paper cutout to reveal a sword. The figure is promptly thrown off screen. "Trust us-" A ruined pilebunker, spear, and sword - followed by the frustrated appearances of Wilde and Henry over the attempts - flash by as well. "-we tried."

"But! Thanks to Richard Callaghan's efforts, we've reverse engineered the latest breakthrough in K-Class Materials! Ladies and gents, I present to you the K-Fang."

The Dragon's Horn is shown suspended in its own preservation liquid, with its own carvings being grown in surrounding vats. Various researchers and interns are rushing back and forth, fishing mostly complete sample growths for further processing while wearing hazardous material handling suits. "Just like the K-Scale, it's a material of very particular skills. But! It works just a bit differently when we try using it for our own purposes!"

The images of what appear to be melted down Kaiju bone grown from Sample One appear, the liquefied (and frankly gross) organic material pouring into hollowed out molds of what look to be a drill. "Our earlier hypotheses were correct - you can't fashion anything out of the K-Fang like you can with the K-Scale, but you can sure as hell mold it into something workable! It's a little clunky, but we discovered that it does the job really well!"

The drill is mounted onto an excavator, and brought to a test wall for trial runs - what follows is the frantic scattering of researchers and engineers as the drill plows through the wall, through the next few empty vat sections, through a canteen annex's coffee vats, and into an icecream delivery truck.

Followed shortly by a group of researchers eating the ice cream from said truck before the cooks can grab it back from them. "I've also reconfirmed that mint chocolate chip is the best flavor, fight me."

"In short - we can start designing Super Robot-grade weapons using the K-Fang Molds! That should give that hack Sheol a nice shock. But we're still trying to iron out the finer details on some things, so not everything is going to be perfect. Simple shapes and weapons, like a drill - heh - a sword, or a spear (really takes well to that one understandably), those are gonna be fine. More complicated mechanical pieces or ammunition's going to be a little more fiddly. More Science is needed!"


You can now begin designing K-Fang derivative weapons! Engineering Actions unlocked. Science Actions Unlocked.


"Damned right. But if you thought this was the end of the report, I got news for you! Ivanna?"

A picture of Ivanna's avatar appears in the corner of the screen. "We have reason to believe that the K-Scale materials can be used for more than just augmentation of existing equipment. Until now, we have mostly supplemented the Super Robots with armor, but the Engineering teams have realized its use in construction applications. After running extensive testing, we have concluded that wholesale use of K-Scale derivatives as a construction block is feasible."

The video now displays a side by side comparison of a standard set of Jackal internal armor plates and a rough equivalent constructed entirely from K-Scale mesh. "It is...a little disconcerting, I will admit. Until electromagnetic shocks are applied to harden it into its proper shape, it will maintain its original consistency, leaving maintenance...a little to be desired. But it is possible to replace what were once entirely metallic components with K-Scale. It just requires an appropriate mold and careful shaping."

Another video of a test-model Jackal being constructed from the ground up is displayed. Though the skeletal structure remains mechanical, limb by limb several sheets of K-Scale are woven around each until it is hardened by the applied shock. The arm flexes, then grips its fist tightly, showing no loss of flexibility or freedom of motion. "The immediate benefit is that we have a new classification of K-Scale Mesh. But in the longterm? This provides entirely new possibilities that will require further research. I only advise caution in this - we already fight Kaiju. We should be careful about creating our own, lest we lose control."

"You heard it from her, folks! It's all fun and games until we have a baby Godzilla that doesn't play nice with us anymore! Not saying we couldn't do it, but it just probably isn't a good idea or good scientific endeavors."

K-Scale Mesh Mk. II available!
- You may attempt to reduce damage at a 2d6 roll (Threshold of 5-6).
- Reduce damage by -2 HP.
- Applies once per combat turn.
- Chance to reduce post-combat downtime.

"Sam Carlson, we're done here!"
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Oh this is excellent.

We only need to see what insanity got brought about by the science fair in the search for new energy sources and see if we can't poach one that Groundpounder doesn't pick for ourselves!
We should make K-Fang bows and arrows! Crossbow may be better.
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I think we should give the Thunderbolt a spear.

Also, how about drill missiles, IE missiles with a K-fang drill head instead of a normal warhead
Drill Missiles are really only good against slow moving enemies or ones with a really large surface area though.

Like, fantastic for Kaiju fights don't get me wrong. But not so much that the regular kind would be ignored.

Besides, you don't really need a lot of drill missiles to inflict catastrophic damage.
what are these opinions? Mint chocolate chip is obviously superior with its green color that stands out,the chips the right ratio to ice cream, and the flavor......*chefs kiss*. Mint chip is self evidently the best flavor of ice cream.
We're All A Little Mad Here - Arrival, Brief Introductions
I was not expecting to kick off a discussion over ice cream, but as we all know: ice cream is in fact serious business!

(Especially when you've got a tiny bit of fresh coffee and vanilla ice cream, that's also a damned good one)

Anyways! On to the next segment!

15 August A.D. 2072
Carlson Laboratories

Your itinerary has been more than a little strange this past month or so. The Sergey Gorshkov is due to conduct its launch ceremony soon - you are not missing this for the world - and the Engineering department's been either going mad over or just getting mad at the wreckage that Bandit had left behind. You've signed off on adding a secondary team for the Engineers to delegate some of the more mundane aspects of the job (which was to say, they were still developing Super Robot weapons that seemed to make physicists' heads hurt according to Max). And now...


"When you said you were keeping in touch with some of your old peers," you say slowly, "I wasn't expecting a turnout quite like this." You haven't quite entered the conference room, so the various teams surrounding the project heads that had come answering the call were intermingling with one another. Katarina had managed to rally the mess hall to provide a food spread on short notice, while Ivanna and Adriana worked around the clock to verify the teams' academic and security credentials respectively.

That's not the issue. What is the issue is the fact that Sam and Max make things interesting in this section of the base already. God only knows what five of them combined would do - Sam, Max, and these three. That, and certainly not the pot and a half of coffee you've drunk, are contributing to the fact that your eyebrows are twitching. Yes.

"So." Max seems inordinately pleased. "I might have let it slip that my esteemed personage, along with the infamous Sam Carlson, were the brainchildren behind the Super Robot project. And if we of all people can make a comeback with the Super Robots, then they sure as hell can."

You see a woman in a disheveled laboratory coat and with really, really thick glassers bantering with Wilde and Henry, the rapid back and forth already culminating into're not sure, but the woman seems to be trying to demonstrate his point balancing several pieces of fruit and a soda bottle. "That's Mary McCullough. She did her thesis on a new synthetic crystal - by new, I mean they were looking into this about five years ago. Supposedly it functions really well as both a conductor and as a charge source, just never got any funding or support to give it a try." You have no idea what connection the props have to do with any of that, and you're not sure you want to ask too closely.

Your attention then turns to a slim man simply raising an eyebrow at some of the anecdotes Jiro seems to be retelling about the Yukimura Institute. He seems relatively quiet, only responding in specific questions and giving specific answers, but otherwise seems quite engaged. You soon learn why: "That's Zhang Ru. He got struck down real quick. He's still teaching in China, but he reached out to Yukimura about the whole Aeon Particle thing, and he thinks he's found a similar alternate dimension thing that's bleeding energy."

Finally, you see a rather...animated man. He appeared in a business suit, there's not a speck of lint or dirt on his person, and there's a broad, affable smile on his face. But the only thing that ruins that particular image is the rather...intense look in his eyes, particularly that of keen interest in Sam's discussions on what sound like the analysis on the original Sample Zero (though a message from Adriana assures you he's not talking about anything specific). "That's Victor Forge. Reconstructive nanites." You look at her blankly. "No, I'm not kidding-oh, you don't know what that means. Basically tiny nanomachine swarms that are directed to build things. He's not someone with a power source idea per se, but I figured you wanted more of us in the tent rather than wandering off doing god knows what."

You conclude after a moment that she's not wrong.

Something that only gets confirmed as a familiar presence slaps a hand on your shoulder. You metaphorically pat yourself on the back for not jumping, at least outwardly. "Heh, still gotcha," Anna pokes. Damn. "And thanks, Max. You're right in that we really don't want these guys going somewhere else."

"And where the hell have you been recently?" You pointedly ask.

"Usual coverup operations after that little shindig you had with the Free Brothers recently," she replies cheerily. "You'd be surprised just how much stuff gets left behind even when you think you've picked the area clean."

You decide you're just going to take Anna's word on how effective Intelligence's forensics teams actually are, and move on before you ask questions you're not sure you even have clearance to even ask. "So I take it you and Adriana already vetted our guests?" you ask dryly.

"Job's a good one, boss!" Adriana pipes in.

"They all signed a nondisclosure agreement to just get in the doorway," Anna confirms. "They have to, if we're going to let them anywhere near our stuff or Ground Pound's."

"Feels like I'm inflicting someone onto Major Jenkins rather than helping her with them," you comment idly.

"We resemble that!"

Ignoring Max's outburst, you nod. "So time to get to grips with them one on one then?"

"Yep." You sigh, but you straighten your uniform, accept the refill of coffee that Anna so thoughtfully offers you, and you glance across the board. It's time to evaluate who should go to Ground Pound's project to help them get a leg up on things, and who you think could actually stay here and help.

God help you, there's going to be more of Sam and Max. You're not sure the universe is ready for this.

Who do you talk to first?

[] Mary McCollough: Synthetic power crystals

[] Zhang Ru: Power Bleed

[] Victor Forge: Reconstructive Nanites