[X] Victor Forge: Reconstructive Nanites
For us. Nanites! We can test them in space! Spaaaaaace!! No risk of grey goo maximum output of materials! It would be wasted on anyone else : )
[X] Mary McCollough: Synthetic power crystals

We should probably be sending a couple of these people to the Ground Pound program since they seem to need them more than we technically do.

Cookies and Cream Ice Cream forever.
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[X] Mary McCollough: Synthetic power crystals

This one I wanna see if we can poach

That could possibly be outrageously synergistic with what we've already got
They need a power source most of all right I mean the ground forces Super robot so shouldn't we go with the Power Bleed guy first?

[X] Zhang Ru: Power Bleed
Then let's see:
[] Mary McCollough: Synthetic power crystals

These power crystals sounds wonderful for energy weaponry, as well as engines and all that jazz. Though I'm more interested in their potential interactions with Psy abilities, in particular with the in-devolepment funnels.

[] Zhang Ru: Power Bleed

A new power source is always good, and if I'm not mistaken would round up our repertoire of classical power tropes. However, the usage might draw peering eyes that otherwise might have ignored us.

[] Victor Forge: Reconstructive Nanites

Nano-Machines, Son! I mean, i don't even have to ramble about the Nanites potential, specially when in concert with the K Materials.

Having said that...

[X] Victor Forge: Reconstructive Nanites

I'm going with approaching this man first, if only to gleam at what he's thinking of his talk with Sam.
[X] Mary McCollough: Synthetic power crystals
To be honest, K-scale+ NANOMACHINES! Likely leads to hilarious levels of bio-tech. ObsidianNoir's omakes about that nature-powered? Kaiju sounds like exactly the kind of craziness that could happen!...Well, maybe.
But I'm going for the power crystals.
The dimensional bleed sounds like a one-way ticket to Beowulf having to thrown down with Grendal though!
[X] Zhang Ru: Power Bleed

I feel we might as well start on the Getter/Hell Portal plot lines. I want to enjoy the pontentially evil power sources we use for justice that we need to overcome in the final season
So we talk to all three then after there done talking we pick one out of all them honestly all three of there projects have potential so maybe we can send of them to Lenora Jenkins at least then we would get more inter agency relations with her
[X] Victor Forge: Reconstructive Nanites
Having something that can do repair might not be the worst thing ever

Having said that marie is not bad Ether.
Do I understand correctly, the people who we don't recruit will get shipped to Ground Force B-Team to make an alternative Super Robot that will suddenly appear and Save The Day at least once?
Also, that will have intense if friendly rivalry with us.

[X] Mary McCollough: Synthetic power crystals